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N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures)

06-30-2023 , 11:49 AM
Yeah, I think we all agree.

I should prob clarify that using the belt incorrectly is what is gonna cause people to not engage their core. I mean... what % of people use a belt like its intended and what % do weird ****? Like 1/99?
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
06-30-2023 , 10:23 PM
I sware there's something with belted deadlifts and rows potentially causing back pain. Never had that with squats and it sorta sucks to give up 10kg that I got out of my oly velcro belt but it was just one thing less to remember to bring to the gym and I feel like no matter how you wear a belt, if you have a short torso and long limbs like me it will change the lift.

That said, if I still oly lifted I would 100% use a belt whenever doing a jerk with >50% of 1rm. It was radically helpful for overhead work (not just my standing incline press, but push press, push jerk, and split jerk too)
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
06-30-2023 , 10:24 PM
plus like... uh... idk it's more manly to lift without equipment. takes GRIT. And our homey n1h is all GRIT.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-03-2023 , 04:24 PM
I'm just saying there is an article that basically just came out on this very topic. So if Melk is interested I'd read that over a bunch of random aspys (me included of course).

No war. I doubt Thremp cares about my takes on almost anything fitness related anyway. And I"m not sure he should lol.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-04-2023 , 01:28 AM
I wasn't aware of the article, so that was helpful.

It echoes a lot of my thoughts. From what I've gathered occupational bracing stops people from weird lumbar rounding, which I'd imagine is something that a very stiff belt could accomplish as well. But I have reservations that everyone in a warehouse is engaging their core.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-10-2023 , 03:09 AM

Hey still lifting, but all my lifts have fallen. My squat has fallen Terribly. My rpe8 was around 355. Last session 335 felt like @8.5.

My bench press Also has been failing. Went from a 250 single to around 237.5-240.

I now live alone. I move out the beginning of the month. I am not sure if that has to do with anything. I try to save money and I haven’t eaten out in over 10 days. Maybe it’s the junk food but I would eat out almost everyday and felt really strong.

Now I’m beginning to cook more at home and trying to focus on more carbs. Today I counted around 200-250g of carbs eaten. I did some research and a power lifter my size would need around 375-400g carbs. Coming up short on that so I’m trying to find more carb sources.

I also been working too many hours. Need a break or vacation. Loco I am rdy for ABPxLoco Pt. 3. I need a weeks vacation somewhere. Just need to gtfo out of here for a bit. I will play for free for you and “THE ONE”. 100% profit for you. Just buy me food and maybe like $500 to get back home.

My routine is go to work, come home, eat, gym, then sleep. Repeat. Been watching WSOP Main Event. I want to play again.

Off day tomorrow but lots of choirs need to be done. See you soon.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-10-2023 , 08:47 AM
Good carb sources for getting in more:

Pineapple or any tropical fruit like papaya, mango etc
Breakfast cereals
Cream of rice with skim milk+frozen berries+honey
bagels with jam or honey
poptarts (I find them gross and hard to digest, but some people like them)
fig newton bars
Frozen yogurt or sorbet
gatorade or fruit juices intraworkout
Highly Branched cyclic dextrin or vitargo (not ure if this is pricey over there or not)
dried fruit like raisins

Basically focus on low-fat carb sources that digest very quickly and eat those around the training window. Fibrous carbs like oats, sweet potato, or potato are good of course, but if you're struggling to eat enough you probably need to prioritize faster digesting high GI carbs instead. I know some weaklings with no muscle will insist this isn't important, but when you're fairly strong (you are, n1h) have peri-workout carbohydrates is very beneficial. They're more likely to be used as fuel or stored as glycogen rather than fat if taken around the training window in appropriate amounts. It's hard to estimate because it varies based on body type, lean body mass, range of motion, etc, but a guy like you doing a high volume powerlifting workout might easily burn through 100g-150 carbs worth of glycogen in one workout.

