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Skill edge/ICM Spot? Play a hand with The Great Dane! 3 handed in 2004 WPT 5d vs Paul Phillips Skill edge/ICM Spot? Play a hand with The Great Dane! 3 handed in 2004 WPT 5d vs Paul Phillips

12-12-2012 , 08:04 PM
How are my allegations scurilous and why should I apologize? How stupid can you be?

I only have a skype log of what your student told me. I never saw anything between him and you. I don't trust your logs are 100% true either as you have proven to be a charlatan and having questionable morals and clearly backed into a wall trying to salvage whatever reputation is left of your pathetic business preying on the misinformed.

I said very clearly that an ex student came to me and posted about it. He clearly wanted to remain in private. Yet you outed his name to everyone. Really professional, you ****ing scumbag. Do w/e you want. I just know what he told me, and what he has, and that I wasn't lying.

You should apologize to me for accusing me of lying. Like I said a million times. You are the only one here lying. You are lying about your abilities and being an expert in certain areas of poker. I can prove via math to any moderator or anyone that can think logically that you are not capable of even beginning to solve the problem. You don't even know how to begin to solve the problem. Its like you don't even know how to do the basic math needed to get to the algebra/analysis to solve the more complicated problem, but you don't even know how to multiply 6 times 7.

I will never apologize to you betgo. You are a disgusting predatory poker player and all thats wrong with the game. You ruin my favorite forum with your terrible posts. You steal money from novice poker players by fraudulently misrepresenting yourself as an expert in areas of poker you are obviously clueless in. I would love to never have to see your stupid name pop up again in any thread, but just making sure its out there what a thief you are in the coaching advice forum rather than just HSMTT is enough for me. Everyone with a brain in HSMTT knows you are a huge clown, they just didn't care enough to make it well known enough publicly which is sad that you managed to con many unsuspecting rookies to poker for 50$/hr

So how much have you made coaching? Scratch that I don't even want to know. It would make me sicker than I already am right now.
12-12-2012 , 08:04 PM
fell asleep to this thread

woke up to this thread
12-12-2012 , 08:04 PM
too many words itt, but it looks awesome. cliffs?
12-12-2012 , 08:29 PM
stealthmunk vs betgo >> pacquiao vs marquez VI

this thread should be a hbo ppv
12-12-2012 , 08:32 PM
I am not a charlatan. I used to be a regular mid-high stakes MTT player, but have been playing high stakes MTTs less and less. I have always been posting in HSMTT. I was known as a repected regular poster here. The forum has gotten deader and deader and two years ago I got a coaching listing. So it says "see my coaching listing". This makes some people think I am presenting myself as an expert in HSMTT.

I have like 300% ROI in quarterly/yearly tournaments like WCOOP FTOPs, mostly in nonNLHE events and based on mainly 3 equal-sized big cashes.

I moved down a little in MTT stakes and started grinding live mid stakes MTTS more and playing more MTTSNGs. As mentioned, I had the highest ROI in midstakes MTTSNGs in 2010-11. You may look down in them, but they are certainly low variance and completely impossible to acheive high ROIs through luck.

As for your question, I think I answered it fine, but you don't need to be able to answer questions like that to coach low stakes effectively. Typical players at that level have so many basic leaks. There are skills in analysis, observation, patience, and communication involved. You need a lot of skill, but you don't have to be an expert in whatever to coach it. Kind of ridiculous to argue that I am defrauding low stakes players because you say I don't have some high level expertise.
12-12-2012 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Deoxyribo
too many words itt, but it looks awesome. cliffs?
Betgo made 1 really bad post about ICM, and now stealthmunk is on a crusade to save the world from his poker coaching no matter what the cost, even it means quoting him out of context on Skype logs.
12-12-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
Betgo made 1 really bad post about ICM, and now stealthmunk is on a crusade to save the world from his poker coaching no matter what the cost, even it means quoting him out of context on Skype logs.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I did not have any skype log between betgo and his student. Just the skype log between me and the student. I had never seen the log betgo posted before he posted it.

Betgo called me a liar. I said I have skype logs that can prove I wasn't lying aka making up the story about the nonrefundable coaching/asking for positive review. If anyone is quoting out of context/lying its the student, I imagine bet go is lying though as he is a scumbag.

It was much more than one bad post though, more like 5 bad posts. More like hundreds of bad post. Almost all of his posts in HSMTT are facepalm worthy as anyone thats good knows. Its disgusting he does it just so he can con smallstakes MTT players.

