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FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+

06-03-2019 , 07:29 AM
Saturday June 1 – 138.9 lbs

Walk – 52:50, 2.75 miles, +20lbs

2355 cal/173 carb/120 fat/168 protein/33 fibre

Almost half of my cals came in the form of End Game movie popcorn with my boys.

Sunday June 2 – 140.5 lbs

McGill back stuff

RDL – 8x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 5x125, 3x9x155
Hanging Knee Raises – 3x15

Front Squat – 8x45lbs, 8x65, 3x8x90
DB Bulgarian Split Squats– 3x12x15lbs

Calf Raises – 10x75lbs, 10x125, 3x20x155
Glute Bridge – 3x15x53lbs
Planks – 3x50secs

Swim – 20 min

2182 cal/139 carb/108 fat/173 protein/27 fibre

Workout was first thing in the morning and was another that took twice as long as it should. Snuck a swim in just before bed.
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06-04-2019 , 10:37 AM
Monday June 3 – 142.2 lbs

Walk – 50:06, 2.73 miles, +20lbs

90min massage

1824 cal/121 carb/85 fat/166 protein/33 fibre

Lower right back is still giving me big problems. No specific pain during exercise for the most part though. Massage therapist suspects tight hip flexors but was not sure.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-05-2019 , 06:43 AM
Tuesday June 4 – 139.8 lbs

McGill back stuff

Bench – 10x45lbs, 5x65, 3x10x90
Pullups – 3x8xbw

OHP – 8x45, 3x9x50lbs
KB Rows –3x10x53lbs

DB Incline Flies – 3x12x25lbs
DB Curls – 3x12x25lbs
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs
French Press – 2x15x20lbs

10min swim

1972 cal/125 carb/87 fat/195 protein/36 fibre
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06-05-2019 , 10:20 AM
Sub 140 again? Ant status confirmed.
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06-05-2019 , 10:48 AM
Yep. I keep jumping in and out of the Ant division. I am slowly heading towards sub 135 to see if I can find an ab. I probably need to go down to 125 for such an event which would look pretty deathly. I will then either see if my body is capable of building muscle or will mess around with recomp for a while depending on whether said ab can actually be located or not.
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06-06-2019 , 10:25 AM
Wednesday June 5 – 138.7 lbs

Walk – 58:24, 3.1 miles, +20lbs
Swim – 15min

1871 cal/154 carb/79 fat/164 protein/40 fibre

Was up extra early so got a little extra done before work.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-07-2019 , 08:20 AM
Thursday June 6 – 138.3 lbs

McGill back stuff

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 10x95, 3x8x135
Ab rollouts – 3x10

RDL – 8x45lbs, 8x95, 3x8x125
DB Step Ups – 3x15x25lbs

Calf Raises – 10x95lbs, 10x115, 3x20x155
Glute Bridge – 2x15x53lbs
Planks – 2x60secs

PM: Swim – 10min

2246 cal/200 carb/94 fat/175 protein/45 fibre

Ran out of time in the morning so came up just short on some planned sets before having to usher the kids off to school. Dorked around in the pool for a bit with a 20lb slam ball doing weird stuff in a random manner. Swam some laps with it, tread water with it between my ankles, did some squat press jump sorta things, ran around the pool with it for a bit, etc. Got bored with that pretty quick but I find trying to do laps really boring so it was a brief reprieve.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-09-2019 , 07:58 AM
Friday June 7 – 138.0 lbs

Walk – 1:03:06, 3.58 miles, +20lbs
Swim – 15min

1493 cal/128 carb/54 fat/133 protein/40 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-09-2019 , 09:15 PM
Saturday June 8 – 138.0 lbs

McGill back stuff

OHP – 8x45lbs, 3x8x55, 3x65, 2x75
NG Chins – 2x10xbw, 1x9

CG Bench – 10x45lbs, 5x65, 3x9x90
KB Rows – 3x11x53lbs

DB Incline Bench – 2x15x30lbs, 11x30
Seated DB OHP – 2x10x20lbs, 8x20
DB Hammer Curls – 3x13x25lbs
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs

PM: Swim – 10min

2415 cal/125 carb/60 fat/220 protein/18 fibre

Left shoulder is a weak point. Pretty big drop off on incline bench and seated ohp.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-10-2019 , 11:05 AM
Sunday June 9 – 139.1 lbs

Walk – 1:02:22, 3.56 miles, +20lbs

PM: Swim – 20min

1547 cal/104 carb/62 fat/164 protein/36 fibre

June 3 – June 9 Daily Averages: 139.2 lbs/15.1% bf/1910 cal/137 carb/74 fat/174 protein /7:34 sleep

Puttered around the backyard for the better part of 7 or 8 hours attempting to clean and fix things. It seems I am slightly better at cleaning compared to fixing.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-11-2019 , 06:58 AM
Monday June 10 – 138.7 lbs

McGill back stuff

RDL – 8x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 5x125, 3x8x165
Hanging Knee Raises – 3x15

