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Prop Bet:  costanza_g to win ,000 over 31 days at 1/2 NL. Prop Bet:  costanza_g to win ,000 over 31 days at 1/2 NL.

04-18-2008 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by Rays champs in 08
good point i jsut want to bet for the action so i guess 5:3 is what im offering

I am not a prop beting person, but does this mean if I put 1000 against costanza I get 600 back so my 1000 against your 600 right?

and you say he will make 40k in 1month playing only nl200?

if this is the case let me know how we can escrow this! it has to be escrowed by someone we both know I guess, since you have so few posts and I dont know you!!!
04-18-2008 , 04:58 AM
04-18-2008 , 04:58 AM
I will put action down at 7:4 against him, up to 3000
04-18-2008 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by iponnet
I am not a prop beting person, but does this mean if I put 1000 against costanza I get 600 back so my 1000 against your 600 right?

and you say he will make 40k in 1month playing only nl200?

if this is the case let me know how we can escrow this! it has to be escrowed by someone we both know I guess, since you have so few posts and I dont know you!!!
yes my 600 vs your 1k and i agree we need an escrow so we have to find some1 to do that for us.
04-18-2008 , 06:09 PM
i'll be willing to take this if you're still up for taking the bet.

250 for your 150?

Originally Posted by Rays champs in 08
good point i jsut want to bet for the action so i guess 5:3 is what im offering
04-18-2008 , 06:24 PM
yes i will take 250 to 150
04-18-2008 , 08:42 PM
rays check your pm
04-18-2008 , 08:53 PM
okay so im sending u 150 when you reply with ur name on stars
04-18-2008 , 08:58 PM
rays my sn on stars is same as here:


check pm for city
04-18-2008 , 09:03 PM
okay i just sent you 150
04-18-2008 , 09:06 PM
o wait were we betting 600 to 1k or 150 to 250 im confused
04-18-2008 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Rays champs in 08
o wait were we betting 600 to 1k or 150 to 250 im confused
we are betting your $600 to my $1000 so if you send it already send another $450

btw to confirm I received the $150
04-18-2008 , 09:15 PM
ok lets bet your $300 to my $500 so 150more
04-18-2008 , 09:17 PM
okay i sent it
04-18-2008 , 09:21 PM
just received your $300 rays we are good to go buddy
04-18-2008 , 09:25 PM
okay sounds good
04-19-2008 , 01:15 AM
Did this officially start an hour ago? I thought I read Saturday an midnight somewhere in the thread.
04-19-2008 , 10:35 AM
I think it's next week
04-19-2008 , 11:04 AM
kel, did i read many posts ago you're willing to go 2.5 to 1 against constanza? if so i'll go up to 1k against at 2.5 to 1 or anyone else willing to take that bet.
04-19-2008 , 12:03 PM
can you tell i do prop bets a lot? the main betters getting 3:2, i'm willing to take worse, something like 5:3 or 7:4 if anyone wants to go that route, up to 1k.
04-19-2008 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by boltonflats
can you tell i do prop bets a lot? the main betters getting 3:2, i'm willing to take worse, something like 5:3 or 7:4 if anyone wants to go that route, up to 1k.
04-19-2008 , 02:15 PM
04-19-2008 , 02:27 PM
Looking for any action because I like action. : (
04-19-2008 , 02:28 PM
How much
04-19-2008 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
3:2 pattay? isnt anything at that level already assigned and spoken for? i'm willing to go worse for anyone locked at 3:2 already.