Dietary fats are sort of subject to diminishing returns; you definitely need them for hormonal health. And you need more of them as a natural athlete, but fats beyond this point are a pretty bad energy source for fueling activity and they tend to slow down digestion and be stored more preferentially as fat rather than as glycogen or muscle tissue. How much fat should you actually consume? It's hard to say precisely, but as a 180lbs natural, probably around 70-100g. I'd avoid going over that and prioritize carbhoydrates; I think that 375-400g number you read is basically exactly correct.

so something like 150-200g protein, 80g fat, and 400g carbs would be a great diet for a guy tryna get strong in the barbell lifts.

not nitting out about my nutrition was one of the biggest leaks I had coming up in the iron game. I wish it were as simple as 'just get your protein target and then eat whatever, bro'. This is useful advice for absolute noobs who need something easy to comply with in getting started in their fitness journeys. But this is no longer you; you're at the late intermediate stage and have branched out into fairly specialized goals and specialized programming. So specialized nutrition and taking it seriously is the next logical optimization for getting to the level you want to be.

I know your financial situation is perhaps a bit tight and your time is limited, but I'd highly recommend finding a powerlifting gym and getting some mentorship in person. I think you're the type of person who'd benefit a lot more from this in person than somebody typing something out to you.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-10-2023 , 08:51 AM
And with some anadrol, nandrolone, and trenbolone I could see you deadlifting in the 700s ngl
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-11-2023 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Good carb sources for getting in more:

Pineapple or any tropical fruit like papaya, mango etc
Breakfast cereals
Cream of rice with skim milk+frozen berries+honey
bagels with jam or honey
poptarts (I find them gross and hard to digest, but some people like them)
fig newton bars
Frozen yogurt or sorbet
gatorade or fruit juices intraworkout
Highly Branched cyclic dextrin or vitargo (not ure if this is pricey over there or not)
dried fruit like raisins

Basically focus on low-fat carb sources that digest very quickly and eat those around the training window. Fibrous carbs like oats, sweet potato, or potato are good of course, but if you're struggling to eat enough you probably need to prioritize faster digesting high GI carbs instead. I know some weaklings with no muscle will insist this isn't important, but when you're fairly strong (you are, n1h) have peri-workout carbohydrates is very beneficial. They're more likely to be used as fuel or stored as glycogen rather than fat if taken around the training window in appropriate amounts. It's hard to estimate because it varies based on body type, lean body mass, range of motion, etc, but a guy like you doing a high volume powerlifting workout might easily burn through 100g-150 carbs worth of glycogen in one workout.

Dietary fats are sort of subject to diminishing returns; you definitely need them for hormonal health. And you need more of them as a natural athlete, but fats beyond this point are a pretty bad energy source for fueling activity and they tend to slow down digestion and be stored more preferentially as fat rather than as glycogen or muscle tissue. How much fat should you actually consume? It's hard to say precisely, but as a 180lbs natural, probably around 70-100g. I'd avoid going over that and prioritize carbhoydrates; I think that 375-400g number you read is basically exactly correct.

so something like 150-200g protein, 80g fat, and 400g carbs would be a great diet for a guy tryna get strong in the barbell lifts.

not nitting out about my nutrition was one of the biggest leaks I had coming up in the iron game. I wish it were as simple as 'just get your protein target and then eat whatever, bro'. This is useful advice for absolute noobs who need something easy to comply with in getting started in their fitness journeys. But this is no longer you; you're at the late intermediate stage and have branched out into fairly specialized goals and specialized programming. So specialized nutrition and taking it seriously is the next logical optimization for getting to the level you want to be.

I know your financial situation is perhaps a bit tight and your time is limited, but I'd highly recommend finding a powerlifting gym and getting some mentorship in person. I think you're the type of person who'd benefit a lot more from this in person than somebody typing something out to you.

Wow love it. Thanks.

I actually love pineapple. If I think about it, I don’t remember the last time I had fruit.

My Carb source atm is rice and oatmeal. Those are everyday and it isn’t enough carbs. Fruits will be helpful bc I can eat plenty of it without getting bored of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-11-2023 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
And with some anadrol, nandrolone, and trenbolone I could see you deadlifting in the 700s ngl

Ha! Just curious, where do people get these things if they are illigal? I think in like Thailand u can walk into a Walgreens there and just buy them over the counter

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-11-2023 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by Number1Hater
Wow love it. Thanks.

I actually love pineapple. If I think about it, I don’t remember the last time I had fruit.

My Carb source atm is rice and oatmeal. Those are everyday and it isn’t enough carbs. Fruits will be helpful bc I can eat plenty of it without getting bored of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oatmeal is not a great carb source if you're struggling to gain/maintain weight. It's actually an awesome carb source for weight loss in my experience. Cream of rice or baby rice cereal is much better for getting in more cals and has a similar taste and preparation. Cream of wheat or grits are also decent options. Blended up raw oats with whey+banana is another way of doing things. cooked oats just have isnanely high volume and take up a lot of space in your stomach in addition to being more fibrous and slower digesting.

