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Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever)

07-12-2010 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
it would be pretty surprising if the most elite genetic specimen in the world (you) could be the fastest 40m sprinter but not compete at all at 100m.
Mabye Sklansky could back op for the 500/5:00 prop?

...or MAYBE Sklansky already KNEW 500/5:00 is impossible, but can't prove it to win his bet, so he tracked down the most elite genetic specimen to prove that if this guy can't do it, no one can!
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
i agree it's a long time. fortunately for you they don't allow the fastest sprinters from the past 20 years to compile their fastest 10 meter times. also don't forget that these pansies wear super light spikes and run on tracks. they even train for the event!!! don't be so modest, you definitely have a chance.

maybe to make that $20 to go to the other gym less of a burden you could go take over american sprinting. surely with proper equipment and training you could shave 6% off your time, and it would be pretty surprising if the most elite genetic specimen in the world (you) could be the fastest 40m sprinter but not compete at all at 100m.
I take back my comment about how your numbers are pretty good, forgot you weigh 255. So not only are you weak for someone who weighs 255, you're an idiot too. Shouldn't you be working on even coming close to my numbers or something. I don't **** up your log by walking in and calling you a pussy every day (and it doesn't require nearly the research time you put in to know what a pussy is... well for some of us).
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 02:56 AM
you've posted some sick lifts, and shown video proof that you are a really strong guy, there does seem to be a hint of exaggeration to some of your statements/claims. this isn't uncommon with people who are above average at an activity, to slightly exaggerate what they are capable of, often as a form of positive pressure to eventually achieve it.

the sprinting thing seems a little outlandish, i mean a 4.6 40(meters, not yards) would be something like a 4.2-4.3 over 40 yards, no? its within the realm of possibility for someone to do this, but hell why aren't you on a football full ride at a D1 school, even if you had never played, you're the type of athlete they could mold into a decent to possibly incredible player. one of my best friends was a linebacker at Texas and he has basically identical lifts to yours, and he beasted in college(MVP of the Cotton Bowl one year).

you're not new to 2+2, you should know that people are going to breakdown and examine anything that seems a little out of the ordinary to them, you basically came on here and said you were the equivalent or close to a 10PTBB/100 winner at 25/50 NL over 200k hands.

i'm a kettletarder so i don't really care or have an agenda as far as being on your side or miles' as far as any kind of pissing contest between you two. both of you are pretty damn strong. also, he's almost 30! oh, the horror!!!
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 05:47 AM
i've read conflicting reports about how the combine actually measures the 40 yard dash, but most say it's hand started and electronically stopped, so whatever time is measured is usually lower than the actual time. an electronically started 4.6 40m is likely faster than every 40 yard dash run at the combine measured at high 4.2s or slower. plus, again, he wasn't running on a track or wearing running spikes. he also didn't train to have a fast time. so basically with a little effort and the right equipment, he would have been able to beat every combine performance ever.

whatever though. no one's in my log calling me a pussy because i'm not a tool. continue chasing numbers you supposedly hit as a teenager while you demonstrate excellence through discipline and consistency.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 07:41 AM
Just wanna say I'm a big fan of your work!

Reading this log is the best way to unwind at the end of the day imo
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 08:32 AM
re: 40 yard dash times, i always thought this was a relevant piece:

It's NFL Combine time and that can only mean one thing:

My email inbox is filling up with coaches and athletes asking
how to improve 40 yard dash times.

There's something about hearing fast 40 times that gets football
people salivating.

There's only one problem.

You can't believe 99% of the times you hear even at the highest
levels of the game.

Why not you ask.

That can't be true you say.

After all you saw so-and-so from such-and-such high school run
a 4.5 last year.

You timed it yourself...

I believe one of the things about the 40 yard dash that make it
such an enigma is the fact that it's really one of the only
objective facets of football that can be universally understood
by everyone involved in the game.

You can rush for 300 yards against a terrible team and look like
Barry Sanders. But against a great defense you get stuffed for
30 yards. Those totals are subjective based on the competition.

