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Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile

04-28-2014 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
loco - if you're going to do side raises, keep your thumbs up. That opens up the shoulder joint better so the soft tissue doesn't get pinched.

If you do them the old bodybuilder way, thumbs down, like you're pouring a pitcher of water, that closes off the joint and pinched soft tissue in there on most people. yeah, that would isolate the medial deltoids a little better, but it also ****s up a lot of peoples shoulder joints in the process.
I will try this. Thanks Cha.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-28-2014 , 06:44 PM
Coan bench/deadlift
Week 2 day1

Deadlift (80%): 1x2 @ 295 lbs
Speed deadlift (65%): 8x3 @ 240 lbs (90 sec rest b/w sets)
3 circuits (rest 90sec between exercises, 2-3 minutes between circuits):
Stiff-leg deadlift: 8 reps @155
Bent over row: 8 reps @140
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 8 reps @130
Arched back good morning: 8 reps @115

I think I did 9 sets of speed. Last couple sets weren't so speedy anymore.

Here are the good mornings. There is not much on youtubes for this exercise. Seems like they are going too forward. Clueless.

Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-28-2014 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Pummi81
Dear LoS,

How is that going to help poor loco?

I mean I'm in the same boat as loco ie have super-looooooong femurs relative to my torso / shins (all my body parts on that particular area are super-long) and the only way I can LBBS below parallel w/o horrible butt-wink is by taking a wider (by a fairly large margin) than shoulder-width stance and have my feet @ a 45 degree angle (instead of standard 30 or whatever)?

ETA: My hip mobility most likely sucks, too. Ankle-mobility might as well.
Need to do more SMR and stretch my quads and hip flexors I suppose.
Most people struggle with depth the wider they go because your adductors simply can't stretch that much. It's a ton of strain on the hips.

Unless your ankle mobility is truly horrid, I'm fairly certain you can get down between your legs to solid depth with a shoulder width or slightly wider stance.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 03:00 AM
But buuuut,

Maybe my adductor mobility is elite then.
Wider stance and greater foot angle is way more comfortable to me and allow more upright back and shins posture.

If a person has long femurs and short torso, squatting w/ narrow stance requires quite a bit of ankle mobility and the back angle will be such that it puts low back in a greater risk wrt rounding.

To illustrate the difference, here is some CAD-drawings I just drew:

Comparison of narrow and wide stances:

With wider stance loco and I are making the effective length of our femurs more tolerable.
Hence my confusion with you suggesting loco to narrow his stance.

Enlargened the head quite a bit from what I initially drew, to keep the drawing realistic.
A big head is required to accommodate all the head fat.

Last edited by Pummi81; 04-29-2014 at 03:27 AM.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:40 AM
I really doubt that lacking ankle mobility prevents most of us squatting with narrow stance. At least for me that has never been a problem at all even when trying really narrow stance.

For me the narrower stance I go, the deeper I can get. Adductors are the first thing to limit depth when going wide. Also for me it seems like the widest I can hit enough depth with (or at least close to it) is the strongest stance.

Last edited by chinz; 04-29-2014 at 05:47 AM.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 06:33 AM
Surely I can squat almost ATG with fairly narrow stance but not without horrible lower back rounding.
Plus narrow stance feels very awkward, primarily on the sides of my hips.

It just feels like I need to have my feet angled quite a bit (maybe 35+, 40+) to be able to comfortably sit between my legs. And greater the foot angle, wider the stance, typically. (the wide stance drawing of mine is very mych exaggerated fwiw)

I'm not completely sure why that is, but I'd assume it's got to have something to do with anthoropometry and lack of X mobility, X being somewhat unknown to me.

Last edited by Pummi81; 04-29-2014 at 06:49 AM.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 06:58 AM
1) pummi... as an engineer... can you please explain how a loaded barbell will sit on the lifter's back in that diagram.

2) chinz, ankle mobility is absolutely a common limiting factor in squat depth

3) pummi, having to angle your feet out to hit depth is probably an indication of poor ankle mobility. Try a more acute angle and elevate your heals by and inch and see what happens.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 07:13 AM
1) wut? there's no bar in any of the pics. The lines that are parallel with (invisible) floor are loco's arms. Arms are not visible in the profile pics because they're directly facing the viewer.
Do you even squat? You will use your hands to keep the bar in place on your traps or posterior deltoids. Duh.

2&3) That's what I figured, too.
Happen to have any good links on hand for testing/improving ankle mobility?
I do wear heeled squat-shoes when I squat but maybe I'll test it with added elevation provided by small plates beneath my heels today.

