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Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile

04-29-2014 , 05:16 PM

Busto. I know you don't LC during the week but you are missing a pretty good discussion revolving around sexual identification, porn and Rusty's surprising revelation of being a porn domain operator.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:22 PM
Re coaching: $100 a session is pennies if it helps my man loco figure out squatting for life. How much coaching might make a difference? What if we bought loco something like four or five sessions? Two sessions a month for two months? That might be enough consistency for him to ingrain the habits he needs to develop his squats on his own.

Re LC thread: I will make an exception this week! I need to be present to make the new LC thread for May anyway. Already got it made. It will be epic. 100% srs.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:41 PM
Main problem with loco and consistency is gonna be his constant travels though right? I'm in for some bucks though, I want to see loco machine gunning 300 lbs squats.

There will be actual bans if your LC thread is as epic as the last one...
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:45 PM

Do you have an idea where you'll be and when over the next few months? Will you repeat a location often enough that you'd be able to see the same coach more than once?


LOL. Have faith my friend.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
There will be actual bans if your LC thread is as epic as the last one...
for sure.

i think mike t charges $35 a week for his coaching, but i don't know how much technique work that entails. not ideal but would work with locos moving around. why not visit mike robertson, or some other true guru?
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:52 PM
FWIW, off his website this is what Kelly Starrett charges for in person consults:

Initial Evaluation: $200 – 1 hour
Follow-Up*: $150 – 50 minutes

And Loco would have to travel to Bay area for consults.

He also does "virtual consults" (probably via Skype I imagine) for slightly less $$
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:54 PM
If you guys find the guy, I will pay for it myself.

Like I said, it better not be some freddbirdian squat savant.

Honestly I think my best option is a qualified female that has worked with plenty of long femured athletes. And at the end of day she is probably going to send me to Dumbell Bulgarian split squats. I have a beautiful DB split squat. But fack that pussy exercise.

I did try lowbars with a lower bar position. Seemed okay. But everything is okay as long as it's light. At 240 everything feels like shiet on my lowback.

But there is nothing wrong with my lowback. Yesterday 30 reps of deadlifts. 18 reps of SLDL. 18 reps of good morning. Back felt a million bucks. Even now I just have slight erector DOMS, which is completely normal. And my hams are a bit sore. No pain. I could deadlift again today.

It's the squat. It's evil.

Squats next on Thursday. Gross. Going to puss out again.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
FWIW, off his website this is what Kelly Starrett charges for in person consults:

Initial Evaluation: $200 – 1 hour
Follow-Up*: $150 – 50 minutes

And Loco would have to travel to Bay area for consults.

He also does "virtual consults" (probably via Skype I imagine) for slightly less $$
I will look into this. Jdock my savior. Greatest H&Fer of all time.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
for sure.

i think mike t charges $35 a week for his coaching, but i don't know how much technique work that entails. not ideal but would work with locos moving around. why not visit mike robertson, or some other true guru?
Mike Ts coaching has pretty much no technique work. He might comment on a video you post on your log on his site when he is working with you. This might be good for loco though


What's in the report?
-- Screen shot of the starting position (helps determine optimal technique)
-- Screen shot of your weakest point (see exactly where you are weakest)
-- graphs of your force curve
-- graphs of your velocity curve
-- technique recommendations based on your individual leverages
-- Analytical information on your force curve
-- Weakest point force curve shape (flat wedge etc) listing of weak muscle groups
-- Exercise recommendations based on your weaknesses
-- Loading (reps and RPE's) recommendations based on your weaknesses
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:59 PM
starret sucks though
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by loco

Honestly I think my best option is a qualified female that has worked with plenty of long femured athletes. And at the end of day she is probably going to send me to Dumbell Bulgarian split squats. I have a beautiful DB split squat. But fack that pussy exercise.
I donno about this logic. Females have much more open hips than males (due to the whole child rearing thing) and your hips are more closed than even the average male.

In fact, if it makes you feel better you can postulate your bad hip mobility comes from having a strong male hormonal profile, although I don't know how true this is.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 07:16 PM

That's exactly what my lowback looks like when I go below parallel.

I need to get the nikes and modify them like Lu Xiaojun. I will be squatting like freddbird
in no time.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben

Busto. I know you don't LC during the week but you are missing a pretty good discussion revolving around sexual identification, porn and Rusty's surprising revelation of being a porn domain operator.
That probably explains why my work filter is going off when I try and hit the next page on the LC.