He hasn't cashed in a live mtt since 2009. He hasn't relocated since blackfriday. He makes his living by preying on the players that are too dumb or naive to not realize he doesn't know what he's talking about. And nobody is going to say anything. Some of my friends are like Just let him coach people its better for the games! Thats terrible attitude and goes against the spirit of 2p2 discussing strategy making everyone better. Its really starting to tilt me.
12-12-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by BorgataGrinder85
I don't care about what he beieves.

He fraudulently misrepresents himself as an expert in shortstack resteal/icm/ft tournament situations.

His failure to be able to properly analyze this thread can 100% prove that. His posts ITT 100% prove that. Ask any winning tournament coach/highstakes professional they will agree.

I think thats enough that he shouldn't be allowed to coach and manipulate further waves of up and coming players too naive to know they are recieving terrible info. Betgo isn't naive, he is just an idiot. The newcomers are trying to improve at poker, and betgo searches for them and preys on them. Its disgusting.

you're just pissy because your friend got betg'owned.
12-12-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by BorgataGrinder85
It was much more than one bad post though, more like 5 bad posts. More like hundreds of bad post. Almost all of his posts in HSMTT are facepalm worthy as anyone thats good knows. Its disgusting he does it just so he can con smallstakes MTT players.
I explained that I don't post in HSMTT to impress coaching students. I just always have since I played those games regularly. I admit that I may have made a mistake in continuing to do this.

I have a a great record which I won't repeat again and am more than qualified to coach low to mid stakes MTTs and MTTSNGs.
12-12-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by BorgataGrinder85
I have no idea what you are talking about. I did not have any skype log between betgo and his student. Just the skype log between me and the student. I had never seen the log betgo posted before he posted it.

Betgo called me a liar. I said I have skype logs that can prove I wasn't lying aka making up the story about the nonrefundable coaching/asking for positive review. If anyone is quoting out of context/lying its the student, I imagine bet go is lying though as he is a scumbag.

It was much more than one bad post though, more like 5 bad posts. More like hundreds of bad post. Almost all of his posts in HSMTT are facepalm worthy as anyone thats good knows. Its disgusting he does it just so he can con smallstakes MTT players.

He hasn't cashed in a live mtt since 2009. He hasn't relocated since blackfriday. He makes his living by preying on the players that are too dumb or naive to not realize he doesn't know what he's talking about. And nobody is going to say anything. Some of my friends are like Just let him coach people its better for the games! Thats terrible attitude and goes against the spirit of 2p2 discussing strategy making everyone better. Its really starting to tilt me.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill here. I mean, yes it's pretty laughable that betgo can claim to be an "ICM expert" and then not understand what an ICM calculator does, but I still have no doubt that he did indeed make a lot of money playing poker, and that his students on average have probably benefited from his coaching much more than they've spent. He's missing some knowledge that's really, really easy to obtain, but I'm sure he's come upon a close enough approximation by another route that his actual calling/pushing ranges probably aren't that far off.

I've seen the phenomenon of the losing player who makes money coaching brought up many times, but in reality it just doesn't exist. The games are still soft (honestly have noticed hardly any difference since Black Friday although that might be because I don't play Stars any more), and it doesn't take a lot of knowledge to beat them. People who coach are just reducing their variance a little bit, and honestly the money to be made coaching is tiny compared to what you can make playing. You're basically just pissing into the wind here going off about a problem that doesn't exist, and picking on betgo because of one particular leak which he'll probably end up fixing due to this thread.
12-12-2012 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by betgo

I have a a great record which I won't repeat again and am more than qualified to coach low to mid stakes MTTs and MTTSNGs.
Thats your opinion. You bring up results (I think they are irrelevant)

I bring up facts and obvious holes/leak in your logic/game.

Also, you refuse to realize that obviously you are going to claim you are qualified to coach low to midstakes MTTs and MTTSNGS. Thats because its your hustle right now. Thats how you make money, conning the microstakes players. You are a decent charlatan, I'll give you that. Much better than you are at poker.

Results mean very little imo on one's ability to coach. You lack fundamental understanding of the game/ability to even analyze a simple HH. Many poker players are dumb and manage to win/crush back then. Think about Chad Batista aka lilholdem , lol. He would make a terrible coach for same reasons you would make a terrible coach. You lack fundamental understanding of the concepts you fraudulently claim to be an expert in. This is fact and I explained it many times.
12-12-2012 , 09:52 PM
You are really weird with this. You should talk to me, my students, my former coach, the players I exchanged HHs with. Watch my videos on moreev or Grinder School. Not saying I am an expert, but know stuff and how to explain it. Do some research first rather than launching into a public attack like this.

