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Tiger is out for the year! Tiger is out for the year!

06-19-2008 , 12:12 PM
I think most stars tend to be diva-esque, at least a little.

I don't remember thinking that Tiger Woods was "wailing in pain" and "yelling as if he were shot," and to the extent things seemed excessive I'm willing to withhold any negative judgment.

Another remarkable performance.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by XiaNaphryz
lol, what's next? john daly commenting how hard it must have been for rocco to go on a diet?

this is all such speculation. knowing how tough tiger always tries to behave in matchplay, I CANNOT imagine that he would overdramatize his injury. why give rocco or lee any hope? besides can you cite any other time tiger voluntarily removed pressure from himself in a tournament?

finally, I just want to say how disappointed I was to see rocco take part in jay leno's monologue on tuesday. whatever that was, selling out or milking his 15 minutes, but I just don't see tiger, phil, ernie, or even sergio do this except maybe the obligatory runner-up press conference.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by shemp
I think most stars tend to be diva-esque, at least a little.

I don't remember thinking that Tiger Woods was "wailing in pain" and "yelling as if he were shot," and to the extent things seemed excessive I'm willing to withhold any negative judgment.
Well, I had to semi-embellish to drive my point home, although it doesn't seem to have worked, except on Reteif Goosen and a few select media members.

Another remarkable performance.
At the end of the day, it was exactly that. The playoff and win would have been dramatic without the knee thing going on, that he played thru any pain, contrived or not, is pretty cool and only adds to the mystique.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
finally, I just want to say how disappointed I was to see rocco take part in jay leno's monologue on tuesday. whatever that was, selling out or milking his 15 minutes, but I just don't see tiger, phil, ernie, or even sergio do this except maybe the obligatory runner-up press conference.
Tiger, Phil, Ernie, and Sergio have multiple huge endorsement deals?
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 01:48 PM
You heard it here first: US wins the 08 Ryder Cup b/c Eldrick can't play
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by TomE.
You sure about that?

Yep, I sure do. He didn't yell as if he'd been shot at all on Monday, do you think a couple of Aleve was the ticket for that?

It's not as if it's the first time Tiger's done this either. When he had an injured wrist, he'd yell out when he'd stab his club in the ground. Obviously it hurt, I'm can't question that. However, I've seen other players with wrist injuries take swings that looked like it really hurt, none of them cried out in pain.

Are Tiger's injuries more painful than other guys, or was he playing up a poor shot brought on by a bad wrist/knee because as world best golfer, he isn't suppose to have bad shots, and he's letting us know why he did?

he walked all day monday. he hadnt walked 18 in a day, let alone consecutive days in monthes. damn right hes gonna be super sore the next day and its only gonna get worse.

im curious if youve ever played a "sport" other than golf. recovery time for even minor injuries and further fo just general soreness is crucial. the pain adds up.

playing on consecutive days with an acl tear, cartilage damage and multiple stress fractures is gonna cause much more cumulative pain if you walk 5 miles a day and forcefully torque your body however many times golfers do.

i cant believe this is even a discussion.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
he walked all day monday. he hadnt walked 18 in a day, let alone consecutive days in monthes. damn right hes gonna be super sore the next day and its only gonna get worse.
Right, which is why I questioned why he didn't yell out on Monday.

im curious if youve ever played a "sport" other than golf. recovery time for even minor injuries and further fo just general soreness is crucial. the pain adds up.
I play a few sports - hockey, mountain biking, a couple years of BMX racing, bowling, golf...lemme tell ya, bowling with gout is not fun. I know a little about acl's, broken bones, plowing into trees headfirst on a bike, getting your leg run over by an old fart on a 20" bike. I simply made an observation about Tiger reactions while injured. In retrospect, it was a probably bad idea to make those observations since there appears to be pretty fervent opposition to any thoughts like that.

i cant believe this is even a discussion.
I think I made my points and Shemp counterpointed them quite nicely earlier, so I kind of hope the discussion is over, but I'm a chatty guy once I get going so let me know if I can try to convince you any further. After all, I do have RETIEF GOOSEN in my corner.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by TomE.
Hey, maybe it did hurt that the hell would I know? I'm just questioning what I saw when compared to other things I've seen and experienced. No, I haven't walked on grass with a torn acl and broke tibia with the pressure of a US Open hanging over my head, but I don't think this precludes me from thinking Tiger was playing it up a bit the 2 or 3 times he staggered off the tee box.
So you admit that you have NO idea how bad it hurt, yet you still decide to spew all this crap about him faking....

hmmmm.....congratulations you are an idiot.

