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04-17-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by MaliceUW
ty for proving my point
lol you've never heard the saying "I resemble that remark"?? It's the funny way to say you resent that remark because you resemble the remark made.
04-17-2012 , 01:28 PM
can't you just say I resent that remark and mean it as a joke? (obv not online, but clearly the saying didn't come about online anyway)
04-17-2012 , 04:37 PM
Weird question.

Has anyone here ever experienced a feeling of numbness on their forehead? For the past week or so in the middle of the day I get this weird feeling on my forehead. It doesn't hurt or anything but just feels a little numb and is sort of annoying. Whenever I am actively engaged in something I either don't notice it or it goes away but if I am by myself watching TV or something I will feel it. Google says its most likely some sort of anxiety/stress thing but was just curious if anyone else has had it before. Debating going to see a doctor about it.
04-17-2012 , 04:42 PM
do u smoke a lot of weed?
04-17-2012 , 04:44 PM
b/c of the fact that you don't notice it if u're engaged in sth it's likely to be stress/anxiety. disclaimer: i have no medical training, but have extensive experience with dealing with anxiety (not my own). However, numbness anywhere can be a serious symptom so I'd def make a point to visit a GP and get a referral to see a neurologist just to rule everything else out and have peace of mind wrt that. I've never heard of numbness in the forehead tho as a symptom of anything serious if that helps at all.

Oh, and if they offer you pills, please, for the love of God, don't take them until u've done at least 5 hours of studying and read as much as you can, not only about the pills but about the reason for which the pills will have been prescribed and anything and everything related.

I went to a neurologist for chronic leg pain, he did tests, came up with a solid diagnosis which was not psychological (pinched nerve) and even though I told him I already had a prescription for pain pills that were doing the job perfectly with no side effects and very few listed possible side-effects, and that I wanted a long term solution, he prescribed two different anti-depressants that were used off-label for treating neurological pain and had some really ****ed up side-effects including but not limited to increased risk of suicide. Clearly I was very happy to have informed myself before purchasing them. I also told him I suspect I might have a herniated disc, to which his snap-response was "yeah these pills will take care of that too". **** off mate.
04-17-2012 , 04:46 PM
they prescribe similar drugs with similar side effects to quit smoking too.

seems anti-depressants are miracle cures for all sorts of ailments.
04-17-2012 , 04:48 PM
do u smoke a lot of weed?

b/c of the fact that you don't notice it if u're engaged in sth it's likely to be stress/anxiety. disclaimer: i have no medical training, but have extensive experience with dealing with anxiety (not my own). However, numbness anywhere can be a serious symptom so I'd def make a point to visit a GP and get a referral to see a neurologist just to rule everything else out and have peace of mind wrt that. I've never heard of numbness in the forehead tho as a symptom of anything serious if that helps at all.

Oh, and if they offer you pills, please, for the love of God, don't take them until u've done at least 5 hours of studying and read as much as you can, not only about the pills but about the reason for which the pills will have been prescribed and anything and everything related.

I went to a neurologist for chronic leg pain, he did tests, came up with a solid diagnosis which was not psychological (pinched nerve) and even though I told him I already had a prescription for pain pills that were doing the job perfectly and that I wanted a long term solution, he prescribed two different anti-depressants that were used off-label for treating neurological pain and had some really ****ed up side-effects including but not limited to increased risk of suicide. Clearly I was very happy to have informed myself before purchasing them
Thx for the info. If it persists for another week or so I will def go see a doctor. Been reading a little about it and some people say that it went away when they started talking vitamin B-12 so gonna try that first.
04-17-2012 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by booger369
they prescribe similar drugs with similar side effects to quit smoking too.

seems anti-depressants are miracle cures for all sorts of ailments.
i shudder to think what med-school is like nowadays.
04-17-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by bw07507
Weird question.

