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July LC & 20k Post - Why Rip is right and Evo is Wrong: 3x5 is the Way, the Truth and the Light July LC & 20k Post - Why Rip is right and Evo is Wrong: 3x5 is the Way, the Truth and the Light

07-05-2015 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
The storm blew over as usual here. These floridians love their fireworks. They were everywhere.
I'm in Houston for the weekend and it sounded like an artillery siege from about 7pm to 1am. We did our patriotic duty and celebrated the birth of our country by blowing up a small piece of it. I managed to injure myself with a sparkler.
07-05-2015 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
BTM, I will be seeing her throughout the week

RJ, I think she doesn't have much interest in me.

I think some people like to talk a good game and can find certain friends who they are able to do that with. I might be that person she gonna tell about all her sexcapades too. No worries though I will put on some loud Sub Focus in the car
Well that's sort of a weird approach to conversation she's got there then.

I can see why it would send mixed signals.
07-05-2015 , 11:37 AM
Sense8 confirmed better than Humans. But not anywhere near Mr Robot level.
07-05-2015 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Sense8 confirmed better than Humans. But not anywhere near Mr Robot level.
Watching episode 4 as we speak. It is good so far, but... I have been burned so many times. It is easy to make a few episodes of a mystery, not showing anything. The difficulty always comes in creating the total arc, having an ending in mind, and executing it in a non-stupid way. I mean, does anyone remember Carnivale? First season was so great, then it fell to ****, and then it was gone.
07-05-2015 , 12:09 PM
Or Lost lol. Started out as the best show ever at the time. Somewhere halfway season 3 I just couldn't deal with the nonsense anymore.
07-05-2015 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Or Lost lol. Started out as the best show ever at the time. Somewhere halfway season 3 I just couldn't deal with the nonsense anymore.
GOAT scene:

07-05-2015 , 12:26 PM

Agreed about Carnivale, tho I thought the finale somewhat redeemed it while also making me frustrated that it was cancelled.

Btm, agreed, that moment was amazing. The show was still great on rewatch, and the final seasons held up better now that I knew where they weren't going.
07-05-2015 , 12:32 PM
Heroes has the have the record for terrific first season then immediately falling off a cliff.
07-05-2015 , 01:02 PM
Disagree. I hated the first season of Heroes. Second season was good. Third season was amazing. Fourth season was pretty good except for everything involving the carnival.
07-05-2015 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Disagree. I hated the first season of Heroes. Second season was good. Third season was amazing. Fourth season was pretty good except for everything involving the carnival.
Watching past the first season demonstrates more self hate than old hard boiled eggs and microwave bacon. I snap quit like 3 eps into s2
07-05-2015 , 02:04 PM
Oh man, Heroes. Such GOAT potential. Wasted.

Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Well that's sort of a weird approach to conversation she's got there then.

I can see why it would send mixed signals.
I brought up the constant sex talk and she said she likes 'honesty' and I guess I am an easy guy to talk to. Also does not like hairy men so turns out I had no chance anyway. It's still a bit weird. Kept asking me today if I would get a happy ending after my massage.

The fact that one of my best friends worked in the same office as her and just recently quit also means there is the meta thing in the back of her mind with potential back channeling and gossip etc.
07-05-2015 , 02:28 PM

The more you tell me about her the more I dislike her. **** her.

When I was in grad school there was this girl in my lab who was Similar. She was always burping outloud and cussing and talking lewd and being "one of the guys,".

Then she started dating this guy who I never even met, but Whenever She talked to him on the phone, which was a lot, it was crazy how much her personality and tone changed to be more "ladylike" (for lack of a better word). Total faker IMO.
07-05-2015 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Oh man, Heroes. Such GOAT potential. Wasted.

I brought up the constant sex talk and she said she likes 'honesty' and I guess I am an easy guy to talk to. Also does not like hairy men so turns out I had no chance anyway. It's still a bit weird. Kept asking me today if I would get a happy ending after my massage.

The fact that one of my best friends worked in the same office as her and just recently quit also means there is the meta thing in the back of her mind with potential back channeling and gossip etc.
I mean I've got no problem talking about sex but the dynamics here just seems weird. Again, honesty is a plus, but (honestly) how often do two adults who aren't ****ing or wanting to **** just randomly end up talking about sexual topics?

I mean at least it seems like you're no longer confused by her possible intentions, which is great, but I'd still find it fairly obtrusive if she keeps steering conversations that way.

I'm ridiculously sex positive but you can overdo anything.
07-05-2015 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Disagree. I hated the first season of Heroes. Second season was good. Third season was amazing. Fourth season was pretty good except for everything involving the carnival.
You have to be trolling. I somehow saw all of Heroes, the writers obviously handed the job off to the lowest bidder on in season 3 and 4 - so, so awful.
07-05-2015 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben

The more you tell me about her the more I dislike her. **** her.

