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Official Rosarito Thread Official Rosarito Thread

12-06-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by MellowYellow
You are from Seattle too?

Yeah this is my soon to be 3rd move. I moved from Seattle, to Portland and then to BC. I've bitched CONSTANTLY in the SNE thread about the prices up here lol, especially because I like to drink. Can't wait to get back to the states for a few weeks and then down to Mexico.
Yep, born & raised here... Been playing online since 2000-2001. Mainly played freerolls & tried to climb the various tier contests & satellites, to win my way into major/big events. Been on too many sites to name over the years. Never really pursued poker on the .com sites. With the whole "C" Class Felony in WA, I figured with Murphy & my luck, I'd be an/the "example". There was a while where I thought all the laws were overturned, but as soon as I got some more info, I quit playing. On the plus side it gives me records on certain sites & pocket fives. On the bad side, my numbers are atrocious. I figure it'll take me a good few months to build stats & graphs, then I'll be able to sell & swap action with no trouble. I kill time playing 3-6 & 4-8 holdem'... Recently, I've been playing some local 5-10 games & some 5-5 spread PLO8. My strength has always been as a tourney player & that is what I'll continue to chase. I have a partner who wants me to play volume, so he wants me back online asap. I'm actually very excited now that I have a go for "Sunday Majors". While I've had a Stars account for years, after my Mexico move, I'll finally be primarily playing on that site.

Mellow; did you move to Oregon just to play poker? (Before "BF".) Yeah, Canada... Home of the "Animal Beer". I think it was called Bearcat or something, but I had this thick goop that was like 13.8%. After two cans, I didn't even know my name. If I recall there was a strike in the industry & you could only buy beer from the bars after hours to take home. I think 12 cost me $42 USD. The two cans alone were completely worth it... Hahhaha. It's been too cold in Seattle the last few months & I know you are colder up north. A few weeks back I returned from 70 degree Vegas days. This cold & grey is no way to live. Good Luck with the upcoming move... I'm not the typical "Seattle" personality, but always open to sharing a few beers with new friends & those on the poker "grind".
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by AllInNTheDark
I don't claim 100% accuracy, as some of this is hearsay, but here is much of what I've learned since I arrived or on this thread:

If you want a really cheap place, you better be near fluent in Spanish, or find someone who is that is willing to translate for you. Otherwise, I would suggest splitting a really nice beachfront place with one of the current residents, or using a reliable realtor such as Miguel. Many of the places I looked at appeared to be having major remodeling done (or appeared to almost be under construction), were dirty and dingy, were rather remote (can't walk to blvd. and didn't have many markets/restaurants/businesses nearby) and just didn't seem like what I was looking for. One of my main cost concerns wasn't just the rent (although that is important), but also total move in cost. I moved in for 4600 pesos (2600 first mo, 2000 deposit) or about $350, which is a big difference from $1200-1500 when on a budget. However, if you're a balla, live like a balla, I don't begrudge you a bit.

Internet- I went with TelNor as that is the most reliable according to most. It's been great so far, only real lag is sometimes when switching being tables and main PS lobby there is a couple/few seconds it takes to update lobby. I have the middle plan, but not on more than 6 tables at once.

Electric- Was told that electricity is quite a bit cheaper a bit off the main blvd. than on it, but not sure why this would be, and haven't gotten a bill yet.

Water- Was told that Mexicans are very frugal with water, because if you go over the baseline amount, the cost rises dramatically.

Gas- There is a large, but portable, gas tank that heats my hot water tank (and could heat gas range if I got one). They drive around every day and can get it filled quickly. I let the owner deal with that, since he needs his tank filled also, and just pay him.

General- If you have an ATM card with your name on it, from a Mexican bank, you are supposed to be able to pay many/all of your utilities at places like Oxxo. I think they have to scan the bill though, so bring it with you.

Sure, if you eat out three times a day at nice places, you can spend a small fortune on food, but there's no need to do so. Where I live, at least, you can find cheap produce, such as actual real bananas, oranges, plums, apples, cantaloupe, avocados, etc. Fast food for me is when I have a 5 minute break from tourneys, and can walk to get adobada tacos (6 pesos each) and avocado(s)... you could get 3 tacos and an avocado for 2 bucks or less. You can also get two whole roast chickens, with beans (and rice too at one of the places), tortillas, and salsa for 140 pesos or less. I got 3-4 big meals out of that, and that was leaving most of the dark meat for the local cats. I guess an egg costs one peso... you do the math.

