Originally Posted by kidcolin
Agreed. SS > GSLP for beginners for multiple reasons. Emoken thinking his N=1 and even at that sloppy data set is somehow evidence otherwise is lol. and his irrational hatred of Rip should be mentioned in all instances of this debate.
Start with SS, because form takes a while and AMRAP sets are dumb until form is pretty solid. When you start hitting plateaus, transition that particular lift to a GSLP progression.
Yea. In the context of of giving someone someone an easily-follow-able progression when they are not going to have good supervision for adjustments.
In my experience (n=20ish) a slightly modified (with a bit more horizontal pulling) works well for the first few months for folks I've helped get into training. It's particularly nice for those whose objections are "I don't wanna be spending too much time in the gym" and for those who are gonna be largely unsupervised (vs AMRAP OHPs etc.) Also, women seem to be surprised and enjoy seeing progress from low-vol capped reps vs whatever pump-training they were used to (with the obligatory #notallwomen disclaimer.)
Then move to something else that makes sense for them- GSLP, or 4 day stuff like 5/3/1, MS, whatever.
Knee-jerk aversion of anything Rippetoe is silly, as is being committed to super-low vol stuff as one's training career progresses (I was guilty of this early on.)
Cliffs: Extreme ideology almost always dumb