Front Squat – 8x45lbs, 8x75, 3x8x95
DB Bulgarian Split Squats– 3x10x20lbs

Calf Raises – 10x75lbs, 10x125, 3x20x155
Glute Bridge – 3x15x53lbs
Planks – 3x60secs

1972 cal/120 carb/84 fat/183 protein/21 fibre

Lower back was not a fan of DL. Balance is still kind of hilarious at times on BSS.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-12-2019 , 07:38 AM
Tuesday June 11 – 138.9 lbs

Walk – 1:04:59, 3.63 miles, +20lbs

1482 cal/121 carb/53 fat/155 protein/35 fibre

Had a second opinion eye exam in the morning which confirmed there was a hole that could lead to a retinal tear that required some immediate laser beams. Very minor but still caused my stomach to flip and a brief out of body experience before I got zapped.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-13-2019 , 07:53 AM
Wednesday June 12 – 137.8 lbs

Walk – 1:08:09, 3.59 miles, +20lbs

1907 cal/153 carb/78 fat/163 protein/27 fibre

I had a terrible sleep Tuesday night and decided to swap out lifting for walking in the morning.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-14-2019 , 12:03 PM
Thursday June 13 – 139.1 lbs

McGill back stuff

Bench – 10x45lbs, 5x65, 3x10x95
Pullups – 3x8xbw

OHP – 8x45, 3x8x55lbs
KB Rows –3x11x53lbs

DB Incline Flies – 3x15x25lbs
DB Curls – 3x12x25lbs
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs
French Press – 8x25lbs, 6x25

2053 cal/122 carb/88 fat/211 protein/28 fibre

Left arm failed out on both sets of french press.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
06-15-2019 , 09:51 AM
Friday June 14 – 139.6 lbs

Walk – 51:08, 2.96 miles, +20lbs

2472 cal/285 carb/84 fat/159 protein/23 fibre

Went on a bit of a late night junk food binge and am probably light on the count.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
12-31-2019 , 01:54 PM
I missed posting a workout on June 17 and then took a five month break. No good reason for the break, I just took a few days off and enjoyed it so much I just kept being lazy for a long while. Got back at it late in November and am enjoying that again. Lower back has been pretty good but I have been going super easy on squats and DLs. Left foot has been giving me some weird problems that I have been working on through physio since early November. I have been doing some sort of ezlife upper/lower with light weight, higher reps but have not really been following any specific plan, just doing what I enjoy for the most part. May get back to 5/3/1 eventually. Have been trying to work on flexibility too and am closing out the year on a 36 day yoga streak. Sticking to pretty gentle easy stuff and anywhere between 5 and 35 minutes per day.

End of year noodz from December 29 after fasted workout at somewhere near 141 lbs. Pretty much exactly where I was a year ago, 33” waist lower ab flab and all.



Closer Front:

Closer Front with mini “flex”:

FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
12-31-2019 , 02:01 PM
2019 data bomb:

WeekavgWghtavgBF%avgCalsavgCarb avgFatavgProAvSleepBenchSquatDL (BP) OHPPushChins
1. Dec31-Jan6141.715.91715107721738:066x1205x1906x2357x7012090
2. Jan 7-13140.615.6186395871695:366x1205x1851x2557x7015027
3. Jan 14-20140.415.71749127711666:536x1207x1905x2408x707528
4. Jan 21-27139.015.1152297581646:186x1207x1905x2406x75 - 30
5. Jan28-Feb3138.915.01727119711636:266x12011x1455x2406x75 - 29
6. Feb 4-10138.014.81728131721546:546x1206x1158x2156x65 - 30
7. Feb 11-17138.214.61753141671667:26 - 6x1454x10x135 - - 51
8. Feb 18-24137.414.41898154731626:236x120 - 4x10x1455x65 - 51
9. Feb25-Mar3136.914.21916128831707:07 - - 4x10x145 - - 51
10. Mar 4-10137.314.01939142801706:596x120 - 4x10x1456x60 - -
11. Mar 11-17137.814.61888156791597:07 - - - - - -
12. Mar 18-24138.314.81847158791527:24 - - - - - -
13. Mar 25-31137.514.81787137751657:38 - - - - - -
14. Apr 1-7137.314.41815137691837:28 - 10x1253x8x1253x8x125 - 24
15. Apr 8-14137.614.51896151751747:133x10x753x8x125 - 3x10x45 - 44
16. Apr 15-21138.114.82069156861857:183x9x854x7x1253x8x1453x8x50 - 45
17. Apr 22-28138.314.71655127591746:063x10x854x8x1254x8x145 - - 48
18. Apr29-May5137.414.42184177861857:343x10x90 - 3x8x1503x9x50 - 51
19. May 6-12137.414.31667114621737:12 - 3x8x1353x8x1553x8x55 - 53
20. May 13-19 - - - - - - 6:25 - - - - - -
21. May 20-26 - - - - - - 7:33 - - - - 14539
22. May27-Jun2139.515.21882123831767:003x10x853x9x1253x9x1553x8x55 - 50
23. June 3-9139.215.11910137741747:173x10x903x8x1353x8x1653x8x55 - 53
24. June 10-16 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
25. June 17-23 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
26. Jun 24-30 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
27. July 1-7 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
28-35. Jul 8- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
36. Sept 2-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
37. Sept 9-15 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
38. Sep 16-22 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
39. Sep 23-29 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
40. Sep30-Oct6 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
41. Oct 7-13 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
42. Oct 14-20 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
43. Oct 21-27 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
44. Oct28-Nov3 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
45. Nov 4-10 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
46. Nov 11-17140.816.6142213460107 - - - - - - -
47. Nov 18-24141.416.31496135511297:25 - - - - - 5
48. Nov25-Dec1140.115.91444143551127:203x10x75 - 3x8x125 - - 12
49. Dec 2-8138.215.51459112621317:103x10x803x10x758x1354x10x45 - 52
50. Dec 9-15137.615.01550108671416:593x10x853x10x803x7x1454x10x45 - 43
51. Dec 16-22136.614.81522102661456:29 - 3x10x853x8x1502x10x50 - 27
52. Dec 23-29138.914.82017158861706:402x9x953x10x953x8x1554x8x55 - 47

