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*** November LC Thread: So Help Me God If Any of you ***** Call it Movember*** *** November LC Thread: So Help Me God If Any of you ***** Call it Movember***

11-12-2015 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
She married Yugo.
11-12-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
have you watched it recently or is this all from memory? Would be shocked if x-files still is any good to watch in 2015.
I rewatched the entire series again a couple of years ago, I want to say three.

Since at it's best, the series was very character driven, the golden years hold-up to a satisfactory degree. Yeah, it can be sort of weird with the early giant cell phones and the 90s clothes and the lack of ability to Google everything, but from a story telling perspective, if you liked the stories the first time around, they are still pretty engaging.

But I also have a pretty high tolerance for series aging, I'll still watch original Trek episodes and be able to deal with the incredibly high cheese factor there. I guess it's hard to say for sure since I was such a huge fan of the show when it was originally on but I still like it, and could rewatch what I consider the peak of the show, seasons 3-6 and most of 7, very happily still today.

It really shows it's age a lot more when the story is weaker, which is true for a lot of season 1 and some of season 2, or when they try to pretend that the Mulder-Scully dynamic wasn't essential to the series (seasons 8 and 9). I honestly don't even know how well the last two seasons hold up, I consider them borderline blasphemous, but seasons 1 and 2 definitely don't hold up as well as seasons 3-6.
11-12-2015 , 02:49 PM
Also anyone who just skips the MOTW X-Files episodes would miss most of the very best episodes from the series and hands down my favorites from season 1 (Squeeze and Tooms). Don't sleep on the monster episodes. If I had to pick which I preferred in general, the MOTW vs. the alien conspiracy episodes, I'd go with MOTW. Much greater range of stories available. Plus after a while, I don't think most fans could keep track of the conspiracy arc without a diagram. Neither could Carter AFAIK.
11-12-2015 , 05:02 PM
All I remember from X Files is they did a movie where there was an Alien spaceship buried in the North Pole. Or maybe that was one of the Superman or Alien movies. I forget.

Anyways, new season of Homeland is pretty good so far (haven't seen the latest episode yet, but saw first 4). We also recently watched The Borgia's, which is an older Showtime show. Thought it was pretty good, although being on Showtime and a little dated, was a little dissapointed in relative lack of tits, ass and cock that HBO and Starz series bring to the table.
11-12-2015 , 05:29 PM
I'm 50/50 on the conspiracy arc vs MOTW. They both have ups and downs.

I understand that some may feel like it didn't age well. But as a young nerd (born in 80) in the early to mid 90's it was pretty flipping awesome TV.

We tried working our way through The Borgia's. Finally gave up probably 10-15 episodes in. Just didn't tickle our fancy.

Might be time to find Homeland and pick it up again. I keep hearing people saying that it finally came back around. I think we made it two seasons in before we shut down the HBO/Showtime/Starz tier on the cable due to a lack of original programming that we were actually interested in.
11-12-2015 , 05:29 PM
Only episode of X-Files I've seen was the one where a guy gets drunk and ends up in the woods and sees an alien and nobody believes him because he's drunk but then he goes back with his son and gets in on tape and gives it to Leonard Nimoy who brings everyone to the woods to see the alien and it was just Mr. Burns.

That was a good one though.
11-12-2015 , 06:03 PM
I mean if people are interested in watching the series I could do a pretty comprehensive list of the must watch eps by season. Excluding 8 and 9, I've seen them all but mostly just because I have OCD and HAD to watch them to say I'd seen them all, so I don't remember them well.

Whereas I've seen every episode from the first 7 seasons multiple times over.
11-12-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I rewatched the entire series again a couple of years ago <snip>
Thanks for the summary Might have to give it a shot again. On the other hand there's a fair amount of current series I still haven't seen so...

ouch, just ouch.

ETA: I know I've pimped Buffy before, actually a serious recommendation. S1 is a bit weak, but S2 and S3 in particular are still awesome. Some truly awesome episodes in there, like the musical and The Body. Also very character driven, so the outdated effects don't matter too much.
11-12-2015 , 08:36 PM
Dt - the feels
11-12-2015 , 08:36 PM
Or as evmegabulk would say, got eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
11-12-2015 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Dt - the feels
I think he meant it in a not bad way.
11-12-2015 , 10:07 PM
I guess I should have asked if dt likes the x files or not. Hard to have time for that with floor pappy and walking going on. Full schedule.
11-12-2015 , 10:16 PM

Only your opinion matters to me, which is why I took a pic with a new pose just for you. Tempting to spoiler the pic and surprise you with a pic of my ass, but I didn't do it. How am I looking?

11-12-2015 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
I guess I should have asked if dt likes the x files or not. Hard to have time for that with floor pappy and walking going on. Full schedule.
He can only mean she has exquisite taste. It was clearly implied.

How are you and Mrs. Yugo?
11-12-2015 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

Only your opinion matters to me, which is why I took a pic with a new pose just for you. Tempting to spoiler the pic and surprise you with a pic of my ass, but I didn't do it. How am I looking?

I'll give my opinion anyways, I'd let you **** my girl
11-12-2015 , 10:23 PM
We are good. Expecting at the beginning of February. Good news is there are no gains to be lost so I'm already ready for the dadbod.
11-12-2015 , 10:24 PM
I kinda want to buy you a camera, but other than that, K
11-12-2015 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by uscpf
I'll give my opinion anyways, I'd let you **** my girl

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
We are good. Expecting at the beginning of February. Good news is there are no gains to be lost so I'm already ready for the dadbod.
OMG!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Do you know yet if it is a boy or girl? Or twins? Or triplets?
11-12-2015 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
I kinda want to buy you a camera, but other than that, K
I accept this gift.
11-12-2015 , 10:29 PM
Just one girl. No super Monte virility here but I figure one is enough or at least a good start. One dog, one kid. Seems gto to me. Enough to get the experience but not enough to ruin everything.
11-12-2015 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
We are good. Expecting at the beginning of February. Good news is there are no gains to be lost so I'm already ready for the dadbod.
WOOT! Congrats!
11-12-2015 , 10:34 PM
Thanks! I'm def excited but I also don't think it will really hit me until it does me then it will be too late to get fully mentally prepared lol.
11-12-2015 , 10:37 PM
I am so happy for you and Mrs. Yugo. Please keep us updated.
11-12-2015 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Thanks! I'm def excited but I also don't think it will really hit me until it does me then it will be too late to get fully mentally prepared lol.
Heh. My wife isn't pregnant, but I definitely expect to feel like this when/if it happens.
11-12-2015 , 11:54 PM
Congrats Yugo! Try not to get too jealous when she's squatting more than you at 18 months.
