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NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs

03-29-2013 , 07:44 PM
squat 5x10x175 I don't know how I talk myself into these every week. jesus ****. that said I think squats have more room to go up than any of my other lifts b/c they were suppressed by injury. the weight isn't heavy yet its the ****ing endurance aspect. knee feeling strong
leg press 3x15x265
leg curl 3x12x90
leg ex 3x12x60
calvs 3x20x160
plank 5x45s
chins 1x7

Second date with racist girl tonight
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
03-29-2013 , 09:30 PM
i had a quasi racist moment in the gym tonight with my new gym bro. was a bit of a bummer.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
03-30-2013 , 12:56 PM
I'll probably be in Vegas in May bro. Let me know if you want hit the gym. I will do this old workout with you just to make sure all this logging is legit. I stop at 4x10 though. And we'll add some swings. Hopefully I am not too fat by then, I don't want lose my street cred.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
03-30-2013 , 03:33 PM
Sounds good man

Date went great, lots of laughs, closed the bar. We get back to my place and she sleeps on my couch. Wtf? Tilt. Also too hungover to work so will move to Sunday like last week. Ate a gyro at 3 am, my diet progress is ruined
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
03-30-2013 , 06:09 PM
listen man, it's probably a good thing. once you're getting hot tang on the reg you won't be worrying bout dem striations.

in fact, if you want to make progress, think of it like this. She slept on the couch cuz she deemed you too sloppy for the poppy. too chunky for the funky. too round for the pound. too adipose for the ass-on-nose.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
03-30-2013 , 07:17 PM
its all true. although honestly I think it might have been a situation of a non-daily smoker pulling a bunch of bags of really good stuff after having a million drinks and catching a case of the weirds. I'm trying not to sweat it too much. I was bouncing off the ****ing walls so I went and lifted anyway, it was a mighty struggle. skipped chins and planks b/c of aids

press 5x10x100
pendlay 3x10x133
incl flies 2x15x15
rear lat raise 2x15x10
cable boss 2x20x30
pro tri push 2x20x110
sup tri push 2x20x90
bar curl 2x15x55
hammer curl 2x15x20
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-01-2013 , 07:57 PM
Weight: 217.6

Army BF calc: 17% which I think is the same as than last month despite being 10 lbs lighter. confirmed losing only lean muscle at this point. Judging by these pics tho I'm probably more like 38% bf. Nothing like some bright-ass YMCA locker room neons to take me down a peg or two. I was getting cocky. Unflattering light, unflattering angle. Unflattering body 0_o but that's enough whining



loooong road to hoe imo

deadlift 5x10x221 eazy will go up next week
pendlay 3x10x133
narrow sup pull 3x15x100 I'll never keep up with ookook but I can show a little pride atleast
wide pro pull 2x15x120
seated row 3x15x90
shrugs 3x20x65
db row 2x12x65
plank 3x45
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-01-2013 , 09:42 PM
because I don't have to be the eagle (homeostasis)

oh and nice progress
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-02-2013 , 10:53 AM
We need to ban the double biceps front shot. I doubt anyone in H&F will ever look good in that shot. Not only do you need sweet biceps but massive pecs because when you raise your arms like that they are stretched up. I will never be seen in a front double biceps. I look like Urkel but with bigger traps.

The posing should be

Front, relaxed
Front, abs flexed
Side Chest flexed (tricep or bicep flexed)
Rear double biceps
Rear lat spread

That's it. I couldn't comment on any leg shots, not familiar with having any of those bodyparts. Side chest should get the hams and quads by bending the leg slightly.

Bodyfat at 17 sounds about right. But get us a flexed abs shot next time. It's serious business when I start asking for the flexed abs shot. That means we are approaching sub15 territory.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-02-2013 , 11:48 AM
She probably only remembered to wear one pair of panties. Next time remind her to double that 'ish up so she's GTG when it's time.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-02-2013 , 11:51 AM
I'll see what I can do next time. My regular photographer moved out (but left her cats), so I had to ask a gym bro to snap these. It was no problem; this dude tans and shaves his body on the reg. he probably loved it. I'm actually pretty happy with that back shot looking at it again.

