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H&F Advice Applepied H&F Advice Applepied

10-14-2020 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Thanks all.

Code3 didn't eat for 4 days except the one time he escaped and walked to some fried chicken place.

The scam lady kept trying to force him to pay her for food. She kept him locked in a room and left him when she was supposed to be bringing him to the hospital with me. She was trying to starve him into submission.

When she brought me to do the leak test after the surgery she had left him. I told her we were going to get him right then and her response was telling me that she had her mechanic killed because he messed up her transmission. I was like "is that right?" and gave her a crazy 'you don't know who your ****ing with look'. We pulled into the testing place and she intentionally tried to run into a disabled boy that was blocking the parking and shot me a cold hearted gangster look.
It's great that you're getting back into writing fiction! Things are already looking up!
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-14-2020 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by loco
This is exactly the kind of story one would expect from a white woman from East Texas venturing to TJ.

Code should have paid the woman to bring him tacos from Taqueria Franc. They are like 50 cents each. Can eat like a King for a fin and even tip her a fin. Duh. Ubereats also works. Duh.
She was trying to charge him $15 a meal for her food and told him if he got something out of the fridge it was $7 a time. Code 3 ain't eating tacos or menudo.
She was expecting to make some money off him while he was there in addition to the $70/night I paid for his stay.
People come and she tells them they have to eat at her house and then she tells the they have to pay her for their meds.
I paid the surgeon directly for everything medical and had gotten an itemization for the cost of everything; the after surgery meds were paid for.

She also turned off the water while he and I were there.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-14-2020 , 02:43 PM
Percocet induced Magic.

Nice, very nice.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-14-2020 , 02:47 PM
$70 a night for a room and $15 for room service doesn't seem that bad. Did she have a pool and spa?

I wonder what a $16/night hotel in TJ is like
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-14-2020 , 04:36 PM
For $70/night you would expect to be able to at least flush the toilet or take a shower. I see the $16 hotel had a clean toilet and window unit, much better than where we stayed.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-14-2020 , 10:44 PM
Today was the 10th day I've been on all liquids with 1.5weeks to go.
It's getting really hard, tonight I sucked on bread sticks and pretended I was eating them. I cannot wait to have some tuna fish+egg moosh.

Since I've been home I've been taking in about 800cals a day and my stomach has been grumbling everyday.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-15-2020 , 03:37 PM
Had my first therapy session today. It's not the same woman as last year, but this therapist is just as good. It's completely different from the therapist/therapy I have tried in the past; I think this will be helpful.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:11 PM
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-16-2020 , 01:36 PM
Surgery weight: 261lbs
Today: 252.2lbs

Been walking 30 minutes per night.
These are my cals the past couple of weeks:
84-Surgery Day

Calories should gradually go up when I start soft foods in a week and then to regular food.

Last night I started having a sharp pain in my stomach and near my belly button. There are no external incisions here, but it feels like it.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-18-2020 , 08:53 PM
The sharp pain got worse and I've been really hurting the last few days. Im also exhausted and just getting up to lay down in a different places all day. I've tried reading and watching tv, but I can't focus on anything. I can't wait to get up too 1200cals so I can halfway function.

I pushed my PE exam out till the first week of December; there is no way I could study or focus for 8 straight hours right now. Although I feel the pressure to find a job, I have no desire to go back to Engineering right now. Working at a gas station feels more appealing. Im going to go ahead with the teachers certification to have as a backup. After the PE and this I'll start teaching myself to code. I have to do all of these things to have the best chance of getting a job in the next year, but all I really want to do is write a book.

A lot depends on when/if Code3 has to go back to his office, but I'm trying to make plans of the best time to put my house up for sale, the critical projects around the house that need to be completed/timelines before putting it on the market, and the right time to find any job after my unemployment and savings run out.
I need to make repairs to the fence, tile my bathroom floor, fix the wall that I ran into, replace the carpet in my daughter's room and a bunch of other things that will be hard to do without eating and if I'm also working. I can't make a solid plan and it's driving me nuts.

