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Weasel45 Log Weasel45 Log

10-26-2013 , 09:26 PM
Squat w/ belt x 2 @9. 5 percent ld

415x2 @8
440x2 @9
415x2 @9

Comp bench x 2 @9. 5 percent ld
275x2 @8
295x1 @9.5. Failed second lol
265x2 @8
265x2 @8
265 x2 @9

Pin press chest level x4 @9. 5 percent ld

225x4 @8
245x4 @9
235x4 @8.5
235x4 @9

Training sucked today. Probably cause of the long flight yesterday and lifting at 9 am when I normally lift at 5 pm.

Watching mike t squat was awesome. Pretty fun day today. It was Matt Gary and sioux-z hartwig Gary's gym. They are both awesome. Met a bunch of pretty cool people there too
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 01:26 PM
Week 16 day 2.

Deadlift w/ belt x2 @9. 5% Load drop

501x2 @8
530x2 @9. LOL. Still felt weak on everything.
507x2 @9.

Mike T gave me some help on my set up so hopefully that helps some.

8cm Towel press x 3 @9. 5% Load drop

275x3 @7
295x3 @8
315x3 @9
300x3 @9

2 Count pause squat x4 @8. 5% repeat.

300x4 @7.5

So i asked Mike T. to look at my squats on that set and when i was done i was like how does that look. He just shook his head and was like, do you always squat like that? Thats not how I would teach how to squat. So i asked him how to fix it, if it was just mobility or whatever and he wasnt really too sure cause he said he hadnt seen anyone squat like that. So he called Matt Gary over and they both gave me a bunch of things to work on for my squat.

So they had me go down to 225 and just try a bunch of new things. They had me widen my stance, put my thumb around the bar, and turn my feet in, instead of way angled. They also had me focus on other stuff during the lift but the setup stuff is the easiest to remember
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
So i asked Mike T. to look at my squats on that set and when i was done i was like how does that look. He just shook his head and was like, do you always squat like that? Thats not how I would teach how to squat. So i asked him how to fix it, if it was just mobility or whatever and he wasnt really too sure cause he said he hadnt seen anyone squat like that. So he called Matt Gary over and they both gave me a bunch of things to work on for my squat.

So they had me go down to 225 and just try a bunch of new things. They had me widen my stance, put my thumb around the bar, and turn my feet in, instead of way angled. They also had me focus on other stuff during the lift but the setup stuff is the easiest to remember
To bad no one ever mentioned those things before

Dont you ever send form check vids to Mike?
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
To bad no one ever mentioned those things before
LOL. I still dont think I hit depth that way but Matt or Mike didnt say anything so I guess I was. It hurt my hip a little wors than with my feet in and angled but hopefully it gets better over time. I have off til thursday so I will do those voodoo band hip things every day until then so hopefully it is better by then

Originally Posted by cha59
Dont you ever send form check vids to Mike?
I just got a camera so I've only sent him a video of my meet we did a couple months ago and he told me to try and widen my feet on squat. It seemed that he doesnt really like giving form advice. Even after Matt Gary told me what to fix, Mike still said that I could keep doing it my way if I thought I was stronger that way.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 03:58 PM
Also, I asked Matt Gary for advice on my attempts at my meet. I told him that I hit 440 for 3 on squat and 470 for 1 in the gym. He said dont base your attempts off of gym numbers, base them off of your last meet and you want to shoot for like a 10 kg pr at best. So for squat he told me to go 418/440/ 462 or 467 and for deadlift he said to go like 523/550/567 or 573. Does anyone have thoughts on this? Seems pretty conservative. He picks all of Mike Ts attempts at meets so maybe he is just used to picking attempts for World class lifters? Since im still a novice power lifter, it seems like my lifts should go up more than 10 kg from meet to meet.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 04:23 PM
It seems like Matt's advice is to make sure you get a higher percentage of your lifts, rather than max out your potential numbers. I'm sure he knows more about this kind of stuff than I do, but you probably know better than anyone about what numbers you might hit.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 04:33 PM
Maybe it has to do with long-term too? E.g. Mike T is going to be doing a bunch of meets through the year and even if he misses going a bit higher, it's no big deal b/c he can adjust for next meet and has the confidence of hitting many of his lifts. Instead of some guys who will bomb their 2nd attempt with a poor attempt and suddenly the whole meet goes to ** mentally?

I don't really know what I'm talking about btw...seems you always can be conservative in your 1st/2nd lifts - 2nd for a small PR. And always adjust at the meet for the 3rd, putting a bunch more on or not much more depending on how you feel.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 05:14 PM
Weasel's younger, so the long-term line of thinking matters more to him, but if I followed that advice, I'd be attempting 540 or 545 on my 3rd DL instead of doing 540/573/595. At that pace, I'd basically assure myself I'd never get a national or WR. **** that.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 05:18 PM
Yeah, I don't think you should do that at all Cha - plus you have a real shot to set records. And you have gotten your lifts to skyrocket in the last couple of months vs. past meet cycles. I guess I was just trying to play devil's advocate for Mike T's benefit. Probably sees Weasel and assumes dude will be doing so much more in 2 years who cares what he does now in a meet, ldo.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 05:33 PM
It seems that Matt recommends smaller jumps than someone like Paul Carter. If i followed Paul Carters advice and wanted to finish with a 467 squat, I would go 396,432, 467. I think that Matt recommends this way so if you do miss a lift, you will finish with a higher total. Seems like you are more likely to fail a third attempt with smaller jumps though. Now I am really confused. I mean I hit 470 to depth 8 or so weeks ago and now if everything goes well i will hit 467 in the meet. That seems backwards to me but what do I know
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:09 PM
What were you thinking before you talked to guru Matt?