What do you think Tiger has to gain by "playing it up a bit"? You think he's looking for sympathy? If he wanted attention about this he would've just told everyone how bad it was prior to the event.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 03:31 PM
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 04:28 PM
Think Tiger will come back and play even fewer tournaments, perhaps just the majors and some other biggies?
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 04:43 PM
^^hadn't thought of that yet but I could def see that happening^^=(
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 04:44 PM

"Tiger never complains. That's one of his greatest attributes," Williams said. "If he's prepared to play in a tournament, he's going to take the consequences. I'm a bit of a fast walker and there were a few times that he told me to slow down a bit so he could walk at my pace, but that was it."
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
the argument is that you have no fckn clue how painful it is to walk 18 holes every day for 5 days with a torn acl. anyone with an acl injury will attest its super painful.
Actually I've torn my ACL and it wasn't painful after a few hours. That's why Tiger played on it for 10 months. The stress fracture(s) is what was painful this past weekend.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
So you admit that you have NO idea how bad it hurt, yet you still decide to spew all this crap about him faking....
I don't know which post you're referring to, but I never said he faked the injury. I said (more than a few times now) that it looked to me like he was playing it up.

hmmmm.....congratulations you are an idiot.
Am I? Oh well, I can deal with it coming from you.

What do you think Tiger has to gain by "playing it up a bit"? You think he's looking for sympathy? If he wanted attention about this he would've just told everyone how bad it was prior to the event.
Holy crap, I almost doubled my post count explaining it earlier. How about keeping up with the thread rather than just reacting to what you don't like so I don't have to explain it a bunch of times? That would help this idiot out.

Thanks in advance.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by BigSoonerFan
Actually I've torn my ACL and it wasn't painful after a few hours. That's why Tiger played on it for 10 months. The stress fracture(s) is what was painful this past weekend.
Agree, you can compete pain free in many sports with a torn ACL. Hockey is one.

This thread has certainly devolved into a bunch of ignorant blather, nobody here knows what pain was involved and when/why. What Tiger did was certainly something, no question there. But the ACL was not the issue, nothing had changed in that regard for 9 months. As far as the stress fracture, nobody really knows except Tiger's inner circle. One can have a stress fracture and not even know it.

As I've mentioned before, I played a U.S. Open Sectional with a broken bone in my foot. I knew it was broken and it hurt like hell, but I also knew I wasn't going to do any more damage in the process. So I gutted out the 36 holes and dealt with the healing process afterwards. I'd do it again without question.

Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 06:51 PM
Another reason why there is zero reason for Tiger to play up his injury is that seeing him in pain no doubt gave the other players more hope than they otherwise would have had that he was beatable over the weekend and heading into the final round.

I'm sure he would do anything he could not show weakness to his opponents.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 06:51 PM
How about reteif with his comments that tigers injury was not that bad and may have been playibg it up. Pretty Stupid
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
How about reteif with his comments that tigers injury was not that bad and may have been playibg it up. Pretty Stupid
Well, I for one......

..ahhh, **** it.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
I'm sure he would do anything he could not show weakness to his opponents.
Not to mention that several of his grimaces came after his tee shot on 18, where he needed a long drive, and knew it would (usually) be his final hole of the day, which might cause him to go all out- the other big one was when he was standing on the path for his approach on #1, and you could see the knee buckle a bit on the replay.

Plus, he readily admitted that it wasn't bothering him as much after the 3rd and 4th rounds. If he really wanted to play up the drama, he could have done a much better job than he did.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 08:35 PM
I would have never guessed Tiger walked an estimated 21.4 miles in 5 rounds@ TigerPines on 1 leg.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
As I've mentioned before, I played a U.S. Open Sectional with a broken bone in my foot. I knew it was broken and it hurt like hell, but I also knew I wasn't going to do any more damage in the process. So I gutted out the 36 holes and dealt with the healing process afterwards. I'd do it again without question.
That pretty much sounds like what Tiger did, or what most think he did. From most of the information, it appears that he was told that there would not be any more damage done by playing, just a lot of pain. Lots of people didn't hear the same thing apparently, because I heard people like Dan Patrick today asking whether he was putting his career in jeopardy.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
How about reteif with his comments that tigers injury was not that bad and may have been playibg it up. Pretty Stupid
What is a retief?

Is that like when you hit a ball into a bunch of goose poop and you get to move your ball for free?
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Troll_Inc
What is a retief?

Is that like when you hit a ball into a bunch of goose poop and you get to move your ball for free?

Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-19-2008 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
lol, what's next? john daly commenting how hard it must have been for rocco to go on a diet?
You know that Jerry Rice is essentially a scratch golfer, right?? They didn't just go looking for some random great athlete to talk about Woods' injury.

Last edited by Analyst; 06-20-2008 at 12:00 AM.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:20 AM
Yup, Rice definitely has some game...he plays in a few of the celeb events and always looks decent.

Goosen is a stiff, what has he done lately? Maybe he's taking after Rory and trying to get his name in the limelight.

Last edited by ClubChamp04; 06-20-2008 at 12:27 AM.
Tiger is out for the year! Quote
