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08-09-2009 , 03:05 PM
will you be bringing chiren with you? please say yes
08-10-2009 , 10:46 PM

jumanji, as soon as i start running thousands over ev il be sure to post it
08-10-2009 , 10:48 PM
woops wrong thread
08-10-2009 , 11:01 PM
who wants to live in vegas in january
08-11-2009 , 12:05 AM
I'm still looking at a few things and if none of them work out and there's a spot still open I'll be interested for Vegas house but I'm still looking at getting something abroad on top of the obvious benefits if we live out of the country the entire year (I think it's 330/365 days?) our first ~88k or w/e it is isn't taxed so that's like an extra 30k right there. Right now rl friend who also plays poker and I are looking at stuff Thailand most likely if anyone else is interested just shoot me a pm.
08-11-2009 , 12:24 AM
Oddly enough I wanted to get a poker house started as well, and stumbled upon this thread today. I want to board this winter for a couple months, and still be within driving distance to casinos. My hometown is pretty much dead between every casino destination in the NE, 4 hours to AC, 2 hours to WV casinos, 5 hours to Niagara. Personally I would be happy grinding 6 hours a day for 5 days a week or so. My priorities would be Grinding/Discussion/Boarding/Drinking, in that order. The home games within an hour of me are great, and you can find juicy games min 3 days a week. I am open to moving somewhere else, but would like some snow. Also, I am not really looking to spend much, and 500 a month or less would be great(the place I am currently looking at is about that). I have copied and pasted my craigslist ad below.

I am seeking a poker player or two to get a house or condo together. I have come to the conclusion I need to be in a better environment more conducive to me playing poker. I mostly play online, but do travel to play live. I am seeking people who will motivate each other, discuss hands and poker theories. I have not found a place yet, but am looking into a couple 2-4 BR places. I would like to live close to a ski resort so I can board this winter. I was thinking Hidden Valley or 7 Springs area(western pa), but am open to suggestions.

I am currently in Ocean City, MD for the summer, but am moving back to western PA in the middle of September, and would like to get this set up ASAP. I would like to move in Oct 1st and start with a 6 month lease. Rent on the places I have seen so far would be around 400 a person, slightly more or less depending on the features of the places.

If you are at all interested pm me.
08-11-2009 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
who wants to live in vegas in january
Depending on the lineup and monthly Id possibly be interested.
08-11-2009 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by jasons0147
Depending on the lineup and monthly Id possibly be interested.
at the moment we have me, not09, and kolotoure, not that you know any of us in real life. rent/utilities would be < 1k/mo and we'd be in a sick house close to the strip
08-11-2009 , 01:08 AM
When do u need a commitment and how long will you be staying there for?
08-11-2009 , 03:04 AM
sooner the better, all of the commitments right now are pretty loose though and I have doubts of it actually coming through, but I'm all for it and serious/etc. Hopefully 12 months starting dec/jan

pm me and we can talk on aim whenever.
08-11-2009 , 06:51 AM

If we can find something similar to the first house you sent me for < 1k/month, I'm about 95% in.
08-11-2009 , 10:31 AM
I stopped following this thread because I thought you were all dead set against Vegas.

Looks like you have things under control, but if you need anything from me, please let me know. If you want I can lend a hand, or take the reigns completely. I can probably arrange it so that you can sign short term leases with me and I will take responsibility for the entire lease, the furniture, and the empty rooms.

I am here if you need me. I have a 3 player house right now, and I am working on my second place.

Last edited by The Jake; 08-11-2009 at 10:43 AM.
08-11-2009 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
will you be bringing chiren with you? please say yes

gaimz mansion
08-11-2009 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by effang
how about chicago. it's an awesome city.
I'd definately be 100% interested in this next year. I live in Milwaukee and will be graduating next may and living in chicago is my dream. Living with 3 other poker grinders in Chi-town would be amazing!
08-11-2009 , 09:47 PM
if chiren comes i'm 100% in.... dunno the guy, and never played WoW... but the vids are hilarious
08-11-2009 , 10:10 PM
I would bump a thread looking for non Vegas housing and it would result in Vegas housing....
09-04-2009 , 04:13 PM

other 2 aren't really ssfr but figured I'd post link here anyway just in case basically San Diego area poker house for October - December got 3 people looking for 4th.

Also I've talked with tuma but I'm interested in ssfr Vegas house next year. Hopefully we can get one together.
09-04-2009 , 04:29 PM
I don't know how closely you guys have been following the imega threads but basically it looks like if the regulations go into effect in December there will be 7 states that you can't play online poker in. Nevada, unfortunately, is one of those.

Have you guys thought about this at all? I was lookign seriously at Henderson, but I def don't want to move there before December/new legislation is passed and I know where we stand.
09-05-2009 , 04:15 AM
Can you clarify that it is PLAY and not deposit from? I haven't followed the stuff too recently but I'm pretty sure the current laws don't make playing online poker illegal right?
09-05-2009 , 04:20 AM
going to buenos aires around january. coming back 6+ months going to be nice
09-05-2009 , 04:29 AM
Oh, man, if I was in my early 20's, I'd totally consider moving to Vegas and entertain the notion of living in the house you put a link to. Very sick!
09-05-2009 , 10:26 AM
it kinda looks like the house w/ tuma, kolo, and I isn't going to happen... at least that's the latest i've heard from tuma after his prop bet last month...

definitely going to be moving out there for the summer/WSOP though, so lets keep this thread alive
09-05-2009 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Can you clarify that it is PLAY and not deposit from? I haven't followed the stuff too recently but I'm pretty sure the current laws don't make playing online poker illegal right?
I don't know exactly and TBH I think nobody knows exactly but yes, you are right about the current laws not makign playign illegal. I was under the impression, however, that the banks in these select states may very well be blocking all transfers starting in December. So even if playing isn't illegal, your bank won't process withdrawals. Even if it all goes through though, they may still be able to get around it by having a bunch of check processors like they do right now.

MY post was really as much a question as it was a warning. It will probably be fine, there have been several ups and downs in the past year and so far nothign has really changed, but it was enough to deter me from telling the gf to keep looking for jobs in Nevada w/o knowing more about it. I was hoping maybe someone else had some insight.
09-05-2009 , 04:37 PM
Thanks for the info, also pretty sure WU will always be an option they just charge outrageous fees. All the legal stuff actually makes doing something abroad even more appealing, along with the tax break on first ~90k (free ~30k). If the one Vegas house is not happening I'm interested in getting something going basically anywhere. Abroad, in the US, Vegas, wherever. I'd be looking to do something starting in January and at least 6 months but 12 would probably be preferable.
09-08-2009 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by the34eagle
I'd definately be 100% interested in this next year. I live in Milwaukee and will be graduating next may and living in chicago is my dream. Living with 3 other poker grinders in Chi-town would be amazing!
I live in the Burbs of Chicago, looking to move out. I'd be interested in an apt in Chicago.
