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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

10-01-2013 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
I was talking to a couple of guys at my gym today and was surprised to learn their protein intake was pretty low. Barely 100g. They were both around 5'9-5'10 i'd imagine, and looked pretty ripped (definitely natty since it's very hard to find roids in India). Had been lifting for 2-3 years and said they never really thought about eating extra protein cept a shake some of the days in the week.
This isn't surprising imo. You don't need optimal protein intake for great result. 100g is a decent amount. Add in some decent genetics and good hard training and you're fine.

Wouldn't be surprised if having the extra fuel type cals in the diet would help a lot since you'd have more energy to train.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2013 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
If they've never thought about it, how do they even know?

Until I started watching my protein I wasn't even able to come up with what I used to eat - but once I did I realized I was probably getting randomly between 50 and 100 with no consistency.
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Per meal?
my journey into putting on dem musckles started at the same time as paying attention and specifically getting at least 150/day - so no, that would be a per day figure.

I used to get only maybe like 15-20g of protein for breakfast most mornings because I was a pretty strict cereal guy which meant it came mostly from milk and whatever else. For the past 6 months or so now I've been getting a minimum of 35 at breakfast, with most breakfasts being in the 40-50 range.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2013 , 04:57 PM
Its like a 0,2%-2% improvement or something silly like that going from 1,5g protein per kilogram of body weight a day to 3g/kg (which is friggin expensive and tough to maintain daily unless youre bulking as ****)from reports... small sample size, ppl being different in training toughness , genetics etc..

But the difference is so insignificant as a hobby trainer that its better spent money on equipment, or take the time spent on ridicilous protein intake and focus more on training/researching around training or even resting.

When im not on phone i could find some of those researchs but im sure you could Google it if you try.

Edit ; ppl placeboeffects so hard on supplements.. Proteinshakes, bcaa, creatine. It all help, but not nearly as one believe. Its more likely that it motivates you to train harder, rest better, eat better all around rather than the supplements itself. When someone spend a ****load of money on something you tend to do it more "proper" and less ****arounditis.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2013 , 05:50 PM
I've been trying to be at 1g per lb but usually miss and end up somewhere between 1.6 and 2g per kg body weight.

anyway, off thread subject.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-01-2013 , 07:27 PM
So if you go from hamburger to bacon cheeseburger, that's two more protein sources.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2013 , 03:09 PM
Saw a guy benching with suicide grip, but he was using straps so...?
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2013 , 04:51 PM
Random older DNEL guy walks up to me and tells me I'm doing the deadlift as a squat and I am not using my back muscles.

Apparently I should lower the weight in the same way as the negative of a bent over row because, and I quote, this is how they do it in America.

Then continues to watch every rep I do closely, without saying another word.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2013 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
Saw a guy benching with suicide grip, but he was using straps so...?

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Random older DNEL guy walks up to me and tells me I'm doing the deadlift as a squat and I am not using my back muscles.

Apparently I should lower the weight in the same way as the negative of a bent over row because, and I quote, this is how they do it in America.

Then continues to watch every rep I do closely, without saying another word.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2013 , 05:00 PM
I don't know who that is
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2013 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Then continues to watch every rep I do closely, without saying another word.
There he is

General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I don't know who that is
He would have made a huge scene and made the idiot DNEL guy look like an even bigger idiot than he is. Here's my favorite ISF story:
General Gym Observations Quote
10-03-2013 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I don't know who that is
That makes me sad.

Originally Posted by cha59
He would have made a huge scene and made the idiot DNEL guy look like an even bigger idiot than he is. Here's my favorite ISF story:
I think we need to post something in the FAQ so everyone knows what a reference to ISF means. Could add in a bunch of links to his stories.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
I was talking to a couple of guys at my gym today and was surprised to learn their protein intake was pretty low. Barely 100g. They were both around 5'9-5'10 i'd imagine, and looked pretty ripped (definitely natty since it's very hard to find roids in India). Had been lifting for 2-3 years and said they never really thought about eating extra protein cept a shake some of the days in the week.

It really depends on what you mean by ripped. If we're talking upper body, no legs, traditional broing out bros, they probably have lower protein requirements.

Also, as kc said, 100g per day is not really terrible. I know everyone in H&F seems to like 1g/lb or more, but that's probably more than one needs to build muscle. I think Alan Aragon suggests that really about 0.6-0.7 g/lb would be sufficient.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:13 AM
Most people who gym even semi-seriously are overproteinized.

1g/lb of BW is too much.

^You can definitely make gains with 0.6-0.7, 0.5 even.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:19 AM
I haven't been following closely; I dunno why this discussion is happening here, but I love it.

