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today i start losing a bunch of weight today i start losing a bunch of weight

07-12-2015 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cruizn63

food wise, i had about 2k worth of "bad" things throughout the week that included a Big Mac sandwich, potato chips/crisps, a donut from Dunkin Donuts, and some other small various things. will try to get this number closer to 1k.
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
2K a week is ~ 30lbs/year.

My phone has crashed four times trying to link this through the forum. I won't give up on you Cruzn. This is the most important article on dieting you and partygirlUK can read.

Once you read it, you will both understand what I was trying to show you. I failed miserably and even got banned by partygirlUK. The second half of the article is especially important and you will realize that if anybody needs to get banned around here, it is partygirlUK from other fatty threads. His response to your 2k bad calories post is really bad and up there in the top WTF responses of all time.

Just in case you don't read it, here is the point bro. Your weekly budget of calories is somewhere around 12,000-15000. This will get you solid reasonable weight loss. Obviously if you are sedentary, we shoot for the lower number and vice versa if we are active. Last week you told us you had 2000 dirty calories. According to Alan Aragon, that's facking perfect bro. You doing wonderful and he explains in the article why you might better off eating this way.

But instead you want to lower the number to 1000 cals (less than 10%) and partygirlUK says those 2000 bad cals add up to 30lbs of fat per year??!!!

I mean really you guys are lucky, I am this patient these days. Because in the past I would have facking blown the fack up on both of you. You guys are randomly clicking buttons, please more learning!!! PartygirlUK treats a 170 cal treat like Gollum treats his precious!!! Read the facking article to see what I have been trying to say this whole time.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-12-2015 , 05:31 PM
sustainable long-term diet including a good amount of delicious treats = way to success
getting to a normal weight is so so so easy

for some reason fatties always ignore that advice and rather go with starve starve starve followed by eventual quit and gain-back
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-12-2015 , 05:37 PM
All I can say is I think diet is more effective than exercise
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-12-2015 , 05:38 PM
another nominee for most stupid post of the year award
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by loco
My phone has crashed four times trying to link this through the forum. I won't give up on you Cruzn. This is the most important article on dieting you and partygirlUK can read.
Interesting article, thanks.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-13-2015 , 01:51 AM
All I can say is I think exercise is more effective than diet
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-13-2015 , 01:52 AM
Do I win least stupid post of the year?
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-14-2015 , 01:41 AM
Having a wrong opinion is fine. It's still wrong though.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by loco
My phone has crashed four times trying to link this through the forum. I won't give up on you Cruzn. This is the most important article on dieting you and partygirlUK can read.

Once you read it, you will both understand what I was trying to show you. I failed miserably and even got banned by partygirlUK. The second half of the article is especially important and you will realize that if anybody needs to get banned around here, it is partygirlUK from other fatty threads. His response to your 2k bad calories post is really bad and up there in the top WTF responses of all time.

Just in case you don't read it, here is the point bro. Your weekly budget of calories is somewhere around 12,000-15000. This will get you solid reasonable weight loss. Obviously if you are sedentary, we shoot for the lower number and vice versa if we are active. Last week you told us you had 2000 dirty calories. According to Alan Aragon, that's facking perfect bro. You doing wonderful and he explains in the article why you might better off eating this way.

But instead you want to lower the number to 1000 cals (less than 10%) and partygirlUK says those 2000 bad cals add up to 30lbs of fat per year??!!!

I mean really you guys are lucky, I am this patient these days. Because in the past I would have facking blown the fack up on both of you. You guys are randomly clicking buttons, please more learning!!! PartygirlUK treats a 170 cal treat like Gollum treats his precious!!! Read the facking article to see what I have been trying to say this whole time.
Originally Posted by cashy
sustainable long-term diet including a good amount of delicious treats = way to success
getting to a normal weight is so so so easy

for some reason fatties always ignore that advice and rather go with starve starve starve followed by eventual quit and gain-back
first off, im sorry for not replying until now, i've been busy irl and have dedicated my little forum time to post in SE. but i got some time right now and want to make sure i say everything that i want to say.

i cant thank both of you enough for helping me try to get through all this, as well as everyone else who has posted in here. i really hope you guys stick by my side as i've decided to stop what i'm currently doing and do exactly as you say.

the frst month of this, i lost 16 pounds. this was mostly from jogging/running on a treadmill for like 45min 5x a week and eating roughly 1500-1750 calories a day. sure i did some training with the dumbbells, and went to the gym a few for weight training, but i don't think its worth mentioning as i wasn't consistent with it enough and/or probably did it wrong. i just gotta incorporate it into my diet as you guys mention because it's too difficult for me to control myself.