So human nature and therefore Ego takes over and we see 40 times
creeping down ever so slowly.

That 4.7 your best player ran last year has magically become a
4.6 in this year's conversations and would have been a 4.5 if
he hadn't been sick that day...

So now guess who's 40 time seems to have magically improved.

(Don't get me wrong, I see the same mysterious improvements with
track sprinters ALL the time.)

If we ignore the fact that the 40 has no bearing on football skill
whatsoever, it doesn't matter what level you play at or how
competitive your conference is. A 4.5 is a 4.5 is a 4.5.



Let's take a look at how and why the 40 time is arguably the most
inaccurate number in all of sports.

We'll start with a base time like 4.6. I hear this time a lot.
When I do I'm never sure whether to laugh or cry.

Sometimes I do both.

So Johnny ran the 40 yesterday at his camp or practice.

Well, chances are it was hand timed. That means there was no
electronic equipment used. Just a coach with a stopwatch.

So let's say Johnny's coach has him at 4.61.

The rule with a hand time/stopwatch time is that you MUST ROUND
UP to the next tenth even if it's a 4.61. Now Johnny's coach
probably told him he ran a 4.6 but the fact is he ran a 4.7.

Now, if a stopwatch was involved anywhere in the process, the
time isn't accurate. Once the gun goes off there is a delay in
the amount of time before the coach starts the watch. At the finish
the coach doesn't accurately stop the watch at the exact moment
the athlete crosses the line.

So the rule is that you must add .24 seconds to compensate for
the difference between a manual/hand time and an accurate fully
automatic time.

Where does this 'rule' come from?

Track and Field where accurate timing is critically important.

So if you have any interest in accuracy Johnny's 4.7 has now
become a 4.94.

Now let's be generous and say that Johnny used one of those
timing pads that starts the clock as soon as his hand lifts off
the pad.

Since the clock starts at his first movement and not the sound of
a gun connected to a computer connected to a laserbeam at the
finish line, his 40 time is not accounting for the reaction time
between the gun and his start.

If you look at reaction time of a quality sprinter, they're looking
at a delay of between .2 and .3 seconds between the start of
the clock and when they actually start moving.

So since the vast, vast majority of 40s and combines don't use
a track and field start (aka an accurate start) you'll have to
add (let's be nice) another .2 seconds to that 4.94.

So Johnny's accurate 40 time is 5.14 seconds even though his
coach had him at '4.6'.

The truth hurts my friends and I doubt many people, even if they
knew this, would actually take it into account when handing out
times to their athletes or telling their peers about their times.

What fun is it to know that you're not as fast as you think you
are or that your athletes aren't as fast as you thought they were?

So when you hear about that high school kid who runs a 4.4, he

When you hear about how Deion Sanders ran a 4.29 in the 40, he
didn't. (It was run in 1989 and the NFL didn't start using any
electronic timing until 1990.)

Even at that, the timing used in these combines isn't as accurate
as the timing that dictates official times and world records
in track and field.

So that means a couple of things if we want to truly talk in
terms of equality.

The only people who can run times approaching sub 4 seconds are
elite track and field sprinters.

Asafa Powell (the world record holder at 100 meters) would make
a mockery of the fastest NFL guys on their best days.

If you applied typical 40 yard dash timing rules to elite sprinters,
Powell's 9.77 second world record at 100m would be something
in the range of 9.2.

Let me give you one more example to prove my point. In 1988 Ben
Johnson ran a then world record of 9.79 seconds to win the Olympic
Gold medal.

Well it turns out that he was on steroids at the time and was
stripped of his title.

Subsequent breakdowns of his 'roid induced run timed him as he
reached the 40 yard mark. (By the way his times at 50 and 60
meters were faster than the current world records at that

His time?

4.38 seconds.

Mark Zeigler sums this up perfectly:

'He was running in spikes . . . on a warm afternoon perfectly
suited for sprinting . . . with a slight tailwind . . . with
years of training from arguably track's top coach, Charlie
Francis . . . with Carl Lewis and six others of the fastest men
on the planet chasing him . . . with 69,000 people roaring at
Seoul's Olympic Stadium . . . with hundreds of millions of
people watching on TV . . . with the ultimate prize in sports,
an Olympic gold medal, at stake.'

