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H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts

01-09-2013 , 04:25 PM
The only consolation I feel is in Yugo rustling Aura's jimmies hard on like d1 or d2 or so. I legit think that given enough games Yugo could build up a sizable group of H&F WW enemies, haha.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
gg all

Monte you crushed this thing. As I was just saying to aiott you really had me fooled up until yesterday (when LKJ told me the team), though I like to think I would have gotten there eventually with you still being alive and all my other wolf suspects (except aura) either dying or clearing themselves.

But yeah, the #1 takeaway lesson is POAST MOAR

When I saw the rand, it was nice that I didn't have to worry about who to nk n1. You played great, and had a villager list after like half a day with 7/8 villagers on it. Good thing we killed you when we did.

LKJ, who was sog's n1 peek? That would have been helpful info for the village imo
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
The only consolation I feel is in Yugo rustling Aura's jimmies hard on like d1 or d2 or so. I legit think that given enough games Yugo could build up a sizable group of H&F WW enemies, haha.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:26 PM
SOG's first peek was kidcolin wolf; his second was Country Roads villager.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:26 PM
Mets also saying Monte was not that good was pretty enjoyable.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
SOG's first peek was kidcolin wolf; his second was Country Roads villager.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
his second was Country Roads villager.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
SOG's first peek was kidcolin wolf; his second was Country Roads villager.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Thanks for modding LKJ.

I feel no consolation in having been correct. I told you guys how to win yesterday. DT told us how to win before that.

One thing that the wolfing guides in POG tell you: it's not about being the villageriest wolf you can be, it's about accumulating the necessary number of mislynches. I was trying not to be supervillagery as the game went on because it would be harder to explain why I was still alive.

But, yes, our buttholes did pucker when you called it out, but a big part of this game is not just being right, but convincing others that you're right too. I struggle with both parts as a villager unfortunately

If not for your accidental maj it's a different game for sure; have mets vote for you for that reason was one of the keys to game. Phone posting ftl
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
The only consolation I feel is in Yugo rustling Aura's jimmies hard on like d1 or d2 or so. I legit think that given enough games Yugo could build up a sizable group of H&F WW enemies, haha.
I was thinking that this is probably the most congenial WW game I've ever been involved in, and we had the explicit green light to light each other on fire. Even in POG where personal attacks aren't allowed there's usually an undercurrent of passive-aggressive asshurt that's inescapable.

Originally Posted by Montecore

When I saw the rand, it was nice that I didn't have to worry about who to nk n1. You played great, and had a villager list after like half a day with 7/8 villagers on it. Good thing we killed you when we did.

LKJ, who was sog's n1 peek? That would have been helpful info for the village imo
I guess hard claiming not-seer didn't help me live another day huh. When did you know that SOG was the actual seer?
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
I am too rustled. Must go get a drink of water.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
SOG wasn't elite seer but I don't really blame him bc other villas laid AIDS cover.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
I did not expect to lose today if monte was wolf of which I was 98% sure of.

I did however not play optimal today.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:29 PM
cool beans
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
The only consolation I feel is in Yugo rustling Aura's jimmies hard on like d1 or d2 or so. I legit think that given enough games Yugo could build up a sizable group of H&F WW enemies, haha.
Yugo also rustled my jimmies pretty well later on in the game when he was all "I thought Monte was supposed to be good and ****"

As I explained to crash, I wasn't trying to be super villagery, but it still rustled me nonetheless.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:29 PM
Also I was the one trying to sub out at the beginning. My wife's Grammy died an hour before the rand and she had to leave right away, leaving me with child care obligations and flying solo for the weekend since my sister had to work. Lots of phoan poasting and not really able to give solid effort when I needed to.

Turns out I needn't have worried about that with all the other absent villas but my game could have been much better.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Mets also saying Monte was not that good was pretty enjoyable.
Compared to him I'm not
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:30 PM
Please forgive me KY
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:31 PM
Lot of villagers in this game died in similar fashion:

"I'm getting lynched...I'm not a villager fuuuu!"

Best thing to do if you're a new player and you're getting wagon is just to go nuts. Go crazy on every single poster, make HARD reads, don't be afraid to post any thought that comes in your head, and make it impossible for the wolves to push you logically.

Originally Posted by Montecore
I am bummed out I didn't get in yesterday to call for your head. =/

Killing Shark d1 in just a straight up spk was super spot on btw.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Also I was the one trying to sub out at the beginning. My wife's Grammy died an hour before the rand and she had to leave right away, leaving me with child care obligations and flying solo for the weekend since my sister had to work. Lots of phoan poasting and not really able to give solid effort when I needed to.

Turns out I needn't have worried about that with all the other absent villas but my game could have been much better.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
I guess hard claiming not-seer didn't help me live another day huh. When did you know that SOG was the actual seer?
Probably when he flipped. Him being the only one so hard on kc probably was a huge tell tho.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
I was thinking that this is probably the most congenial WW game I've ever been involved in, and we had the explicit green light to light each other on fire. Even in POG where personal attacks aren't allowed there's usually an undercurrent of passive-aggressive asshurt that's inescapable.
Yeah, agreed. I think once more meta builds up, the hate will be there for sure

Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
I guess hard claiming not-seer didn't help me live another day huh. When did you know that SOG was the actual seer?
I recall being decently sure sog was the seer on n1, because he kept linking wolf reads to people defending kc, but i didn't feel like we could nk him yet since we just lost a wolf, and I was afraid you were going to rape us. Once he didn't let up on kc d2 the goal was to ride your JR suspicion to a mislynch and then nk sog, and if he somehow wasn't the seer than it didn't matter as much because kc was probably going down anyway.

I was pretty sure sog was the seer though.
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
SOG wasn't elite seer but I don't really blame him bc other villas laid AIDS cover.
The wolves laid the best cover imo
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:34 PM
Monte was pretty sure, actually. I wasn't entirely convinced and wanted dt nk'd that night. I agreed with their choice and asked for dt to get killed soon after.

Monte= the "seer seer"
H&F Werewolf Game Thread - Blue-chippers vs. Busts Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by uscpf
Please forgive me KY
Nah, its all good, I have to take responsibility for not pushing monte. You said you were gonna throw the towel in and I missed the urgency of that thinking you were fos

I did not expect you to vote w/o waiting for yugo
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