took a walk yesterday, going to take another one today. Pull up bar is on order. I can't decide if I'm going to add a 5th day or just up the volume and add in some close grip bench somewhere. body is demanding more work, pretty much all I think about is lifting and pussy. I like it, but it may not be super healthy long-term
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-02-2013 , 12:21 PM
We might be on to something. These high volume routines may be addicting.
All I think about is squeezing in the 5th day (I usually move shoulders to its own day with light back). You are doing better than me though because you think about pussy also. The only other thing I think of is dessert (sweet plantains, bread pudding, mochi, ice cream). Post workout of course so I can pretend I am spiking insulin levels.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-03-2013 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
I'll see what I can do next time. My regular photographer moved out (but left her cats), so I had to ask a gym bro to snap these. It was no problem; this dude tans and shaves his body on the reg. he probably loved it. I'm actually pretty happy with that back shot looking at it again.
I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-03-2013 , 12:15 PM
This log is a great read, fair play on the progress.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-03-2013 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that.
feel like there are several things in that post you could be referring to

Originally Posted by LuckyLloyd
This log is a great read, fair play on the progress.

I had today off so of course I drank way too much last night. Worked out tho, racist girl stayed over again. Nothing happened but at least she slept in my ****ing bed this time. Turns out she's just a huge catholic prude. I shouldn't say nothing happened I guess, I poked my uncomfortable erection into her back all night. progress!

slept all day. going to stay home today and go thur/fri/saturday
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-03-2013 , 08:36 PM
What's the deal with NameOnTheCake / CrunchyBlack?
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-03-2013 , 10:47 PM
presumably the NOTC account was lost in the hacking last year
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-04-2013 , 04:34 AM
I thought them prude Catholic girls were supposed to give you excellent BJs since that's not a sin? Pretty huge fail.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-04-2013 , 07:21 AM
I thought they loved anal too.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-04-2013 , 08:08 AM
yeah forum switch

I had those same thoughts, she's probably just tired from banging other dudes by the time she gets over here :/
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-04-2013 , 09:06 PM
today was make up, had to go after having dinner w/the parents. felt like a slug, had none of my usual JUICE. fasted for life
bench 5x10x165
pendlay 3x10x133
cgbp 3x10x135
incl db bench 3x10x45 someone was using the 50s
front raise 2x12x10
side raise 2x12x10
face pull 3x15x85
oh tri ex 2x20x85
cable curl 2x20x70
plank 3x45s

don't forget to tune in to watch the Iowa Hawkeyes give the Baylor scrubs the deep dick, its on now. no homer, Iowa gonna ship the big10 next year
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-05-2013 , 07:42 PM
well...they are still going to be really good next year

squat 5x10x180 gonna try 185 next week and probs peg it there for awhile
leg press 3x15x275
leg curl 3x12x100
leg ex 3x12x60
calvs 3x20x160
plank 5x45s
chins 2x5 like a boss. probably had 3x5, dunno why I didn't try. Not sure if I'll lift again tomorrow or wait until Sunday
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-06-2013 , 03:09 PM
A close friends father passed away suddenly last night. Death always makes me think about how badly I take for granted the people I care about. So in the advice portion of today's blog - don't do that. And of course on the heels of those thoughts, "get to the gym bro, for health"

press 5x10x100 practically threw these through the ceiling today, going to have to bump it up
pendlay 3x10x138
incl flies 2x20x15
cable cross 2x20x30
rear lat raise 2x15x15
lat raise 2x15x10
pro tri push 2x20x115
sup tri push 2x20x110 had to go up on both of these b/c usual tower was broken. hard as ****
bar curl 2x15x55
hammer curl 2x15x20
plank 3x45s
chins 5x1

going to try to play some basketball tomorrow

at least the cat likes the new bar

Last edited by CrunchyBlack; 04-06-2013 at 03:15 PM.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-07-2013 , 01:01 PM
First round of disc golf of the year about to commence, I am hoping my knee doesn't explode. I was feeling emo last night and ate two cadbury cream eggs. diet ruined

three days in a row has me feeling a little sore for the first time in months. feels good man

Last edited by CrunchyBlack; 04-07-2013 at 01:09 PM.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
04-08-2013 , 02:53 AM
I've got the rage...don't you all get the rage? Just want to kill.****rder...destroy
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
