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Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses

01-15-2014 , 08:46 PM
Fail of a wo
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01-15-2014 , 08:52 PM
Going to see a "andvanced orthopedics and sports medicine" dr friday about my thumb.

Also going to be looking into insurance very soon.
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01-15-2014 , 08:56 PM
You don't have insurance and are going to pay cash to see an orthopedics specialist? Yikes. GL.

Also, I think the new health insurance laws actually make it illegal for them to ask you about pre-existing conditions, so depending on how bad you think it is you might want to get insurance now and wait things out till insurance kicks in before going this route.
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01-20-2014 , 07:24 AM
Doctor went well, I now have a removable 'cast' that was molded to my thumb to prevent mobility for 6 weeks. I squatted with it today, although its awkward it doesn't interfere. Squat progress to hopefully continue until the cut begins sometime next month.

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01-25-2014 , 12:55 AM
Two days ago I did


Haven't been feeling it, today was better.
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01-25-2014 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
just some light 385's
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01-27-2014 , 11:12 PM
Totally spent after playing 2 days of live tournament poker only to make the biggest mistake of an otherwise excellent showing with 13 left to bust. 180k up top cashed for less than 10 :/

Still got some squats in this week. Tonight 3x5x365 and 5x315
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01-28-2014 , 05:07 PM
You in LA for the Commerce tourney? If so, what 24 are you going to, and what days/times were you planning on working out. Just PM me if you don't want to disclose your itinerary on a public forum. I haven't been pokering much lately on account of losing all my discretionary $$ sportsbetting, but I wouldn't mind an excuse to get away for a workout/poker day.
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02-12-2014 , 06:58 AM
QB, I am in Colorado untill the 18th most likely. High % chance I end up in LA for a week after that at some point, I'm down to workout, grab a bite chill.

Squats have been happening but strength is down. I had the worst doms ever after some del'er trying to get in the squat rack gave me crap for taking breaks inbetween sets of 365 forcing me to do a couple extra sets, obv.

Doms from hell. Getting back in the swing now. Cutting soon after getting my gains back.
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09-16-2016 , 07:58 PM

busto dont read this thread

legit confused by how much more difficult squats are at elevation. 295 feels like 330

hard to stay motivated when the lift you did at the gym 3 days prior feels 2x as hard

I have some slight irritation in my lower back

I intended to start doing yoga 2/3x a week but have been failing

I need to find the balance between work and working out, so much of my energy just has been going into getting into the casino and then when Im done its hard to workout, im sure you guys can relate

I also think caffeine has become a major issue, im drinking too much

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09-17-2016 , 11:29 AM

I have been waiting at commerce for 2.5 yrs grinding NL40 so we can lift. When you coming bro?
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11-12-2016 , 12:15 AM
Very soon y friend, very soon.

Am I still alive in this thing?

Did some work w 315

So f fat
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09-16-2019 , 02:15 AM

I'm back, babies.

I go to the gym, I do the workouts, I wonder when results.

I'm training for sexiest man alive, should be a lock by 2025 when 44 is the new 27

I started a bet with a friend today that is a lost longer running bet.

I dont know how to run, I'm excited to try it.

Thanks for the support

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09-17-2019 , 04:05 PM
Did my second mile run, first time was almost exactly 10:00, today was 9:20

My last months routine has been mostly sauna and steam room.

w lots, lots of walking, some biking, some stairmaster.

Ramping it up lately, I tried picking up a barbell the other day. I put it down right away it was heavy.

So I went for a hike. It was an hour drive to Mt Charleston, I tried listening to some Aubrey Marcus on the way but he had some MMA fighter cowboy and some guy named cerrone that kept mentioning how they want their kids to punch people and so I had to pass on that one, It was no Joe Dispenza episode.

Was a gorgeous day once I got into the mountains, and I hit the trail running, not literally, lol. However Immediately some woman with two dogs off leash came full speed booking down the mountain her dogs running ahead strait at me and my mama, whos a little sassy sometimes protecting her papa, but she was not sassing these two, they came in so hot I thought there might be a rumble but all went well enough she did not get apha with these two, and said runner cruised by no sweat. So I let her off the leash as this was a steep hike and likely to not have to many recs on it.

