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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

04-13-2021 , 10:04 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D107

Main - Nasty Girls
3 rounds of:
50 Air Squats
7 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 61 kg

10:56 - 4 ring muscle ups per round/50kg hang power cleans

Accessory 1
Chin ups: 3x8

Accessory 2
Bulgarian Split Squat: 20x12x3


Yesterday was too difficult and felt horrible, today was a perfect day. It felt amazing to do ring muscle ups again after over a year. They felt the easiest ever to date. It's a combination of me losing 2kgs and my gymnastics improving a lot on this programming. The recommended finishing time was 11:30, so I could have done 5 or 6 per round. Round times were 3:19, 3:31, and 4:05. The times got slower because my air squats got slower. The muscle ups actually got faster because I realized I didn't need to rest between reps. The cleans were only broken in the last round - 6+4. Crossfit really needs to change their naming of workouts, I felt so cringe typing nasty girls. They missed a trick by not naming them after dogs. Anyway, the next time this comes up, I would like to do it RX and go a bit slower. I think 15 minutes would be pretty neat.

The accessories were all fewer reps and lighter weight because of shorter rest times. It is really nice to have a 1 hour cap on this and not waste a lot of time on fitnessing. I need to implement this when I homegym.

Originally Posted by Montecore
Yeah, there's only so many times you make the same general point and get some version of No True WODSman back that it's just seinfeld.gif about this particular topic.
This comment has really been bugging me, so I want to come back to it and then not talk about this anymore. I had the exact lower back pain when I was rowing last summer. I didn't hear you say lol rowing. Renton snapped his back recently. I did not hear you say lol powerlifting. But yeah, it's so easy to go lol crossfit when you have this vague idea of what crossfit programming is but are actually clueless. I'm moving on now.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
What kind of bike are you doing the calories on?
Haha, I anticipated this question because of my pathetic score. It was an assault bike. My excuses are - I was wrecked from the interval workout earlier, I haven't biked in a year, and I am a small adult. I've done 26 calories in a minute before, so 35 in 1:30 should be doable pretty soon. That is 70th percentile, so not terrible. Your assault bike performance is one of the more impressive things I have seen here.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 06:49 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D108

7 rounds for time:
250m Row
10 Devil Press, 2x15kg

19:25 (not for time, average HR 166, max 188)

Accessory 1
Side Plank: 2 minutes per side

Accessory 2
Double Under Practice: 5x40, every 1:45 (3 trip ups)


It was an extremely enjoyable and productive day. Pat programs 1 day a week that's not for time, but keeps stressing that you have the option of doing every single day not for time, based on how you feel. Today was the first day I took up that option, on a non "not for time" day. It seemed like a sensible day to just move through the metcon since it was a longer time domain and I destroyed myself on Monday. Devils Presses are no fun at all. It is the only movement where the RX dumbbell weight is 15kg and not 22.5kg. I did it in 2-3 sets, except the last round where I went unbroken just for fun and that's when my HR spiked up to 188. My round times were 2:39, 2:56, 2:49, 3:00, 2:42, 2:45, and 2:31. I started rowing at a nice and easy 2:20 and that quickly became 2:25-2:30. It was a really weird sensation trying to row after the presses because my arms were done. It actually made me really try and use my arms as little as possible, which can only be a good thing.

Side planks were the easiest they have ever been. I usually suffer for the last 30 seconds, but not today. I think the McGill big 3 is starting to work!

Double unders were the big win for today. Only 3 trip ups in 5 sets of 40! I tripped up 7 times with 15 seconds of extra rest per round last time! Relaxing my grip once I'm in the middle of a large set seems to work wonders.

It is a rest day tomorrow, then heavy squats on Friday and a 5k row on Saturday! Apparently, that means I'm not a crossfitter on those days. I am a powerlifter on Friday and a rower on Saturday.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 08:28 AM
I’m also doing a 5k on the weekend.

Happily I won’t be doing any double unders this week
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
It seemed fairly obvious that nothing more needed to be said. That the majority of CrossFit programming puts the average trainee at risk for injury, both acute and chronic, seemed, at least to me, to have been fairly well settled; however, given we've apparently traveled back to 2012, buy Bitcoin.

I get that you like the gestalt of the community writ large and #notallwods; given nothing substantive I say is going to matter yet I read your log routinely and like to lightly troll, this was the next best option. I'll homerhedge.gif and pray silently for your lumbar.
The limited number of studies into injury rates seem to suggest the injury rates are the same as they are in the sport of weightlifting.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 03:44 PM
Here is a video Pat Sherwood (programs Linchpin) made today about intensity in crossfit. It was pretty much made for the conversation we were having. He argues against the exact thing Monte was saying and says it is the most common misconception about crossfit. The link should start at the relevant bit. The guy is known for being a programming nerd and genius and has been doing crossfit for 16 years and still sets PRs now. He has been to the games ages ago as an individual. This entire programming is meant to be for people who want to do this for decades and is meant to be sustainable.

