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DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight

01-31-2014 , 03:24 PM
Nice to see there isn't any serious disc damage and that she reduced the pain. Hope for a complete recovery.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-31-2014 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
She seems very good.

My R scap does not move normally, and there's some large adhesion on my rhomboid that doesn't let it slide over something else something something. Also my traps are super tight. She did some dry needling of trigger points, then worked on my upper back and neck with ART and she was happy with the way things felt and what she was able to release. I have some but not complete immediate relief. I am going to work at home on mobilizing some tissue around my upper spine and the base of my skull using double lax balls.

For my lower back, she said things (pain pattern & what she could feel) seemed consistent with nerve entrapment deep in my glute and not a disc injury, which is what I thought, but I will still be careful. She did ART on my glute and there were some spots that were just lol painful. I can find the same spots with a lax ball and work them too between now and my next appt in 5 days. I also got immediate relief here, which is nice, however there's still some sharp pain that I am going to keep an eye on, especially with 10+" snow in the forecast and a weekend of shoveling ahead.
I had potentially similar lower back pain and the ART on the Glute was A+
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-31-2014 , 04:31 PM
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-31-2014 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
4 starting strokes
6 full power strokes / hit 1:14/500
10 ~1:25-1:30 strokes
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-31-2014 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
At least you know that if you were stuck in a prison cell with him, the process of him making you his bitch would be over quickly.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-31-2014 , 04:55 PM
I feel like that was already readily apparent.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-31-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
She seems very good.

My R scap does not move normally, and there's some large adhesion on my rhomboid that doesn't let it slide over something else something something. Also my traps are super tight. She did some dry needling of trigger points, then worked on my upper back and neck with ART and she was happy with the way things felt and what she was able to release. I have some but not complete immediate relief. I am going to work at home on mobilizing some tissue around my upper spine and the base of my skull using double lax balls.

For my lower back, she said things (pain pattern & what she could feel) seemed consistent with nerve entrapment deep in my glute and not a disc injury, which is what I thought, but I will still be careful. She did ART on my glute and there were some spots that were just lol painful. I can find the same spots with a lax ball and work them too between now and my next appt in 5 days. I also got immediate relief here, which is nice, however there's still some sharp pain that I am going to keep an eye on, especially with 10+" snow in the forecast and a weekend of shoveling ahead.
When you roll the glute, I've been having good success doing the contract/relax trick KStar suggests in SL.

After you roll that, stretch it. Lie on your back and bend the knees 45 degrees. Pull the knee of the glute youre stretching towards the opposite shoulder, while keeping your lower leg at 45 degrees to your torso the whole time. Dont stretch so much that it pulls your hip off the floor. Keep both hips flat on the floor. Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds. Its good to do this 3 times per side.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
01-31-2014 , 06:24 PM
I do that too. Probably not for 30 seconds though. Leak identified.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-01-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
500m row (used luckylloyd cues, thx LL)

4 starting strokes
6 full power strokes / hit 1:14/500
10 ~1:25-1:30 strokes
came back to life and finished like a class A pussy.

Congrats on not suffering a major heart attack. Ease it out a bit more next time to 1:34 during those 10 strokes and hang out there. That's not a bad time to start with though!
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-02-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
When you roll the glute, I've been having good success doing the contract/relax trick KStar suggests in SL.

After you roll that, stretch it. Lie on your back and bend the knees 45 degrees. Pull the knee of the glute youre stretching towards the opposite shoulder, while keeping your lower leg at 45 degrees to your torso the whole time. Dont stretch so much that it pulls your hip off the floor. Keep both hips flat on the floor. Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds. Its good to do this 3 times per side.
Yeah, I do the contract/relax trick and the glute on lax ball thing that you suggested to phatony. The problem has been that I just can't release the points (eta:consistently) and it's painful every day (eta: to some small degree, even if I do release them), which is part of the reason I am following up with a professional. (my scap being of course the other part).

The glute points can be so ****ing painful that I want to die, but it (the kstar stuff from SL) does release them and provide great relief.

I have done that stretch in the past, but not recently. I will add it again, thanks.

Two things I am going to stop doing per more reading of the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook:
1) no more big wallet I'm an idiot, because I knew this already, but I am also stubborn and I like my wallet a lot.
2) crossing my legs while seated. I will at least try to do this less.

I am also going to temporarily hold off on loaded carries unless my glute/back feels better, and I am going to be careful to have a minimal walkout on squats, as again per TPTW these can cause problems with the glute med or glute min consistent with what I've been having.

Last edited by downtown; 02-02-2014 at 11:56 AM.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-02-2014 , 12:54 PM
Have you ever used Biofreeze? That actually works pretty well when you get muscles that are all stuck together.

Big wallet - yeah, especially when you're driving. For years I've been putting mine in my brief case when I drive around for work. If I have nowhere else to put it and I'm going to be sitting a lot, I will put it in my front pocket. I do that most of the time when I'm out in Vegas. That definitely helps with the glutes & low back. A nice side benefit is its also harder to pick-pocket me.

I've had a plantar fasciitis issue for ~5 years. I'm sure one of the things that made it get really bad in the beginning was putting my left foot under my right glute when I sat. It took a little while, but it wasnt too hard to break that habit.

