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Skill edge/ICM Spot? Play a hand with The Great Dane! 3 handed in 2004 WPT 5d vs Paul Phillips Skill edge/ICM Spot? Play a hand with The Great Dane! 3 handed in 2004 WPT 5d vs Paul Phillips

12-12-2012 , 07:26 AM
Your accusation that I refused to refund money to someone disadisfied and asked him to post a favorable review also makes no sense. If someone were disadisfied the last thing you would want would be for him to post on your thread. You are accusing me of telling him he had to post a favorable review to get his money back? You really think I operate that way? You are a liar.
12-12-2012 , 09:28 AM
As far as the payout structure effecting icm , stealth says that shows i don't understand the math because youjust plug it into propokertools and get an answer. I couldn't run some program while playing 15 tables, but I would make intuitive estimates of icm factors and other aspects of the situation. Not everyone can do that, which is why I had the highest roi in mttsngs.

I have lost sleep over this,but shoulnt have. I have 24k posts under one name, because I don't have to keep changing the names I post under.
12-12-2012 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by betgo
Your accusation that I refused to refund money to someone disadisfied and asked him to post a favorable review also makes no sense. If someone were disadisfied the last thing you would want would be for him to post on your thread. You are accusing me of telling him he had to post a favorable review to get his money back? You really think I operate that way? You are a liar.
You are calling me a liar. I have skype logs I can prove that say otherwise.

I will gladly go to prove this to you if you want to bet a certain amount of money in escrow that claims I am lying about this statement and have a reputable 3rd party escrow the bet between both of us

You can pick many escrows. Until then, I think you should apologize of calling me a liar first
12-12-2012 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by betgo
As far as the payout structure effecting icm , stealth says that shows i don't understand the math because youjust plug it into propokertools and get an answer. I couldn't run some program while playing 15 tables, but I would make intuitive estimates of icm factors and other aspects of the situation. Not everyone can do that, which is why I had the highest roi in mttsngs.

I have lost sleep over this,but shoulnt have. I have 24k posts under one name, because I don't have to keep changing the names I post under.
No, its not a matter of 'understanding the math'

You just have a clear lack of understand of what ICM even means. You've shown this again and again. You have 24k posts under one name because you use posting a bunch of senseless advice in order to make microstakes players that do not know any better to fork over money to you that they probably earned working real jobs, while you work a fake job. You con them into thinking you are an expert in a field that you are 100% clearly a novice. Its really shameful and I hope twoplustwo does something about it.
12-12-2012 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by betgo

A few years ago there was a question of who was the best poster here and someone said "betgo is awesomet when he breaks down the math." I may not have posted any good math lately though.

I am not happy about coaching at$50/hour. It is much less than I was making in poker consistently a few years ago and less than I could be making in the software industry. I am adapting to things after bf and have to do what I have to do. Maybe I can help a few "microdonks" win money from people.

So here I am arguing with q stereotypical lying, nasty, broke, creepy poker player like stealthmunk.
Cool, you are using the fact that you conned one of your 'students' as proof in your favor! Congrats! Thats like a Nigerian scammer using someone mid scam that is so gullible that thinks they are getting money as proof that they are an upright businessmen! Hint: he is not, and you are not.

I don't care about your degrees or whatever. You clearly are not adept at poker or solving poker related problems or mtts, and I've relayed this thread to the mods, and will continue to do twoplustwo a service so more can hopefully not be stolen from an amateur pretending to be an expert.
12-12-2012 , 10:57 AM
this thread got good in a hurry

Last edited by bparis; 12-12-2012 at 10:57 AM. Reason: also, it's "dissatisfied" ffs
12-12-2012 , 11:10 AM
Can successful players like you, bparis, please chime in about how its clear that betgo doesn't understand ICM or how to calculate a 24bb resteal hand. And instead speaks in vague terrible logic, and is completely ignorant to the math. He is stealing 50$/hour from microplayers posing as a successful tournament coach.

I made my post, but I think people will view me as just a person with a vendetta or something, but if more people can confirm to the microplayers these leaks in betgo's game, it will have more credibility.
12-12-2012 , 11:41 AM
Christ, get a room you two.
12-12-2012 , 03:23 PM

Don't know if 2+2 will delete this by the time you read this, but he posted a half page on my coaching thread about why I am a biad coach or whatever. Haven't read it.

This guy is clearly a nutcase and this is harrassment.
12-12-2012 , 03:39 PM
Why would twoplustwo delete this? I am giving an honest review of your abilities based on facts posted ITT. I may be a little on the crazy side for wasting my time over this and caring so much. However, this isn't harrassment. I'm doing the community a service.
12-12-2012 , 04:00 PM
I probably made a mistake continuing to post in HSMTT when the forum is so dead. Stands out particularly with my coaching listing. Maybe force of habit as I have been posting here so long.