Towards the end of the video, he talks about a typical week at Linchpin -
- 1 heavy day (no metcon)
- 1 not for time day with a heavy component
- 3 classic crossfit days
- 2 rest days

He says to choose 2 days to for higher intensity, but to always listen to your body. There are generally 4 metcons in a week, but he recommends doing 2 at a more leisurely pace and doing 2 for time. One is usually an interval day anyway, so that's the obvious one to go at higher intensity. 2 higher intensity cardio days in a week seems like a reasonable amount when you are training for multiple things, and can only designate a limited amount of time for cardio.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 03:56 PM
Well at least he is watchable since he doesnt have a pencildicker physique like Gardner.

But still, these Gods of yours, pale next to my fitness God (athleanX).
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I am guessing one of two things - either cut out high volume deadlifts completely or that I am not loading my hamstrings correctly and am putting all the weight on my back.

I am leaning towards the latter, because when I talk about high volume deadlifts, I mean something like 50 reps at 40% of my 1RM give me that pain. Or air squats give me that pain. So it must be something about the way I'm moving that causes it.
I think you figured it out with that last sentence. Its likely form.

Without seeing the whole set, its an educated guess, but I would be shocked if your DL form isn't breaking down when you get tired. It happens to most people.

I try to never pull a DL rep if I don't feel confident that my form with regard to my spine position will be good. I certainly don't pull more reps if I feel fatigued or sore in the low back after previous DL reps. Its a terrible exercise to test your endurance. Its even worse to do lots of DL reps if you aren't fresh after having had low back issues.

DLs are a great exercise if you do them right. They can **** you up if you get sloppy.

Originally Posted by arjun13
Thanks a lot, cha! I have ordered back mechanic. For now, you saying I am heading in the right direction means that I will keep doing these exercises for a while and then figure things out from there if nothing improves.

#1 - stay out of whatever position causes the pain 100% of the time. That isn't just when you're working out. Its all day, every day. This book will clarify how and why.

#2 - strengthening the core smartly helps a lot, but always keep #1 in mind.

It should improve. If it lingers a long time, see a spine or neurology expert.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 04:56 PM

"The way this one guy describes the specific way he himself programs CrossFit, exactly as intended by CrossFit Jesus, explodes your argument that CrossFit is lol" is not exactly a stinging rebuke of my point (it is, in fact, the exact point).

I'm sure the programming at some CrossFit boxes is quasi-fine (even though what I've been exposed to in the past through friends/acquaintances has been universally terrible), and this guy's programming may indeed be in the fine category (I got about three minutes into the video before souring on his liquid Quaalude style of speaking, so who knows whether he routinely programs kipping pushups), but I'm already bored talking about it and don't actually care all that much.

So, sorry for triggering you, I won't bag on CrossFit in your log anymore; just consider me an unconverted philistine and move on.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-14-2021 , 06:26 PM
Pat Sherwood is a good dude. He ran my CrossFit certification when I qualified as a coach back in the dark ages of 2009. Pretty good athlete too, although he was competing in the very early stages ... (I almost qualified for regionals in 2010 at age 38 with some severe holes in my it was 10x easier back in those days)

It does sound like his approach to programming is well suited to keeping people training safely and not burning out or suffering so many injuries. Which is great. He’s never sending anyone to the CrossFit Games with that approach though...which isn’t necessarily a flaw in his programming ...just an understanding that CrossFit the fitness philosophy and CrossFit the sport have contradictory needs. Sadly many gyms don’t understand the difference and attempt to push regular Joe and Jane way harder than they are capable of going....aided and abetted by Joe and Jane most often who come to CrossFit thinking that they can become a weapon
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-15-2021 , 04:24 PM
Did you watch any of the quarter finals?
That 120 Wallballs 120 Calories looked like fun . Though the times were unbelievable

I am still shocked no one ever started a Crossfit thread here
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-15-2021 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Did you watch any of the quarter finals?
That 120 Wallballs 120 Calories looked like fun . Though the times were unbelievable

I am still shocked no one ever started a Crossfit thread here
I didn't. I had a few years of fan-boying the Games, mainly because most years for about 5/6 years, there were guys and girls from the CF gym I trained at who were competing. They've mainly all retired now with the exception of one Masters athlete (who is the only person to qualify for every single crossfit games) and one woman who made it last year but I doubt will make it again

120 wall balls/cals would be a decent wod. Guessing most of them only broke WB once?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-15-2021 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I didn't. I had a few years of fan-boying the Games, mainly because most years for about 5/6 years, there were guys and girls from the CF gym I trained at who were competing. They've mainly all retired now with the exception of one Masters athlete (who is the only person to qualify for every single crossfit games) and one woman who made it last year but I doubt will make it again

120 wall balls/cals would be a decent wod. Guessing most of them only broke WB once?

