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***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** ***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread***

01-04-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Ask the dealer for a pot total. It's their job.
Feel like this is a no no unless it's a big pot / facing a big decision.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 05:41 PM
Hmmm. I can see how asking the dealer for a total could give your opponent(s) an unfair advantage. But if you're not able to keep track of the total yourself, I have to suspect that's the least of your problems.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 05:47 PM
BtM — This:

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
young aggressive kid who was pretty good
Is very much at odds with this:

would also flash his hand nearly every single time to me when he looked at his cards.
That is a pretty significant edge he was handing to you.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Hmmm. I can see how asking the dealer for a total could give your opponent(s) an unfair advantage. But if you're not able to keep track of the total yourself, I have to suspect that's the least of your problems.
If you don't play live (like me back when I sometimes played poker) it is a bit of a PITA to begin with. But, seriously, live poker is so **ing slow and boring, you have inordinate amounts of time to track the pot and stack sizes around the table.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 05:55 PM
Most of us can keep a basic count of a blackjack shoe, track cards at bridge and/or hearts, and do a Rubik's cube in under three minutes. Tracking a pot just isn't hard.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 05:58 PM
Man hearts is great. Maybe my favorite game.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
which ones? Typically don't read drafts.
Sorry this took a bit to come back to. Linking to writeups.

Your MSPaints in the rapdurrrr picture thread were A++++++

Write ups for others specifically quoted you

Friends trusted me with their cat, he died
Anderson Cooper comes out as gay, no one is surprised
YTF's H&F Log
BaronVangorToth defends AK vs AA to the death
Dunking on Labron, butnahhhh or maybe

Wookie also called fowl when someone drafted the Boston Bombing thread but didn't quote your infamous post

Originally Posted by MrWookie
Also, drafting the Boston Bombing thread without quoting kidcolin's (?) post where he speculated on what the cops were saying to Tsarnev to coax him out of the boat is criminal.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
"you've had a wicked pissah. you can't get fah. no goin' back to dahtmyth. you must be stahvin'. we gaht some cawfee and roast beef fah ya. c'mahn."

I agree with what Dudd said in the draft.

Originally Posted by Dudd
I had no idea kidcolin ever ventured into the poker related parts of the site, how about that
These posts and the Secret Santa reveal gave me a new perspective on you for the better. You are a funny fella. I hope you get out of your funk
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 06:13 PM
Finally read sexodus article. It's horribly written in terms of structure. I don't really understand the vitriol against sexual harassment laws in the first part. I got harassed frequently at my very first job when I was 16 and I don't mind these laws being heavy handed but maybe that's just my personal bias.

I liked this part a lot:

"Getting laid with attractive women has become extremely hard for average men. Women today of average or even below average quality desire an elite man with above-average looks, muscles, intelligence, and confidence.

“If an average girl works hard enough, she will be able to have a one-night stand with a ‘hot’ guy every now and then because he happened to be horny and wanted an easy lay. The girl then thinks that she actually can get such a man to commit to her for the long term, and so doesn’t give the average guys a chance, holding out for the type of stud that she had a brief sexual encounter with in the past.”"

I think a lot of it goes back to inflated female self esteem. Most women judge their worth very much from external signals and how much attention they get rather than what they do or accomplish (and they beat men in aggregate in this respect in the millennial generation anyway). They're facking flooded with positive attention and reinforcement at every turn with smart phones and tons of social networks and actual 6s think they're elite 9s just for not being fat and pulling a few ONSs with guys much hotter than them.

On a sidenote I think a lot of these fellas "dropping out" are secret racists who won't even try non-white women before just giving up entirely.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 06:58 PM
does higher glycogen depletion increase creatine requirements?
or is that irrelevant?
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Crash (actually Melk, I assumed it was crash without looking who actually made post I was responding to), what % of the world population fits these checkboxes. The author is British and the article is not US centric.
I wasn't really looking at it from that perspective. I was focused on what you were saying about yourself:

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I do think if I was growing up in this generation though I would be trying to date online and would be getting constantly rejected by females I would not even approach IRL and would be pretty meh about if they came onto me. I am not sure what this would do to my relationship with myself and with the opposite sex, but I do not imagine it would be a positive development.
I assume you check all the boxes, and if you do, even if you are socially ******ed, you'll still be fine, and in fact you may be even better off than you would have been in the past.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Whisky TR? (aka Nikka, please)
Tried to go to the Yamazaki distillery but it's closed for the first week of the year. Thanks Abe.

