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06-08-2017 , 11:26 AM
Fabricated arguments itt.

Originally Posted by Mihkel05
I just bought some diet coke. Its better than coke lime, but basically "<anything> lime" is a bad time so w/e.
I hate to even know this, but coke zero > diet coke, if we have to go down that awful road.

Originally Posted by lapka
Stay tuned. It remains interesting.
It really doesn't.
06-08-2017 , 11:35 AM
DT; get an Aeropress for cheap fast great espresso-like coffee.
06-08-2017 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
DT; get an Aeropress for cheap fast great espresso-like coffee.
Sorry bud, thinking of quitting beer, wine, whiskey, coffee and diet cokes I have heard a lot about the health benefits of being a sad wall starer who is upset.

But yeah, I have one. Only really use it when I want just a small bit of coffee, which is never. So idk where it is. I should mess around with using it for a espresso-like coffee, but prob all that will lead to is me buying a new grinder. It's a real problem.
06-08-2017 , 11:47 AM
Hmm, I haven't actually tried more/less water. I often do fairlife milk for even better macros (although more calories ldo) and used to also add an egg. However, the egg doesn't really make anything better so now I just do 1c mix/1c water/1tbsp oil and overcook a bit for a crispiness and then have ?? amount of syrup. I attempt to use it sparingly but, let's be honest, dadbods are directly proportional to heavy syrup.
06-08-2017 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
So... you're saying I need to have four beers to have a good time?
I think you also need some pappy but I do not pappy, floor beer, and barely drink. I guess when I do drink I like to drink margaritas or pina coladas or maybe wine that I attempt to match to what I'm eating but really I just get whatever wine and it's okay. k.
06-08-2017 , 11:58 AM
If Mihkel05 and lapka stopped (cold turkey) talking to each other (e.g. put each other on the ignore list), that would save a lot of nerves for both.

Yes, my concern is that I'm not getting enough fresh air and enough protein, and fortunately, these issues aren't too difficult to solve.

Last edited by coon74; 06-08-2017 at 12:05 PM.
06-08-2017 , 11:58 AM
The only thing that pressures me to drink is gravity, as gravity inevitably leads to the floor, and once on the floor what else is there to do but have a floor beer.
06-08-2017 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
Fabricated arguments itt.

I hate to even know this, but coke zero > diet coke, if we have to go down that awful road.

It really doesn't.
Eurotardia has "Coke Light" whatever the **** that is. But it appears it has been replaced by Coke Zero, which is what I have currently.

It is a dark and dismal road, but I was hungover so I thought it'd be fine to pump my body full of "chemicals" in lieu of copious amounts of sugar.

Originally Posted by Holliday
DT; get an Aeropress for cheap fast great espresso-like coffee.
I use this.

Originally Posted by coon74
If Mihkel05 and lapka stopped (cold turkey) talking to each other (e.g. put each other on the ignore list), that would save a lot of nerves for both.

Yes, my concern is that I'm not getting enough fresh air and enough protein, and fortunately, these issues aren't too difficult to solve.
You vastly overstate the affect anyone's posting has on me. These are almost always just faceless people on the internet. Unless they post pics, then I can put a face to the name. Or if I know them, in which case that is more lol.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
The only thing that pressures me to drink is gravity, as gravity inevitably leads to the floor, and once on the floor what else is there to do but have a floor beer.
06-08-2017 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
Yes, my concern is that I'm not getting enough fresh air and enough protein, and fortunately, these issues aren't too difficult to solve.
No they're not difficult to solve.

GO OUTSIDE. Every day. Lots of benefits, not just fresh air, including improving your mood, getting exercise, etc etc etc. Start with 15 minutes outside. Please update your blog tomorrow to reflect this.

I find the morning sunshine to be the most uplifting.
06-08-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Very Josie
Please update your blog tomorrow to reflect this.

Actually, I have to spend 15 minutes outside tomorrow anyway, as I have to visit my mother, but I don't guarantee the continuation of the habit.
06-08-2017 , 01:23 PM
More benefits of moderate drinking:

"I didn’t think of my safety at the time. I’d had four or five pints — nothing major."
06-08-2017 , 01:36 PM
WWII was won by the Allies because Soviet soldiers were supplied with shots of vodka before going into the heat of the battle.

The price paid was that some of them remained chronic alcoholics after the war.
06-08-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I watched a documentary recently about a Chinese volunteer who every day of his life guards a bridge accross the Yangzi river that is famous for people committing suicide. Every day he hangs around and tries to stop people from jumping. He takes them to a safe place and immediately opens up a bottle of baijiu (50% liquor) to get them to open up and start expressing their emotions and stories. Says it works incredibly well. He's saved over 200 people.
Is his name Holden Caufield?

Originally Posted by Mihkel05
I just bought some diet coke. Its better than coke lime, but basically "<anything> lime" is a bad time so w/e.
While it is not good per se, Bud Light Lime >>> Bud Light

Originally Posted by coon74
WWII was won by the Allies because Soviet soldiers were supplied with shots of vodka before going into the heat of the battle.

The price paid was that some of them remained chronic alcoholics after the war.
Listen commie. WWII was won when USA#1 and UK#36 with an assist from CAD#24 and AUS#28 crossed the English Channel and landed in Normandy, France. Source: Saving Private Ryan.
06-08-2017 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Very Josie
Plus the free advice that goes along with it; "oh one drink won't kill you." (It wouldn't kill me but make myself anxious and regretful after) "haven't you lost enough weight?" (no) "Just enjoy yourself." (not enjoyable)

I feel the same with drinking. I don't want to drink and don't want to have social pressure to drink.