Has anyone here ever experienced a feeling of numbness on their forehead? For the past week or so in the middle of the day I get this weird feeling on my forehead. It doesn't hurt or anything but just feels a little numb and is sort of annoying. Whenever I am actively engaged in something I either don't notice it or it goes away but if I am by myself watching TV or something I will feel it. Google says its most likely some sort of anxiety/stress thing but was just curious if anyone else has had it before. Debating going to see a doctor about it.
If I have learned anything from watching House, it's that it's most definitely not lupus.
04-17-2012 , 05:00 PM
nice one conq
04-17-2012 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by HundredsOfStuff
If I have learned anything from watching House, it's that it's most definitely not lupus.
until you treat for something else, almost die then realize it was lupus all along
04-17-2012 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by bw07507

Thx for the info. If it persists for another week or so I will def go see a doctor. Been reading a little about it and some people say that it went away when they started talking vitamin B-12 so gonna try that first.
get the tiny red B-12s that dissolve under your tongue, they're the nuts for stress/anxiety
04-17-2012 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
i shudder to think what med-school is like nowadays.
sounds like Duloxetine (Cymbalta).

know people on it. PSA: stay far, far, far away, whip out a mortar to flatten the area then salt the earth. those who miss a dose, even really balanced normal people become ****ing lunatics
04-17-2012 , 05:22 PM
trying to diagnose yourself on google/the internet is ***** scary as hell. any symptom can basically show up as something super serious. then ur sitting at home till the day of your doctor's appointment wondering if ur gonna suddenly die or grow a third arm.
04-17-2012 , 05:22 PM
nope, it wasn't an SNRI or SSRI. threw the script away long ago tho so no idea what it actually is.

speaking of normal people becoming lunatics, contraceptive pills are the devil. witnessed it first hand and read countless reports of the most ****ed up **** and doctors just refuse to acknowledge there could be a connection. you've been warned

trying to diagnose yourself on google/the internet is ***** scary as hell. any symptom can basically show up as something super serious
it's even worse when you suffer from anxiety and every symptom you ever have comes up as a potential form of some sort of cancer.

that said, there's a site, which seems pretty damn good. they have a ridiculously comprehensive questionnaire that literally takes hours to fill (there are hundreds of questions and branching off questions)and for an extra 80$ or so, you can have a doctor put in serious time reading everything and getting back to you with a well-written, comprehensive analysis based on your answers. tbh, i doubt you'll get any doctor to take such a thorough history without paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars for tons of consultations and even then u have to hope he thinks to ask the right questions.
04-17-2012 , 05:28 PM
can semi-confirm about contraceptive pills. atleast she tried to blame the crazies on that =/
04-17-2012 , 05:29 PM
gotta make sure they get the perma birth control implant so they can't blame pills/go crazy and stop taking pills
04-17-2012 , 05:30 PM
i like my women like i like my microwave

cold on the outside

warm on the inside

and she'll kill any baby i put inside her
04-17-2012 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by bw07507
ok. now smoke more weed

just go see the doctor. it's what you pay for health insurance for. just in case the small chance it's some sort of brain tumor or something you should catch that **** now.
04-17-2012 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by MaliceUW
gotta make sure they get the perma birth control implant so they can't blame pills/go crazy and stop taking pills
unfortunately, afaik unless they've come up with some crazy **** in the last couple years, those are still hormone based, and not natural hormones either. so they're esentially the same.

i think the solution is take rly rly rly hot showers, smoke cigarettes and hope to **** your sperm becomes useless.
04-17-2012 , 05:57 PM
or get snipped
04-17-2012 , 06:01 PM
was gonna do it in spain, decided i need to be in a country with better doctors. doctor's face was priceless throughout the whole 'interview', he'd never heard of someone my age wanting to get it done kept trying to sort of talk me out of it. when i didnt get back to him he prob thought i wised up lol
04-17-2012 , 06:02 PM
ya for sure, I just don't like them having the ability to stop taking said pills unbeknownst to me
04-17-2012 , 06:06 PM
notsureifsrs but the way i see it that's grounds for a swift kick in the ass out the door and belongings thrown out the window.
but then again, i'm weird
04-17-2012 , 06:21 PM
you imply some girls can be trusted to not use that as the ultimate revenge/scare tactic/really get knocked up to stop you from breaking up with them.

u are wrong sir!
