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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

09-01-2011 , 06:54 PM
I was walking by headphones on drinking a water bottle, when i see this skinny looking weasel dude leaning against this barrier which separates track from gym. He has his shirt rolled up half way up his stomach revealing his abs while he stares at himself in the mirror....and it wasnt for like a few seconds more like a minute.
Im running on the treadmill machine and this guy walks by with Pauly D hair who looked like a guido....i couldnt stop laughing
General Gym Observations Quote
09-01-2011 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by R@tB@stard
I was walking by headphones on drinking a water bottle

General Gym Observations Quote
09-01-2011 , 09:52 PM
Young kids and their slang jabber.
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09-01-2011 , 10:58 PM
Standard gym gay - Lifting up your shirt, examining your abs in the mirror, pinching your sides to see if you can grab any fat.

Threadworthy gym gay - Your dude friend comes over and starts doing the pinching too.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-01-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
read it like this: "I was walking [along], my headphones on, drinking a water bottle, when i see this skinny looking..."
General Gym Observations Quote
09-02-2011 , 09:10 AM
Oh that makes sense now. That guy writes like a new age Jack Kerouac.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-02-2011 , 09:34 AM
Drinking your water bottle could lead to choking IMO.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-02-2011 , 03:44 PM
Recently, the State of Michigan thought it wise to seize all the property of "Powerhouse" gyms for unpaid back taxes. Nothing like depriving small businessmen of their livelihood to teach them to pay taxes. There's the will of the people in action. Anyways, I digress.

So, all these dudes from Powerhouse gym start showing up at ~my~ gym.

Large man comes over to where I'm squatting and loads up a bar with 225 lbs. and proceeds to do bent-over rows with it.... as his warm-up.

Satisfied, he throws 2 more 45's on there.... 315 lbs.... and does a few more sets of rows with that making it look pretty easy.

Pretty impressive. Then I remember our resident mayor, Rob, who was doing T-bar rows with 6 plates... 360+ lbs.

The number of strong dudes in our gym just jumped quite a bit.


On the ridiculous side of the ledger, saw a guy standing on a half-ball, balancing on one foot and doing dumbbell rows with one hand. O_O

Saw another trainer having some poor guy doing "lunge-n-kicks" with a cable row attached to his foot. O_O

And finally... the goofball and his wife who love to do their array of oddball stunts in a squat rack with half the goofy exercise balls, bands, stray benches, box-tables, yoga mats in the gym actually.... CLEAN UP THEIR WORK-OUT SPACE NOW!! Very impressive, considering the amount of carp they drag halfway across the gym every time.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-04-2011 , 02:07 PM
Woman with her arm in a sling jogging on the track... backwards
General Gym Observations Quote
09-04-2011 , 02:18 PM
Guy wearing weightlifting gloves... on the treadmill.
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09-04-2011 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Guy wearing weightlifting gloves... on the treadmill.
I used to do that back when I thought wearing gloves helped protect my hands. For a 1-5 minute warmup before lifting. I guess I'll assume he was on it longer.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-04-2011 , 11:00 PM
Went to the gym late, about 2 hours before closing. One hour left and the three broest of the bros walk in. If weightlifting had their three stooges, these three had to be it. They discuss for a bit what they're supposed to do for the day. "Bro, did we do shoulders yesterday?" "I don't think so, we did chest and triceps." "OK, then let's do shoulders."

The alpha bro leading the pack goes straight to the dumb bell rack, checks himself out in the mirror, then proceeds to grab the heaviest dumb bells he can lift (65s) and does seated shoulder raises, and of course grunts ALAP (as loud as possible) on every single assisted rep. His bros are there and they cheer him on as required. The other two bros take turns with the same weight, but they're skinnier, so they do maybe one half rep and then lower the weights.

During their rest the alpha bro goes to the water fountain and stares himself down with a frown in the mirror all the way to the fountain. After his drink of water he starts grabbing random weights nearby and does side raises and a various assortment of other exercises. It was almost like he couldn't sit still. The pack then make their way over to the smith machine. They load up the bar to what I believe was 70 and do seated overhead presses, and again, with the mandatory warrior grunts.

