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10-16-2012 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Vucking Vish
Well if its the guy I'm thinking of that wears a hat type thing most the time, if not then ignore.

Thai guy goes to pull his hat off for a joke outside one of the gogos, he took offense for some reason and got aggro with the Thai guy, he then took a bit of a beating off the Thai security even though his mates were there.
The guys screen name on Pattaya addicts forum is Laamok. Interesting if him. Although can see why he got agitated. Thai guy would never touch anything on the head of another Thai guy (sacred, top of the body etc). Still there's a way to get your point across without being aggro.

For expats who have been here a long time Stickman makes the point that frequent trips home are really good. Friends of mine here call it getting a reality check. Go home for 2-3 months every year and it really reminds you of all that is awesome about Thailand and you can appreciate it again when you come back. Helps you forget about all the little things that long term expats complain about and get worked up about all the time.
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10-16-2012 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyhat1000
The guys screen name on Pattaya addicts forum is Laamok. Interesting if him. Although can see why he got agitated. Thai guy would never touch anything on the head of another Thai guy (sacred, top of the body etc). Still there's a way to get your point across without being aggro.

For expats who have been here a long time Stickman makes the point that frequent trips home are really good. Friends of mine here call it getting a reality check. Go home for 2-3 months every year and it really reminds you of all that is awesome about Thailand and you can appreciate it again when you come back. Helps you forget about all the little things that long term expats complain about and get worked up about all the time.
That's him yes Lamok, I don't know him but have seen him around in the past. The story was doing the rounds on all the Patts foums last year.

Last edited by Vucking Vish; 10-16-2012 at 01:36 PM.
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10-16-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
This. Also, for the last 2 years you've been an active participant in a thread discussing every aspect of 1000 baht sausage sample stands.

spiv this is by far the best point ive seen you make on this subject

its one thing for a completely fresh noob to get asked in the morning and be shocked and not want to pay

its a different story for anyone who knows the deal going into it
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10-16-2012 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by FoldEqu1ty
LOL that's the dumbest analogy ever Vomit

If you've got sick game like these "i've slept with 30 girls from [hooker bar] and never paid once" guys, just being rational about it, it's completely illogical to goto a place like Spicy / Insomnia where the girls are A) 90% hookers and B) much worse looking, than a place like RCA or Funky where the girls are 95% not hookers and way better looking. So when someone brags about going to known hooker bars a lot, and never paying, cos they're just so fly, something smells super fishy about that.
You referring to me with the 30 girls there champ?

A) I wasn't bragging considering 30 girls is somewhere in the region of one every 10 weeks. In fact a lot of them were from when I first arrived and was pretty clueless about the whole hooker scene. Also a lot of them I wouldn't touch with a 10' barge pole these days.
B) Going to those places isn't mutually exclusive. In fact one often naturally leads on to the other once you are boozed, and luck out at RCA etc.

Last edited by lennois; 10-16-2012 at 03:04 PM.
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10-16-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
there is a grey area, trust me i know, ive been here 3 months. Some girls who are hookers will go with guys for free and not ask for money. Then "normal" girls will go with guys and agree a price before hand. My mate phucked a girl who works in nail shop, but they agreed a price before they left insomnia.

If a girl never tells me before hand about a price, im not paying her nothing

pokerspiv just sounds like a textbook white knight, giving these girls everything they ask for, when they go back to isan they will be in a squatting position with 10 other family members in 1room house , eating som tam with chop sticks. Cant understand why everyone is treating them like princesses.
I just f8ck em, and pay em, what was agreeed, assuming they do what we agreed on.

this from the guy that always says he doesnt pay ANY
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10-16-2012 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Siculamente
you're gonna pay for everything even if its not posted just cuz you're a farang
A lot of it has to do with foreigners usually hanging out with mostly poor Thai people. Can you really expect someone who grew up in a wooden shack eating rat meat as source of protein to pay for dinner at Landmark Rib Room? (while their parents still live in those conditions.)

