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*** H&F Form Check Thread *** *** H&F Form Check Thread ***

10-27-2011 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18
hands behind the bar?

what does that mean?
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10-27-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
So I started to attempt to learn hang cleans. I really have no idea what I'm doing, I'm sure there's a million things wrong here. Me and my friend are going once a week on Saturdays before we do cardio, so if anyone has some good advice for next time that'd be great. Also, as I said, it was pre-cardio, so ignore the shoes.

set 1:

set 2:

Tried to focus on exploding more on the 2nd video there, so the bar kinda got away from me haha. But yea, pretty gross, as I said.
1. I think this got missed, hoping to get some direction for when I try again this Saturday.

2. On my overhead presses when the weight gets tough I notice that I uncontrollably lean to my left, anyone have any thoughts on that? Should I just reset and try to keep myself straight as the weight gets heavier?
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10-27-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by jerG123

I've changed my footwear, improved my pre-work out stretching and feel as though I'm making progress - any other obvious issues with form?
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10-27-2011 , 03:51 PM
it is supposed to describe the only possible way to avoid kinked wrists and the accompanying wrist/elbow pain that you have experienced. you could also say "on top" of the bar instead of "under" the bar. your wrists are below the bar.

PC is bad because of many things. your start position is bad. you're like a mile away from the bar, which becomes very obvious when it rolls toward you before leaving the floor. back is not extended during setup and it gets worse through the first pull. you don't get into a good position for the second pull. after the bar is around mid-shin, your shoulders are above or behind the bar instead of in front of the bar. and finally you never reach full extension and your arms bend extremely early.
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10-27-2011 , 04:20 PM
x-post from my log. tried to incorporate the squad feedback from last vid, not sure how much it worked.

squat 7'oclock-view:
and side-view of set 2 / 3: and

damn, my back is scary rounded, especially on last rep. thx brother, could have told me that! (i asked after every set, he was always "no, it's ok, just at the bottom of the back, but i think thats just your ass and normal"). should i just start with my ass lower before every rep to get into better starting position? i seem to lack flexibility atm to do it otherwise.

thx again for any feedback!
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10-27-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
it is supposed to describe the only possible way to avoid kinked wrists and the accompanying wrist/elbow pain that you have experienced. you could also say "on top" of the bar instead of "under" the bar. your wrists are below the bar.

PC is bad because of many things. your start position is bad. you're like a mile away from the bar, which becomes very obvious when it rolls toward you before leaving the floor. back is not extended during setup and it gets worse through the first pull. you don't get into a good position for the second pull. after the bar is around mid-shin, your shoulders are above or behind the bar instead of in front of the bar. and finally you never reach full extension and your arms bend extremely early.

I guess I'll never be good at them, since I've exhausted my means to improving without someone personally instructing me

other than starting with the bar closer to my shins, not really sure how to fix the things you're describing
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10-27-2011 , 04:39 PM
hold bar standing up.

keep arms straight. lower the bar by moving your hips back, until the bar is around mid thigh. you will need your lats to pull the bar to this position.

stand up as fast as you can. don't think "jump" or "shrug" or anything. just stand up as explosively as you can and rack the bar.

videotape yourself doing this with something you can easily power clean.
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10-27-2011 , 05:18 PM
isnt that a hang clean?
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10-27-2011 , 06:25 PM
A power clean is a deadlift + hang clean basically. So being able to do those two things well first can really help when you do the whole movement.

Well, so I've read, I haven't tried a PC before b/c I didn't know until recently it's super easy to do them without bumper plates.
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10-27-2011 , 07:36 PM
Squat (side):
Squat (back):
Squat (angle):
PC (side):

Some of the squats look a bit cheaty (leaning forward instead of getting deep), but basic idea there?

Aside from arching my back more before liftoff and getting my elbows higher on PCs, those look about right?

Thanks as always...