Something like 0.82 g/lb is the most any research has shown to have a beneficial effect. Anything over that amount found in studies have been compared to intakes that were clearly deficient already. And yea, many studies have found the benefits to cap out at around 0.6-0.7 even.

However, many experts (Lyle, AA) think protein intake should be based off LBM, which does make more sense. Not many studies on this one though. I personally just do 1 g/lb LBM. This would be equal to 0.82 g/lb BW for an 18% BF person, and a higher # /lb BW for a leaner person. I like doing this because as you get leaner you may want more protein anyway, since your body is going to have a progressively tougher time staying away from eating your muscle. AA says he recommends 1 g/lb of your target total bodyweight. This is pretty similar to a 1 g/lb LBM recommendation.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:42 AM
I'm skeptical that anyone needs massive doses of protein too, but it doesn't seem bad for you, and I've found it's WAY easier to keep under my daily calories that way. Takes some adjusting to though.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:44 AM

JF is eating 300 g of brotein a day. Living proof tons of protein is needed.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:45 AM
Also depends on your taste a lot. I couldn't imagine eating any diet with decent amount of calories for longer than day or two without getting way over 100g/day protein. Just about everything that tastes good has plenty of protein. Eating whatever I want I end up with over 200 grams of protein most days.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 09:17 AM
yeah +1 chinz
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 06:08 PM
Say, the last time I had a protein shake, consensus was the best brand was EAS, sold at or supplementwholesalers. Has anything changed in ten years?
General Gym Observations Quote
10-04-2013 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by chinz
Also depends on your taste a lot. I couldn't imagine eating any diet with decent amount of calories for longer than day or two without getting way over 100g/day protein. Just about everything that tastes good has plenty of protein. Eating whatever I want I end up with over 200 grams of protein most days.
I'm confirmed jelly of this, my normal diet has a lot of protein, but when I go on a nomzie binge I can easily do 4000+kcal with <100g protein
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2013 , 07:33 AM
Last monday i was doing squats with a friend. Im in deload, so we were putting weigthts on and off as we went. With each of us having 2 more sets to do and 105kg loaded on the bar, this hyped up hispanic guy comes up to us and asks how long we are taking. We politely tell him 2 more sets each and ask if he wants to work in while we're finishing up. He says yes and jumps staight into the rack. He has a bunch of difficulty getting the bar out of the rack and when he does, he performs a couple of quarter squats and shakes as hell when he wants to put the bar back. I get some weight off and perform my squats. My friend loads up the bar and performs his last set. We ask the guy if we need to get some weight off and he says " no i will do it myself". Ok thats fine with me we go into legpresses and start with 2 plates a side. Every plate is 25kg. Second set 3 plates for me and 4 for my friend During my second set i notice the same guy standing next to me and he wants to join in. After my friend is done with the 4 plates a side, the guy loads 10kg extra on each side.... ego getting in the way? He performs halfway ROM for 1 rep more than my friend and we laugh about it. I saw my friend turning the heat on when he replaced the 10ners with 25s. Did a set and the guy tried to do the same. Couldnt make it. Then he left.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2013 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by NLHolland
Last monday i was doing squats with a friend. Im in deload, so we were putting weigthts on and off as we went. With each of us having 2 more sets to do and 105kg loaded on the bar, this hyped up hispanic guy comes up to us and asks how long we are taking. We politely tell him 2 more sets each and ask if he wants to work in while we're finishing up. He says yes and jumps staight into the rack. He has a bunch of difficulty getting the bar out of the rack and when he does, he performs a couple of quarter squats and shakes as hell when he wants to put the bar back. I get some weight off and perform my squats. My friend loads up the bar and performs his last set. We ask the guy if we need to get some weight off and he says " no i will do it myself". Ok thats fine with me we go into legpresses and start with 2 plates a side. Every plate is 25kg. Second set 3 plates for me and 4 for my friend During my second set i notice the same guy standing next to me and he wants to join in. After my friend is done with the 4 plates a side, the guy loads 10kg extra on each side.... ego getting in the way? He performs halfway ROM for 1 rep more than my friend and we laugh about it. I saw my friend turning the heat on when he replaced the 10ners with 25s. Did a set and the guy tried to do the same. Couldnt make it. Then he left.

These characters are always funny.

Something similar happened when I was doing a deload deadlift (10x205 for sets). This hipster looking dude asks if he could join in and use the bar with the same weight. I'm like sure whatever feel free. He then proceeds to do ten reps with one of the most agonizing forms and barely eeks out ten. I didn't say anything. Even trolling him by saying, "nice, good job man," would have been cruel.
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2013 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by NLHolland
this hyped up hispanic guy comes up to us and asks how long we are taking.
Was this him?
General Gym Observations Quote
10-05-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by MortalWombat
Was this him?
It was loco.
General Gym Observations Quote
