Deadlift: 100x5, 105x5x2 (off blocks)
21-15-9: (16 minute cap)
Deadlifts (102.5/70kg)
200 Meter Run
Double Dumbbell Push Jerks (22.5/15kg)
200 Meter Run
15:20 - 85kg DLs, 17.5kg DBs
First the good - linear progression continues with no pain. I did around 50 deadlifts at 80kg in the previous metcon, and today did similar volume at 85kg (from the floor) with no pain.
The bad - I felt terrible today. The entire metcon was a struggle. I got through it, but idk if it even did any good. The DBs were joke light because I just wanted to finish. I am thinking it is covid remnants or hayfever or both.
Originally Posted by droopy0021
Not sure why gym owner/coach doesn’t have private conversation with them. It can eat away at a culture/community….but that being said, it’s their loss, not yours. Don’t let it rain on your day. Proof will happen in comp or Open when your magically better or they can’t do the workout due to injury or dog ate their homework excuse.
Yeah, I think the coaches have made a few comments, but it seems now like the cheaters are trying to one-up each other. I don't let it affect me too much - I get irritated for 5 minutes when I see the scores and then I laugh. You guys are the only people I talk about this too, so it is my place to vent, ha.
Originally Posted by feel wrath
we used to pick people up on it ourselves. 'hey, how come you seem to go so much better when you're counting your own reps?'
Oh I am dreaming of a scenario where I can do this. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet. When the cheaters are in my class, I don't catch them in the act. They just post ridiculous scores afterwards. I did notice one of them skip a round once but it was obviously in the middle of a metcon and I was too tired to care then.