Probably a good idea on loaded carries.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:24 AM
Never tried Biofreeze, I'll have to try it.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:26 AM
week 0 - 11/4/2013 - 291.3 lbs (start)
week 1 - 11/11/2013 - 290.2 lbs (-1.1 lb)
week 2 - 11/18/2013 - 281.4 lbs (-8.8 lbs for week, -9.9 lbs overall)
week 3 - 11/25/2013 - 279.5 lbs (-1.9 lbs for week, -11.8 lbs overall)
week 4 - 12/2/2013 - 276.8 lbs (-2.7 lbs for week, -14.5 lbs overall)
week 5 - 12/9/2013 - 274.0 lbs (-2.8 lbs for week, -17.3 lbs overall)
week 6 - 12/16/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 7 - 12/23/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-0 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 8 - 12/30/2013 - 271.4 lbs (+0.9 lbs for week, -19.9 lbs overall)
week 9 - 1/6/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-5.0 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 10 - 1/13/2014 - 268.9 lbs (+2.5 lbs for week, -22.4 lbs overall)
week 11 - 1/20/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 12 - 1/27/2014 - 262.9 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -28.4lbs overall)
week 13 - 2/3/2014 - 263.5 lbs (+0.6 lbs for week, -27.8 lbs overall)
I didn't track kcals this past week. I guess I did a bad job, back to tracking today.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:33 AM

My glute/back feels bad and I thought I got it loose.

325x5x2 @8,8
Glute/back felt bad so I cut it short. Really bad pain on walkout of 3rd set.

225x5x2 @8,9 (lost tightness on 2nd set)
225x5+ => 7 reps, better setup and had more reps at risk of my right shoulder which lost tightness, so hard to judge RPE. I had maybe 9 reps so let's say @9.
My hamstring also held me back on these, same right side.

1,1,1,1,1, F

Face Pulls

Disheartening day, spent a lot of time on freeing up the glute but couldn't. I am considering eliminating squatting until this gets better.

Last edited by downtown; 02-03-2014 at 10:41 AM. Reason: typo
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-05-2014 , 11:03 AM
Body weight: 263.5lbs

Spent a long time (45 mins?) just working on my glutes/hams/hips. My glute/hip/low back was terrible on Monday post-squatting, so I am not squatting today or Friday.

160x5x2 @8,8.5
160x7 @9.5

light row (~75% effort)

+2 sessions of snow shoveling, maybe 90 mins total. Decent amount of snow.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 10:59 AM
week 0 - 11/4/2013 - 291.3 lbs (start)
week 1 - 11/11/2013 - 290.2 lbs (-1.1 lb)
week 2 - 11/18/2013 - 281.4 lbs (-8.8 lbs for week, -9.9 lbs overall)
week 3 - 11/25/2013 - 279.5 lbs (-1.9 lbs for week, -11.8 lbs overall)
week 4 - 12/2/2013 - 276.8 lbs (-2.7 lbs for week, -14.5 lbs overall)
week 5 - 12/9/2013 - 274.0 lbs (-2.8 lbs for week, -17.3 lbs overall)
week 6 - 12/16/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 7 - 12/23/2013 - 270.5 lbs (-0 lbs for week, -20.8 lbs overall)
week 8 - 12/30/2013 - 271.4 lbs (+0.9 lbs for week, -19.9 lbs overall)
week 9 - 1/6/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-5.0 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 10 - 1/13/2014 - 268.9 lbs (+2.5 lbs for week, -22.4 lbs overall)
week 11 - 1/20/2014 - 266.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs for week, -24.9 lbs overall)
week 12 - 1/27/2014 - 262.9 lbs (-3.5 lbs for week, -28.4lbs overall)
week 13 - 2/3/2014 - 263.5 lbs (+0.6 lbs for week, -27.8 lbs overall)
Week 14 - 2/10/2014 - 259.8 lbs (-3.7lbs for week, -31.5 lbs overall)

Fine. My short term goal is still 250lbs.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 11:05 AM
Exercising 2.10.2014:

5am yadda yadda. Bad idea.

I have a bad cold and I feel like total **** and like I might die... today! My hip/glute and scap felt ok. My left calf felt really bad, I think I ****ed it up slipping on ice while shoveling endless snow on Saturday. Anyway, it felt ok ofter voodoo banding and mashing the **** out of it.

335x5x3 @9, 9, 9.5
I started getting cold sweats and I felt really bad. I must have looked like total **** too. Christ.

230x5x2 @8, 8.5
230x6x1 @9 (lost tightness)
Terrible. I had the focus and intensity of a small child who wandered into the weight room.

Deadlift (socks, hook grip)
My hook grip sucks.

Again, please note my hook grip sucks. And I was out of gas. Just gonna sleep all day and wake up to eat chili. ****.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 11:10 AM
At least you have chili.

Nice job with the lifting and losing weight!

Bad job with the not being sick.

Plenty of rest and chili should help, though.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 11:12 AM
Doin work on the weightloss front and lifting some weights even while sick. Lots of people in this forum could learn about doing some damn work. Get well friend.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 11:13 AM
Being sick sucks. Chili should accelerate the recovery.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 11:24 AM
get well soon.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 11:30 AM
Thanks dudes.

I should be fine obv. My kids are sick (though they were also puking, gross). My friend who I saw this weekend was puking later in the weekend. His kids were puking. my neighbors all got sick. I seem to be faring the best out of all these people. At least I am not puking. Now you guys are puking reading about all the puking. **** being inside all the time, I guess.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:01 PM
Def don't click until you are better but this is applicable imo.

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Def don't click until you are better but this is applicable imo.
I think this one is better.


Hope you get better and don't puke DT.
DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
02-10-2014 , 02:05 PM

DT's Permanent Crossfit Log: lifting all the weight Quote
