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Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever)

07-08-2010 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by spyderracing
Considering I'm ~25 pounds lighter than I was and haven't trained for these kinds of numbers in a while... a damn hard time? No. Difficult? Yes. Easier than for you? Yes. Do I think this is normal? Probably.
oh, ok. that is a big missing piece of information. i would've made it clearer in the first post. or when i kept comparing your numbers at 19 to 198/220 lifters. you also must've missed when i said "you were probably lighter back then." carry on.

how are you doing your face pulls?
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-08-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Eagle314
Did you ever do strict presses? If yes, what was your 1RM? Same question for power cleans. Sick log and good luck getting back to your maxes.
I never really did just standing presses. I've power cleaned 325 before (a couple months ago, before I got yelled at for training cleans); that was pretty close to my max at the time.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-08-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
oh, ok. that is a big missing piece of information. i would've made it clearer in the first post. or when i kept comparing your numbers at 19 to 198/220 lifters. you also must've missed when i said "you were probably lighter back then." carry on.

how are you doing your face pulls?
I was 235 at my heaviest, so more like 20 pounds. I think I could cut to make 220 at the time no problem tho as I wasn't the most dedicated dieter.

Face pulls are done with the rope attachment on a cable tower, palms out.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-08-2010 , 05:50 PM
i know the lift i was just wondering if you were doing them chest supported or something. for 210lb you have to be using a lot of body english, right?
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-08-2010 , 08:47 PM
Yea, a lot of body english.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-08-2010 , 09:03 PM

This is fast becoming my favourite log.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-09-2010 , 09:08 PM
Friday July, 9th 2010

Squats: 245x5, 295x5, 335x5, 385x5, 425x5
Stiff-leg Deadlift: 235x5, 285x5, 325x5, 375x5, 415x5
Lunges: 225x8, 235x8, 245x6, 255x6

Finished with some isolation work (leg ext/curl) set the machine to max (250 maybe) and just went to failure for 4 sets. Also built to a max on bench and hit 375, so just 40 pounds off my old max. Pretty solid day, and in retrospect, a pretty solid week on the whole.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-11-2010 , 04:24 PM
favorite log: spyderracing

favorite quote: "No money in powerlifting, everyone's solid." -Gorilla4sale

i agree with spyderracing's philosophy that the keys in strength training are compound lifts, heavy weight, lowish reps, lot of food, rest. This is why SS is good, but not optimal necessarily even for beginners (obv better than 99% of what the typical young lifter does).
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-11-2010 , 04:32 PM
you and vernon davis had similar numbers at age 19. holy ****.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-11-2010 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by spyderracing
I've clocked a 4.6 40m, yes meter
were you training for this? was it on a track with spikes? starting blocks? electronically started or did you have to react?
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-11-2010 , 08:31 PM
Ran it at trials for rugby regional select side on pitch, in rugby boots (metal cleets), electronically started, no react. I wasn't training for it specifically, no. Fastest time in the forwards by 3 tenths... and I was there to prop (FML).

Last edited by spyderracing; 07-11-2010 at 08:41 PM.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-11-2010 , 10:45 PM
usain bolt's 10m splits (minus reaction time) in his 9.69 100m add up to 4.49 over the first 40m. he was faster over the first 40m in that race than in the 9.58s WR. in that race it's 4.64s - 0.146s (reaction) for about 4.5.

he may be able to train a bit more to get that time down a little. no doubt you'd be able to train your time down even further given he has to be much closer to his absolute sprinting potential than you ever were.

plus he got to start on starting blocks and run on a track with spikes, whereas you ran on turf with rugby cleats. you also probably weighed significantly more.

maybe you just never bothered to check stuff like this before assuming your 4.6 was anywhere close to a realistic time?
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-11-2010 , 10:50 PM
I fkn love this log.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 12:02 AM
have you started going to a new gym?
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 12:19 AM

Usain Bolt is only the fastest human being alive at 100m and 200m. He probably is not at 40m. It is completely reasonable that Spyderracing is faster than Bolt over 40m.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
usain bolt's 10m splits (minus reaction time) in his 9.69 100m add up to 4.49 over the first 40m. he was faster over the first 40m in that race than in the 9.58s WR. in that race it's 4.64s - 0.146s (reaction) for about 4.5.

he may be able to train a bit more to get that time down a little. no doubt you'd be able to train your time down even further given he has to be much closer to his absolute sprinting potential than you ever were.