i know that when i initially started this, i told you all that my plan was to lose all the weight asap and figure out my diet/lifestyle later, but i can now fully understand that this just isn't doable for me. i need to make the changes now. this past month has been pretty tough. i didn't really starve myself, but restricting myself the way i did was brutal and i don't think i could maintain it for another 3-4 months. also, as i mentioned a few times already itt, whenever i ate something "bad," i couldn't stop myself from overdoing it as the rest of the day went on.

i've read the article and i've also began listening to Venuto's audiobook that was recommended in partygirluk's thread by Loco. if i'm going to improve myself, i might as well do it right. i have finished listening to part 1 of the audiobook and will try to finish it and take notes on the important things as soon as possible so that i can restart my quest.

so far the important things that ive gotten from the audiobook is:
-try to stick to 10% of my total calorie intake for "unhealthier stuff"
-don't worry about weight loss, care about fat loss and adding some muscle
-i think he said that 1% weight loss is doable each week. so i'm 205ish atm, so after first week, he says i can lose 2lbs. thats about the same as i was losing on the treadmill and eating way less. so that's really great to here. or maybe he said 1% body fat loss per week, i gotta go back to recheck.

therefore i'm not going to weigh myself anymore. i'll probably weigh myself once a month or something. i will now start posting body fat % each week.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 09:09 AM
Good work bro. That first month you were beast mode but like you said, looks brutal.

I didn't realize Venuto was only 10% for junk. Alan a bit more liberal, likes 15%.

Venuto has solid weight training rookie routine also. Just dumbbells and look there, that's what you got. Get rolling. Dumbbell bench press by far the most important exercise ever. They like squat around here because it involves the most muscles and burns the most calories (deadlift too). Blah. Chest more important, chicken legs can be hidden easy. Droopy pecs big no no for men.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 09:38 AM
well venuto has the uberfat target audience where 10% turns into 15-20% without them even realizing very quickly.

cruz, great that you are realizing that you have to make long-term changes NOW.
getting down to a normal bf% really isn't hard if you make good food choices and you will actually feel much better than before(instead of starving like you did in the 1st month).
btw body fat % of those scales is more than just useless so don't bother trying to track that. tracking your progress via pictures(always in same room with same light and posture) much much better
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Cruizn63
first off, im sorry for not replying until now, i've been busy irl and have dedicated my little forum time to post in SE. but i got some time right now and want to make sure i say everything that i want to say.

i cant thank both of you enough for helping me try to get through all this, as well as everyone else who has posted in here. i really hope you guys stick by my side as i've decided to stop what i'm currently doing and do exactly as you say.

the frst month of this, i lost 16 pounds. this was mostly from jogging/running on a treadmill for like 45min 5x a week and eating roughly 1500-1750 calories a day. sure i did some training with the dumbbells, and went to the gym a few for weight training, but i don't think its worth mentioning as i wasn't consistent with it enough and/or probably did it wrong. i just gotta incorporate it into my diet as you guys mention because it's too difficult for me to control myself.

i know that when i initially started this, i told you all that my plan was to lose all the weight asap and figure out my diet/lifestyle later, but i can now fully understand that this just isn't doable for me. i need to make the changes now. this past month has been pretty tough. i didn't really starve myself, but restricting myself the way i did was brutal and i don't think i could maintain it for another 3-4 months. also, as i mentioned a few times already itt, whenever i ate something "bad," i couldn't stop myself from overdoing it as the rest of the day went on.

i've read the article and i've also began listening to Venuto's audiobook that was recommended in partygirluk's thread by Loco. if i'm going to improve myself, i might as well do it right. i have finished listening to part 1 of the audiobook and will try to finish it and take notes on the important things as soon as possible so that i can restart my quest.

so far the important things that ive gotten from the audiobook is:
-try to stick to 10% of my total calorie intake for "unhealthier stuff"
-don't worry about weight loss, care about fat loss and adding some muscle
-i think he said that 1% weight loss is doable each week. so i'm 205ish atm, so after first week, he says i can lose 2lbs. thats about the same as i was losing on the treadmill and eating way less. so that's really great to here. or maybe he said 1% body fat loss per week, i gotta go back to recheck.

therefore i'm not going to weigh myself anymore. i'll probably weigh myself once a month or something. i will now start posting body fat % each week.
Good post, but how are you planning to measure body fat?
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Good work bro. That first month you were beast mode but like you said, looks brutal.

I didn't realize Venuto was only 10% for junk. Alan a bit more liberal, likes 15%.

Venuto has solid weight training rookie routine also. Just dumbbells and look there, that's what you got. Get rolling. Dumbbell bench press by far the most important exercise ever. They like squat around here because it involves the most muscles and burns the most calories (deadlift too). Blah. Chest more important, chicken legs can be hidden easy. Droopy pecs big no no for men.
nice, cant wait to get to the part. im still like 9hrs from finishing the audiobook so in the meantime, i'll just run on the treadmill for a bit and not overdo it like before.