Nope all unbroken I watched Tia Clare and finished the WB's at 3:30 Final time was 10:02
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-15-2021 , 07:54 PM
Tia will win the Games for as many years as she wants to enter it. She’s too tough and consistent
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-16-2021 , 10:50 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D109

Back Squat: 3-3-3-3-3

115, tweaked lower back and stopped

Accessory 1a
Pistols: 25L, then 25R (5x5 each leg)

Accessory 2
Plank: 2 minutes

Accessory 1b
For time:
25 Thrusters, 43 kg
25 Pull-ups
Rest 3 mins
15 Thrusters, 43 kg
15 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

7:44 (2:36, rest 3:00, 2:08) - 30kg thrusters


Well ****. I am now officially acknowledging that my back is not 100%. I felt so good going into today and wanted to set either a rep PR (127.5x3) or do 120x5x3. I started with 115 because the warm up didn't feel great. I felt something at the bottom of the 3rd rep, and grinded it up anyway. This is the exact same pattern as my last back tweak - do a competition (21.2 this time) with lots of hinging that blows up my lower back, tweak it a while later. The good news is this was like 10% of the tweak of last time. I was walking around fine and pistoled and planked. I did a few air squats and felt nothing.

The accessories were a choice between 1a and 1b, but since I had time I decided to reduce the weight on the thrusters and see what happens. There was absolutely no pain at all. I went unbroken on both sets of thrusters!! The first set of pull-ups was 10 and then smaller sets. The first chest to bar set was 6 and then smaller sets. My kipping was fine in the first set and then became pretty bad. It needs work after a year. I'm still pretty happy with 2:36 for 25 thrusters and 25 pull-ups. Gymnastics and cardio are way up!

I think I have been forcing my depth when squatting because a few of my reps are borderline. I am going to stop that and go to whatever depth I can keep tightness at. I am also going to start logging McGill. I'm going to do it 5 days a week as an accessory. I am adding the deep squat hold that is mentioned after the big 3 as that seems necessary. The plan is to do whatever I can pain free and gradually ease in to the heavier weights after a couple of weeks. This always seems to happen - I get in a groove and think PRs are in sight, and then I hurt my back. It is finally time to address the actual problem now.

Last edited by arjun13; 04-16-2021 at 10:56 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-16-2021 , 03:17 PM
@cha - thanks a lot for the help, I appreciate it a lot. I will hit you up in your thread if I have any more questions. I have definitely slacked off regarding my cues with squats and deadlifts because I haven't had any problems for a while. This has woken me up.

@monte - no worries, we move on. We will always have the Pete's Plan summer of 2020

@lozen and feel - The rowing/WB couplet was the one that would absolutely suck the most mentally. I would have dreaded doing that. It's close to an allout 2k row after 120 wall balls. A 2k row is bad enough! The new quarterfinals format was actually really cool with the top 10% going through. I got to watch 2 coaches and some of the top guys at the gym do it, who are not elite. It might be a reasonable long term goal for me.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-17-2021 , 06:33 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D110

5k run

29:21 - not for time

Accessory 1
L-Sit: Accumulate 2 minutes (4x30s)

Accessory 2
3 rounds:
3 Turkish get-ups L, 16kg
3 Turkish get-ups R, 16kg

Back Exercises
Curl up
Side plank
Bird dog
Glute bridge
Deep squat with isometric hold


Today was a choice between a 5k row, 5k run, or 10k bike and could have been for time or not. I chose to run because of my back and took it nice and easy. My HR strap doesn't seem to connect when I run, so no HR data. I sped it up gradually (splits were 6:16, 6:04, 6:05, 5:42, 5:11). It was very enjoyable and I finished strong with no back pain. I could have gone on for a while at that pace.

