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Official Rosarito Thread Official Rosarito Thread

03-11-2013 , 10:29 PM
Id be interested in seeing if we could work something out. Im looking at going down as soon as my passport comes in (hopefully 2 months) to check things out first then depending how that goes Id pull hte trigger on relocating. PM me to discuss further or if you want to meet up when im down there and grab a drink
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-11-2013 , 10:31 PM
Quick question regarding your computer setups. Did you guys take them across border and have to declare them or just purchase new setup down there? I have 3 monitor setup and dont really want to lug that across the border since I wouldnt be driving down......
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-11-2013 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by hotjenny314
Last time I went to the US, they hassled me a lot at San Ysidro-- asking in an accusing tone why I was going to Mexico so much (had a US border crossing about 1x a month for the last 6 months), if I was transporting something, etc. Even though I have nothing to hide, I found the experience very stressful. I am a US citizen.

I was wondering what everyone says when they cross the border. I've yet to mention that I play poker on the internetz in Mexico, but would that be a good idea? Thoughts for avoiding harassment?

Any help appreciated, thanks!
Every time I've crossed I've been 100% honest: that I have an apartment in Mexico so I can play online poker; and 100% of the time the agents have been polite and genuinely interested in what I do. A few weeks ago the agent goes "OH a real life poker player ... I've heard about you guys but never met one in real life"
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-12-2013 , 12:07 AM
Thanks, Katie
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-12-2013 , 12:13 PM
If anybody has a room/couch to rent around $300-$400/month starting around April 20th for miniFTOPS and till the end of SCOOP mid-May PM me or add me on skype werd0318
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-12-2013 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by luckproof
Do you have a visa?
tourist visas are good for 6 months and cost $25 USD at the border. you don't really need one, unless you want to get a decent bank account which is pretty clutch. they recently changed the san yisidero border crossing. the office is by the old border crossing (yellow builing), no clue how you get to it now.

Last edited by shmoo101; 03-12-2013 at 03:12 PM.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-12-2013 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Pghfan987
What's the best taco stand in Rosarito?
fish taco stand/shack at K38 is amazing and dirt cheap. hit or miss if it's actually open in the off season. not built for volume. slow as **** if there's like 5-6 people ahead of you.

Last edited by shmoo101; 03-12-2013 at 03:14 PM.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-12-2013 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by TrankiNLVida
Most baller/modern building in Rosarito? (or any town near by)
Not sure what's actually in town, but Club Morena (K38) and Palacio Del Mar (K51) prolly the most swanky places between Rosa and Ensenada.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-12-2013 , 07:37 PM
I might have a room available starting April 2nd thru July 4 if anyone is interested. I am talking to one of my friends right now and he's deciding whether or not to come here, so I will know for sure in a few days I guess, but if you are interested send me a PM as a possible backup.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-12-2013 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by TrankiNLVida
Most baller/modern building in Rosarito? (or any town near by)
Palacio del mar, but the location is terrible
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by 2249997
Interested. Plz email me @ Thanks.
Did you get my email?
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 12:50 PM
Is there an alternative to bringing several $K in cash when moving down to Rosarito?

Will banks accept traveller's checks, or cashier's checks, or anything else?

Or do you just have to risk bring cash?

Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 02:12 PM
If you act normal you should be fine.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 05:36 PM
Can someone add me to the skype convo? (zachery.schneider) looking for las bananas chronicas
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 05:58 PM
We need to be more careful who we add to the skype chat. Would like to avoid all the recent insanity in there.

Anyone who wants to be added should prove they live in Rosa/play poker and should have someone in the chat vouch for them so that we don't get slammed by racists and troublemakers again.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by katie75013
We need to be more careful who we add to the skype chat. Would like to avoid all the recent insanity in there.

Anyone who wants to be added should prove they live in Rosa/play poker and should have someone in the chat vouch for them so that we don't get slammed by racists and troublemakers again.
^^^^ This
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 07:41 PM
Stevie Mac Babaaaaaayyy
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 08:36 PM
OMG, you guys are HILARIOUS and I had soooo much fun reading thru this thread!! I've been living in the area (at the Grand Baja, next to Puerto Nuevo) for THREE YEARS and had no freaking idea there was such a large community of Americanos here LOL...

Thats partly due to my being housebound with the big C for so long... nearly didn't make it but I beat that beee-a-tch hahaa!! Unfortuneately though, it's meant that I haven't really gotten to venture out much in terms of 'good times' mostly just for medical treatment ...blah blah blah ... was just thinking it's time to get more SOCIAL now that I've recovered my health and all that good stuff... THEN IT HIT THE FAN...

Two weeks ago (after three years and on my Bday no less...) we got a bomb dropped on us that the owner of our unit has to sell it back cause he can't afford the HOA's... and we have to move. I've been scouring the net and driving from here to the end of creation for a comperable digg but it aint happinen' ...

