Originally Posted by Weasel45
Ya I worked with mike t for like 7 months and put like 180 lbs on my total. I just started trying to write the program myself but I'm not sure how it's going.
I was thinking about doing a meet in wraps in like a month to see if I like it. I.had a problem hitting depth with wraps. I read on bb.com that if you want more bounce and depth to wrap more around your knee and if you want more stopping power to wrap lower and higher on your leg so the wrap covers more area. Have you found that to be the case?
Getting depth is always an issue for me as well. My method of wrapping that works best in this regard for me (YMMV of course) is:
Start wrap with 1/3 mark of width exactly at bottom of kneecap. I wrap (out/down, up/in) a good 3" past top of patella - you will have to adjust tension/distance between wraps - it really is a learned process. Then I X the knee, and do 1 wrap at mid-knee, one more higher if I can, and end with tail just above knee on outer side of thigh.
So, in short terms - little below knee and more at/above knee helps me with depth/bounce. I would suggest trying different wrap variations and see which you like best, also depending on the wrap length legal for your meet.
Definitely start getting wrap practice in now about 1/wk if you are a month out. Even walking out with zombie legs takes a lot of practice, let alone the wrapping itself! Make sure you vid yourself so you can correct on the fly if you're not sure you are getting depth, etc.
You browse the RTS forums, have the book/DVD? Good stuff there, but yeah it's a ton of info.
Last edited by tilde; 12-18-2013 at 12:13 AM.