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08-29-2013 , 10:03 PM
Week 7 day 3

Squat +avg band x4 @9. 4-6% fatigue

280x4 @7.5
320x4 @9
305x4 @8.5
305x4 @9

Bench (TnG) x 7 @10. 4-6% fatigue

235x7 @7.5
265x7 @10
250x7 @9
250x7 @10

Push Press x6 @8. 4-6% fatigue, repeat
165x6 @8
165x6 @9
Weasel45 Log Quote
08-30-2013 , 12:35 AM
265x7 - nice! Do you still hate the bench press?
Weasel45 Log Quote
08-30-2013 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
265x7 - nice! Do you still hate the bench press?
Thanks. I kinda like the bench press now since it seems im finally starting to get stronger at it. Now I hate squats. my form sucks and Im not really getting stronger at them
Weasel45 Log Quote
08-30-2013 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Thanks. I kinda like the bench press now since it seems im finally starting to get stronger at it. Now I hate squats. my form sucks and Im not really getting stronger at them
are you doing this?

That will help fix your squats.

Also, tighten your obliques before you take a breath, and keep them tight during the whole time the bar is on your back. I dont think you're doing that, which is why you GM heavy squats imo.
Weasel45 Log Quote
08-30-2013 , 12:35 PM
Ive done that a couple times but Ive been lazy about it lately.

Im not sure if i try an tighten my obliques at the start but I will make an effort next time i squat
Weasel45 Log Quote
08-30-2013 , 12:38 PM
I cue myself by trying to pull the bottom of my rib cage in & holding it before I fill my belly with air.
Weasel45 Log Quote
08-30-2013 , 08:02 PM
Week 7 day 4

DL + mini x 4 @9. 4-6% fatigue

405x4 @8
455x4 @9
425x4 @9

CG Floor Press x 5 @8. 4-6% fatigue, repeat

240x5 @8
240x5 @8
240x5 @8.5
240x5 @8.5
240x5 @9

BB Row x6 @8. 4-6% fatigue, repeat

225x6 @8
225x6 @8.5
225x6 @9
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-02-2013 , 05:55 PM
Week 8 day 1

Pin squat x3 @8.5

315x3 @7.5
360x3 @8.5

3 count pause bench

225x3 @7
255x3 @8.5

2" deficit deadlift x3 @8.5

405x3 @7.5
445x3 @8.5
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-04-2013 , 09:46 PM
Week 8 day 2

Bench (touch and go) x 2 @9

275x2 @7.5
305x2 @8.5
315x2 @9 PR. 3 plate bench, finally. About effing time

2 count pause squat x4 @8

315x4 @7.5
335x4 @8

Press x 5 @8

155x5 @8.

I get to max out on Friday so im pretty excited to see how i do
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 12:17 AM
Congrats on 3 plates!
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 09:10 AM
Whoa sick benching bro. When did this happen!? Can't wait for you to take my spot as bench #2. I'm serious.

I'll be back for it next year .
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Congrats on 3 plates!

Originally Posted by saw7988
Whoa sick benching bro. When did this happen!? Can't wait for you to take my spot as bench #2. I'm serious.

I'll be back for it next year .
Thanks. My bench has gone up like 30 or so pounds in the last 8 weeks.

Next year? Is that when your cut is finally going to be over?
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 11:45 AM
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Next year? Is that when your cut is finally going to be over?
Mini-bulk IMO.
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Whoa sick benching bro. When did this happen!? Can't wait for you to take my spot as bench #2. I'm serious.

I'll be back for it next year .
I might have something to say about that; I think I can get up to a 315 bench at sub-200 lb body weight.
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 01:56 PM
Oh man. We may have to repeat this race. This is so embarrassing for me...
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Oh man. We may have to repeat this race. This is so embarrassing for me...
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 02:08 PM
Well I just mean you can justify repeating the 315 journey. You've done good work cutting. I've legit backtracked.
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-05-2013 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Well I just mean you can justify repeating the 315 journey. You've done good work cutting. I've legit backtracked.
Well, I have two (apparently) functional hips and still squat like 200 pounds less then you, so let's call it a push.
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-06-2013 , 10:47 PM
Week 8 day 3

Squat w/ belt x 1 @10

425x1 @8.5
455x1 @9.5
470x1 @10

Comp bench x 1 @10

280x1 @7.5
300x1 @8.5
310x1 @10

DL w/ belt x1 @10

495 x1 @8
545x1 @10. Last week i got this for a double @9. This was terrible. The whole day was pretty bad too i guess
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-09-2013 , 01:20 PM
Here is the video. Deadlift video didnt come out because it got too dark so here is the 455 and 470 squat and the 300 and 310 bench
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-09-2013 , 02:43 PM
Good work.

The squats look strong. Your head position is not good though. Head back, chin down, make a double chin. When you crane your neck forward, that's bad for the neck. That's probably why you got the bad headache in Vegas.

bench - its hard to tell for sure, but your elbows look like they're flared pretty wide. If you're in the habit of that, pay close attention to how your shoulders feel during and after benching. If they dont feel good, consider using a more elbows-tucked style. Are you pulling the bar apart and getting your back/lats tight?
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-09-2013 , 04:00 PM
Thanks Cha. Im kinda confused about the head position on the squats. Do you mean that i have my head looking down to much and I should tilt it back more?

On bench, i just started trying to pull the bar apart and it seemed to help a lot. I dont think i try and tighten my back an lats. I think on all my lifts i need to focus on tightening my lats more. What would be a better camera angle to see elbow flare? I started to get a little shoulder discomfort lateley.
Weasel45 Log Quote
09-09-2013 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Thanks Cha. Im kinda confused about the head position on the squats. Do you mean that i have my head looking down to much and I should tilt it back more?
Watch your squat videos.

If someone were to put a broomstick or a PVC on your back while you're squatting, would it touch your butt, your middle back and the back of your head at the same time? That would be optimal head/cervical spine position for all lifts. I'm pretty sure it would not come within several inches of your head in those squat videos or when I saw you squat in person. You need to do that with your head in a neutral position - not looking up.

Again, the cue is to make a double chin. Head back, chin down.

Originally Posted by Weasel45
On bench, i just started trying to pull the bar apart and it seemed to help a lot. I dont think i try and tighten my back an lats. I think on all my lifts i need to focus on tightening my lats more. What would be a better camera angle to see elbow flare? I started to get a little shoulder discomfort lateley.
If you learn to use your lats when you bench, that will protect your shoulders and make your bench stronger at the same time. How many times have you watched the Tate "think you can bench" series? Watch the whole thing again and again if necessary. Get to know that ****. Make it your job to know it.

If you have shoulder discomfort from benching now, and your elbows are flared as far out as they look to me, you have shoulder injuries waiting to happen.

You still have two months before the meet to try and fix your form. I suggest making an effort on every bench press you do between now and then - tuck your elbows. Get them ~45 degrees from your torso. I think you're probably 75-80 degrees right now. If they flare a bit in the meet, that probably isnt the end of the world, but training that way is an injury waiting to happen imo. Practicing with them tucked every single rep while training from now on should help. You'll probably have to train a bit lighter while you get used to this, but it will improve your bench in the long run and protect the shoulders.

Another shoulder and neck thing - are you stretching your mid/upper back on a roller regularly? You look like you might be getting/already have a hunch back. That affects shoulder and neck issues a lot. If you do nothing else with the roller (you should be doing more than this), spend 5-10 minutes every day rolling and stretching your upper back on it. That will not only help shoulder and neck issues, it will allow you to arch a bit more when bench pressing.
Weasel45 Log Quote
