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Weasel45 Log Weasel45 Log

12-16-2013 , 11:19 PM
Squat w/ belt

395x4 @8
435x4 @9 PR
415x4 @9

Comp bench
255x4 @8
275x4 @9
260x4 @8.5
260x4 @9

2 count bench

245x4 @8
260x4 @9
245x4 @8
245x4 @9
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-17-2013 , 11:27 PM
DL w/ belt
465x4 @8
510x4 @9.5
480x4 @9

Pin press (mr)
255x4 @7
285x4 @8
305x4 @8.5
315x4 @9
300x4 @9

225x4 @7.5
250x4 @9
235x4 @8.5
235x4 @9
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-17-2013 , 11:39 PM
I see you are training with RTS. Good stuff, though not for every lifter and especially not newbs. Really been enjoying it myself.

You planning on a meet w/wraps? Yes, wraps suck, especially when you are standing there and they load the bar wrong....then they have to fix it while your calves turn purple.

Weasel45 Log Quote
12-17-2013 , 11:56 PM
Ya I worked with mike t for like 7 months and put like 180 lbs on my total. I just started trying to write the program myself but I'm not sure how it's going.

I was thinking about doing a meet in wraps in like a month to see if I like it. I.had a problem hitting depth with wraps. I read on that if you want more bounce and depth to wrap more around your knee and if you want more stopping power to wrap lower and higher on your leg so the wrap covers more area. Have you found that to be the case?
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-18-2013 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Ya I worked with mike t for like 7 months and put like 180 lbs on my total. I just started trying to write the program myself but I'm not sure how it's going.

I was thinking about doing a meet in wraps in like a month to see if I like it. I.had a problem hitting depth with wraps. I read on that if you want more bounce and depth to wrap more around your knee and if you want more stopping power to wrap lower and higher on your leg so the wrap covers more area. Have you found that to be the case?
Getting depth is always an issue for me as well. My method of wrapping that works best in this regard for me (YMMV of course) is:

Start wrap with 1/3 mark of width exactly at bottom of kneecap. I wrap (out/down, up/in) a good 3" past top of patella - you will have to adjust tension/distance between wraps - it really is a learned process. Then I X the knee, and do 1 wrap at mid-knee, one more higher if I can, and end with tail just above knee on outer side of thigh.

So, in short terms - little below knee and more at/above knee helps me with depth/bounce. I would suggest trying different wrap variations and see which you like best, also depending on the wrap length legal for your meet.

Definitely start getting wrap practice in now about 1/wk if you are a month out. Even walking out with zombie legs takes a lot of practice, let alone the wrapping itself! Make sure you vid yourself so you can correct on the fly if you're not sure you are getting depth, etc.

You browse the RTS forums, have the book/DVD? Good stuff there, but yeah it's a ton of info.

Last edited by tilde; 12-18-2013 at 12:13 AM.
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-18-2013 , 12:28 AM
Thanks for the advice

I browse the forums and have the book but no dvds. Do you have the dvd or book? I don't really like the book that much because it seems kind of out dated compared to what he coaches now. I heard the dvd is a lot better but I'm not sure if it's worth getting
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-18-2013 , 09:20 AM
I have both, and they sure are confusing if taken together, lol. While the DVD does make some good points, I don't know if it's worth it if you've had some time implementing the programming and scoured the forum. It is still focused more on geared lifting, and for a while my bench setup was a bit in the air, since I obv would never bench shirted.

In case you haven't seen this thread, its helpful for raw-focused template structure.

Weasel45 Log Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:34 AM
Ya, I saw that before. Thats probably the most helpful thread or article I've seen on the site. I think I have all the exercise slots filled in correctly, I just get confused by what rep range to use for the non competition lifts.

Side lying external rotation
Face pulls

NG Chins
bw x3
Ab wheel
bw x10

2 rounds of that. 1.5 min rest between rounds
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-19-2013 , 08:22 PM
You mean for special and supp lifts? The specific (competition) and to a degree, special lifts' rep ranges should be determined by how your force curve is. Have you had a IWA done? Supplemental lifts are more for building up muscle/leverage weaknesses, so more in the 6-12 range as a generalization.

For example, for my squat force curve, I should be working 1-3 @8-8.5 (yeah, hard to keep it "light", lol), but for bench and DL force curves, 2-4 @9 - according to the IWA I got done. All of my specials should be run at 2-4 @9 and supps at 6-12 @9. However my weaknesses are likely not the same as yours, but there is an idea of what is recommended for a particular lifter.

Where in the range (from 2-4) depends on if you are running volume or intensity. For example, I might choose to do a volume block with bench at 4@9, 4@9, 3@9, 3@9, then sport form week. Followed by intensity block with 2@9, 2@9, 1@9, 1@9, then sport form. Just one of many ways to do things.

But of course there is so much trial-and error as you learn what works best for you. Bottom line is, if you are improving, just keep doing what's working.

Last edited by tilde; 12-19-2013 at 08:28 PM.
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-19-2013 , 08:40 PM
Ya, for Special and supp lifts. I dont think I ever had a IWA done. When I signed up for coaching I sent him videos of my lifts so Im not sure if he did an IWA or not. Ive just tried to use the rep ranges that he did when he did the programming for me.