When I was in grad school there was this girl in my lab who was Similar. She was always burping outloud and cussing and talking lewd and being "one of the guys,".

Then she started dating this guy who I never even met, but Whenever She talked to him on the phone, which was a lot, it was crazy how much her personality and tone changed to be more "ladylike" (for lack of a better word). Total faker IMO.

I guess I could be seen pulling the 'sour grapes' stunt now that I am certain nothing will happen but I do agree that the constant sex talk is some weird mix of boasting, appearances etc. etc.

Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I mean I've got no problem talking about sex but the dynamics here just seems weird. Again, honesty is a plus, but (honestly) how often do two adults who aren't ****ing or wanting to **** just randomly end up talking about sexual topics?

I mean at least it seems like you're no longer confused by her possible intentions, which is great, but I'd still find it fairly obtrusive if she keeps steering conversations that way.

I'm ridiculously sex positive but you can overdo anything.
Sometimes being in India makes people want to appear far more liberal than they usually are. She says she is like this in Barcelona as well and will go wild because its her last month there before moving back to States. Last chance to meet 'hot european guys'.

The sex talk isn't overkill yet and I get constant boners when it's happening but there is just no vibe, chemistry or any such inkling from her. I feel the max I can do is put a friendly arm around her at some point this week when we are out drinking and such an opportunity arises. Just to guage her reaction.
07-05-2015 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I mean I've got no problem talking about sex but the dynamics here just seems weird. Again, honesty is a plus, but (honestly) how often do two adults who aren't ****ing or wanting to **** just randomly end up talking about sexual topics?
By that logic, numerous H&Fers should be sexting each other via PMs daily.

Originally Posted by Soulman
You have to be trolling. I somehow saw all of Heroes, the writers obviously handed the job off to the lowest bidder on in season 3 and 4 - so, so awful.
Bro. BRO. Bro.

For example, end of season 3/start of season 4.

Nathan actually dying (finally, after fake dying more than once) and they replace him with a mind swapped Sylar. That was awesome.

I thought the last half of season 3 and first part of season 4 was really really really good. Not a coincidence that this was the brief period when Bryan Fuller (of Pushing Daisies and Hannibal fame) returned to the writing staff.

I find any criticism of season 2 hard to defend against for multiple reasons.
07-05-2015 , 04:29 PM
this girl sounds like your typical 16 year old who is trying to convince the popular crowd she so isn't a virgin.
07-05-2015 , 04:37 PM
She doesn't like hairy guys, but wants to get laid in Spain?
07-05-2015 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Disagree. I hated the first season of Heroes. Second season was good. Third season was amazing. Fourth season was pretty good except for everything involving the carnival.
No one in the entire world agrees with you.
07-05-2015 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Disagree. I hated the first season of Heroes. Second season was good. Third season was amazing. Fourth season was pretty good except for everything involving the carnival.
u dum

Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Watching past the first season demonstrates more self hate than old hard boiled eggs and microwave bacon. I snap quit like 3 eps into s2
exactly this. We quit at pretty much the same time. And yeah, Heroes and Prison Break are my top 2 for having nutty S1s and then doyourselfafavorandstop
07-05-2015 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
By that logic, numerous H&Fers should be sexting each other via PMs daily.
Theoretically, how would I get in on that?

My interest in purely scientific.
07-05-2015 , 04:45 PM
I think BtM coordinates H&F's underground sexting ring.
07-05-2015 , 04:47 PM
I don't think I trust SGT RJ. I feel like she'd flip her ****.
07-05-2015 , 04:53 PM
How would you respond in this situation?

I was hanging out with a female friend yesterday. We aren't super close, in fact we only reconnected (she's from my hometown, I graduated with her older brother) within the last three months. She's obviously overweight, average smallfat Merican look overall.

She asked me if I had lost weight since she saw me last (about two months ago) to which I replied, yes, a few. I told her I was basically just trying to keep my calories at or below a certain amount each day and that I knew if I did this I'd gradually lose weight because, you know, science and basic thermodynamics.

She then proceeded to tell me a story about how she did WW for six months and lost a bunch of weight but then got sick TWICE in the same month (the flu) and as soon as she put the weight back on she was healthy again. She now fights with her doctor (who has told her she's techinically obese, which she so clearly IS NOT) about the fact that she stays healthier when she's heavier.

I just didn't know how to respond beyond laughing and kept my mouth shut. But obviously this is some sort of ridiculous combination of lolsamplesize and fatlogic. Oh, she brought up the whole BMI is bull****, linebackers would be obese ergo lolBMI, too.

For the record, yeah, I can totally see her falling over 30 on BMI and therefore being technically obese. I didn't say that, either.

07-05-2015 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
I don't think I trust SGT RJ. I feel like she'd flip her ****.
I mean unless you are trading kiddie porn that seems unlikely.

On a completely serious note, as I understand you are a DC person, maybe someday we should actually meet and you can show me how to DYEL without herniating something.