Taxis are 30 pesos (40 after 10 PM?), but there are mini-vans or shuttle-like vans for 11 pesos from my neighborhood to the blvd (all the way to north end of town). I can walk to the south end of the blvd. and often do when I go there during daylight hours. I think a taxi a better option after dark.

The people are friendly, esp. once you are known to be living here and local, and are courteous and friendly back. There are excpetions, but the only person to flat out stiff me since I arrived was a gringo (not a poker player). If on the south end of the blvd., you meet a middle aged guy with a glass eye and a Brooklyn accent, do not send him in with a couple of bucks for a pack of smokes while you're on the phone.

There is a lot of "riff-raff" here, but even in an authentic neighborhood, violence is not a major concern (less than it would be in many major US cities). You just have to use common sense. I was told summer is a time when more grifters gravitate to the area to prey on tourists (car theft, etc.). Also, the police are cracking down a lot heading into Xmas (drunk driving, traffic and parking violations, even jaywalking I was told). The main crime is going to be of the theft/robbery/burglary variety (a decent car will be a target).
Thank You AllIn... for another wonderful breakdown & more information. Eh; I know so many questions are/seem repetitive. I'm Thankful there is a thread such as this. To be honest, I am not as worried as I may sound. I'm not too concerned about crime or safety. I'm just now starting to pursue photography as a hobby. In my original question, I was just curious how many travel with cameras (mid-high end dslrs) & what type of "potential" target could that make you? I don't mind appearing as a tourist, just want to avoid issues that could've been avoided. I am 100% open to this experience... As mentioned, I don't really have a budget, but was trying to get an idea of the overall scale of how people make it work. I don't want to overspend, but a few comforts of home seem to be nice to have. My main concern is not having transportation, but I love to walk, so somewhere right in town will suit me fine. (More so for trips to the US.) My other concern, is I'm thinking long-term, but don't want to lose a place during the WSOP. Has anyone came up with their plans for that? Sublet, rent, pay the months gone, return & rent a new spot?, etc...

Last edited by rook3poker; 12-06-2011 at 02:21 PM.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by rook3poker
Thank You AllIn... for another wonderful breakdown & more information. Eh; I know so many questions are/seem repetitive. I'm Thankful there is a thread such as this. To be honest, I am not as worried as I may sound. I'm not too concerned about crime or safety. I'm just now starting to pursue photography as a hobby. In my original question, I was just curious how many travel with cameras (mid-high end dslrs) & what type of "potential" target could that make you? I don't mind appearing as a tourist, just want to avoid issues that could've been avoided. I am 100% open to this experience... As mentioned, I don't really have a budget, but was trying to get an idea of the overall scale of how people make it work. I don't want to overspend, but a few comforts of home seem to be nice to have. My main concern is not having transportation, but I love to walk, so somewhere right in town will suit me fine. (More so for trips to the US.) My other concern, is I'm thinking long-term, but don't want to lose a place during the WSOP. Has anyone came up with their plans for that? Sublet, rent, pay the months gone, return & rent a new spot?, etc...
Crime is not a big worry, just keep your nose clean and use common sense. The main worry would be a nice car in the wrong neighborhood. As far as your camera equipment, just conceal it and know where it is at all times.

Where I am is great if you like to walk and don't have a car. One block to either the shuttle taxis to the blvd. or to TJ. Probably 12 blocks or so to the blvd by foot. The regular taxis are also a block away. The swap meet comes to the area once a week and is again a block away. All kinds of little restaurants (many taco stands) and little markets (biggest is Oxxo) within a couple/few blocks walk.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:02 PM
My internet is down today, anyone else's out? I have DSL, so not sure if that is affected by the Santa Anas that have blowin like a mofo since last night.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by AllInNTheDark
Crime is not a big worry, just keep your nose clean and use common sense. The main worry would be a nice car in the wrong neighborhood. As far as your camera equipment, just conceal it and know where it is at all times.