Originally Posted by cashy
well venuto has the uberfat target audience where 10% turns into 15-20% without them even realizing very quickly.

cruz, great that you are realizing that you have to make long-term changes NOW.
getting down to a normal bf% really isn't hard if you make good food choices and you will actually feel much better than before(instead of starving like you did in the 1st month).
btw body fat % of those scales is more than just useless so don't bother trying to track that. tracking your progress via pictures(always in same room with same light and posture) much much better
what do you mean in the bold? don't track body fat % or not to track body fat % with a scale?

Originally Posted by MrWookie
Good post, but how are you planning to measure body fat?
i bought some cheapish electronic caliper from amazon before i went to bed last night.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 04:07 PM
those are wildly inaccurate. just use the mirror, scale and some body measuring tape or something instead. you should be seeing weekly/monthly changes anyway.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 05:32 PM
A cheap electronic caliper won't do **** & you're not going to build up any significant muscle in the next few months anyway. HIMM's advice is good - take a shirtless photo once a month, weigh yourself once a month, take measurements in a consistent manner once a month and you'll notice changes. If your weight goes down by 5 lbs in the next month you didn't lose 15 lbs of fat and gain 10 lbs of muscle ... you lost 5 lbs of fat (or water).

There's no reason to only weigh yourself once a month I just used that figure to make a point.

There are various online body fat calculators out there that take your height, weight and a bunch of measurements (waist, chest, arm, thigh etc) and churn out a body fat % - I'd take them over the Amazon item (which you should return) all day every day.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 06:34 PM
ofc he can add significant muscle in the next few months, beginner gains ftw
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-17-2015 , 09:44 PM
Beginner gains are largely neuromuscular efficiency gains, with some muscle mass gains.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-18-2015 , 06:06 AM
Could be wrong but I doubt he's gaining significant muscle mass while eating 1500 Kcal per day.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-18-2015 , 06:15 AM
he won't be continuing this flawed #starving approach
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-18-2015 , 05:42 PM
thoughts on me buying my own things equipment like barbell, weights, incline bench, power rack, etc? i'm not rich, but i could afford to spend like a thousand or something.

i'm one of those betas that easily gets intimidated in the gym and say i was doing something wrong and i saw people looking at me, it would probably cause me to just stop.

good idea or no?
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-18-2015 , 05:45 PM
Noone is going to look at you if your form is bad (most gym users form is bad) and even if they did you should work on not having that **** affect you.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-18-2015 , 09:26 PM
Get them cheaper on Craiglist, but do you have anywhere to put them?
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-18-2015 , 11:51 PM
I would just join anytime fitness. If you pay cash upfront they might give you a deal for the year. Mine is $250 a year, I know some in Vegas said they would take $300 for my girlfriend.

Anytime is great. Not much traffic. Go at 10pm and it will be empty. At 3pm there will a few people. You have access to 1800 gyms. I have been to over 50, there is even a couple in Guadalajara. Probably some in Mexico City. 95% of them have a squat rack and dumbells up to 100.

Nobody cares what you do at the gym. You could literally spank the monkey in a corner and the most anybody would think is "oh cool I will hit forearms next also."
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
07-19-2015 , 03:23 AM

+1 on no body cares. Srsly everyone is in there doing there own thing. Also the biggest dudes are pretty much the nicest guys in there, don't be intimidated. First couple of weeks might feel weird, but its all in ur head and u realize its not so bad after all.
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
08-31-2015 , 06:34 PM
hi everyone!

i just wanted to give a quick update on what ive been up to. over the last 2 months, i've gone back to eating normal (which for me, has been quite a bit of fast food but not as much as before). i've jogged/ran on the treadmill about 3 times a week for like 45mins. during this time, i never bothered weighing myself. i spent this time reading Rippetoe's SS book and listened to Venuto's audiobook. i also spent some time on CL finding deals to set up my basic little home gym. i've finally completely everything and now it is time for me to get to work.

weighed myself last night and weighed in a 208.5 pounds, which means i gained 3-4 pounds during this timeframe that i didn't post. i can live with that because my diet wasn't very good. but from now on, i'll be following Venuto's instructions when it comes to nutrition and have set my daily calorie intake to 1900 calories (calculated my BMR using some formula and got ~2350 calories). do you think 1900 is ok or should i increase/decrease it?

i'm currently in my last semester of university and have a pretty difficult courseload, but i'm going to make sure i find time to lift/cardio/eat better. my current plan is to do Rippetoe's basic beginner's training schedule M/W/F and to do cardio T/R/S with Sunday as a day off.

i don't think i have much else to say, other than i very much look forward to seeing how this turns out. i'll try my best to update and post pics every few days or so!
today i start losing a bunch of weight Quote