It's very similar in the US when you have someone relatively poor hanging out with someone relatively rich. The rich person usually pays. The bigger the disparity, the more likely that the richer person pays.

(I have seen exceptions to this in some countries, where really poor people go out of their way to pay and offer as much as they can to visitors/guests. But that is another extreme that makes even less sense.)

If you think your generosity is being taken advantage of, make some effort to meet and socialize with people who have similar economic standing as you.
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10-16-2012 , 03:38 PM

One phone call. Got her all day. Use her any time you get the urge, exactly how you want it (who cares what she's in the mood for).

You have to be 9.97/10 (even PE is shy by 0.47/10) and have some serious game/charm if you can book a girl this hot or better, begin banging her within minutes of meeting her (a huge turn on for lots of guys) and bang her at least 3 more times that day before sending her on her way with a hug and a smile (but no phone number).

Obviously the prices go way down if you just go out and find them yourselves at the soapy massage places and gogo bar (or so I've heard )

Guys who "don't pay" are missing out BIG TIME!!

Personally I think the guys who say they "don't pay" period/straight up have some self confidence issues/small penis complex (no offense). I'm more in line with the guys that go both ways (like me). Free sex and romance is critical for happiness and a full life. But instant sex with a hot hooker is fn great too!

Just do whatever works easiest for you in the moment/day.

Also guys looking for a meaningful relationship with a hi-so Asian should move to Vancouver. They're here in droves, have money, often educated, and never a language barrier. I was on the bus today on Main street in Vancouver and I chiit you not there was only me and 2 other white guys on a double length bus. All other 30 people on the bus were Asian. I think I'm going to see more farangs in Patts than I see in my home city.


Last edited by ebffs; 10-16-2012 at 03:43 PM.
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10-16-2012 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by ebffs
Personally I think the guys who say they "don't pay" period/straight up have some self confidence issues/small penis complex (no offense).
lol, not sure how you came to that conclusion. Generally the ones that don't pay are the better looking/confident arrogant ones.

personally, I pay on occasion if I see a real barnstormer, but tbh the physical process of fooking gets slightly old for me if no feelings are involved, payment or otherwise. No doubt in the minority on that one tho.

ya burd looks good
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10-16-2012 , 03:53 PM
hi thailand regs, small crosspost, I am looking for a pokerhouse in Thailand (Phuket or one of the other area's in the south)

let me know if you got something, thanks!
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10-16-2012 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Vucking Vish
Can't stand that wanker. He's nasty criminal vermin
Any stories?
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10-16-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by iampi
Any stories?
Just do a search for him mate its all common knowledge, he was a loan shark on the gold coast, real nasty piece of work, used torture etc to get people to pay. Got arrested for stabbing someone in Patts not long ago too.

He used to post on some of the patts forums until he got banned from them. He would offer out anyone he got into verbals with on them $10k for a bare knuckle fight lol

But in all seriousness he's not to be fooked with, I've seen him parading up and down beach road with his top off, he's a big cuuuunt!

Last edited by Vucking Vish; 10-16-2012 at 04:48 PM.
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10-16-2012 , 06:20 PM
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10-16-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by lennois
lol, not sure how you came to that conclusion. Generally the ones that don't pay are the better looking/confident arrogant ones.

personally, I pay on occasion if I see a real barnstormer, but tbh the physical process of fooking gets slightly old for me if no feelings are involved, payment or otherwise. No doubt in the minority on that one tho.

ya burd looks good
Don't get me wrong, I'm talking about the guys out there that make a point of shouting to the world that they "don't pay for sex."...but they're not Christian or anything like that so they have no good excuse. Not many guys posting here/lurking here fit that category (even the guys that mostly just go for free pussy still pay occasionally when it suits them and openly admit it).