Last edited by anonla; 06-08-2017 at 02:06 PM.
06-08-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Any amount? I had two beers last week when some people came over. What are the negative effects I suffered?
You could say the same thing about food.
You have to observe yourself. Something like checklist: sleep, mood, job-performance, erection performance, calories, fun, taste, ....... when drinking and a day or two after.

I mean in a phase when I was drinking russian style, I wouldn't even noticed two beers. Now I notice with two sips of alc that my anxiety increases immediately.

And with food it is completely the same. You should be very cautious and very considerate about the situation and a person when pushing any food on anyone.
06-08-2017 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by lapka

I feel the same with drinking. I don't want to drink and don't want to have social pressure to drink.

You really didn't fix my post at all. If sitting with friends while they are drinking and u are not bothers you, Think twice before attending. That's why I decline certain dinners w certain friends. I should write a more in depth post about this on my thread. It's even a bigger issue w family.

Lapka, you don't have to drink and no one on 2+2 is pressuring you to do so. I most certainly am not. I think I've had a total of 2 boozey beverages in the past 7 weeks. Just because light drinking isn't hazardous and/or slightly beneficial doesn't mean everyone has to do it.

Note: 1 drink, my Chopin gimlet, I chose because I wanted it. I had a glass of champagne last week because a client offered it, not because I wanted it. I need to stop that shiat.
06-08-2017 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by coon74

Actually, I have to spend 15 minutes outside tomorrow anyway, as I have to visit my mother, but I don't guarantee the continuation of the habit.

That's how I felt about 120g of protein but I'm doing it. Take it one day at a time. Things that are worthwhile are usually not easy.

Ooooo you're visiting your mother?!? Please give us cliffs of visit! How far away do you live from her?
06-08-2017 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
You have to observe yourself. Something like checklist: sleep, mood, job-performance, erection performance, calories, fun, taste, ....... when drinking and a day or two after.

I mean in a phase when I was drinking russian style, I wouldn't even noticed two beers. Now I notice with two sips of alc that my anxiety increases immediately.

And with food it is completely the same. You should be very cautious and very considerate about the situation and a person when pushing any food on anyone.

What is 'drinking, Russian style'? I imagine shots of vodka and pounding of table.
06-08-2017 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
Please everyone notice the response of M05. He openly admits to continuing being a jerk and drinking diet cokes.

So what can I do as a consequence?Troll him to death? Report his every post? try to get him banned? Give him some sorrow outside of this forum? And which exactly sorrow could I give to him?

On the opposite? What can M05 do to me on this forum and outside of it?

Stay tuned. It remains interesting.
You can do a lot of things, but the real question is "should I do anything as a consequence?". In this instance the answer is no, you should do nothing. If you cannot have a conversation with someone that has differing opinions you should walk away from the keyboard and especially this forum until such time you can do so. You are over reacting to Mickey and his posts, which have been tame and honest.
06-08-2017 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Very Josie
That's how I felt about 120g of protein but I'm doing it. Take it one day at a time. Things that are worthwhile are usually not easy.
It may be as easy as pulling the trigger and ordering a bag of whey concentrate

Originally Posted by Very Josie
How far away do you live from her?
20 minutes for now but I'm about to move farther (2 hours) away from her to get out of her grip. The diet is about the only aspect of my life that she respects.
06-08-2017 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
WWII was won by the Allies because Soviet soldiers were supplied with shots of vodka before going into the heat of the battle.

The price paid was that some of them remained chronic alcoholics after the war.
The Soviets were the Aliies are responsible for winning the war. lol history.

Originally Posted by skeletor121
You can do a lot of things, but the real question is "should I do anything as a consequence?". In this instance the answer is no, you should do nothing. If you cannot have a conversation with someone that has differing opinions you should walk away from the keyboard and especially this forum until such time you can do so. You are over reacting to Mickey and his posts, which have been tame and honest.

Have you ever considered that part of the deal with the "moderation" was that I make reasonable posts that are back by scientific evidence in order to incite the masses?

06-08-2017 , 08:22 PM
I always wonder with drinking research if the samples are fair. If a large number of non-drinkers are alcoholics, then it could skew the results towards drinking if these folk have poor health.

That said, I like a beer and so I'll believe any research that justifies it.
06-08-2017 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Is his name Holden Caufield?
Close, it's Chen Si.

Had to look that up and found an English documentary about the same story. It's called Angel of Nanjing.

06-08-2017 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
The Soviets were the Aliies are responsible for winning the war. lol history.
I thought the funniest part was the notion that russians became hard drinkers because of drinking vodka before battle, not vice versa

On a semi-related note, my favorite story about russians. A friend of mine married a russian woman. When he went to russia to meet her family, he gets off the plane jetlagged and tired. His future FIL sits him down, pulls out a bottle of vodka and says "you like vodka? now we drink."

They make it through the bottle, my friend feels like **** but also feels like he's passed a cultural test of some kind. The FIL says "are you feeling OK?" Sure, my friend says. FIL says "Good" and pulls out another bottle of vodka.
06-08-2017 , 08:41 PM
Fwiw I was diagnosed with depression and every doctor/psychiatrist I have ever spoken to has advised not to drink alcohol as it can be a depressant. This has been regardless or not of being on medication. This is clearly anecdotal and I have no studies to back me up, nor do I want to find studies or have an argument with anyone regarding the subject lol.
