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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

02-13-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by willie24
that is probably the best post in this entire thread
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
My friend told me he was running on the indoor track at the gym the other day, and these two kids like 18-19 were stopped on the track talking. My friend was getting really pissed off cause he had to keep running around them and so was another guy running on the track. The other guy running was enormous and jacked and asked the kids 3-4 times to please move, and they just kept laughing and ignoring him. After like the 4th time of asking them, he put his shoulder down and ran through them when he came around the next time. My buddy claims both kids went flying like 5-6 feet because the guy was 2x their size and moving at a full sprint.

He said the whole gym came to a stop and watched, but not one person said anything. The big guy just kept running like nothing ever happened. lol
I did **** like this all the time in High school at track practice. If I yell track or Lane 1 or something of the sort, I'll go around you the first time assuming you didn't hear me. The second time your getting run over.

Fun times.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
i have def felt like that dude in that vid before. esp when i first started dling. now it doesnt seem to affect me.

im hoping this a joke.
Overlocking your knees will make you pass out even if you have no weight. You don't want to take this too far.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 05:14 PM
What does overlocking mean?
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 05:22 PM
i think the reason you can pass out standing for a wedding or something from locking your knees has to do with blood pooling/restriction/whatever. It's like holding your breath, it'd probably take like a minute to have an effect. when you deadlift you are not standing with knees locked for more than a few seconds.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 05:23 PM
i think he means extreme hyper extension such that your legs snap in half as you fall with the weight and you pass out due to shock
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by willie24
i think the reason you can pass out standing for a wedding or something from locking your knees has to do with blood pooling/restriction/whatever. It's like holding your breath, it'd probably take like a minute to have an effect. when you deadlift you are not standing with knees locked for more than a few seconds.
I lolled.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
i think he means extreme hyper extension such that your legs snap in half as you fall with the weight and you pass out due to shock
k, I was confused. I tried to make this happen, but I think my Golgi are pwning me. Or I need more anterior dominance. Well I tried this like how you "pull yourself" into a squat.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
What does overlocking mean?

General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 10:36 PM
So much youtube is blocked here. FML.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-13-2010 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Thug Bubbles
Yeah, but this light headedness happens within seconds after the lift. I Hold my breath during the pull, and exhale as I set it down. I'm fine until I stop, and then I get light headed. nothing serious, but I sit down or lean against something just in case.

Foam roller is my next purchase (shortly after Assess and Correct)
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:18 AM
The vast majority of the population is in terrible shape, very weak, very sad.

This applies to probably 50% of the people who go to the gym and god only knows the % of people outside the gym.

Yeah we have more fatties than ever before and it's getting worse every day, but even people who look like they may be in decent shape (ie thin) are in horrible shape and are just thin or skinny fat because of some odd and unhealthy low calorie diet or genetics, not because they actually do anything related to physical activity.

If you got 100 random people ages 18-45 off the street and put them through a simple fitness test, how many do you think would do decent on it?

It takes so little work to get into just OK shape. I'm not talking about being a beast or anything, I'm just talking about a decent level of strength/endurance.

People either don't care and the ones that care are usually woefully uninformed or ignorant. The fact that proper physical education is not mandatory in schools is a huge societal fail.

But it doesn't surprise me, the bulk of the population is completley stupid when it comes to finances, history, technology, you name it. Why should matters of strength, or diet, or phyiscal fitness be any different?

It's hard to say all that without sounding like some sort of arrogant, self-righteous A-hole... but it's just so sadly true.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by UATrewqaz
The vast majority of the population is in terrible shape, very weak, very sad.

This applies to probably 50% of the people who go to the gym and god only knows the % of people outside the gym.

Yeah we have more fatties than ever before and it's getting worse every day, but even people who look like they may be in decent shape (ie thin) are in horrible shape and are just thin or skinny fat because of some odd and unhealthy low calorie diet or genetics, not because they actually do anything related to physical activity.

