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11-17-2009 , 03:09 PM
H&F, shipping the lulz
General Gym Observations Quote
11-17-2009 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake is my current favorite source of misogyny. women are just awful.
I'm not going to read every article on this website, but I don't think that has anything to do with misogyny. The family court system in America is absolutely rigged and women are given great financial and legal incentives divorce their husbands. The nature of female sexuality practically forbids them from "marrying down" the socio-economic ladder, and because of this, they almost universally gain from a 50/50 split of assets in the extremely likely case of a divorce. Additionally, they win custody of any children from the marriage something like 80% of the time. Even if they get rid of their husbands, those men are still legally obligated to financially support them through alimony and child support. Marriage is like a contract where men still have to hold up their end even when women decide to break their end. Men would likely do precisely the same thing if given the enormous legal advantages women are given in marriages. Similarly, if women in other countries were given the same kind of treatment in divorce court, they'd probably start destroying men's lives just as badly as western women do. Given the extremely high divorce rate and the emotional and financial rape to be inflicted in the event of a divorce, I don't see how avoiding marriage is anything but a good +EV decision. I wouldn't assume anyone is stupid solely because they oppose the way family law works.

That said, I did find it ironic/stupid how the articles "Marry only if you want kids and "Children are so overrated" are right next to each other.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-17-2009 , 08:07 PM
Prenup, plan b: expatriate.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-17-2009 , 08:51 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 01:56 AM
3 African (kind of rare as theres not much of a pop here)dudes in the gym today maybe ealy 20's or so. One had a great physique, maybe a little too big in the traps and chest for his arms but great definition. Genetic freakaments ftw. I think I looked a little too hard as one was passing as I felt the evil eye a few times.
Barge Ass narrowly avoids his 2nd bashing for the week.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 11:05 AM
2 african kids came and stayed with my family one summer, one was like 9yrs old and looked like brad pitt. numerous 18yo+ girls stated that he had a "perfect" body, ridiculous luckbox. although his family was poor as **** and he had lived in a refugee camp for half his life so i guess maybe not heh. and i dunno what was up with his fat brother
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
I'm not going to read every article on this website, but I don't think that has anything to do with misogyny. The family court system in America is absolutely rigged and women are given great financial and legal incentives divorce their husbands. The nature of female sexuality practically forbids them from "marrying down" the socio-economic ladder, and because of this, they almost universally gain from a 50/50 split of assets in the extremely likely case of a divorce. Additionally, they win custody of any children from the marriage something like 80% of the time. Even if they get rid of their husbands, those men are still legally obligated to financially support them through alimony and child support. Marriage is like a contract where men still have to hold up their end even when women decide to break their end. Men would likely do precisely the same thing if given the enormous legal advantages women are given in marriages. Similarly, if women in other countries were given the same kind of treatment in divorce court, they'd probably start destroying men's lives just as badly as western women do. Given the extremely high divorce rate and the emotional and financial rape to be inflicted in the event of a divorce, I don't see how avoiding marriage is anything but a good +EV decision. I wouldn't assume anyone is stupid solely because they oppose the way family law works.

That said, I did find it ironic/stupid how the articles "Marry only if you want kids and "Children are so overrated" are right next to each other.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Barge Ass
3 African (kind of rare as theres not much of a pop here)dudes in the gym today maybe ealy 20's or so. One had a great physique, maybe a little too big in the traps and chest for his arms but great definition. Genetic freakaments ftw. I think I looked a little too hard as one was passing as I felt the evil eye a few times.
Barge Ass narrowly avoids his 2nd bashing for the week.
For realz? You're Melbourne right? There are heaps of African immigrants in Brisbane.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 11:23 AM
Is the PC term African-Australians?
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Is the PC term African-Australians?
nah, its black-mate.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:24 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:26 PM
Can somebody explain why the hell you would need somebody standing in front of you while you're doing curls, and lifting the bar for you on every single rep?

BTW this is my absolute fave thread on the whole of 2p2. One of the reasons I look forward to going to the gym every time is because I just know I'm going to see something completely ******ed/dangerous/gay.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Can somebody explain why the hell you would need somebody standing in front of you while you're doing curls, and lifting the bar for you on every single rep?
Some really skinny kids were doing this with preacher curls a couple weeks ago.

After that they stripped the weights and used just the bar...while the "spotter" pushed DOWN on it. Variable resistance iso-blast reps bro. Very advanced.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by axel_nld
nah, its black-mate.
Originally Posted by Soulman
Is the PC term African-Australians?
tbh, im not sure what the pc correct term is... when you use the term "african-american" are you talking about any african person who lives in america? or is it an african person who is a citizen? african decendant? born in africa but now lives in america? all of the above?

In partially related news...

It continuously rofls me how the PC term in Brasil for those of african decent is actually ****** (if that is censored, it is the "N" word that rhymes with rigger)... The other day there was a public holiday and I'm like "What's the public holiday for?" and they're like "Oh, it's for ****** rights".

Originally Posted by SmileyEH
After that they stripped the weights and used just the bar...while the "spotter" pushed DOWN on it. Variable resistance iso-blast reps bro. Very advanced.
fkn roflskates
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:49 PM
Reminds me of the story of an american women insisting a british black man was an african american.

The last page of this thread has been gold btw.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:52 PM
That's lol about Brazil, I had never heard that. Perhaps we should ship all the fat biggots in this country there as an exchange program for anal sex loving Brazilian super hotties? everybody wins
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
That's lol about Brazil, I had never heard that. Perhaps we should ship all the fat biggots in this country there as an exchange program for anal sex loving Brazilian super hotties? everybody wins
it's the same here fwiw
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by axel_nld
it's the same here fwiw
Where is "here"... iirc somewhere nutzo like venezula (lol i cant spell) right?
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 01:08 PM
so I started having a friendly conversation with a PT, seems like a nice guy.

ended up asking me about my routine and I was like I'm mainly just here to add some strength as my main goal, and whatever body composition change that comes along with it is secondary.

he then told me I should come in one day and do HIS workouts. I tried to be nice and like told him that's not really what I'm into atm. Pretty sure he's referring to plyo/crossfit type workouts. I told him I enjoy being a fat ass that's not doing cardio atm since he winter is rolling around, but he said he wanted to set something up.

I mean I tried to be really nice because he seems like a nice guy, but dude leave me alone!
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by n4rf
so I started having a friendly conversation with a PT, seems like a nice guy.

ended up asking me about my routine and I was like I'm mainly just here to add some strength as my main goal, and whatever body composition change that comes along with it is secondary.

he then told me I should come in one day and do HIS workouts. I tried to be nice and like told him that's not really what I'm into atm. Pretty sure he's referring to plyo/crossfit type workouts. I told him I enjoy being a fat ass that's not doing cardio atm since he winter is rolling around, but he said he wanted to set something up.

I mean I tried to be really nice because he seems like a nice guy, but dude leave me alone!
Sounds like somebody is looking for a lil bromance lolz
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 01:43 PM

Usually we just use AA when we don't wanna say colored.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp

Usually we just use AA when we don't wanna say colored.
And we say colored when we don't wanna say ******.
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 01:54 PM
I've started motivating myself for workouts by saying, "Think of all the hilarious stupid **** you'll see happen today and how you can then go post about it on 2p2."

General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
And we say colored when we don't wanna say ******.
what do you mean, "we"?
General Gym Observations Quote
11-18-2009 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by silkyslim
what do you mean, "we"?
Not ******s.
General Gym Observations Quote
