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FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+

02-18-2020 , 08:12 AM
Monday February 17 – 141.5 lbs
5/3/1 BBB W3D1

5:00 rower

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x75, 5x110, 5x125, 5x140, 5x10x100
Ab rollouts – 5x15

Calf Raises – 15x95lbs, 3x20x145
DB Lunges – 2x12x25lbs

Yoga – 20 min

2503 cal/270 carb/79 fat/203 protein/52 fibre

Cals over the last few days have been falling quite short of clean.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-19-2020 , 07:06 AM
Tuesday February 18 – 141.9 lbs
5/3/1 BBB W3D2

5:00 rower

OHP – 5x50lbs, 5x55, 5x60, 5x10x45
NG Chins – 9, 9, 9, 9

CG Bench – 8x45lbs, 8x65, 3x9x85
Pullups – 7, 7, 7, 6

DB Hammer Curls – 2x12x25lbs
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs

Yoga – 15 min

1923 cal/142 carb/77 fat/186 protein/27 fibre

Left shoulder has been sore for a couple weeks and seems to be getting worse. I notice it much more with any single arm movements as it is quite a bit weaker than the right.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-20-2020 , 08:32 AM
Wednesday February 19 – 140.1 lbs

Walk – 45:47, 2.51 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 20 min

1467 cal/99 carb/62 fat/156 protein/35 fibre

Relatively warm day for a walk in the morning at -8C.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-21-2020 , 08:23 AM
Thursday February 20 – 139.2 lbs

Walk – 40:13, 2.13 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 15 min

1718 cal/113 carb/65 fat/181 protein/22 fibre

Terrible sleep and was up for several hours in the middle of the night. Finally got moving quite a bit later than required if I want to get my workout done ahead of getting the kids up, ready and on the bus. Figured I only had time for a short walk so pushed off DL day and then managed to negotiate getting my wife to handle bus duty this morning so was able to knock off a little bit of yoga as well. Streak alive.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-22-2020 , 09:33 AM
Friday February 21 – 138.8 lbs
5/3/1 BBB W3D3

5:00 rower

RDL – 8x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x125, 5x140, 5x155, 5x10x115
Hanging Knee Raises – 5x15

DB Lunges – 3x13x25lbs
Calf Raises – 15x95lbs, 3x20x155

Yoga – 10 min

1941 cal/75 carb/72 fat/224 protein/19 fibre

One workout to go to complete the first cycle of this Forever BBB. Right lower back, left shoulder, left tricep all complaining mildly. Left foot still giving me issues as well. Olds.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-22-2020 , 10:58 AM
When does the bulk start?
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02-23-2020 , 09:55 AM
Maybe never. I keep putting it off waiting to reach mythical 12% body fat status first and constantly find excuses to postpone bulking. Seems like I must enjoy ant life. Goals are largely general health and walking on hills so bulking keeps taking a back seat.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-23-2020 , 10:03 AM
Saturday February 22 – 139.7 lbs
5/3/1 BBB W2D4

5:00 rower

Bench – 10x45lbs, 5x85, 5x95, 5x105, 5x10x80
KB Rows – 5x11x53lbs

Seated DB OHP –3x10x20lbs
Seated DB Curls – 3x13x20lbs
DB French Press – 2x10x20lbs
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs

Yoga – 10 min

2947cal/331 carb/120 fat/170 protein/42 fibre

Left shoulder continued to get worse throughout the benching and felt increasingly terrible afterwards. Thought about scrubbing most of the accessory stuff at the time but everything else did not seem to hurt much. I realized later that I probably should have just stopped somewhere along the way early in the benching. I may be taking a break from pressing for a bit and guess I’ll be reading up on rehab which I assume will turn out to be largely mobility stuff with bands and some scapular crap. Crazy that the baby weights I move around have the potential to do any harm at all. My form must be horrid. Also a bit bummed I didn't just listen to my body as this had been building up over the past 2 or 3 weeks. I have ignored slow building nagging pain several times before and always seem to end up regretting it at some point.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-24-2020 , 07:24 AM
Sunday February 23 – 142.2 lbs