Last edited by bixby snyder; 10-27-2011 at 07:43 PM. Reason: videos all mislabeled but in the right order
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10-27-2011 , 08:15 PM
bixby, i think you should push your knees further out in the squats. it also seems that your head should be more downwards and less straightforward. and yeah, you tend to lean a little forward on your feet and the squats seem a tad high. (but i'm a complete beginner, so don't really count on this feedback being correct).
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10-27-2011 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by AGame18
isnt that a hang clean?
yes. like i said, you should learn from the hang first. based on your power clean it's pretty unlikely you're doing hang cleans correctly.
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10-27-2011 , 08:38 PM
ya ng

I can hang clean, the two are very different. Being good at one doesn't make you good at the other apparently.
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10-27-2011 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by TheDudeChad
Scale of 1-10 how much of a disaster are these DLs? This is a 5RM PR.

DL 365x5
Okay, I'm back. Dropped the weight by quite a bit to work on form. Also swapped my oly shoes with flat soled sneakers. Improvement I think, but still pretty bad?

295 single
and another

Last two reps suck.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
10-28-2011 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18
ya ng

I can hang clean, the two are very different. Being good at one doesn't make you good at the other apparently.
gn ay

why do you willingly use a completely different pull when doing hang cleans vs. power cleans? it makes no sense. do you have a video of yourself doing hang cleans?
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10-28-2011 , 12:52 AM

you're trying too hard to pull with low hips, and it's leaving your scapulae behind the bar. gotta fix that setup to get your shoulders in front of the bar.
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10-28-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18
I tried to low bar squat for the first time, pretty sure I ended up just doing some sort of mix between high and low but lmk what you think. My wrists hurt a lot after, it seems like such a weird angle to hold the bar.

I also did some PC's at a low weight. I know I'm not very good at them but you can all let me know how to improve
I agree with everything Miles said.

There are some sweet things going on in the background of this squat video. lol
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10-28-2011 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by -C-P-
There are some sweet things going on in the background of this squat video. lol
rewatched. wow! at 30s i thought, haha, that was awesome. well worth watching again just for that, even if i have to sit through the remaining minute. then 1:06 comes and wins. fire in the hole!
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
10-28-2011 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by trontron
x-post from my log. tried to incorporate the squad feedback from last vid, not sure how much it worked.

squat 7'oclock-view:
and side-view of set 2 / 3: and

damn, my back is scary rounded, especially on last rep. thx brother, could have told me that! (i asked after every set, he was always "no, it's ok, just at the bottom of the back, but i think thats just your ass and normal"). should i just start with my ass lower before every rep to get into better starting position? i seem to lack flexibility atm to do it otherwise.

thx again for any feedback!
here the sets of my brother:
squat behind:
squat sideview:

it would be great if anyone could give some feedback on any of our sets. thx!
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10-28-2011 , 10:29 AM
Uploaded some vids of my squat/bench/dl. Would really appreciate some reviews! I notice that I definitely have some butt wink going on in my squats. It's been an issue for awhile but I don't know how to fix it...

Squat 3x5x195




Bench 3x5x145




Deadlift 5x255
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10-28-2011 , 11:11 AM
squats and deads look good
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10-28-2011 , 11:17 AM
Back losing its extension on the bottom of the squat imo. I'd cut off the depth by a bit, you're going way below parallel anyway.
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10-28-2011 , 11:28 AM
Squats look pretty good imo. Butt wink isnt that big of a deal..just try to keep lower back tight, usually the butt wink goes away naturally as you start lifting heavier and hamstrings become more flexible.

On the other hand, your bench technique is not very good. You are doing a pretty nice job of tucking elbows (which is good)...but you simply lack tightness both in lower body and upper body. I recommend watching So You Think You Can Bench and focus on putting the weight on your traps, maintaining an arch, and leg drive. Benching shouldn't be comfortable

Good luck!
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10-28-2011 , 11:54 AM
Buttwink in itself isn't a big deal as long as the back is locked in extension, which it doesn't seem to be here. It's a bit hard to tell though and that's prob the biggest buttwink I've seen.
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10-28-2011 , 12:19 PM
HBBS Dropped 5lb off the bar since the videos i uploaded 2 days ago

Squat WU+185x5x3
Workset 1
Workset 2 (didn't hit record when i thought i did)
Workset 3

Angles still not great on , better though i think? Have a few other spots Ill be trying to set up the camera in next workout. Also think my squat is still crap , maybe a bit better WRT lumbar rounding on the first 2-3 reps of each set though?
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