I admit it probably wasn't a good idea that I was posting on HSMTT. Some of my posts might not be good at that level and it was misinterpretted with the coaching listing.
12-12-2012 , 10:00 PM
60k games at an abi of 18 doesnt make u a mid/high stakes reg
12-12-2012 , 10:02 PM
I should talk with you? I'd rather not interacted with you enough on the forums.

Who is your former coach?

I have talked to a former player!

I'd rather gauge my eyeballs out with hot metal spoons than watch a coaching video of yours.

Your posts about this simple resteal/icm spot aren't good on any level, penny games to 100ks,
12-12-2012 , 10:08 PM
My former coach is Scott Seiver (mastr). Exchanged HH with jjkkyy and dudeoflife. They will all vouch for me, and tell you I am certainly not a fraud and well qualified to coach at the level I do.
12-12-2012 , 10:08 PM
Honestly while talking with betgo, and wondering why this idiot spends so much time in HSMTT, I could never understand why he did.

It should be obvious to everyone why he posts in HSMTT now. Get his post count up and name recognition in highstakes threads so he could work on his true profession; professional poker coach.

Yes, the professional poker coach. He hasn't had a live cash since 2009. And doesn't play online, so I can only assume he is paying the bills by taking advantage of micro players by the connects he's built with schools.

How does this seem even a little bit right to anyone? He doesn't know what he's talking about. I mean would you be fine with someone becoming a high school math teacher if he couldn't explain to you accurately PEMDAS and has no modern qualification? I think the exact same thing as betgo making a living coaching naive poker players, and making statements like. 'Pot odds and payout differences counteract the ICM' It shows he doesn't even have the BASIC understanding of something he claims to be an expert in. Its fraud, plain and simple, and he shouldn't be allowed to advertise coaching on 2p2. He can scam elsewhere but this place is my home and he has done enough damage to it already.
12-12-2012 , 10:11 PM
munk i think you are one of the top posters in HSMTT (maybe the best!) but you are just way out of line here and completely wrong about betgo. I agree he should probably stop posting in HSMTT but he is a very good low to mid coach. He might not have given the best impression in this thread but the guy did crush 18 man SNG's and MTTSNG's. So I'm pretty sure he has a better understanding of ICM than a lot of MTT players, certainly better than those he coaches.

It's funny that the coaching listings for MTT/SNG are currently filled with has-been players scamming people at $100+/hour because they can't beat their SNG's or whatever any more. The sick coaches like NSB got so much demand they're not even listing any more. Yet you put betgo on blast for $50/hour when he has to be by far the best value coach in that forum.

MTTSNG are probably one of the best ways to grind a steady living if you're on your own bankroll. If I had a friend or something that wanted to learn MTT's from scratch, I would rather start him with someone like betgo at $50/hour than some sicko at $200/hour.
12-12-2012 , 10:15 PM
in fact i'm not sure why he didn't put this in his coaching thread but I just pulled up his stats in 180's, 18's, 45's, and MTT's. Sure a lot of these were in the golden age maybe 2009-2010 (I didn't bother checking) but suggesting he can't make >$50 hourly from playing is laughable. These are very high ROI's for the game types. I can think of dozens of better targets to go after for fradulent coaching than betgo.

12-12-2012 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
You're making a mountain out of a molehill here. I mean, yes it's pretty laughable that betgo can claim to be an "ICM expert" and then not understand what an ICM calculator does, but I still have no doubt that he did indeed make a lot of money playing poker, and that his students on average have probably benefited from his coaching much more than they've spent. He's missing some knowledge that's really, really easy to obtain, but I'm sure he's come upon a close enough approximation by another route that his actual calling/pushing ranges probably aren't that far off.
Today i learned a new saying. Thank you. Lot of aggression going on here lately though.
12-12-2012 , 10:31 PM

I guess we'll just agree to disagree. I don't care about any stats I see. What it takes to win has changed quite a bit since black friday and even since last year. You have to always be adapting and playing or the game passes you by. This is true for some of the best poker players in the world

Betgo isn't adapting. He is coaching. He isn't a professional poker player he's a professional poker coach. The job shouldn't even exist. He is just a charlatan as far as I'm concerned and I am entitled to my opinion and can do my best to support it with facts.

Betgo calling me a liar is a bit absurd though.
12-12-2012 , 10:41 PM
I am not a professional coach, because I only coach like 10 hours a week.

I placed my coaching listing before BF when I was crushing MTTSNGs. I am doing fine in games now, but mostly playing live cash and small MTTs. I show enough stats. Ridiculous to say I can't win any more. Not mainly interested in coaching business or trying to sell it.