Not to pick on this guy ( but he's a perfect example. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but really he has to have some issues.
First of all to find yourself in a "disco" on walking street in Patts and at no point suspect that you're grinding a hooker on the dance floor is
(A) ******ed
(B) ******ed
(C) All of the above.
Then to ask her to go outside for "some fresh air" (i.e. he wants to get lucky) but then leave her standing like an idiot when she asks for money, that's offensive because I don't believe he's a full fledged ******.

So look into whats really going on here at a slightly deeper level. Some people laugh it off and say something like "lol, guy didn't realize she was a hooker"..but c'mon. This isn't even Insomnia, this is walking street in Patts.
Here are the two options (both of which clearly indicate lack of self esteem):
He's a bit nerdy hasn't had a lot of sexy gf's so when he's in this disco and this cute "chinese looking" Thai girl starts really acting like she's in to him, he's so blown away by it he just completely loses himself and subconsciously ignores the massively obvious probability that she's working. He doesn't want to believe so he doesn't. When he get's outside he's so genuinely disappointed that it was all a mirage, he just leaves her standing on the street and humiliates her because he himself is feeling humiliated. This would never have happened if he was laid regularly by decent girls and had high self esteem.
(2) Subconsciously or consciously he's so sick of all the rejection he's faced from girls in his life that he had a need to serve out some rejection himself. He knows (subconsciously or consciously) that his best shot at doing this is to get some hooker in the red light district of Patts grinding all over his **** for 30min then agreeing to go out for "some fresh air" Then BOOM leave her standing on the street outside feeling like a total piece of shiat.

Either way it comes down to one thing....Insecurity. This is just a typical example and I find it funny he openly posted about it on a public form. That's why I tend more to be lenient to this guy and think he's not fully aware of his insecurity issues and this douchebaggery in Patts was mostly subconsciously motivated.
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10-16-2012 , 06:48 PM
^ Think your being harsh mate, its a standard naive noob thing to get involved with, seen it happen loads of times. Happened to me when I first came to Thailand 20 years ago, twice in 2 nights lol........
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10-16-2012 , 06:48 PM
It still doesn't make sense that you say guys with no self esteem don't get hookers.
Where I am from hookers are illegal. But there are lots of crack whore junkies in the ghetto neighbourhood...are you saying only confident guys with huge c0cks **** these nasty hoes or fat guys who can't get laid for free?? and 95% of these hookers are gross looking and old, I wouldn't **** them if they paid me...unless it was a substantial amount....
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10-16-2012 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Vucking Vish
^ Think your being harsh mate, its a standard naive noob thing to get involved with, seen it happen loads of times. Happened to me when I first came to Thailand 20 years ago, twice in 2 nights lol........
I hear you...but walking street in Patts? That's like going to the red light district in Amsterdam and thinking the girl standing in the window winking an waving really thinks you're hoot.

Originally Posted by GoinGreen
It still doesn't make sense that you say guys with no self esteem don't get hookers.
Where I am from hookers are illegal. But there are lots of crack whore junkies in the ghetto neighbourhood...are you saying only confident guys with huge c0cks **** these nasty hoes or fat guys who can't get laid for free?? and 95% of these hookers are gross looking and old, I wouldn't **** them if they paid me...unless it was a substantial amount....
That's going to extreme measures to make your point. If you have to do that then you're standing on thin ground. Of course I'm not talking about Canadian Crack Whore's. But in Ontario even though it's "illegal" it's not really and you can get some pretty amazing girls for the right price. But again I'm not even talking about that. I'm talking about the guys who make a point of bragging that they simply would never pay. I mean back to our friend. He obviously liked the girl or he wouldn't have danced with her for 30min then tried to take her on a date. So why not just go bang her? He could have had an amazing night for $30....instead of a beer bottle smashed in his face...and for what? The $30 is not a lot of money to him and he liked the girl. So the only thing left is ego/self esteem.
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10-16-2012 , 06:58 PM
Think your being harsh mate, its a standard naive noob thing to get involved with, seen it happen loads of times. Happened to me when I first came to Thailand 20 years ago, twice in 2 nights lol........
Did you try to offer them a burger instead of cash though?
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10-16-2012 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
Did you try to offer them a burger instead of cash though?
No but if you want to hear something funny, I was there with my parents and they were a couple of doors from me in the hotel, they had given me some money for a night out as I had just left uni and had no money. So they will never know it but they paid for me to ship some hookers lol
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10-16-2012 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by ebffs
I hear you...but walking street in Patts? That's like going to the red light district in Amsterdam and thinking the girl standing in the window winking an waving really thinks you're hoot.
Seen it happen in patts mate, if they are noobs it can happen easily as they don't know what the crack is, disco's are just disco's unless your told otherwise.
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10-16-2012 , 07:07 PM
He could have had an amazing night for $30....instead of a beer bottle smashed in his face...and for what? The $30 is not a lot of money to him and he liked the girl. So the only thing left is ego/self esteem.
We spend most of our lives being told that any man who goes with a whore is a creep, pervert, loser and probably not to be trusted. So it's no surprise that most people who come here for the first time are a bit put off by it.

