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Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%)

10-28-2018 , 01:09 PM

Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-28-2018 , 01:46 PM
Okay cool thanks I’ll def be adding them in
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2018 , 12:05 PM
169.4 lbs

- Pissed at myself for going 75 calories over my caloric intake yesterday. Not showing Compliance. Gonna make myself do another day of cardio for punishment.
- Feels good to be back at the gym. Stopped rehab they don’t help much same **** every time.

1- BB Shoulder Press 5x10 @50% 1rm 60s rest @65
2- BB Shrugs 4x10 60s rest
3- BB Upright Rows 4x8 60s rest @60
4- DB Shoulder Press 4x8 60-80s rest @40
5- Seated delt raises 3x15 @10
Abs- 2 exercises
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2018 , 07:27 AM
- pissed about 75 cals over allotted
- not pissed RPE 5 points below where it was planned
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2018 , 10:18 AM
I’m gonna start this program back up starting next week (the one evo recommended)
-Program: 5/3/1 (Evo style)
Workout A:
BB Shoulder Press 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x10 @50% 1rm 60s rest
BB Shrugs 4x10 60s rest
BB Upright Rows 4x8 60s rest
DB Shoulder Press 4x8 60-80s rest
Bentover DB raises 4x10 60s rest

Workout B:
Squats 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x10 @50% 1rm 80s rest
Leg Press 4x10 60s rest
Leg Extensions 4x12 60s rest
Leg Curls 4x10 60s rest
Hyper extensions 3x10 60s rest

Workout C:
Bench press 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x10 @50% 1rm 60s rest
Incline bench 4x8 60-80s rest
Flat/Incline flys 4x8 60s rest
DB pullovers 4x10 60s rest

Workout D:
Rack pulls 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x5 @50% 1rm 60s rest
Pull-ups 4x10 60s rest
DB rows 4x12 60s rest
T-Bar rows 4x10 60s rest
Cable lat pullovers 4x10 60s rest

Arms Hypertrophy (optional)
Standing DB curls 2x15 60s rest
Incline curls 3x12 60s rest
Spider curls 4x12 60s rest
Rope pushdowns 3x12 60s rest
Dips 4x10 60s rest
Cable kickbacks or cable one arm extension 3x15 60s rest
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2018 , 10:36 AM
Why do you think short rest periods, especially for those exercises that involve the lower back, are a good idea for you specifically?
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2018 , 12:49 PM
169.8 lbs

Workout D:
Rack pulls 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x5 @50% 1rm 60s rest
135x5 x5 (trap bar)

Pull-ups 4x10 60s rest
T/T- 3 mins for 8/5/5/5 (23 FULL ROM)

T-Bar rows 4x10 60s rest
45x15 x2
65x15 x2

1 arm row machine 4x12
60x12 x3

Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2018 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Why do you think short rest periods, especially for those exercises that involve the lower back, are a good idea for you specifically?
Doing light weight it’s fine
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 05:54 AM
I think it might actually work okay for expectedV simply because the set before the amrap set is so light even taking only 90 seconds before it won't significantly worsen performance. That being said, a program that demands you take a single AMRAP set to a very high RPE is a terrible choice for EV both because he doesn't form nit nearly enough to be able to maintain good technique in the last reps of a difficult set and doesn't have the mental fortitude to actually push into those last reps in the first place. But the big 10x5 being timed is definitely the way to make it work best.

In terms of getting him where he wants to go while catering to his individual idiosyncratic irrational perceived needs (lets not pretend we don't have these in our programming as well), this is probably pretty good. I'd just get rid of the shoulder day and throw in some kind of side and rear raising movements on shoulder day instead though.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 08:50 AM
I mean disregarding actual rest/recovery time and allowing your hr to settle a bit, if you don't even spend a good 30-120 seconds just mentally preparing for a true high rep squat/dl amrap, then it's not a true AMRAP.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 09:08 AM
I agree with most of your points, Evo.

Assuming he means he's doing assistance BBB style (5 sets of 10 reps), I'd question whether he's actually capable of figuring out what his 1RM actually is at this point. Further, I think doing 10 sets of 5 at a given weight would be orders of magnitude better than 5 sets of 10 at that same weight, because the lower number of reps per set would allow him to be purposeful with each rep and develop a set routine, especially for the lower body stuff. Especially with squatting, developing a pre-shot routine, to borrow golf terminology, helped me immensely; deep breath into obliques/fill belt while bending the bar around my back before each rep ->knees forward + consciously flex quads and glutes (or whatever works for him) and doing it with purpose every time, trying to make each rep perfect, is what he needs. Doing higher rep sets where he's just going to speed through the last half of each set without thinking because he's just chasing a pump is not a solution for long term success.