L-sits and turkish get ups were fine. I'm definitely making progress as they are getting easier. I did the cat-camel, glute bridges and deep squat as a warm-up and might continue doing that.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-17-2021 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
... tweaked lower back and stopped

Well ****. I am now officially acknowledging that my back is not 100%. I felt so good going into today and wanted to set either a rep PR (127.5x3) or do 120x5x3. I started with 115 because the warm up didn't feel great. I felt something at the bottom of the 3rd rep, and grinded it up anyway. This is the exact same pattern as my last back tweak - do a competition (21.2 this time) with lots of hinging that blows up my lower back, tweak it a while later. The good news is this was like 10% of the tweak of last time.

Originally Posted by arjun13
I think I have been forcing my depth when squatting because a few of my reps are borderline.

Originally Posted by arjun13
I am going to stop that and go to whatever depth I can keep tightness at. I am also going to start logging McGill. I'm going to do it 5 days a week as an accessory. I am adding the deep squat hold that is mentioned after the big 3 as that seems necessary. The plan is to do whatever I can pain free and gradually ease in to the heavier weights after a couple of weeks.

Originally Posted by arjun13
This always seems to happen - I get in a groove and think PRs are in sight, and then I hurt my back. It is finally time to address the actual problem now.
I suggest forgetting rep PRs. Only do PRs when you are fresh with movements that you KNOW you can maintain good form throughout the movement. You blow your back up when you get tired and form gets sloppy. Stop forcing rep PRs and stop any set before form breaks down on anything. If what I just typed is contrary to whatever goals you have, now is the time to question whether these goals are worthwhile.

Originally Posted by arjun13
@cha - thanks a lot for the help, I appreciate it a lot. I will hit you up in your thread if I have any more questions. I have definitely slacked off regarding my cues with squats and deadlifts because I haven't had any problems for a while. This has woken me up.

@monte - no worries, we move on. We will always have the Pete's Plan summer of 2020

@lozen and feel - The rowing/WB couplet was the one that would absolutely suck the most mentally. I would have dreaded doing that. It's close to an allout 2k row after 120 wall balls. A 2k row is bad enough! The new quarterfinals format was actually really cool with the top 10% going through. I got to watch 2 coaches and some of the top guys at the gym do it, who are not elite. It might be a reasonable long term goal for me.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-17-2021 , 02:53 PM
The glute/core exercises for the lower back look good. I would also stretch hip flexors daily if you aren’t already until the APT gets better. Kneeling hip flexor stretch or couch stretch
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-19-2021 , 08:46 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D111

7 rounds, for time or not:
250m Row
50m Dumbbell Farmers Carry, 2x22.5kg
7 Knees-to-elbows
5m Handstand Walk

24:25 (not for time) - strict knees to elbows/2 wall walks per round

Accessory 1
Low Ring Muscle Up: 10 reps

Curl up
Side plank
Bird dog
Glute bridge
Deep squat with isometric hold
Hip flexor stretch (thanks beesch!)


Good day, 0 back pain. The metcon called for a 200m run, but that only works in a garage gym, not in an apartment gym. The row levelled up the difficulty of this workout. It was basically all grip. The farmer's carries were unbroken except for the last 2 rounds (30+20). Knees to elbows were unbroken for maybe 4 rounds, then it became smaller and smaller sets until it was quick singles in round 7 because my grip was gone. Round times were 3:14, 3:24, 3:31, 3:38, 3:27, 3:50, 3:19. I hustled in the last round to get my average round time under 3:30. Wall walks seem like a good replacement for handstand walks until I learn how to do them.

Low ring muscle ups are confirmed harder than ring muscle ups. The 10 took roughly 10 minutes. 10 ring muscle ups would take me under 2 minutes. I need to attempt a strict ring muscle up. The low ring muscle ups will transfer well to them and really helps with the transition. Strict muscle ups and handstand walks are the only common crossfit movements I cannot do, for now.

I skipped A2 which was run/row/bike sprints. I should not be sprinting right now.

Tomorrow is snatching. I need to be sensible. Please shout at me if I hurt my back tomorrow.

Originally Posted by cha59

I suggest forgetting rep PRs. Only do PRs when you are fresh with movements that you KNOW you can maintain good form throughout the movement. You blow your back up when you get tired and form gets sloppy. Stop forcing rep PRs and stop any set before form breaks down on anything. If what I just typed is contrary to whatever goals you have, now is the time to question whether these goals are worthwhile.
I suppose I deserve the GIFs. I will say in my defense though, that the back pain I have had is so occassional and it never affects me outside the gym. This makes it hard for it to register in my head that something is wrong. For instance, my lower back was sore a month ago during a competition. There was absolutely no pain 20 minutes after I was done. I then had the aborted workout 2 weeks ago (after air squats). Again, there was no back pain 20 mintues after. I guess this tells me that I need to be way more careful than I have and look out for these signals.

