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Road to Trials 2016 Road to Trials 2016

01-14-2016 , 06:44 PM
Thursday 14th- 187.4lbs

Overate... aawww... about 3.5k cals

Split squat- 24kg
Pullups- 7, 7, 10
Bench- 65kg

4x6- one leg box jump, normal box jump

Throwing, 140 throws, on my own.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-17-2016 , 03:38 PM
Disaster, got sick on Friday, couldn't attend the trial on Saturday.. Some version of a cold, had a high temp, chills, and very sore throat. Got lots of sleep and rest, mostly gone out, except throat is still really sore.

Celebrated yesterday anyway, ate close to 5kcals.

Starting from today, got 13 more days until the next trial date, and then its 3 weekends in a row, with midweek Fire open trainings too.

Sunday 17th- 193.4lbs

Carbs- 35g
Fat- 55g
Protein- 166g
Cals- 1319

Squat- 90kg
Bench- 65kg
Skater squats

Throwing, alone, ~300.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-18-2016 , 05:28 PM
Monday 18th- 188.8lbs

Carbs- 190g
Fat- 78g
Protein- 206g
Cals- 2361

Throwing, 30mins with gf

Rest day.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-19-2016 , 08:00 PM
Tuesday 19th- 189.2lbs

Carbs- 157g
Fat- 68g
Protein- 158g
Cals- 1921

Fire training, didn't play that well.. I think its just a case of needing to gain experience in that high intensity kind of game, so apparent from attending every week, there's not a whole lot I can do about it..
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-20-2016 , 07:10 PM
Wednesday 20th- 187.6lbs

Carbs- 187g
Fat- 81g
Protein- 209g
Cals- 2355

Rest day, no throwing unfortunately.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-21-2016 , 06:32 PM
Thursday 21st- 189.0lbs

Carbs- 214g
Fat- 115g
Protein- 186g
Cals- 2624

Split squats- 26kg
Pullups- 8,8,8
OHP- 50kg

4x6x one legged box jumps, normal box jumps.

Throwing on my own, ~300.
Did loads of body weight lunges on my left leg while throwing to address imbalances.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-22-2016 , 05:08 PM
Friday 22nd- 186.0lbs

Pretty happy with this, my lowest in several months!

Had a big old cheat meal this evening, went out to a French restaurant with gf, 3 courses, I would guess somewhere around 4kcals for the day total.

Rest day today, no throwing.

7 full days until next trial, back on it now, no more cheating, want to lose as much excess flab as possible
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-23-2016 , 04:36 PM
Saturday 23rd- 189.0lbs

Carbs- 148g
Fat- 108g
Protein- 180g
Cals- 2338

Ran Brixton training, only 6 ppl total turned out, which annoyed me, but I ran a great session anyway, with some warm up throwing and then a deep cutting drill I did with CU last year. My throws were pretty good, not quite as good as I would have liked- my top end speed for running down hucks is the best its ever been though.
Then we played some mini, there were 2guys there who had played high level in the recent past, but I pretty much smoked em both- whenever we were in a matchup situation, I got the best of them, I think fitness is really paying off in that kind of situation now.

Then hit the gym;
DL- 140kg, felt good
Decline bench- 3x8x20kg

Box jumps, squat jumps, single leg box jumps, 4x6 of each, 2mins rest between each set.

KB Swings, 4x30x20kg, 2mins rest between each set.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-24-2016 , 12:18 PM
Sunday 24th- 188.2lbs

Carbs- 123g
Fat- 108g
Protein- 192g
Cals- 2236

Rolling, ~30minutes.
Throwing, like 30mins.

Speed work;
Usual sprint form drills, 4x4x20m sprints, varied start positions.

4xx40yard sprints- I set up 2 cones 10 yards apart, and did 4 sprints between them. Wish I had been doing this before now, really ultimate specific.
Serpentine, 4 sprints.

14xsprints, the lenght of a soccer pitch, ~15secs rest between each sprint.

Feeling the body after yesterday's workout, must have done more work than I thought- really noticed my improved sprint form though, with big lunges as the first few steps and a leaning over type body position for accelaration, I feel really good.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-25-2016 , 05:14 PM
Monday 25th- 183.8lbs

Carbs- 251g
Fat- 95g
Protein- 199g
Cals- 2704

Rest day, had to stay late at school to give a presentation to the Governors so no time for throwing.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-27-2016 , 05:49 PM
Tuesday 26th- 185.6lbs

Carbs- 225g
Fat- 115g
Protein- 235g
cals- 2935

Had Fire training, windy evening so lot of unforced handler turnovers, pretty frustrating as a receiver when the handlers are incapable of putting a few swing passes together... later on in the game I asked to handle, which helped a little and I felt a bit more involved.

Wednesday 27th- 185.8lbs

Carbs- 181g
Fat- 91g
Protein- 187g
Cals- 2315

~An hour throwing with gf.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-30-2016 , 04:20 AM
Thursday 28th- 183.8lbs

~3k cals, overate when got home after workout.

Throwing alone .
Plyo; 4x6xbroad jumps, skater hops, layups
Pullups- 7, 7, 7
100 rep KB snatch in 4:50, first time doing these, with a 12kg KB.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-30-2016 , 04:21 AM
Friday 29th- 185.6lbs

Carbs- 226g
Fat- 93g
Protein- 185g
Cals- 2586

Throwing for an hour with a friend- tough, it was windy.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-30-2016 , 03:19 PM
Saturday 30th- 185.2lbs

3k cals- just on the way out now, not drinking alcohol but might have a ginger beer or something.