I came out strong, looking to get this done so I could go reap the rewards of some carb smashing asap. It was about 20 minutes in I realized I was in for a battle. This hike was 3k elevation gain to the peak, and I was already sweating. So I took a breath, drank some BCAA water and got to steppin.

I thought I was making good time, until I see some blond woman booking up behind me with dog off leash I hadn't seen the whole time, I'm like cmon now you're passing? Maya did get alpha on this pup almost falling down the mountain to go poke her nose into his side and let him know she was running the show, he submitted and they had a sniff and ran off a bit. She cruised by with a big smile, clearly thinking about chicken parm as well.

Then I passed this younger couple, the girl was clearly dragging ass, they said they were going to the top, I said, hopefully we make it lol and kept going. Now I'm carrying a backpack with approximately way too much water, as I wanted to be prepared for both me and my lady pup. My shoulders are getting extremely uncomfortable at this point. We keep moving.

At this point Blondie ran out of gas so we kind of tail her for a bit, cruising way past this other couple. I just push till I cant stop thinking about the snacks I brought, find a perfect log with a like tv table extension for my drink and condiments pop a squat and start munching my cantaloupe salmon and beans with sauteed mushrooms and get some water for the pup. Its a gorgeous spot and it even remains private enough for me to get through half the deviled eggs I brought. At this point I assume I'm gonna regret this, but I mean yolo right? I gear back up and head out, the couple are walking into the same spot as I head back up but they dont even see me sneak by them as they are focused on the view on the other side.

I get propably 3/4 of the way to the top and run inot 3 kids, one of whom is wearing some sort of track suit like he finished his backup dance routine practice and he was struggling. I felt bad he clearly injured himself as everyone was like cheering for him to get over this like 10' step on the trail. The look on his face as i passed was supreme defeat, but with some hope that he might still survive and not regret it completely.

About 15 minutes later I could relate, my bag had cause both my arms to go numb. My hands were going cold and I had to ditch the pack. This was a revelation, I realized I was about to have the most satisfying weightless summit to the top and even though, all u can eat sushi was still hours away, I knew it was coming.

The last part was absolutely breathtaking, this was close to as good as it gets for vegas. There was a lot of fire damage from the fire in 2013 but It was growing back, and I pushed the last bit and made it to the top. It was epic. 360 degree views from cali to arizona. Maya is chilling right by my side enjoying the breeze, looking supremely satisfied. I took a moment do do some wim hof breathing and meditate about salmon belly and white tuna, took a few pics and soaked it in for a bit before I headed back down.

Right as I get off the mountain some other dude is almost on my heels like a 5 minute hike from the top. I ask him if hes gonna make it, he thinks I'm genuinely asking if hes gonna give up with like one little ascent left and I can relate as I'm pretty toast as well.

I pass the couple and the chick is clearly gonna hurt this dude for bringing her out there later, in good way probably. She asked how much further it was like 3 times, when you could see the summit like 10 minutes away. Dude says I saw someone just like you with the same dog and everything back there, And I'm thinking are you on drugs that had to be me. She rolls here eyes clearly about to hurt someone. I enjoy it thoroughly and wish them the best.

I make it most of the way down no problem and pass the 3 kids and man, maroon sweatsuit kid is hurting. Like 2 huge walking stick hes using as crutches at this point, moving unbelievably slow. I obv tease him a bit and his friends are in on it but he looks like hes about to just jump off the side and end it all. I'm not too worried about him his friends really seem to be supportive. Good feels.

I make it down. Maya is so pooped she doesnt even want water she just wants to get in the car and lay dawn, however she doesnt even have the energy to jump in and basically half stumbles in falling on her face halfway in, like a true champion, completely spent. I'm a proud papa. She kept up the whole way, didn't fall back even a little, no complaining.

