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11-20-2013 , 01:10 AM
i agree they should be banned

thansk bama
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 01:16 AM
ok do yoga pants go down to the ankles or do they cut off right below the knee? or are they both considered yoga pants?
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 01:17 AM
i'm just going to troll next time i go. short retro shorts, multiple sweat bands, and i'm gonna out-alpha all these bros and win all the yoga pant pussy.

frank yang gets me.

Last edited by skater3598; 11-20-2013 at 01:28 AM.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 01:26 AM
Uh, I don't get it... what else would you wear to the gym?
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 01:37 AM
i just wear dirty clothes usually, making my laundry loads smaller.

what are the go-to sexiest options for guys to wear? i'm thinking retro really outdoes the modern spandex stuff in terms of muscle visibility and potential for 'mirin.

General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 02:38 AM
Son of a !@#$% I knew I shouldn't have come here, all these sexy lower bodies in tight pants and loud music to workout in!

Lay off the fapping before you hit the gym Skater
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by brandoncla
Does anyone here warmup in the squat rack with less than 1 plate on?
yes. bar->135->225->275->315

Originally Posted by Halstad
ok do yoga pants go down to the ankles or do they cut off right below the knee? or are they both considered yoga pants?
this entirely misses the point of yoga pants. the necessary and sufficient condition for yoga pants is that they are tight on the ass; so tight that if the girl is wearing an off-colored thong, you can see it through the pants. the legs could be pajama pants and they would still be considered yoga pants if the ass was tight.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 03:03 AM
i haven't fapped for a week. i write a lot when i don't fap. thanks for the advice through, bro, it's good advice sometimes.

i know some of you will echo the sentiment in my original post. you're all pretty serious weightlifters. there has to be some part of you that despises the dance hall vibe at the gym. my gym is exceptionally dance hallish.

i'm making an argument against sexyness at the gym for the **** of it. it is absurd to me the lengths people go to appeal to others at the gym, even more so when contrasted with their incompetence and reliance upon awful trainers. people are so hyper self-conscious. it's really off-putting. it's just an underwhelming state of things. i'm not mad. yoga pants on every girl at the gym just kinda epitomizes this state of things for me, and them showing up with friends and circut training with trainers doesn't help. you know what i mean. i'm done.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 07:10 AM
I went to the gym today during rush period which I generally hate. Same same this time.

Crossfit must've been closed today because Megabro graced us with his presence.

He walks in, plops down his gym bag:

Takes out his fish oil, and two other multis (couldn't see what they were, but brand name RAW) takes a couple and keeps them on ledge for display for his entire workout. Perhaps I shoulda helped myself, he could've been offering them to the bropublic?

Guy was well prepared w / footwear. He was wearing minimalist shoes but he had vibrams at the top of the bag, and he also took out his flip flops. Neon green nalgene, ofc clipped to the bag with a carabiner, in addition to his go-to neon green water bottle next to the multis.

The real shocker was this mask thing, which he didn't use unfortunately. In the pic it is next to the spray bottle. It looked like something a fighter pilot would wear and I think had 'traing mask' printed on it.

Anyway, his programming was pretty solid. Did deads followed by yates then kettlebell swings. Naturally, when he started with deads, he didn't warm up, but instead put every single bumper plate available (55kg each side) and did 5x3.

General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 08:35 AM
Which country are you in? A lot of people running or cycling in China use those masks as well because of the polution. They have filters inside.

ETA: Judging from the proportions and skin tone of the girl in your 2nd pic, it looks like it could be an Asian country. She looks very hot.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 09:10 AM
Nah it's one of these:

Basically they deprive your system of oxygen while you're training, and the claim is that it makes you more efficient at using the oxygen you do get, similar to training at altitude.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by skater3598
call me conservative, but i think this yoga pants trend is ridiculous. they're so unbelievably revealing. what are you revealing that much **** for? holy **** what series of mental events leads you to think that's appropriate? you think you need to be super sexy in the gym, i suppose, but the gym is for work, it is infested with germs, there are loads of people who are going to stare. i'm ****ing sick of the loud dance music club vibe at my gym. maybe if they realized that they don't really lift, and that they are athletically challenged in loads of ways, maybe then they would look at the gym as a place for self-improvement rather than show up with 2 friends and enter some training circut with some awful trainer while gucci mane plays. how weird is that. oh yeah, my gym has a ****ton of ****ty trainers.

they're the go-to option for girls these days probably because they're comfortable and cheap, but i'm tellin' y'all if i was a girl there would be a 0% chance of me wearing them in public. am i holding a double standard? i don't feel weird wearing tank tops. i just can't ****in' believe it. i guess moral of the story is people go to the gym to 'mire and be 'mired, male and female (although the male equivalent of super tight athletic tops are far more conservative than yoga pants imo, which reveal ass crack and genitals with great detail.)