Just typing this wore me out, I gonna take my 10th nap of the day now.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-20-2020 , 11:19 PM
Im feeling like the surgery was one of my dumbest life decisions. Would not recommend to anyone.
Im still hurting and tired and it's been almost two weeks. In my mind I'm not hungry, but my stomach is constantly growling and hurting.

I tried pureed tuna tonight and I felt incredibly sick(like the flu) for an hour afterwards. I only had 1/4 of this....

Not slamming pizzas and quesadillas is way easier than being in constant pain and sickness; wishing I could trade back now.

H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 01:00 AM
Sorry to hear.

From what you've read or heard, does it seem you're having a harder go of it than most post-op?
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 04:30 AM
MLY what exactly did they do? Just cut a piece of your stomach out?

I assume there is no 'going back' after seeing that gross af image earlier. Is your only option to stretch out your stomach that is left now?

I'm confused. But yah, can't see Tijuana surgery ever being a good decision either. Sorry you're regretting it, and hope it gets better.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 06:45 AM
Almost 2 weeks after surgery and still hurting is about the most normal thing this log has seen.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 08:22 AM
Thanks Dodger/27

There is debate on the stomach physically stretching back out, but you definitely can go back to normal eating after 6months-1year.
I've been reading in some forums and a lot of the people that have the sleeve done go back and have it revised to a bypass when they start gaining weight back. The sleeve has about a 50% long term weightloss success because you actually have to start/continue eating healthy after the initial 'forced' weightloss. These people are still talking about fad diets and diet pills after the surgery. My perspective has changed and I don't think the surgery is a good thing. The people who are successful probably would have been successful without it because they implemented proper nutrition habbits.

What I should have done all along was just learn to cook and get into the habit of cooking meals every night, having a planned grocery list. I'm working on this now and will be trying out a lot of recipes with my daughter. We cooked spinach stuffed chicken thighs for her dinner last night.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 11:31 AM
You probably never would have done the things necessary without the surgery, so try to used it to jumpstart healthy living moving forward.

Glass half full; good luck.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 11:33 AM
With 27 asking what exactly they did, out of the periphery of my vision I didn't know if I was catching a glimpse of more stomach pics.

Happy to see it was your best food pic yet!
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 02:56 PM
Albeit a bit undercooked.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-21-2020 , 03:22 PM
Not slamming pizzas and quesadillas is way easier than being in constant pain and sickness

Is it though?

Sarcastic comment aside, wishing you well with your pain/discomfort/journey.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-22-2020 , 08:28 PM
Thanks rakem.

I stocked up on baby food so Im not eating just mashed potatoes the next couple of weeks. Also got spinach and frozen berries to start replacing most of the protein shakes for nutrients from real food.

I can have blended fish now and tried this sushi out, I just took bites of the tuna and went down really smooth and was the best thing I've tasted in my life after 3 weeks of not having solid food.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-22-2020 , 08:45 PM
That sushi looks nothing like blended fish. You are still not allowed anything solid, even if you really really really want to and even if you are really really really sad that you can't.

It seriously is not that hard to follow simple directions.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-22-2020 , 08:47 PM
I thought blended fish meant blended with a blender.

lol, already breaking the rules.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-22-2020 , 10:01 PM
I took the mushy parts of those out, the consistency is thinner/softer/more gooy than that blended tuna I made. I didn't eat anything solid.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-22-2020 , 10:11 PM
Cmon MLY, just do what you're supposed to do. Small cheats lead to bigger cheats.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
10-22-2020 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I took the mushy parts of those out, the consistency is thinner/softer/more gooy than that blended tuna I made. I didn't eat anything solid.
So, what you are trying to say is that solid fish is a liquid. The directions would be for diced fish if that was allowed.

Again, it is very simple. Follow the directions. It really isn't that hard.

Or, just do what you want to do, but at least have the decency to lie about it like a normal person who won't obtain any long-term benefit from the operation.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
