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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

11-02-2013 , 09:47 PM
Today I saw a couple skinny asians on the mats doing sit-ups. While one was doing sit-ups, the other would whack him in the stomach between each rep with a foam roller. I started laughing when I saw it, and expected them to stop what clearly had to be a joke. But they continued stoically, with serious faces...
General Gym Observations Quote
11-02-2013 , 09:50 PM
^^^^^ lol
General Gym Observations Quote
11-02-2013 , 10:11 PM

Those are legit. Forces you to keep your abs tight.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-02-2013 , 10:16 PM
Foam rollers, though, bro. Gotta use lead pipes or broomsticks for real pain (and gainz obv).

Last edited by aura; 11-02-2013 at 10:36 PM.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-02-2013 , 10:29 PM
Probably legit tho (not in between reps, but at the top)
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11-03-2013 , 01:07 AM
Standard in boxing and muay thai training to lightly throw medicine ball into abs, I'm guessing this is a variation?
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11-03-2013 , 03:08 AM
Another variation is to double jab at the top of the rep. Gets you used to receiving blows while tensing your stomach.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-03-2013 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Today I saw a couple skinny asians on the mats doing sit-ups. While one was doing sit-ups, the other would whack him in the stomach between each rep with a foam roller. I started laughing when I saw it, and expected them to stop what clearly had to be a joke. But they continued stoically, with serious faces...
General Gym Observations Quote
11-04-2013 , 07:27 AM
Relief, order has been restored to the universe. Not a barbell in sight tonight. Nobody in the squat racks. Nobody even benching. Favourite for the night was bro loading up squat rack with 40kg. Then walks off and adds another couple of 10kg. Then walks off and adds another 5kg. Then walks off never to return.... having not done a single squat. Strangest part was it appeared he loaded up a different weight on each side.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-04-2013 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by denks
Relief, order has been restored to the universe. Not a barbell in sight tonight. Nobody in the squat racks. Nobody even benching. Favourite for the night was bro loading up squat rack with 40kg. Then walks off and adds another couple of 10kg. Then walks off and adds another 5kg. Then walks off never to return.... having not done a single squat. Strangest part was it appeared he loaded up a different weight on each side.
Maybe he just liked stacking weights? That's his workout routine...
General Gym Observations Quote
11-04-2013 , 10:28 AM
Man on pull up bar, with outward facing handles, did five going about 1/3 the way up. I don't even think that should be called a pull up.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-04-2013 , 11:22 AM
aura - after that first one isn't really going up I think I just stop and let him drop them and then give him the DYEL lift face.

What a ** ** clown.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-04-2013 , 10:31 PM
A simple "hey man, I'm not going to lift these weights for you" is a polite way out of that bs.
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11-04-2013 , 10:57 PM
Somewhere there is a GGO thread about seeing how many redic things you can get IELs to do in the name of spotting a bro.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-04-2013 , 10:59 PM
lol that would be an outstanding read
General Gym Observations Quote
11-07-2013 , 09:50 PM
Don't you hate it when you go to take a shower in the locker room and the only shower open is the one next to the weird fat old guy with way too little shame who is going to be in there 30 minutes, and you don't know exactly what is going on, but you know it involves a lot of soap and lather in the groin region, which he is basically presenting to everyone else in the showers, despite the fact there is really nothing there except fat rolls and hair.

Anyways, so I ended up in the only open shower next to this guy, and I was doing my thing while he was doing his thing, and wouldn't you know it, every other stall opens up right away, so it is just me and the weird guy next to eachother and it just doesn't look good anyway you look at it.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-07-2013 , 09:56 PM
That's OK I went into the showers at work this morning and there was a guy already in there. We have 2 shower stalls so I got into the 2nd one, and as I did, I noticed the guy was wearing underwear in the shower.

I love having showers at work but the biggest downside is that the sink mirror is positioned so that pretty much no matter where you stand anyone who opens the door can see you.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 08:30 AM
Yesterday was a great day at the gym.

An old overweight married couple was lifting together. They were laughing and making fun of each other in the mat room as they did things like bosu ball wall squats. Made me smile from ear to ear. Later I was benching and they took the bench rack next to me. After the wife did a set, she and the husband started arguing about form. He insisted she was fine, but she said no, no, she could feel that her left side was unbalanced. "That's unacceptable."

Later I was squatting and a pudgy gal went to use the leg press next to me. Well some douchebag had loaded up the leg press with every available 45lb plate and then didn't rerack the plates himself, so this girl was unloading all of the 45s one by one. I asked her how many plates I could help her unload. She said she wanted to get it down to 90. So I helped her unload all but one plate on both sides, and she joked that someone probably left all of the plates on to force her to get a better workout.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 08:38 AM
Fat people making fun of eachother in a gym are the best fat people.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 10:38 AM
Fat people doing it wrong brings a smile to your face?

I am probably the KC of the gym - everything there rustles my jimmies except perfect form and lazer focus.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 10:51 AM
Were they doing it wrong? I guess there's something implicitly wrong about what they've been doing since they're so out of shape, but I didn't say anything about the quality of their exercise now, except that one comment where the wife was focused on developing perfect form.

They were in the gym pushing each other despite being old and fat, and they were helping each other have a good time. Yes, those things bring a smile to my face.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
An old overweight married couple was lifting together. They were laughing and making fun of each other in the mat room as they did things like bosu ball wall squats. Made me smile from ear to ear. Later I was benching and they took the bench rack next to me. After the wife did a set, she and the husband started arguing about form. He insisted she was fine, but she said no, no, she could feel that her left side was unbalanced. "That's unacceptable."

Later I was squatting and a pudgy gal went to use the leg press next to me. Well some douchebag had loaded up the leg press with every available 45lb plate and then didn't rerack the plates himself, so this girl was unloading all of the 45s one by one. I asked her how many plates I could help her unload. She said she wanted to get it down to 90. So I helped her unload all but one plate on both sides, and she joked that someone probably left all of the plates on to force her to get a better workout.

(leg press only legit if the person cannot squat due to injury or is already squatting)

For the record, the fatty who was concentrating on form gets a .
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 11:05 AM
Ooooooh. We were talking about the couple, not the leg press girl. That did not bring a smile to my face. I was just being a nice guy

Can't say anything about bosu ball wall squats. I don't know enough about them to say stfu or okay, fair point.

My jimmies still rustled. Fatties that go to the gym to support each other on their newfound quest for fitness get a huge from me. Plus it seemed like they were totally still in lurve
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 11:12 AM
Maybe I'm just still rustled by seeing a fat softbody guy fool me (again!) by going up to the incline bench (cold) and loading up 225. My first reaction (this has happened multiple times) is SOB, he's going to hoist up 225 - I'm such a weak jelldicker. Then when I sneak a peak, he's doing 1inch ROM (literally 1 inch ROM) and I think "oh JFC this guy has done this before how could I forget, what a fatass POS".

Then I realize I'm a horrible person all around. Dude has been coming for months and his wife. Both are fat, not strong at all. Both are still fat and not strong at all. No discernable difference. But dude still comes in and loads up 225 one inch ROM as his incline warmup.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-08-2013 , 11:20 AM
That rustles me just hearing about it. If I see these two wasting their time over multiple sessions like that, I'll quietly shake my head. But they were going HAM and having fun doing it, so I give them a first timer fatty pass.
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