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H&F Advice Applepied H&F Advice Applepied

03-25-2022 , 10:55 AM
I misinterpreted what actually happened while I was mad and code3 was texting and driving one freaking time and now no one believes I can interpret reality lol
I know this **** is hard to believe, my therapist doesn't believe me half the time about how these jackasses act. When I know I am for sure leaving I will definitely get some video footage of some of the idiocy.

In other news, I had a phone interview with another company this morning and my phone was actually disconnected. My wallet was stolen in New Orleans and I replaced all my cards and updated all of my auto withdrawals except for my dang phone lol. I can't help but shoot myself in the foot every other day.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-25-2022 , 12:22 PM
What about that time you were allegedly on the side of the road with a butcher knife furiously posting on OOT about ending it all, but didn't want any actual help?

Or <insert any other completely absurd story>?

There is a reason people talk about the magic show and treat your life like some sort of thought problem rather than an actual human with real decisions to be made.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-25-2022 , 01:13 PM
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-25-2022 , 03:01 PM
my personal favorite is when her manager was committing attempted murder over the course of several months and then hired some priest as her replacement to baptize intake valves or something
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-25-2022 , 05:11 PM

Interview with president went great. Spoke with the engineering manager and it's all good. They are going to make an offer and I'm going to accept.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-25-2022 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I'd join your Patreon for bonus google glasses content of all of the interactions you describe here
Dr.Oreo, I'd subscribe to your youtube channel for your MLYLT google glass work relationship interaction reacts.

I mean one sub isn't much, but at least its a sub!
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-26-2022 , 01:28 AM
Make sure to hit the like button and turn on the notification bell so you never miss one of my videos
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-26-2022 , 09:45 AM
So...they conceded to 8-5 and more money?

Preview....her new coworkers resent her coming in an hour late every day.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-26-2022 , 10:10 AM
Spoke with the president about the schedule and he said they just want good people there and they don't want that to be an issue. He is a workaholic and some of the things he said didn't jive though; he is the one mandating 7-5. He went on and on about how important family is and said that he works 12hrs a day, but when he can get out of there at 5 he does because of how much spending time with his family means to him. The director is against the 7-5 schedule and wants to change it for all of his reports; I'll be reporting to him so I think it will be fine. There is a lot of work to do, but I like working and am kinda excited to be loaded down, I just want to be able to hug my daughter goodbye in the mornings and not miss any of her activities.
I told them again what I want for money/vacation time(gave a hard # instead of a range this time) and the director responded good to know so there isn't a lot of back and forth when they make an offer. It sounded like I would get what I'm asking for and he really wants to hire me.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-28-2022 , 07:45 PM
Well ****. I got a call from the engineering director and they are offering 5k less than what I asked for and he is unsure if they will approve what I asked for which is below market value; I'm a woman engineer so I'm not gonna get paid market value anywhere.
He said it is mandatory that I am on the premises for 10hrs a day. I can come in at 8, but have to work till 6 if I do. Uggh. I like the company and the people, but jeeze the archaic thinking on the mandatory hours.

Cons for my current job:
-I am completely disrespected on a daily basis
-My boss is insane
-COO is sexist
-bored out of my mind

Pros for current job:
-no micromanaging
-15min easy drive
-do what the **** I want

Cons for new job:
-micromanaging atmosphere
-strict schedule
-35-45min drive in terrible traffic

Pros for new job:
-i won't be disrespected
-good boss
-ill be the lead engineer/pm
-lots of work
-fun projects, fun work day
-soon to be gym on site

I don't know what to do.....
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-29-2022 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Pros for new job:
-i won't be disrespected
-good boss
-ill be the lead engineer/pm
-lots of work
-fun projects, fun work day
-soon to be gym on site

I don't know what to do.....
Not speaking on the rest but these should at least be framed as hopefuls. You don't know them to be true once you're there.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-29-2022 , 12:21 AM
Yeah, true.
The director seems like a really good guy though and my first impressions are good. The only red flag is the mandated hours from the president. I didn't pick up on any insanity or sexism.

I knew right off the bat meeting my current boss that he was insane and I didn't want to work with him. I remember telling code3 that I hoped my current company didn't make me an offer because I knew how bad the situation was going in. I had applied for so many jobs though and I knew I couldn't turn down any decent money offer at that time. Things turned out way worse than I could have imagined with him and the owners treating me like I was a spy for the investors, and their god awful decision in hiring the idiot COO. I go into work everyday being treated like I'm an enemy on top of the sexist COO, the camera over my desk, and my completely insane boss. A lot more things have transpired that I haven't even had the energy to mention here; no one would believe me anyway lol.
Right now anything seems better than my current situation and I feel myself talking myself into this new job.

The mandated hours is a hard no for code3 and he wouldn't even consider/doesn't think I should consider the job. But, he has no real idea what type of environments/**** I have to put up with at work. He has the luxury of being picky. He's a tall, good-looking white man and no one would dare disrespect him and treat him like I'm treated at work. Its worth the trade off of working 5 extra hours a week and being treated with general human decency for me.

Last edited by MeLoveYouLongTime; 03-29-2022 at 12:39 AM.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-29-2022 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Right now anything seems better than my current situation and I feel myself talking myself into this new job.
You are def doing that.

