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***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** ***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread***

01-06-2015 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
this is exactly how I organically weed out the idiots in my crop of fb friends

I share a link, this is what happens...
By weed out you mean tag when you share articles with science and stuff in them? Cuz no way I'm unfriending any of these people, where is the fun in that?
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 02:37 PM
And it's unfortunate that one of my friends is taking a Facebook break. She owns an organic baby food company and is a reg in the PDX moms against Monsanto anti vaxxer scene with skin in the game. Can't wait til her inevitable return.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 02:37 PM
I need to be crashjr's FB friend just so I can popcorn.gif the lulz
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 02:49 PM
crashjr : Facebook :: BtM : Tindher
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Do you have a smaller photo?

I like that FKA Twigs album. 28/37 when feels are correct.

Saw Louis C.K. last night. 25/37, not bad. Second time I saw him. Maybe 33/37 the first time. He had two very good bits that were really well done and two meh bits, rest solid but not the funniest stuff I've seen from him. lol'd, but not as much as last time. He also brought two openers. Hannibal Burress is funny and a comic I've liked for a while. He had good stuff. Steven Wright is not funny (any more?) and my guess is Louis CK felt bad for him and put him on. The end.
Cool, I'm going to see him tonight
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 03:02 PM
I posted a similar semi-troll on MyFace:

People everywhere living longer! Here's to vaccines, water purification and fluoridation, food processing, and the appropriate use of antibiotics, GM foods, fertilizers, and pesticides. Here's to science based medicine, thoughtful pharmaceutical research, evidence-based policy making, and chemical literacy!

***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 03:13 PM
Nice try ab but the increase in life expectancy is due almost entirely to safer automobiles.

Thanks Nader
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 03:28 PM
How much did life expectancy increase when anti vaxxers stopped letting the gubmint poison their children? Needs a graph.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 03:30 PM
.@MikeMcDonald89 just accepted a bet to perform 300 air squats during the next level in #PCA100K — one hour — for I believe $10,000.

lol gamblers.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Wow you're friends with a professional golfer???

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Iirc there aren't too many people in India so SS is on a first-name basis with everyone most likely. So, not too surprising.
Seriously though I think it's very rare if an individual on this planet doesn't encounter an Indian somewhere in their day.

Originally Posted by udbrky
Isn't everyone's name Singh?
Singh is a last name copied into many a cultural diaspora across India due to it's baller/rebel status and meaning (Lion). I am from the clans that be one of the OG's when it comes to this last name. It's unlike Patel which is just common because of the sheer number of Patels inbreeding.

Originally Posted by crashjr
By weed out you mean tag when you share articles with science and stuff in them? Cuz no way I'm unfriending any of these people, where is the fun in that?
Yes I agree, he's still my friend

Originally Posted by anklebreaker
I posted a similar semi-troll on MyFace:
thanks, I am gonna use this

Originally Posted by fredd-bird
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 04:25 PM
Apparently, someone from Austin tried to overthrow Gambia.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 04:41 PM
Non-bearded bros: pretty sure the cleaning lady just ran off with my electric razor. That's OK, it was a POS and I hated it anyway.

What's the preferred shave of choice ITT? Regular old blade stuff? Dollar shave club? Electric? Fancylad wet shaving?
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
.@MikeMcDonald89 just accepted a bet to perform 300 air squats during the next level in #PCA100K — one hour — for I believe $10,000.

lol gamblers.
should be easy for him if he squats regularly right? I know he's pretty light.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 04:44 PM
Schick hydro all the way baby.

But seriously lol fancylad wet shaving. Other than that go by feel imo.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 04:45 PM
I shave with an old trac 2 if i need to look dapper. But usually a Panasonic elec. I really like it. I used to have a norelco but it was a pos.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 04:55 PM

Healthy obesity is a scam. My Fred Flinstone ass never would've guessed it.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 05:01 PM
I switched from electric to double-edged safety razor about a year ago. but I am a man baby who only needs to shave once every 3-4 days.

I don't need to use any lol brushes or hot towels because my facial hair is pretty fine. I do find that using a new blade every time greatly reduces instances of cuts or razor burn. just splash of warm water, shaving cream, shave. takes like 3 minutes.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by nuggetz87
I don't need to use any lol brushes or hot towels because my facial hair is pretty fine. I do find that using a new blade every time greatly reduces instances of cuts or razor burn. just splash of warm water, shaving cream, shave. takes like 3 minutes.
Apparently something as simple as drying off the razor after a use should extend its lifetime significantly. Am using an electric, so haven't tested.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 05:31 PM
In my experience all cheap electric razors works great for a while. A year maybe? And then you just toss it and get another for like $30

Edit: No, I'm thinking of a beard trimmer.

WTF, an electric razors suck
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 05:35 PM
Dollar shave club + shave gel works for me. Shaving time is cut down from three minutes to two due to WINTER BEARD
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 05:46 PM
I can't wait till spring comes, so I stop growing my winter beard and grow my spring beard.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 05:58 PM
Shave gel? Feelsbadman
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 06:02 PM
As a certified AMERICAN THOUSANDAIRE, I can't afford shave butter that costs LITERALLY dollars an ounce; I've got kids that have a $50/wk fruit habit (if we're lucky). Nivea for Men is what I get, and I'm expected to like it.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 06:05 PM
I just use soap. No cream or anything. Normal moisturizer after shaving.

That gel stuff, though, just sucks real bad imo. Feels gross, smells gross, dries the hell out of my skin.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-06-2015 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Nivea for Men is what my wife gets me, and I'm expected to like it.
FYP??? If you are buying your own shave gel, we will need to reconsider your beta status.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