Again post in coaching thread and false claim about student wanting refund and so on are totally over the top.
12-12-2012 , 04:02 PM
paul phillips is on way more than a 15 ball here
12-12-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
paul phillips is on way more than a 15 ball here
Yeh, of course, but I didn't want to get into more strategy discussion of this with Stealth. He is in the SB, Gus is opening light on the button, and not sure PP has a flatting range.
12-12-2012 , 04:08 PM
yea you wouldnt want to post unnecessarily or anything
12-12-2012 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
I probably made a mistake continuing to post in HSMTT when the forum is so dead. Stands out particularly with my coaching listing. Maybe force of habit as I have been posting here so long.

Again post in coaching thread and false claim about student wanting refund and so on are totally over the top.
Like I said betgo. Escrow 500-1000$ to a mutual unbiased 3rd party. I will have him teamview me and show him the skype logs I have and/or contact the student yourself and he can verify my claim.

Do not accuse me of lying. You are the only one here lying. Maybe your student was lying for whatever reason, but I promise you that I recieved the information I shared about his time with you. And I don't believe I said he wanted a refund, but I'm not searching for what I said.

I believe I said he paid for 2, got one lesson, and didn't bother to get the second as it was so pathetic. But either way, I'm not lying, and I will gladly have my skype logs/student interviewed in a prop bet and donate all proceeds of prop bet to charity. So please, don't call me a liar. You are the only liar and cancer to this community. You literally are as scummy as I can think of , not even stealing money from poker world. Stealing 50$/hour from micro players who do not know any better and probably work for there money. Sure, you can easily throw words around and with you being older and your high post count and lucky some results you can trick them into thinking you are helping them. But you are definitely hurting them. I have just as much a right to point out your faults, and lack of skills/knowledge/intelligence, as you have a right to falsely advertise them.
12-12-2012 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
paul phillips is on way more than a 15 ball here
Even in 2004? Like I said I don't know what 15% is precisely I just know how to construct ranges. What is 15% And can you give me a range that TT is 60% vs ? I don't have pokerstove on this computer just propokertools as its a mac thats partially why I made this thread.

lol at betgo still responding.

He could be way higher than 15%! I was asking! We can analyze his range and discuss it. The fact that betgo is condescending when he doesn't understand that the % we need for calling to equal folding is mathematical fact and proof. He can't argue that 'pot odds and payout structure counteract ICM' as ICM and the % i came up with via calculation is by definition the pot odds and payout structure's effect on the equity we need to call. He's not too bright though, he makes his living scamming microplayers for 50$/hour...
12-12-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by BorgataGrinder85
Like I said betgo. Escrow 500-1000$ to a mutual unbiased 3rd party. I will have him teamview me and show him the skype logs I have and/or contact the student yourself and he can verify my claim.

Do not accuse me of lying. You are the only one here lying. Maybe your student was lying for whatever reason, but I promise you that I recieved the information I shared about his time with you. And I don't believe I said he wanted a refund, but I'm not searching for what I said.

I believe I said he paid for 2, got one lesson, and didn't bother to get the second as it was so pathetic. But either way, I'm not lying, and I will gladly have my skype logs/student interviewed in a prop bet and donate all proceeds of prop bet to charity. So please, don't call me a liar. You are the only liar and cancer to this community. You literally are as scummy as I can think of , not even stealing money from poker world. Stealing 50$/hour from micro players who do not know any better and probably work for there money. Sure, you can easily throw words around and with you being older and your high post count and lucky some results you can trick them into thinking you are helping them. But you are definitely hurting them. I have just as much a right to point out your faults, and lack of skills/knowledge/intelligence, as you have a right to falsely advertise them.
I am not putting up any $s, but would be interested in seeing name of student, skype log or whatever. I would never refuse to refund a lesson, much less demand a favorable review. That is totally ridiculous.
12-12-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
Yeh, of course, but I didn't want to get into more strategy discussion of this with Stealth. He is in the SB, Gus is opening light on the button, and not sure PP has a flatting range.
With gus being the 2nd stack, and Paul Phillips being aggro chiplead, and the ICM factor at hand....and a 10bb shortstack in bb that is push/folding and he can't really r/c.

Gus shouldn't be opening too light at all on the button. He should be limping a lot n folding a great deal because of what happened in this hand. Paul can shove and put him in a terrible spot to call off chips because of ICM.

