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11-28-2011 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin

is that a backwards walk out but a straight walk in to the other side of the rack? wtf.
I have a set of bar hooks installed on both ends of the rack so I figured that why walk backwards at all since I can unrack the bar on one end, take a few steps forward, do my set, take a few steps forward and rack the bar on the other end.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
you seem to know most of your problems. You're definitely sitting down and getting the weight to far forward on your feet. Think heels, though in actuality it will be the mid foot. If you make sure you keep the weight on your heels, the sitting back part sorta takes care of itself (and vice versa).
All right, I'll try to really focus on heels and sitting back next time.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
DLs seem a little off. Could be the mask. Your set up seems fine, but then you let your ass get way up and the bar drifts way off your legs. Keep your initial position, break the bar off the floor from that position, drag the bar up your legs.
It might be the case that I'm unconciously trying to lift the bar with my hands OR maybe I'm just being a pussy and not wanting to scratch my shins

Thx for the comments/advice.
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11-29-2011 , 12:59 AM am i "bouncing" the weight too much here? also does my back look okay?
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11-29-2011 , 01:07 AM
private vid brah
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11-29-2011 , 01:12 AM
sry, fixed
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11-29-2011 , 01:34 AM
Back looks fine but any amount of bounce makes this not a true "conventional deadlift." What you are doing is a "touch in go deadlift", which may or may not have a place in someone's training. Since you are likely still a novice, you should come to a complete "dead" stop before each deadlift. A lot of guys that do TNG deadlifts and switch back over struggle getting the weight off the ground, i.e. not much carryover.
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11-29-2011 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by funkyfood am i "bouncing" the weight too much here? also does my back look okay?
I'd get rid of that bounce even if its not much.
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11-29-2011 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by checkcall
Press slightly in front of side -
Press slightly behind side-
Why does your chest raise before every rep? And looks like your elbow moves slightly back prior to starting the rep. I'd try and just get your elbow there to start so you can push straight up.
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11-29-2011 , 11:05 AM
Is that chest raise bad? I think that kind of just happens when I take a big breath and get tight. I could get rid of it, but I thought that was closer to the correct starting position anyway, but obviously could be wrong about that because IDK nearly as much about pressing as you

I'm trying to spot what you are saying about the elbows, which video is it more pronounced in? And aren't you elbows supposed to be slightly in front of you when you press or am I wrong about that too?

Last edited by checkcall; 11-29-2011 at 11:07 AM. Reason: I'm obv a press noob
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11-30-2011 , 02:31 AM

walking the weight out forward is bad. it's very awkward.
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11-30-2011 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin

walking the weight out forward is bad. it's very awkward.
Um, why is it bad? I'm not saying it isn't but what's the reasoning?
I mean, it's recommended (or actually compelled) to always rack the bar by wallking forward after the set.
Then why is it better to walk backwards instead of forward before the set?
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11-30-2011 , 04:16 AM
Tried filming my deadlift again today. I focus 100% on keeping a straight back, but to no avail.

Lower weight, still bad

It's difficult to see in the video, but the bar is touching my shins, so guess my feet is correct. But for some reason, I just cant bend backwards enough.

I then tried sumo deadlift (wider stance, arm on the inside of legs). not perfect, but better?

All comments and tips welcome.

Should I just switch to sumo? Pros/cons compared to normal deadlift?
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11-30-2011 , 08:11 AM
Great to see those videos. Looked perfect to me. Only suggestion that I can make for you to consider, and it is strictly because of your prior back injury, is to maintain 100% tension on your DL descent (?).
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11-30-2011 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by checkcall
Is that chest raise bad? I think that kind of just happens when I take a big breath and get tight.

I'm trying to spot what you are saying about the elbows, which video is it more pronounced in? And aren't you elbows supposed to be slightly in front of you when you press or am I wrong about that too?
You might not be breathing into your stomach then? Shoulders shouldn't rise when you breathe in.

I see your elbows move slightly back in both angles, like less than an inch, prob. But to me it looks like you might be initiating the movement with just your triceps by pushing the bar ever so slightly forward even if the bar goes directly up.

I like keeping my elbows directly under my bar/wrists, but slightly in front might be the standard, not sure. Might just be me who is seeing that elbow thing lol.. but if it is moving slightly back to start the movement, then midaswhale just move it back that inch or whatever to start.

midaswhale... lolwut.. saw it on twitter
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11-30-2011 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by BPA234
Great to see those videos. Looked perfect to me. Only suggestion that I can make for you to consider, and it is strictly because of your prior back injury, is to maintain 100% tension on your DL descent (?).
Thanks for the comments. As long as I keep my back from going into flexion before the weight hits the floor, does it matter how fast or slow I lower the weight?
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11-30-2011 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pummi81
Um, why is it bad? I'm not saying it isn't but what's the reasoning?
I mean, it's recommended (or actually compelled) to always rack the bar by wallking forward after the set.
Then why is it better to walk backwards instead of forward before the set?
Because walking backward is the harder thing to do, so it is best to do it when fresh.
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11-30-2011 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Because walking backward is the harder thing to do, so it is best to do it when fresh.
Also because you need a visual cue to help you rack the bar sometimes so it's good to be walking it back in forward.
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11-30-2011 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Because walking backward is the harder thing to do, so it is best to do it when fresh.
Missed the point Broidan. He sets up pins on either side, walks it out forward, then walks it in forward. On the next set he just faces the other way and repeats.