Walk – 47:14, 2.44 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 15 min

2398 cal/254 carb/98 fat/149 protein/37 fibre

Feb 11 – Feb 23 Daily Averages: 140.5 lbs/15.7% bf/2128 cal/183 carb/82 fat/181 protein/7:09 sleep

Pretty sure my left shoulder will require amputation. Nursing it back to health with birthday party pizza and cake in addition to icing it a couple times throughout the day. Ran around a Ninja Warrior obstacle style gym with a bunch of 8 year olds for a bit. Probably just as well that my shoulder got buggered up the day before as the likelihood of messing it up there would have been extremely high. Would have been a much more fun way to do the damage though.
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02-24-2020 , 04:52 PM
Nursing it back to health with birthday party pizza and cake in addition to icing it a couple times throughout the day.
Never heard of this remedy, does it work? What kind of icing was it? Hopefully real buttercream and not some fake nonsense made with shortening, that would probably make it hurt more.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-25-2020 , 08:14 AM
It did not seem to be terribly effective despite being relatively high quality boutique pastry shop cake. Fake nonsense black forest cake consumed within the previous 24 hour period may have been an offsetting factor.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-25-2020 , 08:17 AM
Monday February 24 – 143.7 lbs

Walk – 47:12, 2.46 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 20 min

1635 cal/127 carb/69 fat/150 protein/27 fibre

Bumped any sort of lifting to give my shoulder a chance to heal up a bit despite only having squats scheduled. Booked a physio appointment which has to wait until next Monday. Will just do a deload week 9 weeks ahead of schedule.
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02-26-2020 , 07:44 AM
Tuesday February 25 – 142.3 lbs
5/3/1 BBB Super Early Deload

5:00 rower

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 10x95, 8x100, 6x110, 3x10x75
Ab rollouts – 2x15

Calf Raises – 15x95lbs, 3x20x155
DB Lunges – 2x14x25lbs

Yoga – 15 min

2137 cal/200 carb/76 fat/184 protein/34 fibre

Pulled percentages from one of the volume deload protocols. Ab rollouts were feeling pretty sketchy on the shoulder so I stopped after the second set.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-27-2020 , 07:58 AM
Wednesday February 26 – 141.2 lbs

Walk – 36:25, 1.91 miles, +11.5lbs

25 mins of shoulder stretches, band stuff, etc.

Seated DB Curls – 3x15x15lbs
Seated DB OHP – 3x10x15lbs
DB Floor Press – 3x10x15lbs
NG Chins – 3x4

Yoga – 15 min

PM: 90 min massage

1979 cal/142 carb/97 fat/158 protein/24 fibre

After all the stretching and band work I thought that moving some light weights to pump some blood through my shoulder would be a good idea. It wasn’t. Massage therapist said my shoulders released well but that my left pec and both biceps were scary tight. She recommended zero upper body anything until seeing the physiotherapist next week.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-28-2020 , 07:32 AM
Thursday February 27 – 140.4 lbs

Walk – 41:13, 2.13 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 20 min

1943 cal/192 carb/71 fat/176 protein/42 fibre

Walked around on the first couple inches of a storm that dumped a foot of snow over the course of the day.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
02-29-2020 , 09:14 AM
Friday February 28 – 141.3 lbs

Walk – 42:08, 2.2 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 20 min

1822 cal/90 carb/78 fat/204 protein/20 fibre

We got over a foot of snow the day before and then the temperature dropped to -25C overnight creating an ice boulder minefield to walk on. Rolled my left ankle 3 or 4 times and my right a couple. Despite the rest of my body falling apart my ankles seem to be hanging in there for the time being.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-01-2020 , 09:33 AM
Saturday February 29 – 139.8 lbs
5/3/1 BBB Deload