Thats what i figured about the volume and intensity like you have them, but when he did my programming, it was mainly just rotating 5,4,3 @9 and repeat that for like 8 weeks at a time, and then a week before the mock meet I would do a x2 @9 so i couldnt really see the difference between the volume and intensity blocks.

ETA: I just looked what was programmed for my last cycle he programmed for my meet. These are rep ranges for each week for all the comp lifts. They were all programmed @9.

5,4,4,3,4,3,2,Sport form, 5,4,4,3,5,4,3,2, meet

Last edited by Weasel45; 12-19-2013 at 08:44 PM. Reason: Just looked up last cycle
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-19-2013 , 11:55 PM
Squat w/ belt, wraps

405x4 @8
445x4 @9
420x4 @9
I tried wrapping this like Tilde suggested and it felt better but I still only got 10 lbs out of them and still had trouble hitting depth

Bench (tng)

235x6 @7
265x6 @8.5
285x6 @10
270x6 @9
270x6 @10

Push Press
155x6 @8
175x6 @9
165x6 @9
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-20-2013 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Side lying external rotation
Face pulls

NG Chins
bw x3
Ab wheel
bw x10

2 rounds of that. 1.5 min rest between rounds
I dont remember seeing anything like that in your log before.
Originally Posted by Weasel45
I tried wrapping this like Tilde suggested and it felt better but I still only got 10 lbs out of them and still had trouble hitting depth
Next time you use wraps, think about actively pulling yourself down into the hole with your hip flexors (the muscles in the front of your hips). That might help with depth.
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-20-2013 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
I dont remember seeing anything like that in your log before.
I'm going to try and do something like this twice a week since i neglect pulling movements a lot.

Originally Posted by cha59
Next time you use wraps, think about actively pulling yourself down into the hole with your hip flexors (the muscles in the front of your hips). That might help with depth.
I understand what your saying but i dont know if I will be able to execute it. I will try next time I squat in wraps and if it doesnt work I think I'll ditch the wraps from now on
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-20-2013 , 11:16 PM
Dl + mini
405x4 @8
445x4 @9
425x4 @9
Dead lifts felt good today for the first time in a while

Cgbp + mini
225x6 @8
240x6 @9.5
225x6 @9

315x6 @8
355x6 @9
335x6 @9
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-22-2013 , 06:46 PM
What's the benefit in using wraps if you compete without them?
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-22-2013 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
What's the benefit in using wraps if you compete without them?
Weasel is considering competing with them.

I used them to get rid of symptoms from a bakers cyst once. I put them on tight for every set one squat workout. Afterwards, the symptoms never came back. Prior to that I had tried lots of other remedies, but everything else only worked temporarily.

Wraps make squatting easier on the knee joints.

If you learn how to use them properly, they would allow you to overload your raw squat so you're used to doing heavier weights than you can do without them. The when you go back to raw, heavier weights wont be as intimidating.
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-22-2013 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
If you learn how to use them properly, they would allow you to overload your raw squat so you're used to doing heavier weights than you can do without them. The when you go back to raw, heavier weights wont be as intimidating.
This. I'm using them insteat of squats plus.bands
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 12:09 AM
Squat w/belt
405x3 @8
445x1 @9 lol. Was supposed to be a triple here
3x3x385 @8

I tried to change My squat and stay more upright. Looked better but it felt super weak. Doesn't help that I golfed and drank all day yesterday. Hopefully I get used to it I have video but I lost my cord to my camera so can't upload them.

Comp bench

265x3 @7.5
285x3 @8.5
295x3 @9 PR
280x3 @9
Bench looked a lot better than before. Hopefully I find my cord soon

3 count bench

235x5 @7.5
260x5 @9 PR
245x5 @8
245x5 @8.5
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 12:49 AM
congrats on the PR!
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 01:05 AM
No idea why I've never stumbled into here, beastly lifts


Also I noticed you going double overhand on your 600 DL attempt, thats crazier than the lift itself
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 01:11 AM
Thanks Cha.


Thanks. Im using hook grip, not double overhand

Here is the video from tonight.

Somehow dont have my single at 445 on video

Here's squat

Bench. video is 265, 285, 295

Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 01:22 AM
The first vid is private.

That's some pretty significant elbow flare on the bench. It looks like your back might have come loose too. Pay attention to how your shoulders feel after that.
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 01:27 AM
Thanks Cha. First vid is fixed
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 02:01 AM
Squats - I'm sure you know this, but you're GMing basically every rep. Try not arching your low back at the start of the lift. Instead, try to make your spine straight, tighten the obliques (pull in the bottom of the rib cage).

I dont know if you've read this before, and you obviously left pulling 5 plates in the dust a long time ago, but there are some ideas in the details about some possible weak points you have in here:

Also, your head is still way forward.
Weasel45 Log Quote
12-24-2013 , 02:30 AM
pretty much a bodybuilder bench with the flare. this has been brought up before I'm sure. I might start smoking and drinking more so I can hit PRs next year.
Weasel45 Log Quote