Icing on the cake: They all had the same haircut. I **** you not.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-04-2011 , 11:17 PM
saw this dude lifting weights....
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
I used to do that back when I thought wearing gloves helped protect my hands.
They don't?
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 08:59 AM
No. You end up with a higher chance of blisters wearing gloves.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:34 AM
I saw a guy doing jump-shrugs in the squat rack with 185 or 205 on the bar. I wasn't able to confirm weight because he had already caught me laughing at him.

Legit yes?
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by waterwolves
I saw a guy doing jump-shrugs in the squat rack with 185 or 205 on the bar. I wasn't able to confirm weight because he had already caught me laughing at him.

Legit yes?
legit...think about what else looks like a jump shrug...

(basically an idiot-proof PC)
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by waterwolves
I saw a guy doing jump-shrugs in the squat rack with 185 or 205 on the bar. I wasn't able to confirm weight because he had already caught me laughing at him.

Legit yes?
Very legit. My PT had me do these all the time to help with my powerclean and snatch pulls.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 10:10 AM
Well lol at me then. It looks terrible but I pretty much know nothing.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:05 AM
Today was one of the best GGO days ever at my gym

1. a 18ish year old 70ish kg guy did 8 reps of 115kg ATG zercher squats
2. a 65ish year old man was squatting 120kg for reps wearing sweat pants and rehbands outside of his pants
3. a trainer and an entire youth female basketball team (20-30 girls) entered the gym. Some guy was squatting in the power rack and he said "this is squats, they are good for your legs. make sure to always have 3 spotters, one for each side and one behind". So far so good, not sure why he is so picky about security but whatever.

then they proceed to the smith machine and start doing squats there, depth is pretty bad for most of them and the spotters are holding the bar at all times and probably lifting more weight than the one who is lifting.

same thing with bench were they keep on loading weight because its to easy with the previous weight, several girls are "benching" over BW and there spotters are working their asses off. All fine with the trainer who says something like "thats good, remember to always have spotters"

most girls are a part of a competition about who can put the most weight on the lat pulldown machine and move the stack an inch or two.

it was an absolute mess

4. 15 year old guy getting absolutly burried under 110kg while squatting in the smith machine, twice. He told his friends something about getting too deep and thats why he failed.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 03:08 PM
Saw this massively obese women in the basketball court with a PT the other day. The fatty was chained to two 45lb plates resting on an exercise mat that she towed while walking around the basketball court for the entire 30minute session. Looked like she was going to die throughout, what a miserable workout.
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 03:17 PM
sounds like sled dragging - legit imo
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 03:38 PM
Gym packed, everybody working their asses off. Hot girl, like really hot - 9+, walks in the gym. All males stop for a few seconds to look at her. She walks to dumbbell area to the skinniest/dorkiest guy in the gym and kisses him. Everybody is in shock. One guy says really loud "ah what the hell, why I do even bother to work out" and goes home. Skinny guy continues with his 6kg dumbbell curls like a boss
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bigindiemen
Gym packed, everybody working their asses off. Hot girl, like really hot - 9+, walks in the gym. All males stop for a few seconds to look at her. She walks to dumbbell area to the skinniest/dorkiest guy in the gym and kisses him. Everybody is in shock. One guy says really loud "ah what the hell, why I do even bother to work out" and goes home. Skinny guy continues with his 6kg dumbbell curls like a boss
General Gym Observations Quote
09-05-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Bigindiemen
Gym packed, everybody working their asses off. Hot girl, like really hot - 9+, walks in the gym. All males stop for a few seconds to look at her. She walks to dumbbell area to the skinniest/dorkiest guy in the gym and kisses him. Everybody is in shock. One guy says really loud "ah what the hell, why I do even bother to work out" and goes home. Skinny guy continues with his 6kg dumbbell curls like a boss
General Gym Observations Quote