If it seems reasonable, then why not just go with that?
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:10 PM
I'm in the 85%->93%->100% camp, though I skew a bit higher on the bench cuz my bench sucks and I suck. 90/95/100 seems fine. Adjust on 3rd attempt as needed.

Going based off previous meet doesn't make much sense for me. You know what you can lift. You have a goal in mind. Go after it.

I also think semi-experienced raw natties generally know what they can lift. I'm always shocked when I see people utterly surprised by something at a meet. I know how training went. I know what I'm capable of, within reason. Nothing is gonna shock me. I guess one could argue you'd have less big PRs this way, or you risk leaving stuff in the tank, but whatever. You can still make that judgement call after the 2nd attempt. But imo, the attempts should go:

1st: absolutely crushed
2nd: simple but a little tough
3rd: depends, but somewhere between slow and heavy and brutal ****ing grind

Also, 10kg per lift per meet sounds pretty damn sweet to me!
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:11 PM
like i've seen raw guys bomb out of meets who weren't hurt or anything. just quit at that point.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Also, 10kg per lift per meet sounds pretty damn sweet to me!
Not, apparently, if you are Cha the 5 9. Dude accidentally increases his lift 10kg per workout (referencing his bench where going in he thought he'd fail 360 but not only got it but also 370).
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
What were you thinking before you talked to guru Matt?

If it seems reasonable, then why not just go with that?
I was thinking like

425/457/480-485 for squat
525/567/600 ish for deadlift

So I get small meet Prs on second and can go for overall PRs on third


Does something like that look ok to you?
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:19 PM
That seems pretty good. If big jumps don't impact you too much on the DL, I could see reducing your opener a little, like 500-515 range, then big jump to 567. Just to save a little gas.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:20 PM
Seems you could go a bit lower on openers but tbh I have never competed in a meet, am strong, or even tried for a 1rm on more than one lift in a day. That first lift from what I understand is to really feel good going in to the other two lifts where you want to bust PRs and WRs so why not do something just a bit less and really make it your **?

I mean, you could find someone less qualified to give specific advice on this but it'd be hard. However from what I'm reading I just am not sold on the guru's specific advice - like he's overlooking what you're capable of actually doing for some reason...
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
That seems pretty good. If big jumps don't impact you too much on the DL, I could see reducing your opener a little, like 500-515 range, then big jump to 567. Just to save a little gas.
Ya, i had actually thought of going 500/550/600 cause all i really care about is getting 600, and if 550 feels hard or something i can throttle the third back to like 580 or so
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 08:02 PM
I was watching most of those later squats and I don't think depth was an issue. There were also a few sets where the forward lean was mucccchhhhh better than others so it will probably be a good long term fix.

I didn't get to talk to Matt much about attempt selection but I told him to just pick my deadlifts numbers for me and he chose 455/484/515 for me which are what I would consider to be pretty typical jumps and similar to what I would normally do. He also said he would have considered 520-525 for that third in a meet but since I was working up to a x1@10 he wanted to make sure I got a gym pr
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-28-2013 , 11:56 PM
fwiw, last meet I squatted 419/457/480, and I probably should have attempted 485 the 3rd one. Your plan looks fine to me.

I read something a while back that said make your opener something you could do for a triple; small PR for the 2nd; and the sky's the limit on the 3rd.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-31-2013 , 10:23 PM
Week 16 day 3

2 count pause squat x4 @9. 5% load drop

315x4 @8
345x4 @9
330x5 @9

Bench (tng)x2 @9. 5% load drop

275x2 @7.5
305x2 @9
290x2 @8.5
290x2 @9

Press x6 @8. 5% repeat

150x6 @8
150x6 @8.5
150x6 @8
150x6 @9

I used the new squat form today. Felt pretty good.

I also went to the chiropractor on Tuesday to have him look at my hip. Felt pretty good today. I could squat with straighter feet and it didnt really hurt. Im seeing him again Saturday. He used to be a pretty good powerlifter in the mid 90s. He totaled 1950 or so single ply at 220 with a 800 lb deadlift

Last edited by Weasel45; 10-31-2013 at 10:28 PM.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-31-2013 , 10:25 PM
at getting the hip feeling good before the meet. You and Cha will lift all the weight is my prediction. And then you will eat all the beers and smokes and he will eat all the meats.
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-31-2013 , 11:44 PM
nice. Does your chiro do ART?
Weasel45 Log Quote
10-31-2013 , 11:56 PM
Ya, he does.
Weasel45 Log Quote
11-01-2013 , 12:09 AM
Weasel45 Log Quote