I am ready to get home now, I head out, and obviously I get stuck behind some woman riding the brakes down a hill under the speed limit. I exercise surrender for as long as I can but eventually I cruise past her and start hitting the hill no brakes, letting the momentum take me, I pass a trooper who gives me a little woop woop as I pass so I brake it a bit and pass a second trooper a few minutes later this one clearly not as cool posted up just looking for action, however I was doing the speed limit this time as I give the nod and get on the freeway, adventure complete.

Went for a hike

Thanks for reading!
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09-18-2019 , 09:43 PM
Third day of running a mile upon wakeup, and I struggled with a mile today. Hips sore, whole right side was tight, its gonna be a challenge if that doesnt improve quickly.

Did a class, some bike and a long walk, best part was sauna after, didnt even have anyone chit chatting about themselves for 20 minutes either so it was pretty epic.

Starting to enjoy the cardio stuff, finally
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09-21-2019 , 01:41 PM
Day 6 of running complete

Still on the treadmill, but I did run a mile and a half at 3 incline

biked a couple times, did some yoga and took some goofy cardio class
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09-25-2019 , 05:34 PM
Day 10 fini

Did more yoga, bike, stairmaster as well as walking

with sauna obviously, I dont know how I lived so long without sauna/steam room
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10-08-2019 , 09:26 PM
Day 11 was the winner, finished my run and found out I won that night. Was good timing to as the next day I was laid up with neck problems.

Fell off the gym for a week only went 2x, started running again today w some yoga

Met some psycho on the trail yesterday that ran the hike that took me 3 hours to climb in 75 minutes, cant even

gonna see if I can make running a thing, gonna aim for a mile a day for a week and then start adding to it

any tips or recommendations?

My strat, is to run, see if I can run more over time
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10-14-2020 , 01:25 PM
Realizing my workout routine is basically SS :shrug:

last 3 weeks has been squat dl 3x a week, lighter dl 3 rep sets

and squat to 90% sometimes hit a 5r 95%

Bench just stay busty working in the 90% range and put some volume in at 75 w 10 rep come down sets

Doing planks and bb rows inbetween bench sets

also doing weighted vest hikes 2/3x a week for 2/3 hrs a pop

Considering beasting for 6 mo to break the current wr's

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10-14-2020 , 01:36 PM
Yesterday was
3x5 x 225 bench
3x 10 45 lb rows
3x10 135 row machine

I sometimes do yoga and do some tai chi most days
rock climbing occasionally
diet is decent, but I'm moving towards bilking a bit so I've released some restrictions like gluten and meat to get back up in weight

I think I'm 190
squat 5rm 300
bench 5rm 235
dl 350

rough estimates, virtually pain free. minor aches from carrying weighted vest in my shoulder occasionally keep me from pushing but I love the weighted hikes the most so meh

looking to get into climbing 3/5x a week, I have a great gym and live very close to red rock where climbs are ample

Opening this back up if anyone cares to pitch in please do I realize my routine is kinda stale

just trying to hit the big boys for a bit
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10-14-2020 , 04:10 PM
10x195 lbbs

felt really good just a chill am set
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10-17-2020 , 05:35 PM

squat 3x5 265
2x5 245
2x10 225


Today 1.5hr climb/hike w vest

3x5 x185
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10-22-2020 , 05:47 PM
10/18 1.5 hr weighted hike, w added weight(carried a couple big boulders for 20 minutes)

1 hr weighted hike
some light bench
3x5x225 +assistance
some side bends and rows+planks

hour hike w weight


2 hrs pickleball
3 hr weighted hike


3x5x280 hbbs
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10-25-2020 , 12:24 AM
I guess theres a stretching machine at my gym I gotta check out anyone know wtf that could be?

10/22 3 hr light weighted hike
really light bench just getting reps

3x5x265 hbbs

might try some lunges w weight seems like a good assist, im talking w the bar, not db's
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10-27-2020 , 07:22 AM

not a lot of bench reps but at least i went in

machine rows aqnd db rows
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