Where I am is great if you like to walk and don't have a car. One block to either the shuttle taxis to the blvd. or to TJ. Probably 12 blocks or so to the blvd by foot. The regular taxis are also a block away. The swap meet comes to the area once a week and is again a block away. All kinds of little restaurants (many taco stands) and little markets (biggest is Oxxo) within a couple/few blocks walk.
When you refer to the "BLVD", are you speaking of Mex1? I've spent quite a bit of time on google maps, trying to get an idea of places, streets, options, etc... When I entered Oxxo, both locations showed around 5 de mayo. Also, when you mention "blocks" are you intending main streets or are alleys, paths, & the such included. (Seems much of the grid is east of Mex1D.) If possible, could you give me cross streets or name the weekly market, so I can see where that is held? I assume I'll always be looking for fresh produce. Thanks much!!!
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-06-2011 , 05:34 PM
Hola amigos! I am all moved in in Rosarito, got the internet set up, enjoying it for sure. To anybody considering moving here with a gf, my girlfriend loves it here. We're just battling a language barrier but everything else is good.

Would love to meet up with whoever! We don't have our own private beach so if anybody wants to share that would be great. We appreciate any invites to do fun stuff. We're on a budget until I get Pokerstars and bank account set up so ease up on the "nit" accusations! I have skype, cell phone, and home phone, just pm me for info/invites whatever! Appreciate ya.

One more thing, the condo right next to us is open, contact Miguel for info. It's pet friendly, amazing view, pretty nice. If a grinder moved in that'd be pretty cool.

Questions for anybody to answer:

Where to get tourista visa in Rosarito? Somehow went thru border without seeing where to get one.

Where to get fresh chicken and fish? I mean fresh, not supermarket stuff.

Aaand how about public beach access, and where to park for such endeavors?
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-06-2011 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by boliver
Stars will tell you everything you need. Email them and login from a mexican IP. no notaries. you must scan and upload through the stars client all documents.
I plan to move to mexico in one month. Just noticed my RSA token is busted. What should I do???
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by Stoop Kid
I plan to move to mexico in one month. Just noticed my RSA token is busted. What should I do???
sucks man. id use the temp codes they sent with the RSA if u still have that paper. PS support would have a more definative answer though obv. glgl
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 03:15 AM
just got back from Rosarito and it looks like i found my grindspot.

MIGUEL WAS THE NUTS OBV and went above and beyond my expectations while i was out there.

a quick, but corny plug for miguel...

i have been a successful saleman most of my working life, and i have a freakishly-honest sales style that u dont see very often, but its served me and my customers very well. he understands that selling the right product, bulding rapport, and referrals are the keys to a success salesman that also comes with a good nights sleep(karma kills imo). it is extremely rare for me to meet a salesperson in any industry that i feel is as honest a salesman as i am(brag:im obv the ish,lol.). TBH, he is probably in my top 10 atm and ive worked with some of the best, so props to him.

ill be signing a lease very soon and cant wait to get settled.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Charlie Sheen
Questions for anybody to answer:

Where to get tourista visa in Rosarito? Somehow went thru border without seeing where to get one.

Where to get fresh chicken and fish? I mean fresh, not supermarket stuff.

Aaand how about public beach access, and where to park for such endeavors?
I think you have to go to TJ for visa. Was told you can get one at the airport, but other location(s) as well (other posters will know).

Fresh meat store = carniceria, which are prevalent in more authentic areas

seems like plenty of public beach access, can walk thru RB hotel spa entrance and walk on the pier, or walk on the beach in that vicinity (south end of blvd., tourist area). don't know about parking, although should be able to find free parking on blvd. this time of year.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 10:35 AM
+1 to carneceria for better meat. I always get visa at the TJ airport, but only because when you fly intl. out of mexico they make you get one. The little yellow building to the right as you're crossing the border...stop there and they'll give you a visa.

You can walk to the beach from parking on the street or there's parking lots....south of Iggy's is one, but they're all over, 3 or 4 along the main beach section.

We also have a private beach you guys can use anytime
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 02:05 PM
Sweet, thanks for the advice guys, and the courteous invite boliver.

Bummer about the visa thing, TJ isn't the funnest place to visit. I think I remember that little building. Guess I'll probably just wait til I cross back over after Christmas. I'll just bank on getting by without a bank til then. :s
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 04:41 PM
Can some of you guys take pictures of your place/computer setups?
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Groggy
Can some of you guys take pictures of your place/computer setups?
Shipped a new monitor, I'm very anal about everything matching:

Uploaded with
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
Shipped a new monitor, I'm very anal about everything matching:

Uploaded with
see u soon steel. probably gonna be neighbors!
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 06:54 PM
Im leaving to the airport very early on the 19th of December. Looking to see if anyone is going that way around then or would want to split a cab/shuttle.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie Sheen
Sweet, thanks for the advice guys, and the courteous invite boliver.

