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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

03-12-2021 , 09:33 PM
Pretty sure beta alanine is fake as Fack. Did some new study I don't know about come out?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-13-2021 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Cliffs on what he said?
It was a lot of talking about MMA, which I dgaf about. They spoke for 3 hours, which was plenty of time to get some insight into Fraser's training, but there wasn't anything about that. Fraser was anti-vax, made fun of global warming, made fun of people wearing masks, and just seemed to try too hard to get along with Rogan. I actually completely agreed with Fraser re:covid, the time to be scared if you are an healthy adult was last March. Right now, it is completely harmless if you are not vulnerable. But despite agreeing with him, he came off as an arrogant prick.

Originally Posted by loco
Pretty sure beta alanine is fake as Fack. Did some new study I don't know about come out?
I googled it for 5 minutes and there didn't seem to be any negative effects and there were potentially some positive ones, so I ordered it. If you know more about it, then I'm all ears.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-13-2021 , 08:15 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D89

Extra Snatch Practice
Hang Snatch Half Pull + Hang Snatch: 40x3x4
Snatch High Pull: 45x5x3

5 rounds for time:
2 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)
15 Power Snatches, 34kg

22:28 - 3 strict pull-ups instead of 5 kipping

Accessory 1
DB Front Rack Lunge: 22.5sx14x3 (1:30 rest)

Accessory 2
Overhead Carry: 3x30m (with 22.5s, 2:00 rest)


I did day 2 of the snatch program. I am not sure if I am spinning my wheels here and slowly getting better, hopefully the latter. They felt fine, I need to extend straight up, keep the bar close, and be explosive.

I wanted to go at a steady pace and finish under the 22:30 recommended time and did just that. Pull-ups were all easy and unbroken. Push-ups were 5+5 with a short break. Snatches were 8+7, then 3 rounds of 5+5+5, and then 3+3+3+6 in the last round. My round times were 3:57, 4:28, 5:06, 4:57, and 3:59. I really put it all out there in the last round to finish under 22:30. It was mostly me resting a lot less for the snatches and my technique went out of the window but it was only for the last set and the weight was so light. Average HR 167, max 189.

I reduced the rest time by a lot for the accessories and cut the reps down a little. This is the way forward.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-13-2021 , 11:54 AM
It was a lot of talking about MMA, which I dgaf about. They spoke for 3 hours, which was plenty of time to get some insight into Fraser's training, but there wasn't anything about that. Fraser was anti-vax, made fun of global warming, made fun of people wearing masks, and just seemed to try too hard to get along with Rogan. I actually completely agreed with Fraser re:covid, the time to be scared if you are an healthy adult was last March. Right now, it is completely harmless if you are not vulnerable. But despite agreeing with him, he came off as an arrogant prick.

In the first 45 minutes I think the stuff Crossfit didnt like was he said He found a great crossfit gym at the start but had visited many crappy ones. Also Joe asked him about programming and he basically said the same thing that any box can program whatever they want. He could have brought up Level 1, 2 and 3 training many coaches get.
Also he said the drug testing wasn't strong enough compared to what he endure in weightlifting. Everything he said about Crossfit wasn't a lie

Like Arjun I am more into it and to much MMA . Im not sure if they do but I would have e liked more about a typical day in training

I would agree that he came across as arrogant. Joe believes in Climate Change but Joe Rogan is dead on about Covid and the fact what we thought it would be and what it is
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-14-2021 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
It was a lot of talking about MMA, which I dgaf about. They spoke for 3 hours, which was plenty of time to get some insight into Fraser's training, but there wasn't anything about that. Fraser was anti-vax, made fun of global warming, made fun of people wearing masks, and just seemed to try too hard to get along with Rogan. I actually completely agreed with Fraser re:covid, the time to be scared if you are an healthy adult was last March. Right now, it is completely harmless if you are not vulnerable. But despite agreeing with him, he came off as an arrogant prick.

I googled it for 5 minutes and there didn't seem to be any negative effects and there were potentially some positive ones, so I ordered it. If you know more about it, then I'm all ears.

I guess it's not fake, especially for cross fitters. Didn't know that but hadn't kept up with the research.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-14-2021 , 05:53 PM
where did attempt 1 get you to percentile wise in your Open category?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 07:53 AM
21.1 - Redo

For time: (15 minute time cap)
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders

218 reps (9 wall walks into the round of 15), tiebreak 11:40 (+8 reps)

Accessory 1 - SLIPS
Scales - Front and back, 2x20s each
L-Sit - 3x30s
Inversion - nope, too many wall walks
Plank - 2 minutes
Stretching - probably not


That was much better! I used a lot of the tips from the wodprep video. I did shorter sets for double unders and got more aggressive with wall walks in that last step (basically just brushed aside my fear of falling). I finished the round of 90 double unders 2:50 faster than last time, which is a pretty big jump. It's now a decent start to the open, but it might all mean nothing because I will most likely have to do the no equipment workout next week.