Yet he only ran a 4.38 40 yard dash?

Knowing that, can you really believe any of the 40 times you
hear? Does it seem likely that any high school kid can run a 4.6?

You have people claiming 260 pound linebackers have 4.5 speed.

Well they don't. These times aren't real and you just shouldn't
believe them.

After reading this article, I hope you look at all the 40 times
you've been hearing about with a healthy dose of skepticism.

If you want to build athletes who run fast times in real
life, not just made up times from a stop watch you have to make
sure you're teaching them proven speed training techniques.

Focus on creating better overall athletes.

Educate yourself on what top coaches do to train their athletes
who have legitimate speed.

You don't want your athletes getting exposed as frauds because
the results of their training turned out to be, literally, a
slight of hand.

Yours in speed,

Latif Thomas
re: spyder - I honestly think your lack of humility and humbleness is what brings some of this on. Perhaps its due to my environment and being around other pro strength athletes all the time, but I don't think your lifts are the cat's meow. They are good, just nothing that would make me jump out of my chair. And before you ask, I don't think i'm that strong either, tbh.

I do; however, understand the need to defend yourself I suppose. Although nothing you've done before now really matters. What you are doing now does. Hang around some older powerlifting and you'll realize how often it goes "I used to this..." or "I used to lift that...". It usually can't be proven and usually no one cares.

I'm not jumping on you or attacking you, I hope you don't take it that way.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 09:15 AM

More stuff on sprinters and 40yd dash.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
re: 40 yard dash times, i always thought this was a relevant piece:

re: spyder - I honestly think your lack of humility and humbleness is what brings some of this on. Perhaps its due to my environment and being around other pro strength athletes all the time, but I don't think your lifts are the cat's meow. They are good, just nothing that would make me jump out of my chair. And before you ask, I don't think i'm that strong either, tbh.

I do; however, understand the need to defend yourself I suppose. Although nothing you've done before now really matters. What you are doing now does. Hang around some older powerlifting and you'll realize how often it goes "I used to this..." or "I used to lift that...". It usually can't be proven and usually no one cares.

I'm not jumping on you or attacking you, I hope you don't take it that way.
First, thank you for a sober response.

Second, that piece on 40s is very good, and as a general rule I don't think it's an awesome metric as so much about the testing is variable. I can only report on what I did, which was run a mid 4.6 40m on turf on an automatic system. I didn't even see the read out, this was reported to me by the coach at the trial. Take it or leave it (this is not directed at you Gorilla).

Third, since my first post I've tried to tone this log down a bit. Beyond that post I've been attempting to simply log progress and respond to people. Miles is simply not letting this happen. I haven't been dwelling on my old numbers. I've mentioned them once in so far as my current goal is reattaining those numbers, while Miles simply can't let them go because apparently he's the internet truth police.

I never claimed that I was the **** re: my numbers. I may have came off as a bit over the top with my first post but I never said anything like "These are my numbers at 19 which make me stronger than EVERYONE!" Again, this is Miles... not me. I don't necessarily think I'm strong atm either considering my total is about 250lbs off my previous best. That's not to say I'm not happy, even with what I have now. As a self-educated, self-trained 22y/o, even my current numbers are decent imo (certainly not blowing the socks off the PL elite... understandably, I'm not running gear or dedicating my life to this).