But Thai whores are not like western whores. I would guess that most guys who come to Thailand had never been with a prostitute in their home country. And why would you? The sex industry in most western countries is seedy, the transaction is incredibly businesslike and not that sexy IMO. It's a lot different to the way it works in Thailand in hostess bars and discos.

There's a reason why the farang-oriented sex industry is mostly found in pubs and nightclubs, rather than the fishbowl brothels and soapy massage parlours that the asian customers prefer. The surroundings and the "girlfriend experience" make normally uptight farangs more willing to use the services.
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10-16-2012 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Vucking Vish
Seen it happen in patts mate, if they are noobs it can happen easily as they don't know what the crack is, disco's are just disco's unless your told otherwise.

Fair enough I guess. I don't even arrive until next week and I already know the score. Not from extensive research, just watching a couple You Tube vids of walking street. I can't imagine how he was there for hours and didn't put it together or even suspect at any point. But it doesn't matter, it just serves to illustrate the general point I'm making; ironically, those showing the fiercest pride in NEVER sleeping with a hooker are more likely to have low self esteem than the guy that just doesn't give a **** and does whatever works best in the moment and whatever he's in the mood for.

I for one agree about the connection thing. I could never go 100% hookers. Need to actually "make love" sometimes. Kiss and grind that sex slow and love that girl. Can never get that from a hooker. But still, if you can't get off the other way (hitting a hooker doggy style fast and hard) then something is wrong with you. Unless the same guy can honestly say he has never and will never fap.
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10-16-2012 , 07:17 PM
Need to actually "make love" sometimes. Kiss and grind that sex slow and love that girl. Can never get that from a hooker.
You can, in Thailand. That's something you'll discover when you arrive. In fact most hookers would be happy to be your girlfriend for as long as you're willing to keep paying. $200-$300 a month is enough to make most hookers your actual girlfriend. It's not like what you're used to at home.

Many guys here end up marrying them. I know at least a dozen Farang-Thai couples just in this town that first met in the hostess bar she was working in at the time. If I had to guess I would say that the majority of Farang-Thai couples everywhere in Thailand are like that.

Last edited by PokerSpiv; 10-16-2012 at 07:23 PM.
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10-16-2012 , 07:54 PM
What spiv said.

Not that many of them like to admit it a few years later mind. ala'

"I met her on her first night in the bar."

"she only ever worked cashier"

"It was her sisters bar, she was just hanging out in there when we met"

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10-16-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Pooter
What spiv said.

Not that many of them like to admit it a few years later mind. ala'

"I met her on her first night in the bar."

"she only ever worked cashier"

"It was her sisters bar, she was just hanging out in there when we met"

those sound like perfectly legit explanations
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10-16-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by GoinGreen
those sound like perfectly legit explanations
Haha, no way. They immediately get the knowing look if they say those, better to say nothing lol.
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