First part of the year was Martin B’s RPT and then morphed into ezlyfe upper/lower with some serious breaks thrown in. My main goal for 2019 was to just keep working out consistently which was laughable. Goals for 2020 will pretty much be a repeat of last year - to actually work out consistently, build a cardio base/gpp, stay injury free and keep working on getting more sleep. I will hopefully hit age 50 sometime this coming year and would like to be reasonably fit when I get there.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
01-01-2020 , 08:22 AM
Tuesday December 31 – 139.2 lbs

5:00 rower

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 10x75, 4x10x105
Ab rollouts – 3x12

RDL – 10x45lbs, 3x8x95
Physio Toe Lunges – 3x15xbw

Calf Raises – 10x45lbs, 10x95, 3x20x115
BSS – 3x15xbw

Yoga – 30mins

3487 cal/346 carb/145 fat/236 protein/63 fibre

Ate all the junk to end the year.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
01-02-2020 , 08:27 AM
Wednesday Jan 1 – 139.6 lbs

Walk – 58:40, 2.93 miles
Yoga – 30 mins

1523 cal/133 carb/56 fat/140 protein/38 fibre

Fresh snow made for a slow walking pace. A head cold of some sort that has been slowly getting a grip on me made significant headway which may have slowed me down a bit as well.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
01-03-2020 , 08:17 AM
Thursday January 2 – 139.2 lbs

5:00 rower

OHP – 10x45lbs, 3x8x60
NG Chins – 3x7

CG Bench – 10x45lbs, 3x10x75
KB Rows – 3x11x44lbs

DB Incline Bench – 10x20lbs, 2x10x25
DB Hammer Curls – 3x13x20lbs
Facepulls – 3x15x40lbs

Yoga – 20 min

1525 cal/79 carb/66 fat/167 protein/25 fibre

Took some effort to convince myself to not take a pass but felt better for a while after working out. Crashed later.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
01-04-2020 , 06:54 AM
Friday January 3 – 137.8 lbs

Walk – 52:29, 2.67 miles
Yoga – 25 mins

1499 cal/108 carb/62 fat/139 protein/23 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
01-05-2020 , 07:39 AM
Saturday January 4 – 137.3 lbs

5:00 rower

RDL – 8x45lbs, 2x8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 5x125, 3x8x145
Hanging Knee Raises – 3x14

Lunges – 3x15xbw
Bulgarian Split Squats – 3x15xbw
Calf Raises – 10x45lbs, 10x125, 3x20x125

Yoga – 20 min

PM: Walk – 39:51, 2.06 miles, +6.5lbs

1937 cal/155 carb/68 fat/191 protein/31 fibre

Head cold and sore throat are still slowing me down a bit and I spent a good 15 mins longer than normal to get through the lifting. Dropped a bit of weight off of DL and worked on improving form. Whatever I did was hitting hamstrings more than previously. I suspect that I had been half squatting instead of DL’ing.
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01-05-2020 , 01:32 PM
Sweet, comeback time
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01-06-2020 , 07:43 AM
Booya. My dream of winning a nude off against your 40 year old self at age 50 is officially dead and was futile in the first place. I have shifted to me at 60 versus you at 70. I feel that if you live to 70 I am in trouble but if you don't, my chances are pretty good.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
01-06-2020 , 07:45 AM
Sunday January 5 – 137.8 lbs

5:00 rower

Bench – 2x10x45lbs, 10x75, 2x8x100, 7x100
Pullups – 3x7xbw

Seated DB OHP –3x10x20lbs
KB Rows –3x11x44lbs

BB Curls – 3x12x50lbs
DB Incline Flyes – 3x10x20lbs

French Press – 3x10x20lbs
Facepulls – 3x15x40lbs

Yoga – 25 min

PM: Walk – 39:24, 2.07 miles, +6.5lbs

2013 cal/142 carb/80 fat/195 protein/20 fibre

Dec 30 – Jan 5 Daily Averages: 138.7 lbs/15.4% bf/1965 cal/152 carb/78 fat/183 protein/7:50 sleep
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