Slips was fine. L-sits and plank were much harder than usual because of all the core work in 21.1.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
where did attempt 1 get you to percentile wise in your Open category?
Attempt 1 was 42nd percentile, and this one was 52nd percentile. That's actually a lot better than it sounds because usually 5 weeks of consistent 50-60 percentile results puts you around 75th percentile overall. The scoring rewards consistency and not 2 great weeks and 3 bad weeks. Re: your post in lozen's thread, I strongly disagree about this being a bad test. Everyone pretty much had that reaction at first, but the universal consensus is that it's a phenomenal test. It tests your shoulder strength, core strength, cardio, jump rope skill, and co-ordination. Wall walks are no joke. There are so many people in our gym who beat me in 90% of the workouts in class, but I easily beat them in the open, because they can only do a few things well. They can't do muscle ups, strict handstand pushups, pistols and basically any higher skill gymnastics movement. That's one of the reasons I love the open, being well rounded is finally rewarded.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 08:08 AM
wall walks are definitely gassing and they do definitely go hard at your shoulders. I remember a beer crawl, burpee wall walk (I think they used to be called wall climbs?) wod on main site 10 years ish ago that brutalised me.

I just hate double unders, so I’ll never support any wod with them in.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 12:37 PM
Looks painful. PASS. Crossfit is weird, that's fosho.

I saw that Fran workout, gotta admit I am a fan with regular pullups. I like it because it's a full body workout. So in theory, FRAN every other day should probably keep all humans in decent fitness. But the pain?

I would consider it if there was only 60 hours in the week. But last time I checked there is 168 hours so there is no need for me to get efficient with 10 minute workouts. PASS.

And pass in general on crossfit. Some good wods but also plenty of donk wods.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Looks painful. PASS. Crossfit is weird, that's fosho.

I saw that Fran workout, gotta admit I am a fan with regular pullups. I like it because it's a full body workout. So in theory, FRAN every other day should probably keep all humans in decent fitness. But the pain?

I would consider it if there was only 60 hours in the week. But last time I checked there is 168 hours so there is no need for me to get efficient with 10 minute workouts. PASS.

And pass in general on crossfit. Some good wods but also plenty of donk wods.
This forum seems to have a collective mental block on what crossfit is. Fran and 21.1 are tests. They are supposed to hurt. They are not meant to be done every other day. Compare it to an 800m race and a 5k race. It is not training. If someone came into your log after you had raced a 5k and said running is too painful, you would laugh at them and then teach them about "cardio theory" in a very unpleasant tone.

You got me curious though, so I looked at 2 weeks of training before the open and did a rough breakdown of what my training has been.

Lifting - 47% (170 minutes)
High intensity cardio - 19% (69 minutes)
Low intensity cardio - 17% (64 minutes)
Gymnastics (anything bodyweight) - 14% (50 minutes)
Crossfit specific skill work - 3% (10 minutes)

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 02:16 PM
Nice job on the redo. The difference with the sacked wall walks is your hands have to be completely outside the tape. Never realized that was not a requirement for RX.

I also agree with you on the Forum has a mental block on Crossfit.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 03:10 PM
I've said it since day1, I am a fan of crossfit. I don't do it because I am past 40 and I think it's too much fancy play.

My previous post was borne out of a youtube I saw, where somebody did one of the solid WOD (maybe FRAN) everyday for 6 months. Obviously I know that is not crossfit. But it got me to thinking, that's how I would modify it for my personal use.

I would do a reasonable full body WOD every other day. And minimize my exercising to 4x15 minute sessions per week.

But since I like to enjoy my workouts and there is 168 hours in a week, PASS. If I was 30, I would do crossfit. It covers all the bases and I would ignore stupid shiet like fancy Olylifting or endless facking burpees and fake pullups.

There is no reason for an old fart to be snatching. So I hate on it mostly because I am past that age. There is a reason Olylifting masters is 35. Snap some shiet up.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 03:53 PM
That's what I saw, I saw MURPH everyday for a year. But the whole time I was thinking, man this can be modified.

Something like 4x10 weighted squats, 5x20 pushup variations, 2 miles run at a little bit faster than lactate. Do that every other day plus pullups on off day. Or alternate with FRAN. Or add a wod with a deadlift.

I am basically combining crossfit with the Shuenke study where lifters burned close to 1000 calories in 30 minutes.