You don't understand this though because you don't understand ICM or poker or how to calculate the math of resteals. You have proven this time and time again ITT. I don't know why you dig yourself a deeper hole.
12-12-2012 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
I am not putting up any $s, but would be interested in seeing name of student, skype log or whatever. I would never refuse to refund a lesson, much less demand a favorable review. That is totally ridiculous.
Then I am not going to breach confidentiality and risk his/her name getting out and have you threatening a random student just like you threatened me without the benefit of having money to charity. Of course you won't put up money because you know I'm not lying and I wouldn't just make something like that up out of thin air because I'm not an unethical piece of **** like someone who pretends to be an expert to scam microstakes players out of 50$/hour.

People often come to me in private because they don't like confrontations and are scared of what will happen. Meanwhile I really don't care about what you will do as I view you as a pathetic lying fraud. I have not lied at all though. Everything I say is either truth/mathematical fact/knowledgable opinion. You...not so much.
12-12-2012 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by BorgataGrinder85
Then I am not going to breach confidentiality and risk his/her name getting out and have you threatening a random student just like you threatened me without the benefit of having money to charity. Of course you won't put up money because you know I'm not lying and I wouldn't just make something like that up out of thin air because I'm not an unethical piece of **** like someone who pretends to be an expert to scam microstakes players out of 50$/hour.

People often come to me in private because they don't like confrontations and are scared of what will happen. Meanwhile I really don't care about what you will do as I view you as a pathetic fraud.
Again this is absolutely untrue. I am contacting a lawyer.
12-12-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by BorgataGrinder85
Even in 2004? Like I said I don't know what 15% is precisely I just know how to construct ranges. What is 15% And can you give me a range that TT is 60% vs ? I don't have pokerstove on this computer just propokertools as its a mac thats partially why I made this thread.

lol at betgo still responding.

He could be way higher than 15%! I was asking! We can analyze his range and discuss it. The fact that betgo is condescending when he doesn't understand that the % we need for calling to equal folding is mathematical fact and proof. He can't argue that 'pot odds and payout structure counteract ICM' as ICM and the % i came up with via calculation is by definition the pot odds and payout structure's effect on the equity we need to call. He's not too bright though, he makes his living scamming microplayers for 50$/hour...
OK, to answer even though you think I am unqualified, I don't think they would 3b/f short so much in 2004, but I think pp would reshove a lot. Also, don't know if he ever flats from SB.
12-12-2012 , 04:28 PM
15% on ppt is 66+ AT+ A4s+ K9s+ KJ+ QTs+ JTs, so meh i dont think hes way wider than that but throw in those lower pps too and i think it seems about right
12-12-2012 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
Again this is absolutely untrue. I am contacting a lawyer.
Can you videotape the call with the lawyer please so I can hear you get laughed at?

Betgo: Hey, someone on the internet is telling me I'm unqualified to coach others in poker! Let me sue him! He has no right to post his opinions on a public forum of my abilities!

Especially when he's more qualified than me, better results in poker, and has used mathematical facts to prove several times that some of the claims in the quote of your coaching page are outright lies. (Being an expert in resteal scenarios, ICM, etc.)


P.S.Betgo like I said. It can't possibly be 'untrue or libelous' I said very clearly that I have skype logs from a student of yours about you being old and the sessions he bought and how terrible they were and how he bought two but didn't bother using the second one because it was such a waste of his time. You must have not vetted him enough before. I know you like to make sure you only have the complete donkeys/naives/noobs so they don't know any better and don't realize you have no idea what you are talking about!

So how can I be lying when I am sharing a fact about a student of yours? Maybe your student is spreading should threaten him! Not me. lol. Or put up the money for a prop bet we can have a 3rd party escrow/judge and donate it to charity. Of course you won't do that though. You are just trying to save face so you can continue to hustle microdonks out of their hard earned money. Its pathetic.

Last edited by BorgataGrinder85; 12-12-2012 at 04:36 PM.
12-12-2012 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
15% on ppt is 66+ AT+ A4s+ K9s+ KJ+ QTs+ JTs, so meh i dont think hes way wider than that but throw in those lower pps too and i think it seems about right
If you give him 22+ Always but take away some of the lower suited aces and K9s, it becomes close to breakeven no? I also think he can flat some of the KQs/JTs SOMETIMES and isn't shoving the lower PPs 100%!

I think its actually a razor close spot, thats why I posted it. I also think its interesting to think about the other factors at play.

Its a shame that betgo bringing his idiocy and complete lack of understanding of the basics of the hand are tarding up this thread. His range is interesting to discuss. Same with the other factors.

Sucks that we have to hear about the payout differences counteracting ICM along with the potodds. HAHAHAHhaha.
12-12-2012 , 04:33 PM
would be alot of hours of coaching to cover that lawyer, probably losing less by letting stealth just tehan you til he gets bored and starts yelling at some other aged white fellow