Last edited by Pummi81; 04-29-2014 at 07:33 AM.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 07:22 AM
1) that was my point. there is not much point in posting stick figures showing squat anatomy if there is no way you could actually squat like that.

2) try some of these (especially the 1st and 3rd result) and/or ask cha.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 07:56 AM

The convict is correct. Draw that again with the bar positioned over the mid foot. At least do it in your mind and you'll see why your drawings should be revised
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 08:24 AM
You guise are likely right.

I'd re-draw it w/ bar and **** but I'm busy at the office, for a change, need to wrap up a project.
Maybe later.

Ty for the link, fellow felon, I'll check it out when I'm less busy.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 01:45 PM

Loco is in a rough spot because he has long femurs, cannot open his hips at all, and probably has bad ankle mobility too. Not sure there is really an optimal solution with his current mobility issues. I think he realizes this and is just trying to find something where he can get a pretty good workout without hurting his back, hence the wide stance which he cannot really pull off very good due to mobility issues, but at least takes some stress off his back.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 02:40 PM
Yes. Jdock is a genius. Seriously I think he has been the most helpful poster for me personally. I have learned to not kill myself with squats.

When I am in the LAX, the first beer (or soda) is certainly on me.

I have pretty good ankle mobility. But Jdock is correcthorse.jpeg that I have horrendous hip mobility. I stare in awe at what KC can do. But there is a little bit of hope because it has gotten better the last few years. But who am I kidding, I am 36. I will never squat 400.

But 350 for sure.

Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 02:46 PM
365/285/450=1,100 imo

Think we can get you there by eoy. Definitely before you turn 40.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 03:04 PM

Lol. I don't want jinx you so I won't say the word. But I am getting close to giving you a patient number. This year your bench has gone up 2 pounds. Your deadlift is about the same. And your squat is a hair higher.

It's coming after you bro. Beware. Auramegabulk may be the only cure.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 03:16 PM

All I did was add 15 pounds to your projected squat max.

When do you expect to hit this magical 350/285/450?

How slowly do you expect your squat to go up for you to not add 45-65lbs to your max within the next 8 months? Cmonson. Everyone who saw your 305 thought you looked like you probably had 315 in the bag. And you are no doubt stronger now. Maybe 316? We will have to weigh the bar first. Half pound clips at the ready.

We can put a Chipotle prop bet on an 1,100 total by EOY for either one of us. Well, for me. Not for you. Because to win all you'd have to do is puss out
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 03:46 PM
I think even money on Busto hitting 1100 keeping his BW 175 or lower (in a mock meet environment) by end of year would be a pretty fair prop bet. He probably feels he is a heavy favorite to do this, but I am taking into account the nonzero chance of some sort of injury derails his progress.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 04:12 PM
I really didn't mean for this to become about me. I was only saying that I think loco can hit a 365 squat max to make his total equal 1,100 instead of 1,085.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 04:21 PM
I donno what a fair line for Loco by end of year is. Even money 1025? You are easier because you are motivated, so it is just a matter of are you physically able to get this much stronger and not get injured.

Loco's motivations are different that yours IMO. I doubt he would even go to the trouble to do another mock meet unless there was a lot of $$ on the line or he was doing it with yourself or another H&Fer.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 04:25 PM
What if we gifted him sessions with a good squat coach? We take the first step for him. All he has to do is show up. And then he feels obligated because we paid for it.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 04:55 PM
Coan deadlift/bench
Week2 day 2
Heavy bench day
Bench 2x10 @175
Cgbp (paused) 2x10 @145
Incline bench (paused) 2x10 @120
DB skull crusher 2x12 @35s
1arm pushdown 3x8
Weighted leg raises 3x10
Calf raises 4x12

Also did some machine called hammer strength jammer. Toasted my pecs.
8 reps next week for the bench variations.

Came in at a soft 168 today. But gonna need another pound if I am going to hit the 335x2 sumo in two weeks.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
What if we gifted him sessions with a good squat coach? We take the first step for him. All he has to do is show up. And then he feels obligated because we paid for it.

Squat coach is not going to help me. I am going to get some gifted 6in femur dude that knows nothing about my problem. I need someone with Kelly Starret background.

My goal is 1000 by the end of the year. Bench TNG. That's all. I am realistic.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 04:59 PM

I said "good" coach, not Candito

We would hook you up with someone who understands your handicap.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:14 PM

That is the problem. I think a good coach would definitely help, but a "good" coach like Kelly Starret is probably going to be $100+/hr. Like most things, with coaching you basically you get what you pay for. Loco paid a 20 year old kid $20 and got $20 worth of help.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

I said "good" coach, not Candito

We would hook you up with someone who understands your handicap.
How is hiring someone with BDD going to help him squat?
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