Just mental masturbation on training efficiency to be in and out of the gym if I was T'd up and rich as Bezos and I was busy trying to take over the world. Not saying thats crossfit, but in general a fan of any exercising that covers all the bases and is efficient. Basically the opposite of SS.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
This forum seems to have a collective mental block on what crossfit is. Fran and 21.1 are tests. They are supposed to hurt. They are not meant to be done every other day. Compare it to an 800m race and a 5k race. It is not training. If someone came into your log after you had raced a 5k and said running is too painful, you would laugh at them and then teach them about "cardio theory" in a very unpleasant tone.

You got me curious though, so I looked at 2 weeks of training before the open and did a rough breakdown of what my training has been.

Lifting - 47% (170 minutes)
High intensity cardio - 19% (69 minutes)
Low intensity cardio - 17% (64 minutes)
Gymnastics (anything bodyweight) - 14% (50 minutes)
Crossfit specific skill work - 3% (10 minutes)


Everyone who hasn’t done CrossFit as their main source of training has a mental block about what it is. But it’s the internet so...

I will push back on one part though - at least when and where I did it, I went full intensity every time I trained ... that was in the core statement of what CrossFit is.

I get that the games athletes who are training 4 hours a day can’t go to full exhaustion every workout but the 3 days on 1 day off original prescription was full out every time.

Maybe the philosophy has changed now overall as the sport has matured or maybe it’s a box specific thing?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-15-2021 , 09:54 PM
I think the one true Crossfit WoD is the No True Scotsman fallacy.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-16-2021 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Nice job on the redo.
Thank you!

Originally Posted by loco
I've said it since day1, I am a fan of crossfit. I don't do it because I am past 40 and I think it's too much fancy play.

My previous post was borne out of a youtube I saw, where somebody did one of the solid WOD (maybe FRAN) everyday for 6 months. Obviously I know that is not crossfit. But it got me to thinking, that's how I would modify it for my personal use.

I would do a reasonable full body WOD every other day. And minimize my exercising to 4x15 minute sessions per week.

But since I like to enjoy my workouts and there is 168 hours in a week, PASS. If I was 30, I would do crossfit. It covers all the bases and I would ignore stupid shiet like fancy Olylifting or endless facking burpees and fake pullups.

There is no reason for an old fart to be snatching. So I hate on it mostly because I am past that age. There is a reason Olylifting masters is 35. Snap some shiet up.
I agree with all that, crossfit definitely has some FPS stuff that isn't optimal for health. That's one of the things that actually draws a lot of people (including me) in. There's so many skills you have to unlock and it becomes a game. You learn a new one, move on to the next, and before you know it you're doing the weirdest **** ever and not blinking an eye.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
Everyone who hasn’t done CrossFit as their main source of training has a mental block about what it is. But it’s the internet so...

I will push back on one part though - at least when and where I did it, I went full intensity every time I trained ... that was in the core statement of what CrossFit is.

I get that the games athletes who are training 4 hours a day can’t go to full exhaustion every workout but the 3 days on 1 day off original prescription was full out every time.

Maybe the philosophy has changed now overall as the sport has matured or maybe it’s a box specific thing?
Yeah, I think the sport and programming has changed over the years. Most gyms still have to program a metcon everyday because they have members who come in twice a week who don't want to do a boring 40 minute conditioning piece if it's one of their two workouts in a week. However, most gyms these days also have dedicated strength, oly, and gymnastic sessions and encourage you to not beat yourself up by doing 6 metcons in a week. Programming has definitely evolved and become smarter.

Originally Posted by Montecore
I think the one true Crossfit WoD is the No True Scotsman fallacy.
Hey, that's unfair and a big swing and a miss. I am not saying people who do murph everyday or who kill themselves with metcons everyday aren't true crossfitters. I am saying that their programming isn't great and better programming exists. Back to that Monte book of zingers. I expect a better one next time.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-16-2021 , 07:49 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D90

Main - Jerry
For time:
1 mile run
2k row
1 mile run

26:07 - around 85% effort
8:16 - 1 mile run
8:42 - 2k row
7:56 - 1 mile run
+ 1:11 for 2 transitions

Accessory 1
Farmer's Carry: 3x80m (with 22.5s, 1:30 rest)

Accessory 2
Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift: 15x12x2, 22.5x12 (per leg)


It's the debut of beta alanine. I had 6g and there was a bit of tingling, but nothing bad. It was a really good day. I struggled during a warm up 400m jog and thought today was not going to be good. I decided to use the loco thinking and wanted to finish feeling strong and have the training be enjoyable. The first mile was fairly comfortable and I knew then that today wasn't going to be too bad. It felt like I could run forever. I took it fairly easy on the row (just under 2:10 pace) because I wanted to push it a little on the last run. I got in under 8 minutes on the last run and again finished really strong. It felt like I could sustain this pace for a while. I think I nailed the pacing - tough but felt good. Doing this as a test would involve all kinds of suffering.

