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NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs

03-22-2011 , 06:59 PM
Watched a scrub who had been previously doing 1/4 squats @ 315 load up 630 lbs onto the lay down leg press sled thing and fail miserably, almost killing himself in the process. then he asked me to help unload the sled lol.

I did a few exercises too
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-18-2011 , 04:58 PM
back on the stack cranked up like a lunatic YEE HAWW
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-26-2011 , 06:24 PM
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-26-2011 , 06:50 PM
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
12-12-2011 , 01:59 PM
gonna do some rack pulls tonight. I'm in sad, sad shape
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
12-14-2011 , 12:22 PM
should have been doing rack pulls for years instead of beating my head against the wall trying to deadlift properly. hopefully I can keep moving the pins down and maybe one glorious day I can do a real dealift

feels good to be back at it and healthy, I'll start logging again when I get my #'s back to semi respectability
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
12-15-2011 , 02:02 PM
did some serious Bro Curl Burnout (BCB) last night
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
05-29-2012 , 03:30 PM
bumping this for an attempt at accountability. I'm a fat, weak, mental and physical wreck at the moment. Saturday I ate an entire 3x4 tray of cup cakes. I've started playing magic the gathering on the internet. I've been smoking like 16 grams a week. I turn 30 in two months. christ

really struggling with motivation. I've also developed a fear of squats and deadlifts because I'm paranoid about back injury.

I dunno man, I dunno. its been my goal since January to not be a fat **** on my 30th, which is probably no longer attainable. I'm going for being a slighty less fat ****. gogogo
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
05-29-2012 , 05:35 PM

Last edited by Soulman; 05-29-2012 at 05:35 PM. Reason: good luck
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-27-2012 , 12:01 PM

I'm back on the wagon and my compliance has been 100% for the last month. I'm going with a bro and its really made a huge, huge difference from an accountability stand point.

At some point I may pop back itt to ask questions about some intermediate programming, but otherwise I don't play to report back until I have a video of me hitting 1k lbs, complete with embarassing dubsetep soundtrack
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-14-2012 , 11:04 AM
trying to cobble together an intermediate type program. this look okay?

Squat 5x5x90% 5RM max
PC 5x3
Press 3x5

Squat 2x5x80% 5RM max
Back Extension 5x10
Chins to failure

Squat 1x5 PR
Bench 1x5 PR
Dead 1x5 PR

dumb or ok?
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-14-2012 , 11:39 AM
dumb :P

5x5 @ 90 of 5rm is way to high for volume day - it's usually suggested to start with 5x5 at 90% of the weight you ended 3x5 at.

Recovery day should be 70-80% of monday's weight, not 80% of 5RM.

Are you alternating press and bench weeks? Or pressing monday, benching friday?

I'd be careful of chins on wednesday to complete failure, as you don't want to hinder intensity day
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-14-2012 , 12:31 PM
I'd like to press and bench every week, press mon bench friday. probably not for long but I think I can get away with that for a month maybe. as far as the monday squat weight, I think that's what I'm doing as I'm just porting my 3x5 squat and bench maxes directly over to 1x5 on Friday without adjustment other than going +5lbs. thanks for clearing up my confusion about the Wednesday squat weight!

the chins to failure thing is kind of a joke b/c my I can do like, three? chin ups lol. Should I just try for a bunch of singles to start with?
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-14-2012 , 01:39 PM
I'd set up aiming to hit your last 3x5 for 5RM on friday, then pick 85% of that weight for 5x5 on monday (more or less like you said, just a little lower to start). Hitting that PR 5RM on friday is the priority, and whatever volume dose that gets you there is fine - no need to start too high.

You could do alternating bench/press/bench and press/bench/press weeks - getting in a bit of upper work on recovery day is very handy. 3x5 at 90% or something on recovery days. Remember that the volume/intensity relationship is what drives progress.

Maybe add some upper back work (krocs, cable, pendlay rows), perhaps on volume day, if chins aren't enough volume.

GTG chins if you can to get those numbers up. At a minimum, a bunch of singles spread through every work out probably won't be too taxing and should see fast improvement.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-14-2012 , 02:38 PM
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-14-2012 , 03:10 PM
no problem
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-18-2012 , 09:09 AM
Yesterday I did

squat 1x5x290
bench 1x5x210
dead 1x5x296

when I put the numbers into I come up with a total of of 952 lbs for my 1RMs. couple more months and this log will need a new title ^_^_^_^
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-21-2012 , 12:57 PM
Yesterday was my first fasted training day and first IF day overall.

Squat 5x5x255 felt SUPER light headed after my third warm up set with like 170 on the bar and was worried, but was pretty much fine after that.

Press 3x5x135 did this weight again to make sure it wasn't a fluke last time, it wasn't and went up pretty easily. Plate press vexed me for awhile so happy to be here

Went to power clean and both my calves cramped on the first warm ups lol. I'm using an EC stack to get started on the IF, so I'm guessing I was very dehydrated. Gonna clean 5x3x163 tomorrow. There isn't a back extention thing in my weight room, so I'm also going to have to figure out some other kind of assistance work for Wednesdays.

my lifting buddy is out of town for three weeks. lifting solo is pretty lame, but getting out of there in an hour is nice

other than that, I've become super, super addicted to disc golf averaging probably four rounds a week.

living the dream imo
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-24-2012 , 05:48 PM
2x5x235 squat
5x3x163 PC these were hard, my form is ****ty

Squat 1x5x295 PR pretty heavy. 295 sounds better than 1.23x BW. FAT

Bench 1x5x215 PR getting random spots from people is always an adventure. on the fourth and fifth reps I was all "IVE GOT IT BRO THANKS PLEASE DONT TOUCH"

Dead 1x5x306 PR didn't know if I would be able to double overhand this, but grip was actually better than last Friday

I love Friday
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
08-27-2012 , 04:25 PM
I'm taking a week off to disc golf and get my IF game tight. So see you guys in January 2014 or thereabouts!
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
09-04-2012 , 07:13 PM
3x5x255 probably had another set, maybe all five, but I'm a pussy

no way I had a third set
who would have thought that eating nothing but skittles for 10 days would have a negative impact on my strength and energy levels?
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
09-07-2012 , 09:55 AM
squat 2x5x230
cg bench 3x5x135
some chin singles
herp derp, missing a week was a bad decision. I'm planning on doing my maxes -5 on friday, so basically I ****ed off three weeks of proggress. weak
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
09-08-2012 , 11:48 AM
squat 1x5x290
bench 1x5x210
dead 1x3x311 grip fail. weight wasn't a problem at all, going to try to overhand it again next week.

fittingly lame end to a lame week, but back on schedule at least ! My gym bro will be back this week too
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
09-11-2012 , 07:22 PM
squat 5x5x255


NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
09-17-2012 , 07:47 PM
squat 5x5x255
press 5x5x115
cgbp 3x5x155
pc 5x3x133
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