Steroids are purchased over the internet. Lots of sellers market on instagram and discord. Haider the Anabolic Pharmacist on discord is good; I use him for things I can't make myself in China. I've just been buying raw materials and making my own stuff at my school's professionally equipped chemistry lab for most of my PEDing career.

Basically in 2023 almost no steroids on the internet are fake or underdosed, just sometimes packaged more professionally and sold for exorbitant prices. In an era of home test kits and widely available blood work, labs are basically kept honest even if that wasn't true in the past.

Another diet tip that I only recently discovered myself is ground chicken meatballs in the air fryer. There's lots of great recipes and they are super fast to prepare and super fast to eat. With normal chicken breast, it takes kind of a long time to prepare and then you have to cut it into bite sized pieces and I find the ground meats digest faster and require way less chewing, which starts to be a big deal when you're in the 4800+ per day calorie range. Ground beef is great too but obviously a bit pricier since you want to use 90/10 or leaner ideally.

A failsafe fitness meal you can do is 160-200g of ground meat (measured cooked) + 250-350g white rice+150-200g pineapple. Or instead of the pineapple, maybe 50-100g avocado. Sam's club and costco both sell little sealed single serving guacamole products that are great for this. I assume you already have a rice maker, so you can just make like a kilo or so of ground meat with whatever your favorite seasoning is, a big pot of rice, and then buy a bunch of already cut up pineapple and you've got meals to bring to work for a few days.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-13-2023 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Oatmeal is not a great carb source if you're struggling to gain/maintain weight. It's actually an awesome carb source for weight loss in my experience. Cream of rice or baby rice cereal is much better for getting in more cals and has a similar taste and preparation. Cream of wheat or grits are also decent options. Blended up raw oats with whey+banana is another way of doing things. cooked oats just have isnanely high volume and take up a lot of space in your stomach in addition to being more fibrous and slower digesting.

Steroids are purchased over the internet. Lots of sellers market on instagram and discord. Haider the Anabolic Pharmacist on discord is good; I use him for things I can't make myself in China. I've just been buying raw materials and making my own stuff at my school's professionally equipped chemistry lab for most of my PEDing career.

Basically in 2023 almost no steroids on the internet are fake or underdosed, just sometimes packaged more professionally and sold for exorbitant prices. In an era of home test kits and widely available blood work, labs are basically kept honest even if that wasn't true in the past.

Another diet tip that I only recently discovered myself is ground chicken meatballs in the air fryer. There's lots of great recipes and they are super fast to prepare and super fast to eat. With normal chicken breast, it takes kind of a long time to prepare and then you have to cut it into bite sized pieces and I find the ground meats digest faster and require way less chewing, which starts to be a big deal when you're in the 4800+ per day calorie range. Ground beef is great too but obviously a bit pricier since you want to use 90/10 or leaner ideally.

A failsafe fitness meal you can do is 160-200g of ground meat (measured cooked) + 250-350g white rice+150-200g pineapple. Or instead of the pineapple, maybe 50-100g avocado. Sam's club and costco both sell little sealed single serving guacamole products that are great for this. I assume you already have a rice maker, so you can just make like a kilo or so of ground meat with whatever your favorite seasoning is, a big pot of rice, and then buy a bunch of already cut up pineapple and you've got meals to bring to work for a few days.

Wow love it.

Yuh I forgot why I started to eat oatmeal in the first place. It was when I was dieting and tried to feel full. Terrible source for carbs. Only around 25g carb is per serving, and here I am trying to pound down 3 servings for the carbs…

Going to lift soon and around 160g carb for the day. Now having my rice and spam and will prob have around 205g carbs. Will eat like 2 bananas which will put me around 250g for the day.

We’ll see how I feel tonight.

See you.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-19-2023 , 08:48 PM
Got some strength back.

