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***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

11-27-2010 , 09:50 PM
11-27-2010 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by DukeMuscle
You realize that every time a whistle blows, someone complains right? You can't call a foul, or not call a foul, without one of those college kids throwing a tantrum. I wasn't trigger happy when it came to calling fouls or infractions, but if there was disrespect thrown towards myself, the other ref, the score keeper, or other players... tech. I knew all the players from campus or from previous leagues/seasons. Only technical fouls I ever received as a player were for hanging on the rim.

Ref salary: $10 a game.
haha yea I've reffed competitive sports before, and either way you call it someone always thinks you got it wrong. At a certain point tho you gotta let em play imo. Also didn't mean offense, just a simple joke.

Last edited by CSheahan; 11-27-2010 at 09:53 PM. Reason: @ Disco: That's just wrong. Not funny at all imo.
11-27-2010 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by vizer02
Maybe I'm just getting too old, but I don't find any humor in that at all.
+1 seriously wtf is the world coming to?
11-27-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by **********
haha omg, so this girl that happens to be super hot, was killed this weekend and found after being missing for a few days. someone posted this picture on her facebook wall. i mean even tho its sad, this is still pretty hilarious.

agreed definitely not ok.

Last edited by mpethybridge; 11-28-2010 at 01:52 PM. Reason: quoted deleted message
11-27-2010 , 10:01 PM
Yea, not funny at all.
11-27-2010 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by ment52
now that's funny, the dead girl thing not so much..

Last edited by SnWhy; 11-27-2010 at 10:03 PM. Reason: oh and in before pointy nose
11-27-2010 , 10:07 PM
As Im reading disco's post Im like wow wtf has the world come to when this is funny. Then I continue to read the post below of others thinking the same way I do and it gave me peace again.
11-27-2010 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by ment52

I love you in the most non-gay way possible
11-27-2010 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by jasons0147
As Im reading disco's post Im like wow wtf has the world come to when this is funny. Then I continue to read the post below of others thinking the same way I do and it gave me peace again.
y, can`t understand how you can find this "hilarious" in any way
11-27-2010 , 10:19 PM
I think you misinterpreted jason's post, as you agree with him.
11-27-2010 , 10:19 PM
disco I highly recommend deleting your post. That is someones child/sister/girlfriend. There is ZERO humor in that sir. And you look like a MAJOR tool box posting it and will most definately lose students b/c of your sick non humorous post
11-27-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by vizer02
Maybe I'm just getting too old, but I don't find any humor in that at all.
nah Im only 20 and I find it sick.

How is it that people find this funny when done over the internet, but would be horrified if something comparable happened in real life.

edit: @disco I agree with squid 100%. If i was looking for a coach I would for sure quickly check his posting history, and would never do any buisness with you after seeing that.
11-27-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by **********
haha omg, so this girl that happens to be super hot, was killed this weekend and found after being missing for a few days. someone posted this picture on her facebook wall. i mean even tho its sad, this is still pretty hilarious.
this pic is not funny and is beyond sick. I don't even see how can someone have enough shame to even make and post this on facebook.

Last edited by mpethybridge; 11-28-2010 at 01:53 PM. Reason: quoted deleted pic
11-27-2010 , 10:26 PM
wtf disco delete that post please its not funny and make me even angry at the person who created that pic how on earth can that be funny ? it could be your sister/close friend etc etc
11-27-2010 , 10:26 PM
I dont think Ive ever been disturbed as I am right now by something that Ive seen on the internet (and Im on a computer 12 hours a day and see TONS).

Im trying to figure out what Im disturbed by though...

After looking up this girls name on facebook I saw that there were several RIP pages for this young lady. Almost all of them were created by friends/relatives sending their prayers to the family, making comments about how they will miss her, etc. I mean there are literally 7-8 RIP facebook pages for this girl. Out of all the facebook pages there is one of them that has pictures posted by other people that say Im dead lol, show pictures of some girl cumming, all kinds of disturbing stuff. Then you start to read the comment below and you read how disturbed her friends are that some random would post something like this (the only pic that is of the actual girl is the one disco posted).