If I was as freaked out about my back as he apparently is about his, and I wanted to do 5/3/1 for some reason, I'd set my training maxes very conservatively, work up to the prescribed weights, ditch the AMRAP (so just do 5 reps on your last set instead of the AMRAP), and then do the backoff sets, however you program them, very purposefully.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 03:17 PM
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 03:19 PM
**** i'm dying
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 03:27 PM
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 03:32 PM
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2018 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I agree with most of your points, Evo.

Assuming he means he's doing assistance BBB style (5 sets of 10 reps), I'd question whether he's actually capable of figuring out what his 1RM actually is at this point. Further, I think doing 10 sets of 5 at a given weight would be orders of magnitude better than 5 sets of 10 at that same weight, because the lower number of reps per set would allow him to be purposeful with each rep and develop a set routine, especially for the lower body stuff. Especially with squatting, developing a pre-shot routine, to borrow golf terminology, helped me immensely; deep breath into obliques/fill belt while bending the bar around my back before each rep ->knees forward + consciously flex quads and glutes (or whatever works for him) and doing it with purpose every time, trying to make each rep perfect, is what he needs. Doing higher rep sets where he's just going to speed through the last half of each set without thinking because he's just chasing a pump is not a solution for long term success.

If I was as freaked out about my back as he apparently is about his, and I wanted to do 5/3/1 for some reason, I'd set my training maxes very conservatively, work up to the prescribed weights, ditch the AMRAP (so just do 5 reps on your last set instead of the AMRAP), and then do the backoff sets, however you program them, very purposefully.
More reps is better for hypertrophy
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-01-2018 , 10:42 AM
170.2 lbs

- goal of today is workout quads+ find 1rm for squats/bench/shoulder press

Front squats
155x3 (3RM) - EV formula adjusted 1rm= 160

205x3 (3RM) - EV formula adjusted 1rm= 210

Seated BB SP
145x2 (2RM) - EV formula adjusted 1rm= 145

Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-01-2018 , 11:49 AM
I’m gonna revise the lifting routine plan today. What changes should I make to it?
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-01-2018 , 11:58 AM
I'd bench more than one day a week if increasing your bench press is a goal, and I'd add more chesty stuff to your shoulder day and more shouldery stuff to your chest day.

Similarly I'd put some leg work on your rack pull day and back work on your squat day. IMO there's just no reason why you can't overload those muscle groups twice per week.

Also, I can't think of a reason to do a leg extension over alternatives unless you're so severely injured that the only way you can extend your leg under load is via the leg extension machine. I'd just add more leg press or something in place of that, or a lunge/RFESS.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-02-2018 , 12:12 AM
WHats Rfess
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-02-2018 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
WHats Rfess
rear foot elevated split squat or Bulgarian split squat

+1 to benching more than once a week. My bench has responded really well to higher frequency
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-02-2018 , 09:08 AM
RFESS for EV? No too hard.

Moar leg press and bench press? Yeah he's got this.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-02-2018 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I'd bench more than one day a week if increasing your bench press is a goal
Man... you give a lot of blanket advice for a rank beginner.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-02-2018 , 10:00 AM
Renton is this better?

1- Workout A
2- Workout B
3- Workout C
4- Workout D
5- Workout E
6- Arms (optional)
7- Rest

Workout A:
BB Shoulder Press 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x10 @50% 1rm 60s rest
Close grip bench 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x10 @50% 1rm 60s rest
CP machine 5x5..75% @3 min rest
BB Upright Rows 4x10 120s rest
BB Shrugs 4x10 120s rest

Workout B:
Squats 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x10 @50% 1rm 80s rest
Leg Press 4x10 60s rest
Lunges 2x10 +3x10 drop sets
Leg Curls 4x10 60s rest
Hyper extensions 3x10 60s rest

Workout C:
Bench press 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x10 @50% 1rm 60s rest
DB shoulder press 4x6.. 80% @3 min rest
Incline bench 4x8 @120s rest
Incline flys 3x10 60s rest
DB pullovers 4x10 60s rest

Workout D:
Pull-ups 4x10 60s rest
Rack pulls 5/3/1 90s rest & 5x5 @50% 1rm 60s rest
Bridges 3x10
Prone leg curls 5x10 @60s rest
Hyper extensions 3x10
DB rows 3x10 60s rest
T-Bar rows 3x10 60s rest

Workout E:
Bench press 4x5..75% +1 set AMRAP @2-3 min rest
Incline DB 4x5..75% @2-3 min rest
BB SP 3x5..75% @3-5 min rest
Cable cross overs 3x12 @60s rest
Front raises 3x10 @60s rest

Arms Hypertrophy (optional)
Standing DB curls 2x15 60s rest
Incline curls 3x12 60s rest
Spider curls 4x12 60s rest
Rope pushdowns 3x12 60s rest
Dips 4x10 60s rest
Cable kickbacks or cable one arm extension 3x15 60s rest
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