So I tried to get cream of rice, but Whole Foods didn’t have any. Instead I got something called grits. I google it and says it gives you energy fast. Taste like nothing but it’s 32g carbs per serving. I can have 3 servings and that’s 96g of carbs right there, so not bad.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-19-2023 , 09:00 PM
Also where can Americans play the pokers? Want to deposit like $100 and build a br. I have done it with $11 to my name back in 2011 when FT got shut down and all my money was stuck on there. I here rhere is another boom and this years ME was the biggest of all time passing 2006 when Jamie gold won.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-21-2023 , 03:39 AM
Don’t know wtf happened to my sqaut, but it’s trash now. Feel very weak af the past 2 weeks squatting.

I sold some pairs of shoes and have a $800 br. Where should I play? I liked bovada back in the day. Do they still offer the pokers?
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-21-2023 , 06:44 AM
Instead I got something called grits. I google it and says it gives you energy fast. Taste like nothing but it’s 32g carbs per serving. I can have 3 servings and that’s 96g of carbs right there, so not bad.
Grits is a southern thing. Down here in the south we put pepper, salt and butter in grits. Real good! Olive oil might be healthier than butter. Now you just need some sausage and egg biscuit sandwiches and some sweet tea! Lol
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-21-2023 , 07:28 AM
Cheddar cheese is good melted in grits too and hot sauce. Former Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman ate a lot of grits
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-21-2023 , 10:12 AM
Interesting. I thought it was like oatmeal and out cinnamon and maple syrup in. Couldn’t taste the maple syrup so I put a ton in there.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-21-2023 , 02:37 PM
Nah you want to dress it as if it's regular white rice. Try those suggestions. If you're going for optimal flavor go with some spices, pepper, salt, butter, cheese. But it's fine with just some light pepper or salt too.

Water ratio is key too like w rice. Shouldnt be too watery. Should be thick n creamy

Last edited by Jupiter0; 07-21-2023 at 03:03 PM.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-28-2023 , 02:04 AM
Put some butter in there. Not bad.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-28-2023 , 02:08 AM
Man not sure what’s going on with my training. Had around 200g carbs before going in and slept 12 hours bc it was my day off. I’ve only eaten out 3 times this month. I think it was the fast food giving me energy this whole time. I would eat out twice daily. And also a lot of candy. Now I cannot eat out like that as I live alone now and the rent is too damn high.

I’ve fallen off like pro athletes fall off and never to be seen again. Ex: Tim lincecum, Evan Longoria, Reggie bush, and much more.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
07-28-2023 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Number1Hater

I’ve fallen off like pro athletes fall off and never to be seen again.
Don't have this mindset, bro. It becomes self fulfilling; you have to have self belief to succeed in any athletic endeavour. You do very high intensity powerlifting peaking training and seem to be in a perpetual peaking block. Maybe back off to a more offseason style program wtih more variants and sets of 4-8. You're probably developing adaptive resistance to this kind of training. AFAIK Mike T has some more offseason style RPE programs that have higher volume/lighter weights/more variants and you can still stay with the RPE Mike T style programming.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
08-17-2023 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Don't have this mindset, bro. It becomes self fulfilling; you have to have self belief to succeed in any athletic endeavour. You do very high intensity powerlifting peaking training and seem to be in a perpetual peaking block. Maybe back off to a more offseason style program wtih more variants and sets of 4-8. You're probably developing adaptive resistance to this kind of training. AFAIK Mike T has some more offseason style RPE programs that have higher volume/lighter weights/more variants and you can still stay with the RPE Mike T style programming.

Ya I said I was going to switch it up, but been lazy and don’t like change.

Anyways im weaker than ever. Not sure what happened. This all started after I moved July 1. And also I stopped eating out a lot. My squats are trash, and my bench is now getting weaker. DL on the decline too.

I went grocery shopping the other day and trying to aim for 325g carbs a day. Training or no training. I must eat.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
08-17-2023 , 07:39 PM
Here is my last training:

I am also fat and need to diet. My gains will be long gone if I diet. It’s sad really. Years of training only to be back to square 1. This is pitiful.

I also got a root canal done yesterday morning. Now I could have waited and went into a place where I was covered by insurance, but it was painful and needed it done asap. I paid $385 out of my pocket which isn’t bad. I bet even with insurance I would be paying more.

Today I went to my dentist, and was told I might need periodontal surgery. I will know next week. Is it safe to lift with dental work done? I am scared I will clench too hard and maybe shatter my temporary filling.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
08-17-2023 , 10:55 PM
Retroreact ABP meme:

N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