Although it was fine with the talk of Japanese school girls vomiting into each others mouths and shemales. I don't know what to think anymore.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 03:09 AM
Got the project done at work and now I can devote my employer's time to more important matters.

Here we go, bar mid-foot:

I very much doubt that anyone proportioned like this particular stick figure, has the ankle mobility to pull the narrow stance off.

Last edited by Pummi81; 04-30-2014 at 03:14 AM.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 03:13 AM
Also, this thread being the one where all the lords and princes of squat (and SM and Monte) hang out,
I might as well post my formchecks here, too.
(+ loco occasionally logging his workouts in other peoples logs probably means its not bad etiquette for me to post it here):

Rip my squat apart, bros:

Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 05:13 AM
You were made to squat bro That looks solid. Up the babyweights.

It looks like you do have longish femurs. But even from the side you can tell you can open your hips way out. Probably not as good as KC, but still solid.

Here are some 195s. Shiet, even I can squat 90kilos pretty good

The problem here is I am squatting almost 100% with my quads. I am able to keep lowback in okay position. But it's obvious the weight is going forward more than 6 inches.
I don't think there is anyway I can squat 300+ this way, ever. And I don't know what are the consequences of having the weight on my toes at the bottom. But squatting like this is not horrible for me, it feels best. But I was yelled at for not keeping weight on heels, so that style was retired many moons ago.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 07:41 AM
Awww, ty, bro :blush:

I definetely am not born to squat, or care about them too much although as my form has improved I actually have started to (surprise!) like doing them more.

My hip mobility has greately improved in last 2-3 years tho.
SMR/Stretching/Mobility drills ftw.

Babyweights? cmonson, 85 kilos is a whole lot of weight to me.
Maybe it doesn't look like that but that set was actually semi-challenging.
Maybe some day I'll pass the MYTHICAL 2-plates squat barrier.

Your squats (in the previous post) look okay to me.

Ur doing HBBS there, no? Isn't it supposed to be more quad-heavy exercise than LBBS?
Also, aren't the knees meant to travel a bit forward relative to toes w/ high-bar?
But probably not that much, of course.

pummi and loco complementing each others babyweight squats itt, how kuyt

Last edited by Pummi81; 04-30-2014 at 07:54 AM.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 10:12 AM

Watch this guy. To me it appears that he has longish femurs w/ a narrow stance. But he angles his feet so much he can keep his knees out wide and sit back.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 12:44 PM
Those are some impressive squats. But LOL thinking Loco can externally rotate his feet and knees like that. Have you seen his sumo dead videos?

Also, I imagine that is putting some serious torque on the knees. Will be interesting to see how well that guy is walking in a few years.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 12:53 PM
I will have to try that. The bar is very low and he is very upright.
Might work. Going to try with 5lb plates on my heels also.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Those are some impressive squats. But LOL thinking Loco can externally rotate his feet and knees like that. Have you seen his sumo dead videos?

Also, I imagine that is putting some serious torque on the knees. Will be interesting to see how well that guy is walking in a few years.
It's much easier to externally rotate like that with a narrow stance compared to a sumo deadlift stance

This guy has been pretty close to a world class lifter for like 9 or 10 years.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 12:56 PM
If he's truly torqueing his knees into a position that is internally compromised, I agree.

I just don't know if that's the case though.

LOL at the comments in the first video "it's not raw!!!"

Loco come to Sarasota and you will either be squatting well or be broken into pieces after one day.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 12:57 PM
Konstantin has nasty knee cave
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

I said "good" coach, not Candito

We would hook you up with someone who understands your handicap.
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
FWIW, off his website this is what Kelly Starrett charges for in person consults:

Initial Evaluation: $200 – 1 hour
Follow-Up*: $150 – 50 minutes

And Loco would have to travel to Bay area for consults.

He also does "virtual consults" (probably via Skype I imagine) for slightly less $$
I hear its hard to get appointments with him, and he might not be accepting new people, but he'd be able to help.

Mike Robertson would get you straightened out, but I think he gets ~$1200 for the first 3 months of programming.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
05-01-2014 , 12:04 AM
loco, you can crash at casa del monte if you want to come train with Robertson; I'll even let you stay in one of the guest bedrooms and not the masturbatorium, to head off fakebusto's witty retort.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