Again, Gorilla, thank you for a sober and legitimate response. And Miles, I can't go back and edit or delete my first post (not that I really care to re: your points of contention). You can keep trying to smear me; it achieves about as much as my lying over the tubes.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 02:57 PM
Best thing that can happen for this log is it to disappear forever and be replaced by a more modest effort without all the contentious issues. One of the mods can probably arrange for it to happen. Then Spyder can start again without all the trolling (legitimate or not) clogging up the log.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 03:09 PM
this will be my last post in your log.

it's telling that so much has to happen for you to just tell the truth, that you never even saw a readout and only "know" the time because it's what your coach told you. maybe when i asked you if you'd ever done any research before assuming the time was realistic you could have said that you don't actually know for sure wtf you ran instead of posting pictures of yourself and telling me how you're as fast as usain bolt but durr only because he doesn't train specifically for 40m races (though neither did you). if you still believe you ran a mid 4.6 40m on turf with cleats without starting blocks, you must also believe you are the biggest waste of athletic talent in the world.

Originally Posted by spyderracing
Hahaha, why are you so threatened by my log? Are my claims really so ridiculous that you need to spend, what looks like, considerable time researching all of these records, splits, etc? How do you even make it into the gym with this degree of insecurity? This is the condition I was in; I was 20 at the time (LOLighting; Yea I have bacne... go ahead and accuse me of juicing):

Bolt competes over 100 meters, not 40. Have you ever seen him run? He pulls away in the last 50 or so meters. He has incredible top end, and the anaerobic capability to accelerate over 100m. This is apples to oranges. I guess every guy who runs a sub 4.6 40 in an NFL combine (dime a dozen) couldn't have possibly done it either. I mean, there's no other explanation as to why they're not out setting world records.

I'm sorry you're fat, almost 30, following SS diligently and your lifts are pretty good on the whole but that you're nothing special.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-12-2010 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by ProphetofProfit
Best thing that can happen for this log is it to disappear forever and be replaced by a more modest effort without all the contentious issues. One of the mods can probably arrange for it to happen. Then Spyder can start again without all the trolling (legitimate or not) clogging up the log.
No f*cking way. This log is awesome.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-13-2010 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
I don't think i'm that strong either, tbh.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-13-2010 , 11:14 PM
"I don't think i'm that strong either, tbh." -Gorilla4sale

nobody said or even implied that you were. jesus, you're pretty full of yourself huh. Now JAW on the other hand...
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-14-2010 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
Originally Posted by CHISELEDJAW
"I don't think i'm that strong either, tbh." -Gorilla4sale

nobody said or even implied that you were. jesus, you're pretty full of yourself huh. Now JAW on the other hand...
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-14-2010 , 11:54 AM
nice job JAW you leveled the strongest guy on 2p2
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-14-2010 , 03:54 PM
lol at strong guys claiming they're not that strong
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-14-2010 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Eagle314
nice job JAW you leveled the strongest guy on 2p2
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-14-2010 , 09:43 PM
yo i got two eyes
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-14-2010 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by spyderracing

Bolt competes over 100 meters, not 40. Have you ever seen him run? He pulls away in the last 50 or so meters. He has incredible top end, and the anaerobic capability to accelerate over 100m. This is apples to oranges. I guess every guy who runs a sub 4.6 40 in an NFL combine (dime a dozen) couldn't have possibly done it either. I mean, there's no other explanation as to why they're not out setting world records.

I'm sorry you're fat, almost 30, following SS diligently and your lifts are pretty good on the whole but that you're nothing special.
just to clear up a common misconception, sprinters, even bolt, dont accelerate the entire 100m.

Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-15-2010 , 08:19 PM

As a pretty huge nit... that was pretty epic.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-15-2010 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp

As a pretty huge nit... that was pretty epic.
lol. This.

Also, have we scared spyderracing off?
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-15-2010 , 10:57 PM
Not entirely. I'm just not going to log when I get trolled from the third post through 9 pages. I thought this could be useful for others, however my notebook is good enough for me.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-15-2010 , 11:11 PM

Do not be so sensitive. When I first started posting on this forum I tried to argue that curls and cardio should be a part of a sensible strength training program and I got trolled for 20+ pages before a mod locked the thread.

You just have to treat this forum as entertainment and not take any of the trolls too seriously.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:34 AM
I'd like to read yer log imo.
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
07-16-2010 , 09:49 AM
Yeah, I was hanging out for this log too...
Spyderracing's log (because I haven't kept one in forever) Quote