Originally Posted by Aidan
get out
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 11:25 AM
Maybe he was talking about these yoga pants:
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Colombo
Was doing some deadlifts on deload week last night and some guy next to me who I've never seen before (rare) was deadlifting as well.

I finished up my sets and I'm not sure if he thought I was looking at his barbell or whatnot, but he stops me and we have this conversation:

"You want this?"
"You want to try this for 1?" *points at barbell loaded with 225lb, slight grin on face*
"Nah, I'm good." *leaves*

I didn't think anything of it but on the walk home I started convincing myself that this dude saw me deadlifting light and wanted to stroke his ego by challenging me to lift what he was pulling. Kinda wish I stepped up and pulled it for multiple reps with ease but I have to keep my ego in check as well. Also there's a good chance I just misread the entire situation.

Anyone ever experience anything similar?
I think he called you a both bro.

On a side note, I benched 135 yesterday, beast mode.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 12:56 PM
skater blows my mind
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Uh, I don't get it... what else would you wear to the gym?
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 03:27 PM
I went to the Hudson, NH, USA#1 "old home day" (this just means a small local fair) a few weeks ago, and the crossfit place in that town was holding a deadlift competition for whoever walked by. It was actually an ever increasing deficit deadlift competition, because the platform was horesmat|plywood|horsemat on top of grass and the obvious was gradually happening. The number to beat when I got there was 315#, so I swung past on my way out, and thankfully someone had pulled 505, so I didn't have to split my khaki shorts.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 04:45 PM
Ha I live in small old NH town and we have an Old Home Day every summer which I've never looked into because I thought it actually had something to do with old homes. Why the **** do they call them Old Home Day's if they are just local fairs?
General Gym Observations Quote
11-20-2013 , 07:05 PM
ETA: Judging from the proportions and skin tone of the girl in your 2nd pic, it looks like it could be an Asian country. She looks very hot.

Based on her shins and knees I give her a solid 7/10

Yoga pants and hot chicks r pretty much the only reason to work out in a gym.

If your not into that get a squat rack and workout at home.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-21-2013 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by newfie
If your not into that get a squat rack and workout at home.
Might be the safest idea for all of us. Thread confirms touching seats in the changeroom without washing your hands can give you teh ghey. Starts off innocently enough - you start 'mirin the fluoro singlet bro curling in front of the mirror, that grunt as he does his 1/4 ROM sounds just oh so manly. After all a gym be no place for anything feminine. Becomes untreatable once you start preferring the company of men to that of women wearing tight yoga pants.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-21-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Why the **** do they call them Old Home Day's if they are just local fairs?
Ostensibly, this is to differentiate the community-building value of this event versus the fairs which are about making $$$. Probably just a trick to keep you from going, though.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-21-2013 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Tyrannic
The real shocker was this mask thing, which he didn't use unfortunately. In the pic it is next to the spray bottle. It looked like something a fighter pilot would wear and I think had 'traing mask' printed on it.
UFC fighter Andale Silva (Brazil) is using a mask to cut down the amount of oxygen he gets while doing his super-mega-sets plus running the stairs with a 100kg-vest in his gym to enhance his fighting abilities. Seen it on TV. Looked like a serial-killer in an avant-garde-horror-movie.
Might cost you some brain-cells, but, in case you don't care, legit exercise.

Last edited by Paralimbic; 11-21-2013 at 06:34 PM.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-21-2013 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Go rob a bank and gimme da money, bitch
General Gym Observations Quote
11-21-2013 , 06:39 PM
from the reddits

General Gym Observations Quote
11-21-2013 , 08:20 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