The mandated hours is a hard no for code3 and he wouldn't even consider/doesn't think I should consider the job. But, he has no real idea what type of environments/**** I have to put up with at work. He has the luxury of being picky. He's a tall, good-looking white man and no one would dare disrespect him and treat him like I'm treated at work. Its worth the trade off of working 5 extra hours a week and being treated with general human decency for me.
Don't forget the time suck (and constraints) of the commute.

Gas prices are yuck atm too.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-29-2022 , 09:31 AM
it's really extra 10 hours including the commute
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-29-2022 , 09:45 AM
So your boss looking at you and sighing while saying "Nooooooooooo" isn't a red flag?
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-29-2022 , 10:24 PM
Disclaimer: I'm drunk

Yes, that's a red flag, but it's going to be alright. He just wants someone that can do the job and I can. His reaction, while not professional, was transparent and honest. I respect that.
The biggest red flag is actually the director making an illogical decision to hire me because he like likes me. I mean, I'm gonna be a badass, so while it's unbeknownst not a bad decision on his part it will look like he made a good decision. But, he really doesn't know my capabilities from the interviews and it makes me not trust his judgment.
I actually respect the engineering manager more because he was more sceptical with the information he had and had an honest reaction to the facts he had at the time. He will be pleasantly surprised, I will win him over, and it will work out.
I understand that I am underestimated and extremely unassuming lol. Confident the engineering manager and I will work great together as I am coming in with respect for him and the engineering director will be aiming to please me

ETA: I've still got the iron in the fire with the company I just worked with on my last project, so if the hours/drive are too much for me I may still have an easy transition out. Ive also got an interview tomorrow with a company that I could parlay onto some consulting work in the future.

Last edited by MeLoveYouLongTime; 03-29-2022 at 10:39 PM.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-30-2022 , 07:08 PM
I gave my notice today and my boss immediately took my computer and said it would be my last day. I didn't really expect that. I was at the remote location messing with the new line I put in so I got to say goodbye to everyone there and went back to the Dallas office to pack my desk and give everyone hugs. What I didn't realize until today was how many people I really liked there, but I was always focused on the bad ones.
I'm still uncertain about the new job, but I have three weeks to think it through and have a few months nest egg just in case I change my mind.
I feel uneasy, but also like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-31-2022 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I gave my notice today and my boss immediately took my computer and said it would be my last day. I didn't really expect that.
You should always expect a chance of this happening at any job. You simply never know how your boss is going to react, regardless of your personal relationship. The last time I put in my notice, I was fired on the spot (lol).

Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
What I didn't realize until today was how many people I really liked there, but I was always focused on the bad ones.
Funny how that works.

Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I feel uneasy, but also like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
While often fleeting, quitting a job you hate is always going to bring relief. But, we all know that the DREAD is lurking just around the corner. Stay sharp.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-31-2022 , 02:50 PM
:Thumb: Thanks
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-31-2022 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I feel uneasy, but also like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Less about metaphorical weight and more about real weight, imo. How is the actual weight doing?
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-31-2022 , 11:02 PM
I'm hovering around 188lbs.
This would be a great opportunity to get back to walking and to the gym. I've got a little over two weeks to start a routine.
I also started smoking again and told myself I wouldn't be smoking when I start a new job. It's gross and I'm embarrassed by it and how I smell. I'll set a quit date for this weekend and not be smoking on my start date.

Traffic is god awful at 5:00 pm, so I could go to the gym right after work for 1hr and miss the worst of it. My kid is usually playing with her friends until 8 so I wouldn't miss time with her in the evenings and I'm usually decompressing(just being alone/wasting time) for a couple of hours and not spending time with code3 either....might as well do something productive that will make me feel good.

I have still been drinking everyday and if I'm honest with myself its part of the reason I haven't logged calories. I didn't want any comments about alcohol everyday.

It will be really good for me to get refocused on something other than work. Yesterday I was bombarded with phonecalls from coworkers after I got home. Today the guy that wants me to come work with his company because he liked how I ran my project texted saying my boss had called him badmouthing me and sounded distressed lol. I'll give him a call tomorrow, but after that this job will be completely out of mind, in the past, and I won't respond to any messages or take anymore phone calls about it. Just going to clear my mind, do some refocusing on my health, and look forward to the future the next couple of weeks.

Last edited by MeLoveYouLongTime; 03-31-2022 at 11:10 PM.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
03-31-2022 , 11:08 PM
I was also thinking about the driving as a negative for the new job. I was driving 1.5hrs one way for 4months and 1-2.5hrs one way in awful traffic for 3 months at this toxic job. Yeah the 5 months of a 15mins commute were nice, but in reality it was actually a lot more driving than my next job of 35-45mins one way a day. And, the days I was getting home at 5:15 I was just wasting time reading articles and sitting on the couch anyway.
It's going to be fine. I'll be treated decently and be having fun working as well.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
04-05-2022 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I'm hovering around 188lbs.

I have still been drinking everyday and if I'm honest with myself its part of the reason I haven't logged calories. I didn't want any comments about alcohol everyday.
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
04-07-2022 , 03:06 PM
04-07-2022 , 09:13 PM
Good grief...
H&amp;F Advice Applepied Quote