Going to this bar tonight in the middle of nowhere in Nara:

Averaging about 3.5 highballs per day, and confirmed have already made several Nikka please jokes.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by cashy
does higher glycogen depletion increase creatine requirements?
or is that irrelevant?

For a beginning lifter such as yourself (in the sense of how you have trained and stressed your body to date and not lifting experience per se) I am sure the answer is it is irrelevant.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 07:21 PM
combination of weightlifting and a high intensity sport like soccer 4x a week makes creatine probably even more beneficial/important as recovery time(for legs) is extremely short to say the least(glycogen stores get depleted really quickly too)
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 07:28 PM

Still just mental masturbation. But whatever floats your boat. Hopefully you get your answer.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:15 PM
lol at telling the guy you can see his cards. I will take that all night.

Also, counting the pot is just "four guys saw the flop. it was raised to $12. $48" (don't worry about blinds). Even in the wackiest games there will only be max of three people to the turn so the flop action from there will more than likely go something like "bet $30, call $30" and then I probably just round the pot down to $100 for the turn.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:27 PM
Sounds like Jon Fon plays PLO with a lot of multiway pots. That can probably get hairy sometimes I imagine.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:35 PM
Yeah, I guess my disclaimer is that I only ever play nickle and dime (like 1/2, 1/3, 2/4) NL hold'em cash games and the game is soooooooooo slow in terms of dealing and "sir, action on you. sir? sir, it's $12 to call". I swear I once counted it at something like 12 hands/hour.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:37 PM
I was under the impression for no-limit games, the dealer is not allowed to give a pot count. The most they can do is spread out the pot so you can count it yourself. I've definitely been in NL tournaments where this is enforced, but most of my live play is limited hold'em cash games, so I don't really know that much about live NLHE cash games.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:47 PM
Greetings friends. My barbell is fubar, any recs for a not terrible barbell that doesnt cost more than a rack, cuz lets face it, Im not that strong anyways.

Also whats getting a bar shipped like? Seems like a pain in the ass.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:53 PM
IME the dealer is not allowed to count or stack the pot.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:56 PM
In a Venetian daily once saw a guys cards and called down three streets with bottom pair in a pot that started 3 ways. I was off by one and it turned out he was just randomly betting away with pair of 7s A kicker b/c he was oop and didn't know what to do. So it looked like he got super thin value and owned me for most of my chips. CSB
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 09:00 PM
I'm fairly sure our dealers are allowed (and possibly obliged) to give a pot count on request... and now that I think about it, they may even announce it on each street.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
I'm fairly sure our dealers are allowed (and possibly obliged) to give a pot count on request... and now that I think about it, they may even announce it on each street.
For pot-limit games, of course the dealer should be able to give a count. For no-limit, I don't see why they would have to be able to, but I imagine that this is a rule that varies from room to room.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Greetings friends. My barbell is fubar, any recs for a not terrible barbell that doesnt cost more than a rack, cuz lets face it, Im not that strong anyways.

Also whats getting a bar shipped like? Seems like a pain in the ass.
Texas power bar.

No idea on shipping.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 09:39 PM
We have some weird laws around gambling in 'straya (and it varies from state to state). Things like the buy-ins have to be fairly short. I have a feeling the max buy-ins are 50bb... but now I can't remember, it may be 100. They also do weird things like the slot machines will only accept up to $20 notes... even though there is nothing stopping you pushing in a bunch of 20s.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
01-04-2015 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
lol at telling the guy you can see his cards. I will take that all night.

Also, counting the pot is just "four guys saw the flop. it was raised to $12. $48" (don't worry about blinds). Even in the wackiest games there will only be max of three people to the turn so the flop action from there will more than likely go something like "bet $30, call $30" and then I probably just round the pot down to $100 for the turn.
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL straya only getting max three players to the turn. In USA USA USA, it is common to get 4 or 5 callers through the river. Live poker is lol. Just nit it up and value town the passive stragglers.
***Official January Of Elite Dominance Thread*** Quote