plus he got to start on starting blocks and run on a track with spikes, whereas you ran on turf with rugby cleats. you also probably weighed significantly more.

maybe you just never bothered to check stuff like this before assuming your 4.6 was anywhere close to a realistic time?
Hahaha, why are you so threatened by my log? Are my claims really so ridiculous that you need to spend, what looks like, considerable time researching all of these records, splits, etc? How do you even make it into the gym with this degree of insecurity? This is the condition I was in; I was 20 at the time (LOLighting; Yea I have bacne... go ahead and accuse me of juicing):

Bolt competes over 100 meters, not 40. Have you ever seen him run? He pulls away in the last 50 or so meters. He has incredible top end, and the anaerobic capability to accelerate over 100m. This is apples to oranges. I guess every guy who runs a sub 4.6 40 in an NFL combine (dime a dozen) couldn't have possibly done it either. I mean, there's no other explanation as to why they're not out setting world records.

I'm sorry you're fat, almost 30, following SS diligently and your lifts are pretty good on the whole but that you're nothing special.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by dzh90
have you started going to a new gym?
Nah, I paid through the end of July, so I'm going through the end of July haha.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by spyderracing
Nah, I paid through the end of July, so I'm going through the end of July haha.
it's cool that they got 125lb dumbbells over the past few days.

my gym only goes up to 105.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by dzh90
it's cool that they got 125lb dumbbells over the past few days.

my gym only goes up to 105.
No, my normal gym still hasn't gotten 125lb DBs. I was at my home gym the Monday after the 4th (they have DBs up to 150). At $20 a visit, I can't afford that more than in a pinch tho.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by spyderracing
Bolt competes over 100 meters, not 40. Have you ever seen him run? He pulls away in the last 50 or so meters. He has incredible top end, and the anaerobic capability to accelerate over 100m. This is apples to oranges. I guess every guy who runs a sub 4.6 40 in an NFL combine (dime a dozen) couldn't have possibly done it either. I mean, there's no other explanation as to why they're not out setting world records.
people who are faster than bolt over the first 40 are like 0.05s faster at best.

i love the "apples to oranges" statement and then comparing your "4.6" electronically timed 40m turf and rugby cleat run to lol NFL combine 40 yard dashes. btw, adding the fastest 10m splits from all 100m races all-time yields a 4.32s first 40m. hey bro your untrained 40m on turf with cleats is less than three tenths away from the fastest compiled split times.

Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
people who are faster than bolt over the first 40 are like 0.05s faster at best.

i love the "apples to oranges" statement and then comparing your "4.6" electronically timed 40m turf and rugby cleat run to lol NFL combine 40 yard dashes. btw, adding the fastest 10m splits from all 100m races all-time yields a 4.32s first 40m. hey bro your untrained 40m on turf with cleats is less than three tenths away from the fastest compiled split times.

Three tenths is an eternity in anything shorter than 200m (and probably pretty close to an eternity in the 200m). Whatever man, I really don't care if you believe me. You're the biggest, baddest, strongest dude around. Your form is super good, and you're totally not a douche bag. I wish I was more like you.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 01:31 AM
running a 4.6 could mean in the 4.6's (4.69?)
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by CHISELEDJAW
running a 4.6 could mean in the 4.6's (4.69?)
Yea it was a mid 4.6 (don't remember it down to the thousandth, didn't realize I'd be scrutinized so goddamn closely).
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by spyderracing
Yea it was a mid 4.6 (don't remember it down to the thousandth, didn't realize I'd be scrutinized so goddamn closely).
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by spyderracing
Three tenths is an eternity in anything shorter than 200m (and probably pretty close to an eternity in the 200m). Whatever man, I really don't care if you believe me. You're the biggest, baddest, strongest dude around. Your form is super good, and you're totally not a douche bag. I wish I was more like you.
i agree it's a long time. fortunately for you they don't allow the fastest sprinters from the past 20 years to compile their fastest 10 meter times. also don't forget that these pansies wear super light spikes and run on tracks. they even train for the event!!! don't be so modest, you definitely have a chance.

maybe to make that $20 to go to the other gym less of a burden you could go take over american sprinting. surely with proper equipment and training you could shave 6% off your time, and it would be pretty surprising if the most elite genetic specimen in the world (you) could be the fastest 40m sprinter but not compete at all at 100m.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
