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01-05-2020 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by citanul

I'm not sure what your point is meant to be. Yes -- if more people were the sons of multi-millionaire professional athletes who took an early interest in specializing them toward athletic pursuits, basically cherry picking: genetics, societal advantages, and easy access to a coach relevant to their eventual sport, then yes, there would likely be more ... young men likely to be quite good at their father's specific chosen sport?

<deleted rambly part of this post about how while Terrence Metcalf had a fine career, I doubt anyone who made $50M+ would be pushing their sons to play football, and about whether or not their is a shortage or a need for more very good football players>

Yeah, I think you missed the point.

I was mostly having a lel. But if you want some points, here are a couple.

1. DK Metcalf's physique is an outliar even among NFL pros. There was a discussion on here about whether he was natty or not. Perhaps him starting lifting at such an early age was an important factor.

I'm sure privileged kids who are encouraged to pursue sports, get all sorts of support such as specialized camps and the like, but I've never heard any of these parents getting their 5-year-olds to do compound barbell lifts. That is also very atypical.

2. Every now and then someone on H&F wonders about when they should introduce lifting to kids. I don't think anyone has ever suggested anything anywhere near 5. I still think that's crazy, but maybe I'm wrong.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Free Deeply Miserable!!!
I heard he left so he could focus on his 2020 goals.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I heard he left so he could focus on his 2020 goals.
I assume they're gummi bear-related.

What's the lowdown Aidan/Monte?
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 08:42 AM
An out of context non sequitur troll post against someone that doesn't even post here anymore (and barely ever did at that). This was the move that finally melted the last of the wax off of his wings.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 09:47 AM
Wasn't aware that there was a de-waxing in progress.

As always, I'm of two minds. He's been way more chill this time around imo, so good enough reason to keep. Also so Evo and jdock can't complain about PC culture suppressing the will of righteous men.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 10:25 AM
Is it permanent, or will DM be back? Like Soulman, I think he was pretty chilled this time around. He added a lot to the forum.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 10:48 AM
It appears to be permanent this time, or as permanent as these things ever are.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 11:44 AM
delete the whole forum

hit the gym
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01-06-2020 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I was watching Seahawks vs Eagles and they mentioned that DK Metcalf's dad started him lifting at 5 years old. By 6 he could supposedly bench 50lbs and squat 100lbs.

Maybe there would be more DKs out there if everyone started early enough? Probably not. But in the real DKs case, I'm sure it didn't hurt.
An old friend of mine started working out at an extremely young age. Maybe like 1st grade? By 5th grade he had a six pack, pecs, and those compound biceps like a mini papa pump. Alas he was a manlet though. Maybe in part due to the working out? I've heard mixed things about the ramifications of lifting that early.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:08 PM
The ruling on DK Metcalf is still natty. Guy got jacked at 13.

Of course, G4S will cry peds

Recently, a pediatric endocrinologist was at her wits' end, and so, she blew the whistle. The endocrinologist, who chose to remain anonymous, wrote to the radio show This American Life claiming she was "inundated" with affluent parents seeking human growth hormone (HGH) for their short, but otherwise healthy, children. The requests now constitute roughly half of her caseload, she reported. Even parents of kids whose heights are in the 40th percentile – just barely below average – have been demanding HGH.

HGH treatments generally last three to five years and cost upwards of $300,000. And they do work. Studies show the average boost to height is 3.5 to 7.5 centimeters (1.4 to 2.8 inches)

I thought there was way cheap Chinese GH these days. Looks like I will be popping out a kid soon. And the vitamins of champions starting at age 10.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:29 PM
"Looks like I will be popping out a kid soon."

Congrats buddy!
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01-06-2020 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
An out of context non sequitur troll post against someone that doesn't even post here anymore (and barely ever did at that). This was the move that finally melted the last of the wax off of his wings.
Yeah, I never really got that guy but he did seem deeply miserable.
Didn't get that post either and why he has so much hate for some individual. Just seems weird. Weirder yet are his defenders. If he was chill this time around I'm really glad I didn't see any of the crap from before. Good riddance imo. Dude was a downer.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 02:13 PM
Let’s not go too overboard here. He trolled a supremely trolley poster who has trolled him in the past. It is what it is.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 02:45 PM
Fair enough, I'm not familiar with either of their history in that regard.