5:00 rower

RDL – 2x8x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 4x95lbs, 4x105, 4x115, 4x130, 3x150, 2x165
Hanging Knee Raises – 4x15

DB Lunges – 2x14x25lbs
Calf Raises – 15x95lbs, 3x20x145

Yoga – 15 min

3105 cal/342 carb/122 fat/195 protein/45 fibre

Cal spike sponsored by popcorn and croissants. Used an intensity deload protocol for DL and added a little weight to the first sets and a rep across the board.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-02-2020 , 07:26 AM
Sunday March 1 – 141.2 lbs

Walk – 42:01, 2.17 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 20 min

2029 cal/163 carb/89 fat/170 protein/41 fibre

Feb 24 – Mar 1 Daily Averages: 141.4 lbs/16.0% bf/2093 cal/179 carb/86 fat/177 protein/7:18 sleep

I was tired and sluggish over the weekend. Stayed in bed late (relatively speaking) and grabbed some mini naps over Saturday/Sunday. Sunday made some sense given the crap I ate on Saturday but I can’t really pin point a reason otherwise. I have been working quite a bit and carrying a reasonably high stress load but that is not out of the ordinary. So far this year to date I have worked less than the prior year but last year was a gong show of epic proportions. I logged just shy of 2,900 hours in 2019, partially driven by having 20 people depart during the year and hiring 30 which was pretty hectic given that we ended the year with a head count of only just over 50.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-03-2020 , 08:13 AM
Monday March 2 – 142.2 lbs

Walk – 41:53, 2.19 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 25 min

1760 cal/94 carb/81 fat/182 protein/23 fibre

Saw PT on Monday and have some sort of strain in my left tricep. No upper lifting for another week and just doing some band and lacrosse ball work in the meantime. No amputation required.
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03-04-2020 , 07:07 AM
Tuesday March 3 – 140.7 lbs
5/3/1 BBB C2W1D1

5:00 rower

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x85, 5x105, 5x120, 5x135, 5x10x90
Ab rollouts – 5x15

Calf Raises – 15x95lbs, 3x20x155
DB Lunges – 2x14x25lbs

Yoga – 15 min

2095 cal/159 carb/69 fat/225 protein/23 fibre

Only added 5lbs to the TM for lower body and looks like this cycle may be lower only. Did some band work for tricep rehab as well.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-05-2020 , 07:26 AM
Wednesday March 4 – 141.1 lbs

2k row, 9:25.4
35 min bands
Yoga – 15 min

1724 cal/78 carb/61 fat/221 protein/25 fibre

Wednesday marked 100 days in a row of yoga as well as some other form of exercise. Did quite a bit of band work including shoulder dislocates, pull aparts at various levels, shoulder abduction/flexion/internal rotations/external rotations, kick backs, curls, presses and other stuff in addition to prescribed tricep holds.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-06-2020 , 08:12 AM
Thursday March 5 – 140.2 lbs

Walk – 39:53, 2.06 miles, +11.5lbs
Yoga – 25 min

2389 cal/191 carb/113 fat/179 protein/32 fibre

Pizza cals shifted my normal macros a bit.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-06-2020 , 10:36 AM
Strong protein numbers. Not quite Berkhansque, but strong nonetheless.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-07-2020 , 10:01 AM
I love me some proteins. My target is just to hit at least 150 but I probably average closer to 175. Days over 200 usually mean that I tore into some rib eye or striploin which I wouldn't mind doing daily.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
03-07-2020 , 10:46 AM
Friday March 6 – 142.1 lbs
5/3/1 BBB C2W1D3

5:00 rower

RDL – 8x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 6x95lbs, 5x120, 5x135, 5x155, 5x10x105
Hanging Knee Raises – 5x15

Calf Raises – 15x125lbs, 3x20x155
Lunges – 2x16

Yoga – 10 min

1980 cal/103 carb/73 fat/236 protein/25 fibre

I found a set or two of DL in there that actually felt somewhat right.
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