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12-18-2016 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Is anyone else's wife or significant other obsessed with these Hallmark Channel Christmas movies? Because mine is and I've had to ignore about 25 of them so far since Thanksgiving. Urge to murder rising.
Good go, no. This is the kind of stuff my stepmom watches. My dad, on the other hand, is a fan of the terrible stuff on the mystery channel.
12-18-2016 , 11:26 PM
idk, I lose a lot of respect for people based on the garbage tv they watch. Montewife is safe.
12-18-2016 , 11:30 PM

What makes you think she'd be interested in you?
12-18-2016 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
idk, I lose a lot of respect for people based on the garbage tv they watch. Montewife is safe.
Imagine if he'd said she was watching True Detective season two for the fifth time. *Shudders*
12-18-2016 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I think Tomorrowland lost its charm many years ago. I went there 3-4 times when it was still a bit smaller and back then it was amazing, but I think nowadays it's way too commercial, overpopulated and too expensive. Last time was 2010 or so and even then it was just not worth it. Also the crowd is too mainstream for my taste.

I prefer the vibe and experience of something like Ozora or Freedom Festival or any other smalltime hippie psytrance festival in a warm EU country over Tomorrowland any day and I'd be willing to pay a lot more too.
I went to tomorrowworld a couple years ago. Wonder if I was one of the people that made the crowd too mainstream for OGs like you lol

I can see where your coming from tho. It felt a little out of place having bud light sponsored vip areas and **** like that.
12-18-2016 , 11:52 PM
If you were as swole back then as you are today wearing a tank top (or no shirt at all) together with the backwards cap combo, then probably yes
12-18-2016 , 11:56 PM
I wore a tank but no backwards hat. Can we still be bros?

Last edited by abrahamovic; 12-19-2016 at 12:03 AM.
12-19-2016 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Is anyone else's wife or significant other obsessed with these Hallmark Channel Christmas movies? Because mine is and I've had to ignore about 25 of them so far since Thanksgiving. Urge to murder rising.
My gf was watching one and I changed the channel and

Her: HEY!
Me: Oh did you wanna watch that?
Her: Yes
Me: Then goto your moms house and watch that sappy sht. You remember my Xmas rules right?
Her: Come onnnnnn
Me: Christmas story, Charlie brown, and frosty only.
12-19-2016 , 12:27 AM
Calibrate my sickness level; cough-vomit. Like a hacking cough that brings up vomit. Does this ever happen?
12-19-2016 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by buddyWEISER
My gf was watching one and I changed the channel and

Her: HEY!
Me: Oh did you wanna watch that?
Her: Yes
Me: Then goto your moms house and watch that sappy sht. You remember my Xmas rules right?
Her: Come onnnnnn
Me: Christmas story, Charlie brown, and frosty only.
Sounds like you pulled the football away from her, sir.
12-19-2016 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Calibrate my sickness level; cough-vomit. Like a hacking cough that brings up vomit. Does this ever happen?
Evidently yes?
12-19-2016 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
I wore a tank but no backwards hat. Can we still be bros?
Of course, anyone who jerks as fast as you do can be my friend
12-19-2016 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Of course, anyone who jerks as fast as you do can be my friend
12-19-2016 , 01:34 AM
Male, 37, overweight.

So I've had fairly low energy and low libido for a while now, despite 3x/week compound lifting and a mostly regular sleep schedule. Also, I've nearly forgot what morning wood is.

When energy/mood have been at their worst I've sought help and tried fluoxetine hcl for a few months, and then citalopram + bupropion. The latter helped me get out of a rut, but when I began training I tapered off of the meds and feel at least as good if not better on a regular lifting and rest schedule. Been off all for >5 months.

So by process of elimination I have arrived at checking T + estradiol levels (low libido/noodle dick seems to indicate they are worth checking out).

1.) Should I also check my PSA level or is that a waste? ($49)
2.) Have a family history, father, of actual chronic thyroid issues, is a Thyroid Panel advised? (T4, T3, Free Thyroxine Index and TSH) ($49)

Currently planning on Testosterne Free (Indirect) with Total T, LC/MS-MS($129); Estradiol Sensitive ($109). Had a blood drawn when I originally sought help and began taking meds. Doc said everything was 'good', but that's as specific as I have.

