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Road to Trials 2016 Road to Trials 2016

10-08-2015 , 06:49 PM
Thursday 8th

Fat- 81g
Protein- 196g
Cals- 3021

30 mins rolling legs, then Indoor Brixton practise which I ran, pretty good session, I ran a movement pattern involving a break cut and then deep shot in the endzone, pretty happy with it.

Will try hit the gym 2mo, got a tournament at the weekend but its indoors so not very intensive
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-09-2015 , 05:07 PM
Friday 9th

Carbs- 305g
Fat- 152g
Protein- 242g
Cals- 3557

OHP- 45kg, just about
Split Squat- 24kg KBs
Pullups, 3x6

Didn't do too much more, partially coz my left arm is still niggling after an injury a few months ago, also coz I'm off to a tourney 2mo, should be fun. Only some silly indoors, but we've got a pretty nice team(apart from one throwaway merchant), we're seeded 6th, if we finish top 10 that would be pretty awesome for us.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-13-2015 , 04:19 PM
Tourney was meh, we played pretty badly, mostly individual errors, I made loads on Saturday, none on Sunday and was duly voted MVP.

Monday 12th
2.6kcals, 160g protein

OHP- 45kg
Split Squat- 24kg KBs
DL- 120kg, last time I did them at this weight had some lower back pain, so wanted to repeat to make sure I got the form down- felt much better this time.
Dips- 3x9
Core- Hanging bike reps

Tuesday 13th

Carbs- 274g
Fat- 127g
Protein- 227g
Cals- 3068

Rolled my left bicep once in the morning, once in the evening.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-14-2015 , 05:21 PM
Wednesday 14th

Carbs- 318g
Fat- 163g
Protein- 240g
Cals- 3619

LP- 70kg
Bench- 60kg- 5,7,6
Split squat- 24kg KBs, 3x8 today
Core- plank circuit
Squat- 82.5kg

Rolled left bicep twice again, still uncomfortable
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-15-2015 , 03:17 PM
Thursday 15th

Carbs- 533g
Fat- 140g
Protein- 195g
Cals- 4275

left arm still bothering me.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-17-2015 , 02:41 AM
Friday 16th

Carbs- 326g
Fat- 114g
Protein- 224g
Cals- 3292

Squat- 85kg
DL- 130kg
OHP- 45kg(today I used a barbell, lately I've been using those bars that have the weights already on them, I feel the 45kg might be a little lighter than it states as that is usually alot easier than today)
Pullups- 5, 6, 6
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-18-2015 , 06:57 AM
arm felt a bit tight after training yday, so took 10minutes rolling it, rubbed some deep heat on it, strapped it up and took some iburofen.

All to no avail, had to bail just starting my work set on the bench press, pain got too much and started to lose strenght.

sitting on the couch holding a pack of frozen peas on it right now. so frustrating
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-18-2015 , 04:32 PM
After gym-came back, felt sorry for myself on the couch, watched Ireland kick away our best chance of winning a world cup, had a beer, felt more sorry for myself, ate a pizza

Traditionally this would be the point where I sacked off the day and got into a big ol bag of doritos or oreos or some such stuff. I decided, however, I could still do something to help accomplish the goals, so did a couple of body weight exercises. Will now take 2 days off, hopefully the arm gets better, will hit the gym again on Wednesday, avoiding the bench press and back squat, as these seem to be especially hard on the arm.

Sunday 18th

Carbs- 218g
Fat- 148g
Protein- 112g
Cals- 3048

DB Bench- 26kg for a few sets, then went home and did;
Skater squats- 4x5, first time doing these
Core- plank circuit
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-19-2015 , 04:11 PM
Monday 19th

Cals- 3400, protein 264g

arm very stiff/sore
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-20-2015 , 04:17 PM
Tuesday 20th

Cals- 3700 Protein- 264g

Arm feeling slightly better, will try hit up the gym 2mo, avoiding anything that might piss it off.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-25-2015 , 05:32 PM
Took most of the week, kinda to try get the arm right, kinda coz lazy... didn't work, its still not right.

Had indoor training on Thursday which I ran, 24 people tunred up, more than we've had before, the session seemed to go very well, so happy with that, then outdoor training on Saturday, we played for aaagges, like a solid 4 hours, and to my surprise I woke up today with no DOMS, pretty happy with that.

Sunday 25th

Carbs- 270g
Fat- 140g
Protein- 186g
Cals- 3218

Sprint Workout;
Usual form drills; marching, skipping, bounding, striding, 10m starts

did 2 sets of 3point starts and 1 set of falling starts, didn't wanna do the others as may put pressure on the arm having to get up.