If you got 100 random people ages 18-45 off the street and put them through a simple fitness test, how many do you think would do decent on it?

It takes so little work to get into just OK shape. I'm not talking about being a beast or anything, I'm just talking about a decent level of strength/endurance.

People either don't care and the ones that care are usually woefully uninformed or ignorant. The fact that proper physical education is not mandatory in schools is a huge societal fail.

But it doesn't surprise me, the bulk of the population is completley stupid when it comes to finances, history, technology, you name it. Why should matters of strength, or diet, or phyiscal fitness be any different?

It's hard to say all that without sounding like some sort of arrogant, self-righteous A-hole... but it's just so sadly true.
Health and fitness is no longer as important to ones life as it used to be. We can still live forever in crappy shape, and no longer need to use our bodies to be productive for the most part. Just like being an expert at arithmetic is no longer as important as it once was. The #1 reason why people get in shape is to attract the opposite sex. So of course it all is based on looks, not on any actual fitness.

Fitness takes constant effort, so it's not surprising it's low on most peoples priority list.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by UATrewqaz
If you got 100 random people ages 18-45 off the street and put them through a simple fitness test, how many do you think would do decent on it?

It takes so little work to get into just OK shape. I'm not talking about being a beast or anything, I'm just talking about a decent level of strength/endurance.
A friend of mine had a stress test done last week and he said it consisted of the following:

8min @ 4mph
2min @ 5mph

Both were at "18% incline" according to him. I am not sure if that means 18 degrees or whatever but it sounds like a relatively steep incline. He said the person who runs the test informed him that approximately 20% of the people who take the stress test can complete the full 10 minutes.

Of course, that isn't a random sample because...

a) This was in South Florida. A lot more elderly people there.
b) Most people who go in for a stress test are having some issues. Very few people who feel perfectly fine just stop in to see what the deal is with their heart.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:52 AM
it means 18 per cent.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 01:03 AM
Gotcha... well, I'm assuming it's steep. But 10 minutes at a very slow jog should be manageable regardless. Not easy as it is designed to stress your heart but people should be able to finish. 80% failure is sad.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 01:09 AM
wow i thought you were saying 20% fail but then i did a double take.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 03:40 AM
18% incline is sick steep. like, there are very few roads in the world at that percent.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
What does overlocking mean?
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 06:27 AM
IIRC the US caps roads at a 15% grade, but lol canada will have roads your beater can't go up.

<3 google
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Estonia is actually far more internet friendly/integrated than the US.

Originally Posted by Thremp
So much youtube is blocked here. FML.

General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:12 PM
Integration =/= Freedom

General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:17 PM
Can you watch this video commenting on global internet censorship?
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by pkrplyrX
lolol awesome
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 04:19 PM
If you got 100 random people ages 18-45 off the street and put them through a simple fitness test, how many do you think would do decent on it?
like 2 years ago i "tried out" to be a state trooper for the hell of it. they gave us a fitness test, the wonderlic, and a basic interview to weed out psychos as the first round, before moving on to serious interviews/background checks etc.

it was amazing how terrible the average prospect was physically. the test was super lol. the categories were: pushups, situps, vertical leap from standstill, hamstring flexibility (!), 300m run and 1.5 mile run.

they ranked you 1-20 pts on each category and you had to have 60 total to pass (so average 10 per) with no zeroes. the standards were very low. i think i did like 35 pushups and that was a 16 or something. my vertical was like 25 inches and that was again high teens. i ran the 300m in a group of 8, got 42 sec and won by approximately 75 yards. that was somehow worth a perfect score. approximately 40% of applicants actually passed this joke test, and you have to assume the hugest lard-asses stayed home.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-14-2010 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
IIRC the US caps roads at a 15% grade, but lol canada will have roads your beater can't go up.

<3 google
San Fran must push that to the limit
General Gym Observations Quote