All tests from

Basically looking for a line check before I order a battery of tests. Will be glad to share results.

eta: looks like privatemdlabs - Horomone Panel for Males - has a better value; could be sacrificing some accuracy on T (no LC/MS afaict) but get pretty much everything for $179.

Last edited by thenewsavman; 12-19-2016 at 01:59 AM.
12-19-2016 , 08:55 AM
I would just call family doctor and a hospital lab for prices on blood tests. Prices with and without insurance.

I would def have thyroid levels checked and testosterone. I think these might be covered yearly with blood tests for a wellness check from your primary care physician, but probably depends on insurance.

Even if you don't have insurance call a hospital lab and see if they give discounts for uninsured + paying in full at time of service ( many places will give 20%/20% for like 37 something percent off )

Last edited by buddyWEISER; 12-19-2016 at 08:57 AM. Reason: just saw you had dr check and he said tjings were good. contact office to see what tests were ordered
12-19-2016 , 10:48 AM
I feel you thenewsavman, I was in a similar spot (blood reading 2 months back showed I had incredibly high E2) but am now close to the solution. Seems like you're on the right track already. Good luck.

You could skip the PSA for now and wait for more info. If something comes out wrong, you're going to be doing many additional tests throughout the next few months and can always get a PSA reading later.
12-19-2016 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Is anyone else's wife or significant other obsessed with these Hallmark Channel Christmas movies? Because mine is and I've had to ignore about 25 of them so far since Thanksgiving. Urge to murder rising.
I read this out loud to my wife. She said it sounded like the worst thing ever.

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Of course, anyone who jerks as fast as you do can be my friend
TR after you guys meetup at tomorrowland next time?
12-19-2016 , 12:31 PM
I was looking for a place to get some advice on what kind of training equipment to buy, should I just open a thread even though its not a log ?

I've got a space in my house that I'm looking to fill with some training gear, I've already got a bike but I want to put on some muscle but without committing to intricate training schedules that take up more than 2 days a week. My weight is currently at around 175 lbs but I'm something some would probably call a skinny fat and looking to combat that. I was thinking about a bench and some dumbbells fwiw.
12-19-2016 , 12:38 PM
- horse stall mats
- R3 power rack from rogue
- ohio power bar (from rogue) or texas power bar from whoever
- used plates off of craigslist
- 2 plate trees (off of craigs list or cheap ones from wherever)

- $1000 of mobility equipment in an expensive gym bag
12-19-2016 , 12:51 PM
Or just maybe a bench, some adjustable dumbbells, and a kettlebell or two if you're not looking into barbell training. Also get a door mounted pull-up bar, or a combo pull-up/dip station if you're feeling frisky.
12-19-2016 , 01:21 PM
Even though he forgot to include a utility bench in there, I think Yugo's list is good overall. Still, I'd recommend avoiding the Ohio Power Bar in favor of a more general use bar to start with. I have it and I love it, but I'd start with a barbell designed for general use. If I was buying from Rogue, I'd buy the Ohio Bar or the Rogue 2.0 bar.

The R3 might be overkill too, depends on whether money is an issue.
12-19-2016 , 01:23 PM
12-19-2016 , 01:28 PM
12-19-2016 , 01:33 PM
Thanks guys, this is going to sound stupid as it would seem that I'm just hearing what I want but right now I'm opting for the pullup/dip station with a bench and adjustable dumbbells. I've already got some dumbbells here and the bench + station will cost me around 200 euro's which is acceptable. I have a history of buying stuff and never using it so I want to start of a bit light before I go crazy and buy tons of stuff that will end up gathering dust. I haven't lifted a weight in 10 years and I also have a knee issue so I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with a barbell set-up. What are the pro's of a barbell vs. a dumbbell set-up ?

edit; Yeah I'd love to buy the door thing but I have no doors that are compatible with those things and all the walls in my home gym space are dry wall.
12-19-2016 , 02:02 PM
pro: useful
con: harder to hide in a small box when you are sad for ten years and not lifting