Again, you are totally out of line launching into an attack like this on me. I promiss to stop posting on HSMTT, but not be a strong high stakes player doesn't mean you are a fraud or whatever.
12-12-2012 , 10:46 PM
what % of threads devolve into munk vs betgo fights? seems like every thread w >20 posts... not that I'm complaining as it's basically all that is going on in this forum nowadays

also I hate to be a grammar/spelling nit but betgo you are just murdering the english language lately
12-12-2012 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
I am not a professional coach, because I only coach like 10 hours a week.

I placed my coaching listing before BF when I was crushing MTTSNGs. I am doing fine in games now, but mostly playing live cash and small MTTs. I show enough stats. Ridiculous to say I can't win any more. Not mainly interested in coaching business or trying to sell it.

Again, you are totally out of line launching into an attack like this on me. I promiss to stop posting on HSMTT, but not be a strong high stakes player doesn't mean you are a fraud or whatever.
Convenient you are 'doing well' in games that can't be tracked at all

You are entitled to your opinion for calling me out of line. I disagree. I think I'm completely 'in line' and that if I just save on pathetic sucker 50$ because he read my posts/sees my thread in coaching advice, I will have done a good deed, and that makes me feel better about myself.

In fact, I'm happy I did this because if you promise to stop posting in HSMTT, it makes my HSMTT experience more enjoyable to not have to deal with your ignorance.

Not being a strong highstakes player doens't make you a fraud. You are right. However claiming to be an expert in restealing situations/icm, while making some of the posts you made in this thread, clearly make you a fraud. Anyone with poker knowledge even half as much as mine can agree with that. You misrepresent yourself as an expert in areas of which you clearly do not have expertise. One of them including ICM deep resteals. This is mathematical fact. This can't be argued. You may be a good coach. You may be able to help people. But you are 100% a fraud for your claims and your actual knowledge. Its honestly like a high school math teacher not being able to explain PEMDAS, or simple factoring problem. You'd instantly know they are a fraud. A certain bare level of understanding is necessary before you can consider being a coach let alone an expert, and you clearly lack it.

So if you are stopping posting in HSMTT, you should stop now. I'm obviously never going to let you get the last word. Then maybe this thread can die, it can slip away, we can forget about you, and then you can go back to your profession of stealing hard earned money from micro players looking to get better. Nice living. I'd rather be broke a million times over in millions of makeup than be you.
12-13-2012 , 12:04 AM
Guess you are trying to annoy me or whatever. I am just not the type of person to be any kind of fraud and not a BS type at all.

I feel you are a bully and this is just really out of line. Think it is totally innapropriate to try to damage a person you don't know's business. Guess you are trying to get me to react, get me upset.

I don't know if you really think I am some fraud or you are the type who picked on kids in school, tailgaits, honks at people, makes obscene phone calls or whatever. Anyway, you are making a real fool of yourself.
12-13-2012 , 12:54 AM
Really funny. The person who has made a fool out of themself in this thread and revealed to the world that they do not understand some basic MTT concepts, who has made multiple physical threats to me is calling me a bully. Always got some good unintentional humor there, betgo. Always good

You are a liar and a fraud. I was never the type who picked on kids in school, lol. I just am standing up for the people you are manipulating out of money as they deserve to know the true skills of their coach before they pay him 50$/hr. I've done this before with people much more intelligent than you. (Granted, in their defense they pretend to be experts at games higher than microstakes, but still wouldn't say dumb **** you've said ITT)

You are a fraud betgo. I've proven it as far as I'm concerned to anyone that wants to take the time to understand the basics of ICM/resteal situations/math in mtt poker. Unless you redact your statement in your coaching bio/pitch to say that you are not an expert in resteal situations etc, you are lying to potential students, and a thief as far as I'm concerned. I view you no different as someone lying on a resume to get a teaching job while having no clue about the basics they are teaching. That would cause quite the outrage! Catch me if you Can tho betgo!

Whats funny is if you were even a little bit smart, you would only answer questions you know and not make up stuff you have no clue what you are talking about. But you aren't smart. You are a ****ing moron. You say moronic statements like 'potodds and payout differences counteract the ICM' which then shows there is 0% you have any clue about the basics of ICM and how it effects end game MTT play, while claiming to be an expert on those situations. You aren't. I know because I am an expert on those and several highprofile MTT/highstakes MTT guys will all verify that. I've spent years memorizing nash ranges/studying fts/grinding lots of turbos/always studying and improving my game. You don't even know how to improve your game because you don't even know how to properly analyze your game as thats step 1.

So please just stop posting in HSMTT like you said. I'm sick of repeating myself. I got my message across. People can listen to it if they want, I'm sure you'll be able to swindle other poor suckers just fine. Just when you go to bed at night, you know deep down in your heart I think that you are a ****ing thief and a fraud.