Curious, those of you who are in town (Rito-Puerto Nuevo area) in the CONDOS (with amenities lol) are you aware of anything available for rent in the under $550 range that's perhaps not online?

I'd really appreciate any referrals you could pass along and I'm really hoping my hubby and I could join up with ya'll one of these days cause you sound like a kewl bunch of peeps!! Thanks for the laughs and all the GREAT info you've posted on here... Ya'll rock the Casbah LOL
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by epursimuove
Is there an alternative to bringing several $K in cash when moving down to Rosarito?

Will banks accept traveller's checks, or cashier's checks, or anything else?

Or do you just have to risk bring cash?

There are ATMS all ove the place and some US banks have deals worked out with the local branches to reduce or bypass fees all together. For instance, I bank with BofA, they have a deal with Santander and I get ZERO fees when pulling cash out at the ATM.

So you don't have to carry cash if you aren't comfortable with it. You can always go with travelers checks too, but they are too big a pain in the butt for me. I've crossed with cash and I've came broke and floated on my ATM LOL... Speaking from a female's perspective... I carry mace and keep my purse close and though I've been a little spooked on one or two occasions, I've never had any real issues on any front.

I'm so white I practically glow in the dark, stand out whereever I go... and I've never felt ill at ease about carrying cash... just act cool and don't go flashing the green green in front of ANYBODY... and you'll be fine.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by idun215
wait what no black ppl? All them poker players not one black? You got any asians?
LOL... thats funny question... Umm, I have two female friends who are black, one has lived in the area for over 20 years. THey bot!h are single and older ladies with no issues being in Mexico... BIG asian community in TJ as well.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by sukout22
Quick question regarding your computer setups. Did you guys take them across border and have to declare them or just purchase new setup down there? I have 3 monitor setup and dont really want to lug that across the border since I wouldnt be driving down......
For three years we've had no issues bringing electronics over the border BOTH DIRECTIONS... including large screen tv's, laptops, amps and speakers, wiis and playstations etc... Also, we buy computers, electronics and whatnot online and have them shipped to our POBOX in the states and then our local mail service which brings them across the border for us at a rate of about $3-5 a package plus our monthly rate under $20 a month. I've neer been charged more than $6 and sometimes I'm not charged at all. I have two monitors myself, one wide screen and the wide screen laptop monitor and it's a real headache saver!! I LOVE IT!

I reccomend if you don't want to lug them across the border, to hae them shipped CAREFULLY packed of course... or find someone whose got the set up that can order them thru...

Be careful of course... don't just use anyone. Renee's mail room is good place to begin to set up a mailbox service. The Baja Click-on cafe is ok, but they get a real attitude sometimes and it's farther out from town, next to Puerto Nuevo. The click on is also more expensive
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by werd0318
If anybody has a room/couch to rent around $300-$400/month starting around April 20th for miniFTOPS and till the end of SCOOP mid-May PM me or add me on skype werd0318
Still looking for something
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-15-2013 , 02:29 PM
Walked across the Border (to USA) last night at San Ysirdro at about 10:30 pm. There was literally zero line.

Check that, dude cut me off right as I was walking up, so I had to wait 30 seconds for him, then 30 seconds for my turn, and I was back in the USA. I guess Th. night is a good time to cross on foot.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-15-2013 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mexanonymouse
For three years we've had no issues bringing electronics over the border BOTH DIRECTIONS... including large screen tv's, laptops, amps and speakers, wiis and playstations etc... Also, we buy computers, electronics and whatnot online and have them shipped to our POBOX in the states and then our local mail service which brings them across the border for us at a rate of about $3-5 a package plus our monthly rate under $20 a month. I've neer been charged more than $6 and sometimes I'm not charged at all. I have two monitors myself, one wide screen and the wide screen laptop monitor and it's a real headache saver!! I LOVE IT!

I reccomend if you don't want to lug them across the border, to hae them shipped CAREFULLY packed of course... or find someone whose got the set up that can order them thru...

Be careful of course... don't just use anyone. Renee's mail room is good place to begin to set up a mailbox service. The Baja Click-on cafe is ok, but they get a real attitude sometimes and it's farther out from town, next to Puerto Nuevo. The click on is also more expensive
Thanks for the input. I will look into Baja Click and Renee's.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
03-15-2013 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Walked across the Border (to USA) last night at San Ysirdro at about 10:30 pm. There was literally zero line.

Check that, dude cut me off right as I was walking up, so I had to wait 30 seconds for him, then 30 seconds for my turn, and I was back in the USA. I guess Th. night is a good time to cross on foot.
Did you use the pedestrian SENTRI lane at SY?
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