I reduced the rest further on farmer's carries. The last set was hard.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-17-2021 , 07:47 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D91

Main - Part 1
Front Squat: 7-7-7-7

90, 92.5, 95, 97.5

Main - Part 2
5 rounds for time:
15 Kettlebell Swings (American), 32kg
15 Burpees

9:34 - 24kg KB

Accessory 1
Windshield Wipers: 40 reps (20, 10, 10, on floor, slow and controlled)


I combined 2 of the days into 1 because of my 21.1 redo and skipped an accessory. My front squats felt strong throughout until they suddenly didn't. I looked at the video at 95 and it looked smooth with no form breakdown. I was surprised that the last 3 reps at 97.5 were so bad. I was too stubborn to stop midway through a set and gutted it out. I think it was RPE 9.5 and definitely RPE >10 with good form. Using a 1RM calculator, 97.5x7 puts me at 117. Given that my 1RM is 118, perhaps I got a bit too ambitious after 3 heavier sets. It was 83rd percentile, which is pretty standard for a squatting day. I just need to get everything else up to my squats.

I loved, loved, this metcon. Short, sharp, brutal. No complicated movements. Average HR 174, max 189. I did all the swings unbroken and it was really taxing on my grip. American KB swings (FPS crossfit) are at least 2.6 times harder than normal people ones. The round times were 1:46, 1:51, 1:55, 2:07, 1:53. It was probably 95% effort. If it were a competition, I think sub 9 would have been possible, but I would have had to enter a dark place. I would break up the swings 8+7 with a tiny break in order to go faster on the burpees.

Rest day tomorrow, and then 21.2 on either Friday or Saturday depending on what it is!

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-17-2021 , 07:57 AM
American KB swings are the only way to do them. I watch people doing them to parallel and just smh

Honestly, that wod would have been the absolute perfect one for me, either at 32 or 24. It’s actually given me wood looking at it. if something like that was open week 1 I would have signed up and taken my medecine the other weeks

Nice front squats 7 at 97 is really good at your BW
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-17-2021 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I listened to about 2/3rds and decided I don't like both of them very much. I just ordered beta alanine though, so there's that.
Never understood why Rogan is popular. Something very grating about him. Fraser raised some legitimate points but also said some stupid stuff
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-17-2021 , 10:36 AM
American swings are the stupidest and no idea why CF encourages them
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-17-2021 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure2.0
American swings are the stupidest and no idea why CF encourages them

because they’re way more effective at strengthening the hip extension would be my guess?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-18-2021 , 06:22 AM
and way more effective at inducing shoulder impingement
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-18-2021 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by kolotoure2.0
and way more effective at inducing shoulder impingement

that’s right up there with vagina soreness in the pantheon of injuries
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
03-19-2021 , 07:45 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D92

Snatch practice
Snatch: 40x3, 42.5x3x2, 45x3
Muscle Snatch: 35x5x3

Main - Amanda
Ring Muscle up
Squat Snatch, 61kg

10:05 - 4-3-2 low ring muscle ups/40kg snatches

Accessory 1
Fake Sotts Press: 20x8, 22.5x8x3

Accessory 2
Chin ups: 4x8 (super setted with FSP)


Another long but fun day, with the extra snatch work. I kept it light to really practice what I need to do. My major mistake now is once the bar passes my knees. I bring my hips forward to the bar and then jump backwards, which causes the bar to loop in front of me. My only cues for next time will be to be patient with the first pull and let the bar come high up on my hip, and then to jump straight up and not back. I finally feel that I know what my mistakes are and can work towards something (since getting the coach) and I'm not guessing in the dark.

I used the metcon to practice my snatches more. And given the automatic break between muscle ups, I didn't really get my HR up too much. It was still really useful. I tried to extend straight up. Everything was in singles. The round times were 4:26, 3:40, and 1:58. I'm getting better at low ring muscle ups. I can't wait to see if my actual muscle ups are better now. I think they might be.

I moved up in weight for fake Sotts press and they definitely feel easier. I have made some FPS gains here. Chin ups were all very low RPE.

I am pretty annoyed at the open. I don't have a box to do burpee box jumps. Now, I could do it because a coach lives nearby and have her judge me, but then I am pretty sure week 3 is going to involve muscle ups and I won't be able to do week 3 RX. My plan always was to do the no equipment version, but they seem to have made it accessible to the masses and not competitive. This week's no equipment version has hang squat snatches with a broom or a stick!! I am not wasting my time on that. That's the open done for this year for me. It's a shame because it is the main focus of my training, but now it's time to focus on getting better and crushing 2022.

American kettlebell swings are obviously terrible.

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