I'm just going off of my limited observations in the past year or so. He really didn't seem like at all a pleasant person. That last troll post aside.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 03:35 PM
It's performance art.
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01-06-2020 , 06:30 PM
Mine was 3 days, but reserving the option of another perma if the brains trust decides that way.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 06:38 PM
Mazel Tov Loco.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by loco
The ruling on DK Metcalf is still natty. Guy got jacked at 13.

Of course, G4S will cry peds

Recently, a pediatric endocrinologist was at her wits' end, and so, she blew the whistle. The endocrinologist, who chose to remain anonymous, wrote to the radio show This American Life claiming she was "inundated" with affluent parents seeking human growth hormone (HGH) for their short, but otherwise healthy, children. The requests now constitute roughly half of her caseload, she reported. Even parents of kids whose heights are in the 40th percentile – just barely below average – have been demanding HGH.

HGH treatments generally last three to five years and cost upwards of $300,000. And they do work. Studies show the average boost to height is 3.5 to 7.5 centimeters (1.4 to 2.8 inches)

I thought there was way cheap Chinese GH these days. Looks like I will be popping out a kid soon. And the vitamins of champions starting at age 10.

I definitely understand people that want to do this for even average kids. $300K for extra 2.8" of height is a pretty good deal for any manlet, imo. I'd be surprised if the kid (if male) didn't get an extra $300K lifetime worth of value out of that. However much of that value would be a little hard to quantify. $300K for 1.4" is certainly more questionable.

Just skimming your link, there was something about an increased risk of heart disease and overall mortality. I'd probably need to research that more before I pulled the trigger myself.

Oh, congrats on kid. How does pregnancy affect the fortunes of Instagram girls? I could honestly see it going either way.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
An old friend of mine started working out at an extremely young age. Maybe like 1st grade? By 5th grade he had a six pack, pecs, and those compound biceps like a mini papa pump. Alas he was a manlet though. Maybe in part due to the working out? I've heard mixed things about the ramifications of lifting that early.
Yeah, I've heard the weight lifting stunts your growth thing more than a few times. It just sounded like an old wives tale to me, but I never actually looked into it.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-06-2020 , 11:07 PM
I honestly just assumed kids before puberty wouldn't get much out of it, but that's not based on any facts, just a gut feeling.

On the other hand a friend of mines kid got deep into gymnastics at a young age and now he's like 9 or 10 and has a visible 6 pack and is very strong. I don't think he lifts weights, just does gymnastics a lot.
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01-07-2020 , 12:30 AM
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-07-2020 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Here's something I was thinking about. Interested in what everyone thinks the answer is.

Imagine a 80kg dude who has the following 1RMs. Let's also assume that he was a novice, did SS and below is about where his linear progression is starting to fail.

Squat 100kg
DL 130kg
Bench 80kg
Press 60kg

Now imagine that he is part of an experiment where they put him on a weird program where the goal is to just improve his squat, but keep everything else the same. He is not doing any training to increase volume. He only trains these for lifts and nothing else. Now after one year he is still exactly 80kgs and his 1RMs are

Squat 150kg
Everything else exactly the same

I realize this is very contrived, but given the above, how many pounds of muscle do you think this guy has gained after the one year.
probably negative muscle gain
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-07-2020 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by loco
The ruling on DK Metcalf is still natty. Guy got jacked at 13.

Of course, G4S will cry peds
Eh, I won't cry anything, I'm just realistic. High school cheerleaders take PED's and you're gonna white knight a pro athlete? But here's the real kicker, I don't care. Whatever you want to put in your body, or not put in your body, that's cool with me. I'm not the one that makes excuses for my physique or athleticism.

The GH thing for kids has been going on a long time. And I agree with Melk, $300k for almost 3" in height is a no-brainer.

Originally Posted by loco
Looks like I will be popping out a kid soon. And the vitamins of champions starting at age 10.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-07-2020 , 09:31 AM
-won't go on trt because terrified of health ramifications
-will put 10 year old on steroids
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
01-07-2020 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by loco
Looks like I will be popping out a kid soon
Confirmed? If so, welcome to the club buddy! You're in the 40+ dad club right?
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