Re: the quoted above, great advice and it's definitely a timely reminder that I needed.

Originally Posted by beeschnuts
The glute/core exercises for the lower back look good. I would also stretch hip flexors daily if you aren’t already until the APT gets better. Kneeling hip flexor stretch or couch stretch
Thanks, I added that! I was doing it last time after I researched APT and completely forgot about it now.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-20-2021 , 10:15 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D112

Snatch: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2

45, 45, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 50, 52.5

Accessory 1
DB Box Step up: 40 reps (4x10 with 22.5s onto bench)

Accessory 2
Fake Sotts Press: 20x8, 22.5x8, 25x8, 27.5x8

Glute bridge
Deep squat with isometric hold


It was a good day with zero back pain. I did this at home, so that I wouldn't be embarrassed by snatching baby weights if my back pain showed up. It didn't, but I started light anyway. The first few sets felt pretty bad, and the last few felt great. I did 3 sets at 45, so the 52.5 was actually my 8th set. I wanted to do 55, but decided to be smart. My cues were the usual - be explosive, extend straight up, and keep the bar close. I stepped an inch away from the bar (from my coach) and that seemed to help.

I super-setted the other two, and added another 2.5kg to the fake press. The first set at 20 felt really easy. The first time I did this, 20 was a struggle. Some unknown (to me) part of my body is experiencing gains.

I ran out of time, so I'll try to do the remaining back exercises at work. Let's see how much WIM I have.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-20-2021 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
My cues were the usual - be explosive, extend straight up, and keep the bar close.
Not much point practicing being explosive when you don't hit the right positions. Why are you still bending your arms early? A good coach should have fixed that on day one.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-20-2021 , 06:33 PM
+1 to that.

plus there's still just so much opportunity for more speed & explosion in the pull and drop.
right now you're almost doing a power snatch with an ohs rather than a squat snatch. it's fine with these weights because they're easy for you to pull high enough but if you're serious about increasing your PR into the 70s and 80s you're gonna need to learn to drop way faster (and rip more violently)
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-21-2021 , 10:10 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D113

Every 1 min for 30 mins, alternating between:
10 Burpees
6 Strict Pull-ups
40 Double Unders

30% RX - 40 DU for 3 rounds, 30 for the last 7

Accessory 1
Pull-up Bar Hang: Accumulate 3 minutes (60s, 4x30s)

Accessory 2
Landmine Twist: 30x12, 32.5x12, 35x12


That was one of the more enjoyable days I've had. I left the gym feeling great. I need to tell Pat to program more EMOM days. Pull-ups were unbroken for 4 rounds, and then became quick singles because I was just tired. I only tripped up 3 times in 330 double unders!! They are finally becoming decent and more efficient. I reduced the number of double unders to 30 because I knew today wasn't going to be a day where I performed at my potential. My HR hit 170 after the 10 burpees in round! It might have something to do with my hayfever. It then just hovered between 175 and 185. Average HR 177, it seemed like a UT1 level of effort - I could have done a few more rounds, but it was painful enough.

Today was meant to be an easier day in terms of effort and Friday and Saturday are meant to be higher intensity days. However, Thursday is a lot of squatting and hinging and I am going to do it not for time and ensure my form is perfect. That's why I pushed it a little today.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-21-2021 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
Not much point practicing being explosive when you don't hit the right positions. Why are you still bending your arms early? A good coach should have fixed that on day one.
He actually did say that on day 1. He said that was the most important thing I needed to fix. After a few sessions, he said it looked a lot better and that some people snatch with slighly bent arms. Having watched a fair amount of weightlifting, that seems to be the consensus. I would be a lifter who pointed at both elbows before lifting to warn the judges. I've just asked him again if I am bending it too much again, let's see what he says.

Re: being explosive and positions, thank you for the reminder. I think my main problem is moving my hips to the bar after the first pull and that swings the bar away from me and causes all sorts of issues. I am really trying hard to fix it. There has been slow progress, but I guess we'll only see once I do something properly heavy at a gym.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
+1 to that.

plus there's still just so much opportunity for more speed & explosion in the pull and drop.
right now you're almost doing a power snatch with an ohs rather than a squat snatch. it's fine with these weights because they're easy for you to pull high enough but if you're serious about increasing your PR into the 70s and 80s you're gonna need to learn to drop way faster (and rip more violently)
I definitely need to drop under quicker, but I'm not worried about that now. There are other things I need to sort out first.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-22-2021 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
He actually did say that on day 1. He said that was the most important thing I needed to fix.
Why haven't you? And do you understand why it is important?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