Ran Brixton training, focusing on basics- was windy so lots of throwing and catching needed. Went well, I didn't overextend myself too much, feeling good, first trial 2mo for Kpow.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
01-31-2016 , 03:53 PM
Sunday 31st- 183.2lbs

4120 cals after a fairly massive cheat pizza and beer to celebrate progress.

Today was Kpow trial- to be honest I was disapointeed with how I played, a made a number of unforced errors in game situations, particularly when we were doing 3v3 full field, which should suit me... in the drills I was fine, but when I made those mistakes my confidence hit rock bottom- something I definetly need to work on going into the future.

My D-game was very good all day I thought- there were one or 2 moments where I was schooled by a couple of really good/experienced players, other than that I thought I did well.

I'd be very surprised if I got a call-back.

But whatever, Fire trials next weekend
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-01-2016 , 04:46 PM
Still really disappointed in myself yesterday- not for making mistakes, that can happen to anyone, but getting into my own head, letting my own head drop, and letting that affect my game in a pretty big way; that was really ****ty of me, after all the training I've done for this, I deserve to treat myself better.

Monday 1st- 185.6lbs
Expected alot more after yday's blowout.

Carbs- 132g
Fat- 72g
Protein- 188g
Cals- 1940

Throwing for an hour.

Have decided to really up the effort with the cutting now, only two weeks of cutting left so looking to make the most of it, firm goal to be under 2k cals every day.
Atm I can see the very top of my abs, want more to come through!
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-02-2016 , 04:08 PM
Tuesday 2nd- 184.4lbs

Carbs- 158g
Fat- 61g
Protein- 203g
Cals- 2039

Rest day- was supposed to go to Fire open training, but just too tired, both mentally and physically. Didn't even go throwing, needed a proper day off.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-04-2016 , 02:59 AM
Wednesday 3rd- 185.2lbs

Carbs- 127g
Fat- 68g
Protein- 214g
Cals- 1994

An hour throwing.

Feel much better after my day off yday, that was needed.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-04-2016 , 06:05 PM
Thursday 4th- 183.2lbs

2500 cals, 217g protein

45mins throwing alone.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-06-2016 , 03:56 AM
Friday 5th- 182.8lbs

I followed this season-low weight by having a huge blowout day... the day before a trial weekend... the ****ING DAY BEFORE?!! What the **** is wrong with me? Do I need help? Do I need a psychologist? There wasn't even a reason, just the availablity of chocolate on the staffroom table. 5.9k cals on the day. ffs.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-06-2016 , 04:14 PM
Saturday 6th

First Fire trial- it was really really windy, which distorts things a bit, but overall I was pretty happy with my game, felt my backhands sticking a little bit on my hand when hitting an uptheline cut during a drill, which was a little annoying, but other than that was pretty good... I also missed a few layoutD opportunities during one of the dump/swing drills, which would have been great to take.
Another one tomorrow with Fire again.

Have eaten 4kcals today, which I think is pretty much fine on a trial day.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-07-2016 , 03:59 PM
Sunday 7th- 184.6lbs

Second day of Fire weekend- today pretty much all the drills suited my game! We did a defending a huck drill, where I could show my accelaration and topend speed, we did a sideline reset drill, which happens to be the same one I coach to Brixton, we did a forcing/breakmark drill, which benefitted by all the throwing I've been doing.

We also did some sprint timing- one was a short sharp v-cut sprint, I'm not sure what the measurements were for it, by I did it in 5.10secs, about average. We then did a 6x20yard(ish) sprint, which I did in 24secs, quicker than the average.

Then we played games, where my Dplay was fine, but I felt I couldn't really connect with the handlers, whenever I was cutting to get free they were looking somewhere else.

Got 3 more fire sessions, 2 of them the open training sessions- these are not officially part of the tryout process, but if the captinas are there and I have an excellent game... so much the better.

Got an email from Kpow, to comfirm they aren't inviting me back- but they did note how much improvment I've made in my game from last year, which I felt pretty good about! Have responded to ask for more specific feedback, if they have any.

Have had over 5kcals today, big pizza to celebrate the end of the wkend, back on it tomorrow, only 9 more days with 3 Fire sessions, then a break.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-08-2016 , 06:01 PM
Monday 8th- 186.0lbs

Carbs- 179g
Fat- 94g
Protein- 187g
Cals- 2365

30mins rolling.
Throwing session alone.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-09-2016 , 08:25 PM
Tuesday 9th- 185.8lbs

Carbs- 217g
Fat- 96g
Protein- 205g
Cals- 2601

Fire open training- drills were some breakmark stuff, which was good, I got some sweet throws out while one of the selection committee members was watching.
Then in games, not many people there so no subs, I came into the game much more later on, as everyone else got tired my high levels of fitness started to show, I was running free lots and getting lots of disc touches.
Good experience overall, glad I went.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
02-10-2016 , 04:41 PM
Wednesday 10th- 184.8lbs

Carbs- 368g
Fat- 124g
Protein- 178g
Cals- 3388

Not a great food day.
30mins throwing with gf.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