I can't imagine why walking out backwards would be safer than walking out forward (assuming you always walk it in forward)
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11-30-2011 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
You might not be breathing into your stomach then? Shoulders shouldn't rise when you breathe in.

I see your elbows move slightly back in both angles, like less than an inch, prob. But to me it looks like you might be initiating the movement with just your triceps by pushing the bar ever so slightly forward even if the bar goes directly up.

I like keeping my elbows directly under my bar/wrists, but slightly in front might be the standard, not sure. Might just be me who is seeing that elbow thing lol.. but if it is moving slightly back to start the movement, then midaswhale just move it back that inch or whatever to start.

midaswhale... lolwut.. saw it on twitter
I see what you mean about the breathing thing. If I just take a natural big breath, my shoulders and chest rise, but if I concentrate on breathing straight to my stomach, they don't. So the 2nd way is definitely better in terms of getting prepped for the press, or any lift for that matter?
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11-30-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by DWarrior
Missed the point Broidan. He sets up pins on either side, walks it out forward, then walks it in forward. On the next set he just faces the other way and repeats.

I can't imagine why walking out backwards would be safer than walking out forward (assuming you always walk it in forward)
i almost missed that, too. yeah, it doesn't matter as long as you walk in forward. walking weight out is the easy part, forward or backward.
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11-30-2011 , 04:46 PM

Figured I'd give this another go, top set of a 5/3/1-esque program which is the reason for all the high rep nonsense. And also, I hate hex plates.
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11-30-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Beck
Tried filming my deadlift again today. I focus 100% on keeping a straight back, but to no avail.

Lower weight, still bad

It's difficult to see in the video, but the bar is touching my shins, so guess my feet is correct. But for some reason, I just cant bend backwards enough.

I then tried sumo deadlift (wider stance, arm on the inside of legs). not perfect, but better?

All comments and tips welcome.

Should I just switch to sumo? Pros/cons compared to normal deadlift?
it seems no one gave you feedback, so i'll try my best... (beginner myself, so take it with a grain of salt):
- i think you're starting position is bad. the bar is not over the middle of your foot. reread this in SS and make sure that you have the bar over the middle of your whole foot (and not the middle of the visible part of your foot). it should be more or less above where you tie your shoes.
- on your 2nd conventional DL, you start out better, but then you take 2 small steps back and the bar is again too far away from your shins
- besides that, your back doesn't look that bad, but it's imho impossible to say with this camera angle. it's important to see the whole body during the whole movement... (camera angle is better for sumo lifts, still not perfect, but better...)
- reread starting position, really pay attention to bar position (over middle of whole foot), then grab the bar, then go down with arched back until your shins touch the bar, then start lifting. i think if your do this, your whole movement is kinda different anyway. try it, take new video and report back

can't say anything about sumo DL, know more or less nothing about it. sorry. back looks better, yes, but no idea how it should look, so no comment.
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11-30-2011 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Thanks for the comments. As long as I keep my back from going into flexion before the weight hits the floor, does it matter how fast or slow I lower the weight?
I think there is a slight release in tightness on your descent and although your back doesnt flex or lose position it may in fact be subjected to strain during the descent. This is when I think there is a risk of injury that is actually greatest.

just my opinion though and very possible that I am wrong too.
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11-30-2011 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by BPA234
I think there is a slight release in tightness on your descent and although your back doesnt flex or lose position it may in fact be subjected to strain during the descent. This is when I think there is a risk of injury that is actually greatest.

just my opinion though and very possible that I am wrong too.
I do let the shoulder blades come out on the descent, and my upper back might round slightly, but the low back is tight. I would drop the weight before I let my low back flex.
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12-01-2011 , 12:36 AM
walking forward just seems awkward to me. the legs seem better designed to move loads backwards. Forward is all weird short steps. The reasons racking forward is key are:
1. you can see
2. bringing the bar to the rack is simpler facing forward
3. to lower the weight to the hooks, your body naturally tilts forward as you break at the hips and bend over.

Plus, even if the steps forward aren't weird, I can't imagine walking a real heavy squat all the way across the rack.

but c'est la vie.
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