Bummer about the visa thing, TJ isn't the funnest place to visit. I think I remember that little building. Guess I'll probably just wait til I cross back over after Christmas. I'll just bank on getting by without a bank til then. :s
You can open an account at Santander without a visa. I went to the branch on the south end of the blvd. and they didn't speak much English.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by overrdose.
Im leaving to the airport very early on the 19th of December. Looking to see if anyone is going that way around then or would want to split a cab/shuttle.
if ur on foot and have an extra 75mins, u can get all the way from RB-SAN for like $10 total using the taxi vans and trolly. im cheap, so i do it the local let me know if u need help on the route. peace.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-07-2011 , 11:21 PM
What are you guys doing in Rosarit when you arent grinding?

Are there any good spots to go out and party on the weekend f.e.?
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-08-2011 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by remainameless
if ur on foot and have an extra 75mins, u can get all the way from RB-SAN for like $10 total using the taxi vans and trolly. im cheap, so i do it the local let me know if u need help on the route. peace.
Lol, good price but Ill be lugging 2 bags and a laptop bag. That could get annoying. Whats the best way to get there? Id actually be willing to pay someone to drive me to the airport if they are going that way or dont mind going. Either way if someone is going that day or the day before hit me up.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-08-2011 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by overrdose.
Lol, good price but Ill be lugging 2 bags and a laptop bag. That could get annoying. Whats the best way to get there? Id actually be willing to pay someone to drive me to the airport if they are going that way or dont mind going. Either way if someone is going that day or the day before hit me up.
yeh, probably a bad idea then. i travel very
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by rawie87
What are you guys doing in Rosarit when you arent grinding?

Are there any good spots to go out and party on the weekend f.e.?
There's a disco on the blvd, but forgot the name, not really my cup of tea. If you are near fluent in Spanish, the city's your oyster. There's a lot of ripe fruit for the picking. Just don't get your plaid skirts confused.

eating tacos

consuming bananas

arguing with Telnor about various problems

Does anyone know what's up with Western Union here? I have received cashout once before in US, and was no problem. This time I received the details by email on Friday. I go to Banamex on Monday and the teller tells me it's not in the system, but should be later in the day (how does she know this?). A friend tells me they may be making sure I'm not on AMW before they release funds (we're talking about less than a grand here). I go back Tuesday and they say it's not in they system. So what's the deal??

Last edited by AllInNTheDark; 12-08-2011 at 11:29 AM.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:36 AM
Got my FM3, overall process was pretty painless except for immigrations computers being down on Monday (so they were closed) and then the boss that had to sign off on it not coming in on Tuesday (in addition to the electricity going out do they couldn't laminate it anyway). Got it Wednesday though.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by TheMetetrown
Got my FM3, overall process was pretty painless except for immigrations computers being down on Monday (so they were closed) and then the boss that had to sign off on it not coming in on Tuesday (in addition to the electricity going out do they couldn't laminate it anyway). Got it Wednesday though.
This pretty much sums up my experience in Mexico so far. It's easy to get things done, but usually there's some sort of glitch that delays the process.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by rook3poker
Yeah, Canada... Home of the "Animal Beer". I think it was called Bearcat or something, but I had this thick goop that was like 13.8%. After two cans, I didn't even know my name. If I recall there was a strike in the industry & you could only buy beer from the bars after hours to take home. I think 12 cost me $42 USD. The two cans alone were completely worth it... Hahhaha. It's been too cold in Seattle the last few months & I know you are colder up north. A few weeks back I returned from 70 degree Vegas days. This cold & grey is no way to live. Good Luck with the upcoming move... I'm not the typical "Seattle" personality, but always open to sharing a few beers with new friends & those on the poker "grind".
I'm from north of Seattle.

What's better... Hamm's commercials, Rainier commercials or Lucky Lager bottlecaps? I'm going with Raaaaiiiiinnnnnnniiiiieeeeerrrrr Beeeeeeeeeeeer

The McMenamin's (something like that) beers that they sell in various establishments in OR are the bomb though
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