Then did 3 sets of 6 sprints the lenght of a soccer pitch, no rest between sprints, 2mins rest between sets
Set 1- 1:07
Set 2: 1:09
Set 3: 1:15

Was super gassed by the last one, both legs and lungs were feeling the pressure
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-27-2015 , 06:01 AM
Monday 26th

3500 cals, 150g protein

Split Squats- 24kg KBs
Core- lying on back, feet slightly elevated hold, 3x30secs
Skater squats- 3x5 on each leg, with a 14kg Sandbell as my 'base' for the extended knee
OHP- 45kg
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-27-2015 , 02:23 PM
Tuesday 27th

2900 cals, 191g protein

Rest day

20mins rolling gutes and hams, pretty tight/sore
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
10-28-2015 , 11:42 AM
Wednesday 28th

4k cals(+), 200g protein(+)

Doing this in the afternoon, having a few friends round later to celebrate my bday(2mo)

Bench- 60kg
Skater squat- 3x5, 8kg KB as counterweight, using a 9kg sandbell as base
Pullups- 3x6
Core- hanging bike reps, 3x20
DL- 130kg, form felt really good today, will look to increase weight next time.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:13 PM
Friday 30th, hit the gym, did some;

OHP- 47.5kg(PR)
Split squats, 24kg KBs
Hammer grip pull ups, 3x6
Bench- 60kg- not too happy with form, need to watch SYTYCB again.

Had an indoor tourney over the weekend, I was main handler, pretty fun but a weakish team so we didn't do well.

Monday 2nd

Carbs- 282g
Fat- 149g
Protein- 190g
Cals- 3230

OHP- 50kg PR
Skater Squats
Pullups- 7,7,6
Squat- 87.5kg PR

Probably the strongest I've ever been right now... though definetly after putting on a decent amount of fat to go with it..
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-03-2015 , 05:28 PM
Tuesday 11th

Carbs- 316g
Fat- 96g
Protein- 194g
Cals- 3104

Rest day.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:40 PM
Wednesday 4th

Carbs- 285g
Fat- 139g
Protein- 183g
Cals- 3335

Split Squat- 28kg DBs PR
Bench- 60kg(3x8)
DL- 140kg PR
Ab rollouts- 3x5
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-05-2015 , 07:54 PM
Thursday 5th

Cals- 2210, Protein- 168g

Ran the Brixton indoor session, as standard our drill was really good and engaging, enjoyed by all. I chose not to play as it makes me really tired for work the next day, also affects my recovery from lifting sessions.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-08-2015 , 05:57 PM
Hit the gym on Saturday, did;

Squat- 90kg PR
OHP- 50kg(3x5)
Bench- 60kg... was trying to concentrate on flaring elbows at the bottom... I think thats right...
Pullups- 6,6,7
Core- 3x20 hanging bike reps

Had my gf watching my squatting, and she told me whenever I broke parallel... and I realized I squat wwaaayyyy too low. This PR felt really easy, very high
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-08-2015 , 10:11 PM
Nice work on the PRs. Keep an eye on your body fat.

My experience is that it's easy to get fat and strong. Much harder to be lean and strong.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-09-2015 , 05:43 PM
tnx man, the plan is to bulk until 1st December, then cut and be lean and strong for trials time, around mid Jan.

Monday 9th

3500 cals, 212g protein
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:04 PM
Tuesday 10th

Cals- 3700, protein 180g

Hit the gym but man, had so little energy, was really not in the mood to be there, so after two pretty poor lifts left early

OHP- 47.5kg
DL- 145kg

OHP has gone backward... is that normal? Could have been a different bar... tried 50kg, failed... twice.
Though DL was a PR, was very unhappy with form, lower back was feeling it.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-14-2015 , 06:49 AM
Wednesday 11th- ~3k cals, 165g protein
Actually was feeling the DOMS in hams and glutes after DL on Tuesday for a few days, and not feeling sore in lower back, so maybe form was not so bad.

Thursday 12th
Another rest day, massively over-ate.

Friday 13th
2600 cals, 158g protein, didn't feel so good from eating way too much day before.

Squat- 95kg PR
Hammer grip pull ups- 3x7
Bench- 62.5kg

First set of squat is here;

Felt super gassed after it... probably still going a little too low, but looks ok other than that..?

And am massively feeling the abs today, not sure why this is, assume its related to them squats..
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-14-2015 , 07:21 PM
Saturday 14th

2500 cals, 175g protein.

Rest day.
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
11-15-2015 , 05:30 PM
Sunday 15th

cals- 2868
protein- 238g

Squat- 100kg PR
Bench- 65kg
Pullups, 7, 7, 7

Went training with a slightly higher level team today, didn't have to think about running the session or anything, which was nice. Played better than I thought, think the main thing for me now is just to get some more game experience. Throwing seems ok, though I should defn look to do that more, fitness wasn't an issue today, even though I was gassed after lifting
Road to Trials 2016 Quote