Then as I continue to read I find out that it was allegedly her ex boyfriend was the one that killed her. I was more disturbed.

I think what got me is that here disco is surfing facebook and bumps into this for w/e reason and instead of pretending that he didnt see it or moving on, he post it on 2+2. I guess in my opinion it puts him on the same level as the douchebag that posted that pic on her memorial page.

I was debating whether or not to send this privately or post here, and I decided it was better posted here in case I was way out of line.
11-27-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
edit: @disco I agree with squid 100%. If i was looking for a coach I would for sure quickly check his posting history, and would never do any buisness with you after seeing that.
You do realize that when you look to pick a coach, you don't base his coaching ability based on his skin color/gender/race/religion/political views, etc. All what matters is on paper, and feedback from previous students. What ever you are saying just doesn't make any sense.
11-27-2010 , 10:30 PM
the look on her face even make me feel sad for her i agree with jason i spend a lot of the time on the internet i have seen weird stuff too and this thing have disturbed me a lot
11-27-2010 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by nsoshnikov
You do realize that when you look to pick a coach, you don't base his coaching ability based on his skin color/gender/race/religion/political views, etc. All what matters is on paper, and feedback from previous students. What ever you are saying just doesn't make any sense.
Totally disagree with this. If Im going to send someone my hard earned money to coach me and have to trust them for being on time for coaching sessions, delivering what they say, etc...they better be squeaky clean. Plus I want to know that Im going to have something in common with him long term so that were able to have a better student/mentor relationship. I could see some post that disco has made very damaging to his career as video maker/coach.
11-27-2010 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by nsoshnikov
You do realize that when you look to pick a coach, you don't base his coaching ability based on his skin color/gender/race/religion/political views, etc. All what matters is on paper, and feedback from previous students. What ever you are saying just doesn't make any sense.
remove your head from your sphincter sir.

I would NEVER support someone who posted this...and if it is not removed I WILL tell as many people as possible not to support him!

This is unacceptable and he should be perma banned for this it is TRULY SICK
11-27-2010 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by nsoshnikov
You do realize that when you look to pick a coach, you don't base his coaching ability based on his skin color/gender/race/religion/political views, etc. All what matters is on paper, and feedback from previous students. What ever you are saying just doesn't make any sense.
I think that in this case it's a little different, since it's so extreme IMO. I would not want to get coaching from someone who could possibly think that is funny.
11-27-2010 , 10:41 PM
Sigh left 85-degree weather and come to ****** 35-degree freezing cold.

Oh yeah and that girl thing is ****ing awful like seriously how could someone even make that in the first place have some ****ing class jesus people tilt me sometimes.

(hey look I made sentences and even separated them with white space )
11-27-2010 , 10:51 PM
don't strain yourself Zach
11-27-2010 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by jasons0147
Totally disagree with this. If Im going to send someone my hard earned money to coach me and have to trust them for being on time for coaching sessions, delivering what they say, etc...they better be squeaky clean. Plus I want to know that Im going to have something in common with him long term so that were able to have a better student/mentor relationship. I could see some post that disco has made very damaging to his career as video maker/coach.
When you hire a coach, you hire him to make you a winner, and a better player. Not to laugh and drink tea with you. If your goal is to improve your winrate, you will be focused on the game and not anything else. Anything else outside the game is irrelevant. If you are hiring a poker coach for any other reason, then you are doing it wrong imo.
11-27-2010 , 10:56 PM
My coach and group of poker friends will tell you that the most improved part of my game is emotional control (aka Tilt). It is just as important that a coach has a good understanding of how things outside of poker affect you at the table.
11-27-2010 , 10:56 PM
not going to lie after going on facebook and seeing what all these people wrote/put pictures of, I pretty much felt pessimistic about the human race. While this is an ignorant approach to a broad belief, it is sick to see people out there who act like complete ****tards and have no respect, regardless if they know the person or not.

Disco, I would ask a mod to remove your post and I gotta say, thats a little uncool bro.
